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Police Vehicle Operations

I. Purpose
The purpose of this directive is to establish procedures governing the operation of police

II. Procedure
A. Pre-operation Check - Every vehicle will be subjected to a thorough visual
inspection by the assigned operator prior to the operating the vehicle. This pre-
operational inspection will include, but is not limited to the following:
1. A complete inspection of the vehicle's exterior to determine if any new
damage has occurred to the vehicle. If new damage is observed, this
information is to be immediately brought to the attention of the shift
supervisor and recorded on an incident report.
2. Inspections of the tire to be certain of their condition to include tread
depth, sidewall condition and proper inflation. A vehicle with tires that
are unsafe will be replaced. Leaks and flats must be patched or replaced,
not plugged. Plugged tires are prohibited on police vehicles.
3. All lights will be inspected to insure they are operating properly.
Necessary lights must be functional prior to operation of the vehicle.
4. All emergency equipment (emergency lights, spotlight, siren) will be
checked to insure they are operating properly.
5. An inspection of the engine area to include fluid levels, loose
connections, leaks and other loose or damaged parts. Add fluids as
needed prior to operation.
6. An inspection of the trunk area or cargo compartments, as applicable, to
make sure the spare tire, jack (if included), and related items are
serviceable and secure.
7. Special equipment will be properly accounted for, inspected, and stored
in the proper area ready for use.
8. The interior of the vehicles will be inspected for cleanliness, damage,
disrepair or other conditions which are unsightly or which will impair
the operator's use of the vehicle.
9. Floorboards, areas under the seats, passenger and cargo compartments
will be inspected before and after each use for trash, debris, weapons
and contraband. When any items of this nature are found during the pre-
operation inspection, the operator will notify the supervisor in writing
with an incident report.

B. During Operation Requirements

1. All gauges and indicators should be checked frequently to be certain the
vehicle is operating properly.
2. The operator will report any vehicle damage occurring during the shift
to the on-duty supervisor or to the Chief of Police if a supervisor is
involved, or if the damage effects the operation of the vehicle.

Effective 06/24/2013 Chief Jeremy Littleton

Police Vehicle Operations

3. Brakes, steering, etc., should be inspected through careful "road testing"

and observation. Deficiencies should be corrected or reported promptly.
If the operator determines that the vehicle is unsafe to operate, operation
of that vehicle will cease immediately, and the officer shall make
arrangements to use another vehicle. The officer will then complete a
Vehicle Maintenance form and notify the on duty supervisor.
4. Clothing, packages and other loose items will be properly stored when
not in use. Such items are not only unsightly, but may be used against
you by a prisoner or cause injury in the event of a crash.
5. All police vehicles will be secured when not under the physical control
of the operator, or when absolutely necessary to prevent the commission
of a crime or escape. At no time will the operator leave the ignition keys
unsecured in the vehicle.

C. End of Shift Inspection

1. All fluids and equipment (i.e. fuel, oil, flares, equipment, supplies) used
during the shift will be replaced by the operator.
2. The same inspections will be conducted as in the pre-operation
3. The vehicle care and inspection is the responsibility of the assigned

D. Vehicle Service
1. A vehicle checklist, as appropriate, will be completed for each vehicle
and the completed checklist turned into the shift supervisor at the end of
each month. Mark all applicable areas on the checklist for the particular
vehicle you are driving.
2. Small vehicle deficiencies such as blown fuses, burned out bulbs,
adding oil or other fluids, etc., should be corrected by the assigned
operator. If the deficiency cannot be corrected immediately, it should be
noted on the appropriate Vehicle Maintenance form so the supervisor
will be aware of the problem and can take action to correct it.
3. Operators will report major mechanical problems or deficiencies
affecting the safe operation of patrol vehicles to the supervisor
immediately. If the problem arises after regular business hours, the
officer will park the vehicle at the police department and leave the
Vehicle Maintenance form with the supervisor so that arrangements can
be made to have the vehicle serviced.
4. No police vehicle will receive any major mechanical work without the
approval of the Chief of Police.
5. The Chief of Police will be notified immediately any time a police
vehicle is involved in a traffic crash.
6. Any vehicle needing maintenance shall be parked at the police
department, unless requested to be delivered to the designated
maintenance facility by a supervisor. No request shall be made by the
officer to have the vehicle picked up at the residence for maintenance or

Effective 06/24/2013 Chief Jeremy Littleton

Police Vehicle Operations

cleaning unless the vehicle has broken down there. In this case the
Chief of Police shall be notified immediately.

III. Police Patrol Vehicle Equipment

A. Montevallo police patrol vehicles shall be equipped with a mobile radio,
emergency lights, siren and public address system.

B. All police vehicles shall be equipped with the following:

1. Fire Extinguisher
2. One roll of Crime Scene Tape
3. Traffic Vest

C. Members shall not swap or remove any vehicle parts or equipment without the
authorization of the Chief of Police.

IV. Police Vehicle Operation - Automobiles

A. General Operating Guidelines
1. Members shall not use a Department vehicle without the knowledge,
authorization or permission of his/her Supervisor. In emergencies when
it is impractical to communicate with such officer he/she shall
communicate with his/her Supervisor as soon as possible, reference the
unauthorized use of said vehicle.
2. Members shall not transport civilians or unauthorized persons in police
vehicles assigned to them except for official use or in an emergency
situation if authorized by the Chief of Police.
3. When unescorted women or juveniles are observed in remote, unlit, or
otherwise hazardous areas late at night, or when any person is observed
in obvious distress for any reason, members operating police vehicles
shall offer assistance. In every case in which a distressed person is taken
into the police car, the operator shall promptly notify the radio
dispatcher of the person's identity and brief facts in the case, time,
location and odometer reading. It is desirable that the passenger should
overhear this conversation.
4. Only qualified and authorized members shall operate police vehicles.
Each operator at all times shall have in his/her possession a valid
Alabama Driver's License.
5. All police vehicles will be driven safely and properly in full compliance
with all traffic laws and regulations. Police vehicles are symbols of
authority, and the actions of the operators of such vehicles are noticed
by many. Each operator must set an example of good driving behavior
and habits.
6. Specific sections of the Code of Alabama, 1975 allow for emergency
vehicles to disregard certain traffic regulations however, neither the

Effective 06/24/2013 Chief Jeremy Littleton

Police Vehicle Operations

City of Montevallo nor the officer is relieved from civil liability for
failure to use reasonable care in such operation.
7. Seat belts will be worn by all occupants during vehicle operation (if
vehicle is so equipped). At the approach to any scene where the officer
believes rapid departure from the vehicle may be required, the officer
may release the seat belt just prior to arrival or in any situation
regarding officer safety.
8. Members will only use department vehicles for official city business.
9. Members shall not activate the siren, wig wags, or emergency lights
unless responding to an emergency assignment or when otherwise
required in the actual and proper performance of a police duty.
10. No decals, stickers, tags or any other attachments will be
installed to the interior or exterior of city vehicles without authorization
from the Chief of Police.

B. Police Vehicle Assignments

1. The Montevallo Police Department shall assign vehicles to individual
officers. When available, officers may be allowed to take these vehicles
home with them if they live within 10 miles of the city limits. Take
home cars are a privilege, not a right.

2. It is the responsibility of each officer to maintain the regular

maintenance service of the assigned vehicle, including routine services.
Officers are expected to keep the vehicle in clean and well maintained
shape. The City of Montevallo shall not compensate officers for time
spent making arrangements for cleaning or service. In the event of a
vehicle shortage, the shift supervisor will make arrangements to pick up
patrol vehicles from other assigned officers' residence.

C. Emergency Operations
1. Operators of police vehicles must bear in mind that traffic laws
requiring other vehicles to yield the right-of-way to any emergency
vehicles does not relieve the emergency vehicle operator from the duty
to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons.
2. The vehicle operator must remember that the objective is to get to the
scene of the occurrence as soon as possible, safely, without danger to
him or to others.
3. When, in the opinion of the officer, an emergency is imminent or exists,
or that activation of emergency warning devices is necessary to protect
life, the department authorizes an emergency response, Examples
a. At the scene of any incident where the use of emergency lights
constitutes a necessary warning for the safety of others.
b. As a visual signal to attract the attention of motorist about to be
stopped for traffic or other violations.

Effective 06/24/2013 Chief Jeremy Littleton

Police Vehicle Operations

c. In response to another officer's declaration of an emergency

assistance needed.
d. Pursuits.

4. Emergency Escorts
a. When escorting vehicles, officer shall obey all traffic laws, to
include speed limits.
b. When an escort is provided, it is not giving the escorted vehicle
preferential treatment; it is only leading or assisting with the safe
passage of the escorted vehicle through intersections, etc.
c. Montevallo police vehicles will not provide an emergency escort
to privately owned vehicles seeking an escort to medical
d. Montevallo police vehicles may escort emergency vehicles in
order to assist in directing the emergency vehicle to locations
within the City of Montevallo.

Effective 06/24/2013 Chief Jeremy Littleton

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