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MAY 10TH, 2019.


In the following text we will present the market strategy that was chosen to introduce
our product in the United States of America in order to satisfy the needs of a very
important part of the population of the aforementioned country and the world: the
students. Students are a considerable part of the population of the United States and
the world, and we consider them our future and the possible resolution to problems
that are believed impossible to solve today.

Due to the above, UNICAB was created, a transport service whose drivers and users
are mostly university students, this in order to meet the needs of this group by
providing very low prices, helping university students over 18 years old to have an
income and giving access to various scholarships resulting from agreements
between UNICAB and different universities around America.

What makes UNICAB unique is that each trip is shared with other students who go
to the same university, which allows the trip to be very economical and helps users
and drivers to meet daily with people from their same age range and their same
university, which encourages users to socialize and subsequently expand their
network of contacts.

Some other advantages of using UNICAB is to avoid the pollution of gases and
heavy traffic in different cities, eliminate the overpopulation of cars and obtain a
greater functioning in the transportation to the university. Also, bring security in
students of use this type of platform for their own facility. Students will be safe of
assaults or robberies that are very common on busses and other kinds of public

Market challenge strategy

It is the strategy that our company adopts against the market leader. As we know
that our company does not dominate the market we decided to attack the leader and
be his "challenger". We will do the above by setting very ambitious goals use our
resources to the maximum. UNICAB will not only persecute and harass the market
leader but our strategy is also to challenge companies of equal or smaller size. Our
Market Challenge Strategy is broken down into three aspects.

First of all, our frontal attack towards the leader would be making use of the
Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Distribution and Promotion) having better prices and
publicity than our competition. Also, in our attack by the sides we focus on weak
points of the leader, such as discounts. Likewise, as a derivation strategy we would
focus on areas that are not covered by the leader, such as young university students,
since our service is quite specialized. We will implement many strategies to beat our
competition such as discounts raffles every week and also promotion of our product
in social media because this is a very cheap advertising strategy and also we can
advertise our product abroad.

UNICAB is an app where students from different institutions can travel to their school
more comfortable, cheaper and save. We want to make sure to the user that UNICAB
is the best option to arrive to their school.

For now, this platform is exclusively for students enrolled in universities of the United
States and is that the students with their own car destined to the university transport
to all the students we fence that they go in similar time and zone.

Currently private and public transport services have their disadvantages, their cost
can be very high, increases the circulation of vehicles in the city and that causes the
pollution of the air, also the traffic is a really bad problem for the environment, we
catch all this disadvantages and thing for a solution to them so we identify the
necessity of doing this platform solving this kind of problems.

The way to get this service is through a digital platform application. Users will receive
a series of notifications informing of students in the zone and similar time and the
driver will confirm the trips for which it is available and so the client will receive the
notification that his next trip will be confirmed. UNICAB will provide a service to
students that allows them to obtain an affordable price as the vehicle integrates
several students and not only one, so the cost will fall and not affect the student's
pocket, can arrive on time without complications, our vehicles, it eliminates the
overpopulation of cars and obtain a greater functioning in the transportation to the

An important purpose of this project is to avoid the pollution of gases. Other services
offers you to transport you to your destiny, without taking care of how many vehicles
are already circulating in the city and to the same zone, we observed this and look
for a solution creating UNICAB.

this is how unicab defines its rates

At the moment in which a user requests a ride, our application calculates the rate
based on the time and distance traveled, while the invoice arrives electronically.
When there are more passengers than drivers, availability is limited, waiting time is
high or there are no trips available; At that time an algorithm called "Surge prices" is
activated, which balances supply and demand.

The algorithm assigns a "multiplier" that precisely multiplies the standard or initial
rate in order to indicate that the rate "went up". This multiplication appears on the
passenger's screen, observes that the price is higher before requesting the service
and decides if it accepts it or prefers to wait for the rates to go down.

The "multiplier" of rates is activated, for example, in areas where it rains intensely,
near venues where there is a great attendance show, a concert, a music festival,
and so on. UNICAB payment methods are in cash and by credit card. We will always
send a receipt for any travel fee.
our strategy to attract customers

What will differentiate UNICAB from the competition is that we will have a wide
variety of discounts as a discount for being a new user, a discount for inviting
someone to be part of the app and a discount for completing a certain number of
trips. Also, every week users will have a certain discount percentage that will be
raffled. Our application will make a weekly raffle where you will draw from 10% to
50% discount between each and every one of our users.

PRICE comparison
SERVICE average cost per trip minimum fee
UBER $144.30 ($7.51dls) $25.00 ($1.30dls)
CABIFY $76.04 ($3.96dls) $23.00 ($1.20dls)
DIDI $166.03 ($8.64dls) $30.05 ($1.56dls)
UNICAB $63.05 ($3.28dls) $20.05 ($1.04dls)

Unfortunately, UNICAB is only known in Mexico, especially in the north (Monterrey)
where the creators are from. We want to share this spectacular service with all the
students from all countries, but first we have to try with only one. How we are going
to do this? First of all, there are a lot of ways that we can use to make known our
service, but not all of those service will work for us. We work from an app, so we will
start by the most powerful way of share information all over the world, the internet.
We can have a lot of advantage because we all know what the internet is, people
from all over the world use it as a tool for everything. So, we will start sharing our
service with the people. Our principal way to use UNICAB is by its app, which you
can find on App Store and Play Store, and is free for all users. But if you cannot find
us or you have a problem with our app you can contact us in our page where you can find how to install correctly our app
or even though you can contact us with any problem you have.

Another alternative for the use of our web site is that you can just read about us,
before you install our app you can know what is it about and how does it work, and
specially you can read that we want to help students by the way to their schools, by
low rates and an excellent service. We made researches of the main countries we
can introduce our service and we agree that EUA is our first choice to try outside our
country. EUA has our same characteristics and this will help us to use the same kind
of service.

We will use the strategy of having different centers of attention around the USA and
near the universities of this country where attention and information will be provided
to the student drivers and passengers in case they need it. The necessary
procedures to use the app as a driver are almost entirely through our website and
our app to facilitate the use of UNICAB.


Advertising activations

UNICAB will make activations in different universities through advertising booths

within the campus giving brief talks and giving away free trips promoting the service.

The activations of a brand are a discipline of the down the line that is characterized
by achieving an interaction with the consumer, in the way that we live a unique
experience that makes the brand remember.

Brand activations are non-massive marketing strategies that can arise in unexpected
places, at points of sale or at launch events. They are aimed at specific segments
and are perfectly combinable with other BTL actions, in order to enhance the
excitement and surprise in those who live them.

The interaction that the brand achieves by persuading an increasingly evasive

consumer through unique experiences that in turn provoke the desire to be
experienced by others.

Develop a new and innovative type of contact (under an unconventional space and
time) with consumers, being that way, creativity the element of surprise that
provokes an action.

Advertising on social networks

UNICAB will use social networks as an advertising medium for the niche market that
manages the company, the social networks that will be used are Facebook and
Instagram because the niches that most often use these social media.

Within digital marketing plans, advertising on social networks or Social Ads is one of
the most powerful resources to achieve our business results. Nowadays, this
advertising solution adapts to all types of companies, budgets and needs.

Facebook Ads The most popular network worldwide is not far behind when it

comes to offering services to advertisers. Facebook has a wide advertising interface,

in which advertisers have all kinds of options to promote their content or present their
products and services.

Instagram Ads Instagram and Facebook share the same advertising solution, so
it is very easy to organize orchestrated campaigns. In this network what works best
are campaigns with a high visual component.

Mobile Advertising UNICAB, the majority of our market uses trucks or public

transportation as a means of transport, we decided to use this advertising form

because we believe it will have a positive impact on our market. Outdoor advertising
is considered to be one that uses public places to develop and is aimed at a specific
audience. It consists of posters, billboards, illuminated signs, banners, street
furniture and all those supports that are installed in public places or where shows,
cultural events, sporting events, etc. take place.

UNICAB aims to give a very good service experience to all university students who
use some means of private transport from our company, the driver has the pleasure
and not obligation to give the best treatment to university students, always checking
that any passenger feels comfortable and enjoys the day with a very good mood.

The user can have the decision to talk with the driver, the driver will always be willing
to give smiles and conversations in a good mood, clarifying that only if the user so
wishes, all for a better service and to be the leaders in the market, since our drivers
are trained with a lot of security and development in themselves so that they love
what they are doing and do not call it work but a profession so that by doing it with
enthusiasm and with desire the most benefited is the user to be able to have an
experience in an environment full of happiness and that adapts to what the user

Our company will maintain a constant improvement through courses and training
given to our various working groups in order to strengthen our image as a
professional company. For UNICAB, the most important are the little people we carry
in our hands when transporting them in a very accommodating way to the university,
to include the best and most comfortable needs that a student may have in their
journey, the user can decide what kind of environment they want in its journey, this
because of the prioritization that we have for our engines to be able to continue

The UNICAB service is committed to eliminate any barrier that prevents success in
the best treatment to users since they are our reason for being, as well as
continuously improve depending on different algorithms that help us specialize in
different types of users and focus on the needs of users adapting to the era, also
improving any minimum error that affects the comfort of the most important person
in our service, users.
Today and always "Customer Service" is not a department, but one of the most
important tasks that comprise our daily work. Everyone must be perfectly aware that
we must put the quality that is expected in the process. It is not worth producing with
quality, it is simply what is expected of the performance of each one. Our vision is to
become people trained in providing excellent customer service, seeking presence in
the global environment through a service and quality image and professionalism to
all our customers. We are committed to demonstrate all the good values that are
developed in each driver to always take care of the users and have the best

After-sales support is a service that is provided after merchandise or services have
been sold. Most after-sales support involves a guarantee, warranty, upgrade or
repair service. After sales service refers to various processes which make sure
customers are satisfied with the products and services of the organization.

As UNICAB, we are interested on the price we are going to establish and if this is
affordable for all our users. We want to help our users and give them the benefit of
establish a fair rate that they can afford, starting with establishing prices considerably
low, we want people to prove our service, we want to hear their opinion about it and
we also want to know in what aspect we can be better. After two months (depending
on how many people made use of our service), our service will increase the price
until reaching the desired rate that our users can afford.

This does not mean that our rates will be extremely high, or even high. As students,
the creators of UNICAB, we know what a student can afford to pay, so this is why
we know what the perfect rate is. We start with a low rate because we want our users
to know that they can just use UNICAB the first two months as a free trial.

After sales service plays an important role in customer satisfaction and customer
retention. It generates loyal customers. Customers start believing in the brand and
get associated with the organization for a longer duration. They speak well about the
organization and its products. A satisfied and happy customer brings more
individuals and eventually more revenues for the organization.

Also, on the app you can find a “box of comments” where you can add any comment
you want about the service we are offering, what you dislike and what you like about
your drive on UNICAB. UNICAB promises to keep in touch with all our users to solve
a problem and try to fix it as soon as possible, we want our users to have the best
treat from our team, the best experience to give you the trust of keep using our app.

And if you use UNICAB and you are not satisfied with you service, or you want your
money back because you had a problem, UNICAB commits to attend you in the best
possible way and depend on your problem, we will give you your money back. We
want our users to have the best experience ever, best than other apps that you had
tried before. That's why we are applying all these methods to try to be in contact with
our users, that we think that's the best way to have excellence on what we are trying
to reach.

And if you have any comments to make, and the box of comments not solve your
doubt, you can try sending your comments at out
official page where you can find everything about us.

 García Sierra, L. L. (2014, August 1). Estrategias de Mercado [Press release].

Retrieved May 10, 2019, from

 Grapsas, T. (2019, March 20). Qué es Plaza en la mezcla de marketing [Blog

post]. Retrieved May 10, 2019, from

 Estrategias Comerciales y Marketing [Blog post]. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10,

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