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Kelimutu’s Lake

By : Fara Annora

Lake Kelimutu or commonly called Lake Three Colors located on top of Mount
Kelimutu is indeed a remarkable uniqueness. On the top of Kelimutu mountain with
an elevation of 1,640 meters above sea level, there are 3 lakes of different colors,
which is red, blue and white and can change color over time. Kelimutu lake itself is
located on the Island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara precisely in the village district
Pemo Flores, Ende district and is 66 km from the city of Ende.

The name of Kelimutu is the combination of the words "Keli" which means
mountain and "Mutu" which means to boil. This lake has an area of 1,051,000
square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters. Two lakes have a very
close distance and only separated by some sort of wall, while the one lake is about
1 km from the other lakes.
The peoples around also gives name each of that three lakes. Red lake named "Tiwu
Ata Polo" which according to local belief is the gathering place of the deceased who
committed crimes during his lifetime. While the blue lake is named "Tiwu Nuwa
Muri Koo Fai" is a gathering place for the souls of young people who died, and
white called "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" is a gathering place for parents who died according
to their beliefs.

The beauty of this lake was first discovered by the Dutch in 1915 who named Van
Such Telen and more widely known by the public after Y.Bouman describeb its
beauty in his writings in 1929. And the date of February 26, 1992 this region
became National Wildlife Conservation Area.

Keunikan danau ini selain mempunyai 3 warna itu sendiri juga bisa berubah warna seperti
danau yang berwarna merah bisa menjadi coklat maroon kadang juga hitam dn sebagainya.
Perubahan warna yang terjadi di danau ini karena beberapa faktor seperti aktivitas vulkanik
gunung itu sendiri, pembiasan cahaya matahari, dan karena biota air tertentu.

The uniqueness of this lake be sides have 3 color itself may also change color as the
red lake could be brown and sometimes dark, etc. Color changes that occur in this
lake because of several factors such as volcanic activity of the mountain itself,
refracting sunlight, and because of certain aquatic biota.

Waktu yang tepat untuk mengunjungi danau ini adalah pagi hari karena saat siang sampai
menjelang sore kabut menyelimuti danau tersebut. Sobat bisa menginap di homestay yang
tersedia di kampung Moni yang letaknya dekat dari lokasi danau yang bertarif mulai 40 ribu
sampai 75 ribu rupiah per malam dengan fasilitas tanpa AC karena udaranya sudah dingin.

The perfect time to visit this lake is in the morning because of the time of day until
the late afternoon fog enveloped the lake. You can stay in homestay available at
Moni village that is located close to the lake location cost from 40 thousand to 75
thousand dollars per night with no air conditioning facility because the air is cold.

The distance of Moni village to the lake is 14 kilometers and can be reached by car
or truck up the wood that was there. Approximately 45 minutes by car, my friend
had to get off and walk to the mouth of the lake /crater for 20 minutes to pass
through the steps and cobblestone streets. Finally incredible sight will be you got.

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