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Encabezado: Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs

Fase de ejecución, Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs

Iván Santiago Aranza Forero
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

Notas del autor

Iván Santiago Aranza Forero

Negociación Internacional, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA).

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Encabezado: Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs


The International Physical Distribution, known by its acronym DFI, is a logistic

process that develops around placing a product in the international market in
accordance with the terms negotiated between the seller and the buyer. The main
objective is to minimize the times, costs and risk that may be generated during the
journey, from the departure point at origin to the delivery point at destination This is
why the following essay will answer the question: What are the advantages of
reducing logistics and transportation costs in the International Physical Distribution
and the disadvantages of the high costs in it?
Encabezado: Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs

1. Elabore un ensayo en inglés sobre la Distribución Física Internacional (DFI),

con las siguientes características:

o Título.
o Introducción.
o Puntos principales.
o Conclusión.

Advantages and disadvantages of costs in International Physical Distribution

The advantages of reducing costs, logistics and transportation in the physical

distribution of the hospital part of The good management of officials who develop
or intervene in the entire process of trade from the manager to the operator and

The processes of production, logistics and transportation must be supervised and

always focused on the sale of products or services of good quality, while trying to
reduce costs or maintain them at objective levels.

The approach that must be given is the organization in each of the international
distribution chain. Unfortunately, many companies try to reduce costs only by
cutting costs; Among the typical actions are the dismissal of personnel, the
restructuring and the decrease of suppliers.

This type of attitude causes the interruption of the quality process and results in its

But in current markets customers and consumers demand better quality at a lower
price and punctual delivery, which can also be formulated as a higher satisfaction,
price ratio, within the advantages we can say that they are:

• By reducing costs, savings are generated for the company

• Workers' incomes can be improved
• Earnings are increased
• Times can be better achieved in transport and logistics production

the disadvantages of the high costs in the transportation and logistics of the
International Physical Distribution can be a consequence of managerial
mismanagement as well as that the officials do not have the capacities to perform
their functions adequately, this can lead to the company to significant losses that
may end in delivery defaults, compensation expenses and loss of contracts without
counting the cost to the company, Some of the disadvantages are:
Encabezado: Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs

• Innecesary expenses
• possible layoffs
• delays in deliveries
• breaches
• financial losses

2. Investigue al menos una fuente bibliográfica sobre este tema y cítela en su


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