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Is it better to earn a lot of money or to enjoy your job?

These days, money rules the world. But, does it rule our brain? It is important to
enjoy our job and protect mental health. Taking care of how much time is spent at
work. Finding a balance between produce money and the type of work which is
done it is fundamental. And finally, to develop programs where the main point is to
build a good relation with partners.

First, take care of how much time is spent in the workplace. Not doing extra job all
the time, for instance, being careful with the original schedule and don’t take work at

Secondly, find a balance between work and earning money. For example, if the job
isn’t well paid, it isn’t worth spending extra time. Make the job that you are paid for
sometimes it is extra stress t​ o do it and there is no work where a person is

Also, it is a solution to develop programs where enjoying job could be real. Choose
a nice working environment to solve any problem. Make “confidence meetings” to
express feelings. Also, a good idea could be to coordinate birthday celebrations.

As a conclusion, the best solution to this question it is to find a job where you can
earn good money and also, a workplace with a good atmosphere. This is the
winning couple and it is important that, if you are looking for a good job, both have
to be present.

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