Curriculum Development Post Test

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Curriculum Development

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the best option that is logically inclined with the
question. Shade the letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

1. Who among the following progressivists viewed curriculum as “all the experience in the classroom
which are planned and enacted by the teacher, and also learned by the students?
A. Marsh and Willis C. John Dewey
B. Caswell and Campbell D. Joseph Schwab

2. Traditionalist view the curriculum as “a body of subject or subject matter prepared by the teacher
for the student to learn.” This view is synonymous to:
i. Course outline
ii. Course to Study
iii. Syllabus
iv. Learning Task

A. i and ii C. ii and iii

B. iii and iv D. i, ii, and iii

3. “The teacher is the sole authority in his/her subject area or field of specialization.” Which
philosophical foundation of curriculum is related to this statement?
A. Perennialism C. Progressivism
B. Essentialism D. Reconstructionism

4. Emerging curriculum trends are influenced by educational philosophies. Which of the following
trend is related to reconstructionism?
A. Use of great books and return to liberal arts
B. Excellence in education, back to basics, and cultural literacy
C. School reforms, relevant and contextualized curriculum, humanistic education
D. Equality of educational opportunity in education; access to global education

5. Curriculum theorist like Bobbit, Charters, Kilpatrick, Rugg, and Caswell have a common view of
what curriculum is. They believe that ______.
A. Curriculum is child-centered.
B. Curriculum emphasizes students’ needs.
C. Curriculum is a set of experiences.
D. Curriculum should produce outcome.

6. Ralph Tyler believes that curriculum is a science and an extension of a school’s philosophy. It
means that:
1. It is based on students’ needs and interest;
2. It is always related to instruction;
3. Subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills and values;
4. The process emphasizes problem solving;
5. Curriculum aims to educate generalists and not specialists.

A. 1, 2, and 3 C. 1, 2, 3, and 4
B. 2, 3, 4, and 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

7. Learning should be organized so that students can experience success in the process of mastering
the subject matter. “What psychological foundation of curriculum is related to this statement?
A. Cognitive psychology C. Behaviorist psychology
B. Humanistic psychology D. a, b, and c

8. What foundation of curriculum is related to the following statement – “Society as ever dynamic,
is a source of very fast changes which are difficult to cope with”?
A. social foundation of curriculum
B. philosophical foundation of curriculum
C. psychological foundation of curriculum
D. historical foundation of curriculum

9. Which of the following is/are a characteristic/s of a good curriculum?

1. The curriculum complements and cooperates with other programs of the community.
2. The curriculum provides for the logical sequence of subject matter.
3. The curriculum is continuously evolving.
4. The curriculum is a complex of detail.

A. 1, 2, 3, and 4 C. 2, 3, and 4
B. 1, 2, and 3 D. 1, 2, and 4

10. Teacher Charisse implements or delivers her lesson in the classroom based on a curriculum that
appear in school, district or division documents. What type of curriculum did she use?
A. Recommended Curriculum C. Taught Curriculum
B. Hidden Curriculum D. Written Curriculum

11. What element or component of the curriculum provides the bases for the selection of learning
content and learning experiences which also set the criteria against which learning outcomes will
be evaluated?
A. Objectives C. Content
B. Learning Experiences D. Evaluation approaches

12. “A learner will value the content or subject matter if it is meaningful to him or her”. In relation to
this statement, what criteria in selecting subject matter content should a curriculum writer
consider in developing a curriculum?
A. Significance C. Interest
B. Learnability D. Utility
13. What other considerations may be used in the selection of learning content of a curriculum?
A. Frequently and commonly used in daily life
B. Suited to the maturity levels and abilities of students
C. Valuable in meeting the needs and the competencies of a future career
D. a, b, and c

14. Which of the following elements or components of the curriculum includes instructional
strategies and methods that put into action the goals, and use the contents in order to produce
an outcome?
A. Aims, Goals and Objectives
B. Learning Experiences
C. Subject Matter/ Content
D. Evaluation Approaches

15. Listed below are elements or components of a curriculum. Which of them determines the quality,
effectiveness or value of the program, process, and product of the curriculum?
A. Aims, Goals and Objectives
B. Learning Experiences
C. Subject Matter/ Content
D. Evaluation Approaches

16. In the CIPP Model by Stufflebeam, the goals, instructional strategies, the learners, the teachers,
the contents and all the materials needed in the curriculum are considered as _______.
A. Context C. Input
B. Process D. Product

17. Whose model of curriculum development is called the “grassroots approach”, which means that
teachers who teach or implement the curriculum should participate in developing it?
A. Hilda Taba C. Ralph Tyler
B. Benjamin Bloom D. Francis Hunkins

18. In the Tyler’s Model of curriculum development, which of the following considerations should be
1. Purpose of the school
2. Educational experiences related to the purpose
3. Organization of the experiences
4. Evaluation of the experiences/outcomes

A. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 3
B. 1, 2, and 3 D. 1, 2, 3, and 4
19. Looking at the curriculum models, which of the following is NOT an interacting process in
curriculum development?
A. Planning
B. Implementing
C. Organizing
D. Evaluating

20. What design model in developing a curriculum is attributed to John Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi,
and Froebel, which means that the curriculum is anchored on the needs and interest of the child?
A. Humanistic design
B. Child-centered design
C. Experience-centered design
D. Problem-centered design

21. Which curriculum development approach is it when the school principal is the curriculum leader
and at the same time instructional leader?
A. Managerial Approach C. Behavioral Approach
B. System Approach D. Humanistic Approach

22. The organizational chart of the schools shows the line-staff relationship of personnel and how
decisions are made. What curriculum approach does it represent?
A. Humanistic Approach C. Managerial Approach
B. Behavioral Approach D. System Approach

23. Which phase of curriculum implementation includes decisions about: the needs of the learners;
the achievable goals and objectives to meet the needs; the selection of the content to be taught;
the motivation to carry out goals; the strategies most fit to carry out the goals; and the evaluation
process to measure learning outcomes?
A. Planning Phase C. Implementation Phase
B. Evaluation Phase D. Process of Feedback and Reflection

24. In implementing the curriculum, stakeholders who are directly or indirectly interested in or
affected by the school curriculum should be involved. Who are considered stakeholders?
i. Learners at the center of the Curriculum
ii. Teachers as Curriculum Developers and Implementers
iii. Curriculum Managers and Administrators
iv. Parents as Supporters to the Curriculum
v. Community Members as Curriculum Resources

A. i, ii, and iii C. ii, iii, iv, and v

B. i, ii, iii, iv and v D. i, ii, iii, iv, and v
25. Which of the following is the role of Educational Technology in delivering the school curriculum’s
instructional program?
A. upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in schools
B. Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for students
to gain mastery of lessons and courses
C. broadening the delivery of education outside schools through non-traditional approaches
to formal and informal learning, such as open universities and lifelong learning to adult
D. A, B, and C

26. Teacher Rudy gathers information about what his students know and can do. What process is he
adhering to?
A. Curriculum assessment C. Monitoring
B. Pilot testing D. Curriculum evaluation

27. It is a process of obtaining information for judging the worth of an educational program, product,
procedure, educational objectives or the potential utility of alternative approaches designed to
attain specified objectives.
A. Curriculum Planning C. Curriculum Development
B. Curriculum Design D. Curriculum Evaluation

28. Teacher Emie prepared her lessons based on the following sequence: Explore, Firm-up, Deepen,
and Transfer. After what stage of the “Backward Design” of the Ubd-Based curriculum is she
A. Stage 1: Identifying Results/Desired Outcomes
B. Stage 2: Defining acceptable Evidence/Assessment
C. Stage 3: Learning plan/ Instruction
D. None of the above

29. Which of the following are salient feature of the K-12 Curriculum?
1. Universal Kindergarten
2. Contextualization and Enhancement
3. Spiral Progression
4. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
5. Senior High School
6. College and Livelihood readiness, 21st Century Skills

A. 1, 3, and 5 C. 1, 4, and 6
B. 2, 3, 4, and 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

30. Which among President Aquino’s 10 ways to fix Philippine education refers to the use of mother
tongue as medium of instruction from pre-school to Grade III?
A. Every child a Reader by Grade 1
B. Universal Pre-Schooling for All
C. 12-year Basic education Cycle
D. Medium of Instruction Rationalized

31. What is the main legal bases on the access and equity of education in the Philippines?
A. The 1987 Philippine Constitution (Section 1, Article IV)
B. RA 9155 (Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001)
C. RA 6655 (The Free Secondary Education Act)
D. All of the above

32. Teacher Tina engages her students in class activities that will develop the Higher Order. Thinking
Skills (HOTS). What 21st Century Teaching Skill is she utilizing?
A. Information, Media and Technology Skills
B. Learning and Innovation Skills
C. Life and Career Skills
D. None of the above

33. The language problem is considered as one of the factors attributed to poor learning among
school children. Hence, the use of the vernacular was recommended. In what grades should this
be applied?
A. Grades 1 to 3 C. Grades 1 to 5
B. Grades 1 to 4 D. Grades 1 to 6

34. All those involved in education, such as teachers, students, parents, administrators, community,
and other client, are considered __________.
A. Patrons C. Stakeholders
B. Donors D. Sponsors

35. What may be the role of the parents in the delivery of the curriculum?
A. They are not trained for such.
B. They may be invited as resource persons.
C. They may only supervise their children while they do their homework.
D. It depends on whether the school in a private or public school.

36. Which educational approach focuses on what the learners are expected to know, understand and
be able to do?
A. Outcome – Oriented Education
B. Outcome – Based Education (OBE)
C. Understanding by Design (UBD)
D. Result-Oriented Learning
37. Which of the following characterizes Brain-Based Learning (BBL)?
1. It suggests that the brain learn naturally.
2. It is an approach to teaching based on research in neuroscience.
3. This technique allows teachers to connect learning to students’ real life experience.

A. 1 C. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, and 3

38. Present-time teachers must possess the so-called 21st century teaching skills. Which of the
following is an indicator of life and career skills?
A. Information Literacy C. Creativity and Innovation
B. Flexibility and Adaptability D. ICT Literacy

39. Which curriculum envisions a learner to become a person who is makabayan, makatao,
makakalikasan at maka Diyos?
A. 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC)
B. K-12 Curriculum
C. Ubd-base Curriculum
D. New Secondary Education Curriculum

40. The teacher returns the checked test papers to the students with corresponding scores and
comments. What phase of the teaching process is involved?
A. Planning
B. Feedback and Reflection
C. Implementing
D. Evaluation

41. Which feature of a curriculum describes how much of the teaching was learned?
A. Performance
B. Strategies and methods
C. Knowledge, skills and values
D. Community partner

42. In participative curriculum planning, who deserves to participate in mapping the plan through
inputs form past experience in curriculum implementation?
A. Administrators C. Students
B. Teachers D. District officials

43. Which of the following school practices best applies the tenet of ensuring the right of all to proper
A. Conducting of the NCAE C. Inclusive education
B. Selective retention D. Selective admission
44. The ________ program provides a solid foundation for every Filipino child’s education at the start
of his/her entry into school.
A. Special education C. Primary education
B. Alternative education D. Pre-school

45. The vernacular has been used in schools since 1929 and must be applied from ______.
A. Grades 1 to 2 C. Grades 1 to 6
B. Grades 1 to 5 D. Grades 1 to 7

46. Do parents have a role in curriculum implementation and instruction?

A. No, they have no formal training in pedagogy.
B. Yes, they may provide insights on the curriculum.
C. Yes, but only in helping their children with school work.
D. It depends on a school’s private or public status.

47. Based on the curriculum requirement provided by all countries sampled, the language which is
seemingly universal is.
A. Spanish C. English
B. Chinese D. French

48. Below are the traditionalist points of view about curriculum EXCEPT.
A. These are permanent studies emphasizing rules of learning.
B. A body of subject prepared by teachers for the students to learn.
C. It is the total learning experiences of an individual or learner.
D. Discipline and obedience are source of learning concepts.

49. Below are progressivists that contributed knowledge about curriculum EXCEPT.
A. Smith, Stanly and Shores C. Caswell and Campbell
B. John Dewey D. Joseph Schwab

50. Below are curriculum processes as proposes by Tyler. What is the correct order?
1. Organizing Learning Experiences
2. Determining Instructional Objectives
3. Determining School’s VMG/Philosophy
4. Directing Learning Experiences
5. Evaluating Learning Experiences
6. Selecting Learning Experiences

A. 3-2-4-6-5-1 B. 3-2-6-1-4-5 C. 3-2-1-6-54 D. 3-2-5-6-1-4

51. An epistemology that deals with the development of critical thinking thus, promote the
curriculum should be general one.
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
52. An epistemology that deals with the mastery of the fundamental skills.
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism

53. For their final examination, Teacher Lea had the students produce a stage play. She gave them
the freedom to choose their concepts and arrangements. Which philosophy guided the teacher
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism

54. When designing his syllabus for Filipino, Sir Dante included poems and articles expressing
nationalistic ideals, with the intent of arousing the students’ sense of patriotism. Which
philosophy is tapped here?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism

55. Ms. Judy often assigns students some vocabulary words. She lets the students look up their
meanings and memorize them for a quiz in the following meeting. Which educational philosophy
relates here?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism

56. As a PE teacher, Sir Neil lets the students watch a video footage of an actual dance presentation.
Then he asks the students to point out which steps were poorly performed by the dancers? Which
philosophy is reflected?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism

57. As a science teacher, you emphasized to the students that they should always have an inquiring
attitude on the things that they perceived. They can do experiments to confirm their hypotheses.
Which philosophy LEAST relates?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism

58. “Back to the Basics” movement was launched by the then DECS, now Dep Ed, not only to upgrade
the pupil achievement but also to emphasize the importance of the 3Rs. What philosophy is
behind this statement?
A. Essentialism C. Naturalism
B. Progressivism D. Pragmatism

59. Teacher Maria sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely
disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?
A. Behaviorism C. Essentialism
B. Existentialism D. Progressivism
60. If your students appear to be more interested in a topic outside you planned lesson for the day,
you set aside your lesson plan for that day and take the opportunity to discuss the topic of
particular interest to your students. Strike the iron while it is hot! Which philosophy governs your
A. Rationalism C. Pragmatism
B. Progressivism D. Naturalism

Read the following and answer the questions that follows.

In a faculty development program, the teachers were asked what schools should do to help develop
the learners. The responses of the teachers could be grouped into five:
Group 1- Schools should go back to the basics; they should teach the 3 R’s.
Group 2- Schools should develop in the student’s appreciation of the humanities. This way, they
become highly rational and moral.
Group 3- Schools should help develop students to become enlightened and intelligent citizens of a
democratic society.
Group 4- Schools should teach students to make responsible choices and be made accountable for such
Group 5- Schools should develop in the students the ability to adapt to a changing world.

61. What can be said of teachers in Group 1? The group adhere to ____ philosophy of education.
A. An essentialist C. A naturalist
B. a perennialist D. A curricuralist

62. To what educational philosophy does Group 2 adhere?

A. Essentialism C. Naturalism
B. Perennialism D. Behaviorism

63. To which educational philosophy is Group 3 oriented?

A. Progressivism C. Existentialism
B. Essentialism D. Behaviorism

64. If Group 4 wants schools to teach students to make responsible choices and he made accountable
for these choices, which philosophy governs the thinking of the group?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Reconstructivism D. Existentialism

In a faculty meeting, the principal told his teachers: We need to improve our school performance in
the National Achievement Test. What should we do? The teachers gave varied answers as follows:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 85%.
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance.
3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning.
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching.
65. On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Behaviorism D. Behaviorism

66. Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist?

A. #2 and #4 C. # 1 and #4
B. #1 and #3 D. # 3 and #4

67. If you lean toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response do you agree?
A. # 1 C. #3
B. # 2 D. # 4

How a teacher relates to his/her pupils depends on his/her concept about him/her. In a faculty
recollection, the teachers were asked to share their thoughts of the learners, their primary customer.
What follows are the gist of what were shared:
Teacher Rona- The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is
determined by his environment.
Teacher Belen- The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.
Teacher Ramil- The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others.
Teacher David – The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop the learner’s rational and moral

68. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher Rona?

A. Behaviorist’s C. Perennialist
B. Existentialist’s D. Progressivist

69. If you agree with Teacher Ramil, you are more of a/an ____.
A. Behaviorist’s C. Perennialist
B. Existentialist’s D. Progressivist

70. Whose response denies man’s freewill?

A. Teacher Ramil’s C. Teacher Belen
B. Teacher Rona’s D. Teacher David

71. If you agree with Teacher Belen, you are more if a/an _______.
A. Behaviorist’s C. Perennialist
B. Existentialist’s D. Progressivist

72. When we teach our objection to fatalism and determinism, our thought goes with ________.
A. Behaviorist’s C. Perennialist
B. Existentialist’s D. Humanism
73. The school is there for society. Which philosophy states this?
A. Reconstructionism C. Perennialism
B. Behaviorism D. Humanism

74. Teacher R asserts that he needs to make his students get interested in the subject whether they
like or not or may not get interested at all. This is more the thinking of a/an_______.
A. essentialist C. progressivism
B. behaviorist D. pragmatism

75. The practice of non-graded instruction stems from______.

A. recontructionism C. behaviorism
B. progressivism D. humanism

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