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J. Phys. Chem. Solids Pergamon Press 1959. Vol. 8. pp. 21-25.

Printed in Great Britain




Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

Abstract-The band theory of solids represents a one-electron theory, in which an electron moves
in a periodic potential representing the nucleus and the averaged potential of other electrons, in
the sense of HARTREE'S self-consistent field. It is really broader than a one-electron theory, however, in
that group theory shows that a perfect crystal of a semiconductor, having only one electron in the
conduction band, or one vacancy in the valence band, will have energy levels of the same general
type, so that so long as the interaction of electrons and holes with each other, and the distortion
of the lattice by the charges (polaron formation) can be neglected, it forms an adequate approxi-
mation. Important advances have been made in the last few years in the approximate solution of
SCHR~DINGER'S equation for a periodic potential, in the detailed understanding of the band structure
of particular semiconductors, and in the use of experiments to clarify many important points of
these band structures. Some of these advances will be described.

THIS paper is intended as a general survey, to moving according to the principles of wave
open our discussion on the theory of semicon- mechanics in a periodic potential, repeating in
ductors. Every worker in semiconductors must be each unit cell of a perfect crystal, will have wave
aware of the debt which the theory owes to functions of the form of a plane wave, symbolized
BLOCH, BRILLOUIN, WILSON, and others(r) who, mathematically by the exponential eik*r, where k
in the early 1930’s developed the idea of energy is a propagation vector, r the position vector,
bands in solids, and the relation between the multiplied by a periodic function &7t(r). This
existence or lack of energy gaps and the distinction periodic function is characterized by k, which acts
between insulators, semiconductors, and metals. as a quantum number, and by another quantum
We are aware also of the fact that our Soviet number which we may denote as II. The corre-
colleagues believe that in the last few years the sponding energy of the electron in the periodic
concept of band theory has been overplayed, and potential is E(kn), again determined by the same
that they feel that the American workers, in quantum numbers. The quantity k takes on
particular, have taken this theory too literally.(z) independent values only within a polyhedron
I do not agree with their point of view, but I surrounding the origin in k space, called the central
believe that these are questions to be considered unit cell of the reciprocal lattice, or the central
on their scientific merits, and I should like to Brillouin zone ; a value of k outside this poly-
use this paper to discuss in an elementary manner hedron leads to wave functions repeating those
the way in which a theorist now regards the band already found from k’s inside the central Brillouin
theory, and fits it in with his broader under- zone. We may describe the quantum number n
standing of the theory of solids in general. in a simple way. For a given value of k, the periodic
We realize in the first place that the theory of potential problem will have an infinite number of
energy bands is a one-electron theory. An electron energy values. We may label the lowest energy
value n = 1, the next rr = 2, and so on. The
* Chairman: W. SHOCKLEY; Co-Chairman: H. EHREN-
energies in general will not be degenerate; de-
generacy comes only for certain values of k having
t Supported in part by the Office of Naval Research
under contract with the Massachusetts Institute of particular symmetry properties, as has been very
Technology. throughly studied in the last few years. Thus there

is no ambiguity in general regarding this labelling. bands with gaps above in cases where it is known
For a given value of n, the energy and wave that we have insulators or semiconductors, and
functions vary as smooth functions of k. We then they indicate partly filled bands in cases known
define the energy levels associated with the same to be metals. This is about as far as the agreement
value of n, and with all values of k within the went until the last few years. Even ten years
central Brillouin zone, as constituting an energy ago, the complicated structure of the bands
band. indicated by such theory as was then available
Pauli’s principle, coupled with band theory, was a purely hypothetical thing, with no ex-
shows that there are just enough independent periments available to check it. Now, however,
stationary states in an energy band to accommodate the situation has completely changed, particularly
one electron of each spin per unit cell in the as concerns the behavior of germanium and the
crystal. The theory of electrical conductivity 3-5 compounds. The beautiful experiments on
shows that if the electrons fill the lowest possible cyclotron resonance, carried out by KIP and his
states, and if these fill certain energy bands, associates in Berkeley, and by LAX and his associ-
leaving an empty gap above between the topmost ates at M.I.T.,c4) have given us a very powerful
filled band and the lowest empty band, we shall tool for determining the details of the energy bands
have an insulator or semiconductor, depending for those materials for which the experiments have
on the width of the gap, while if the electrons been possible. The even more recent experiments
partly fill certain bands, leaving unoccupied on the oscillatory magneto-optic effect verify and
states immediately above, we have a metal. extend these results, and give very elaborate and
These are the elementary and familiar principles convincing confirmations of the energy-band type
of the energy-band theory. No one questions them of theory. Experiments which are now being
as forming a correct deduction from wave mech- planned seem likely to extend these powerful
anics, provided we accept the one-electron picture methods to many types of materials which cannot
on which they are based. The real question is, to be examined by present techniques. It seems very
what extent does this oversimplified model likely that these experimental methods, depending
correspond to reality? We could attempt to answer on the interactions of strong magnetic fields and
this question in either of two ways. First, there is very high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations
the empirical or pragmatic answer: to what extent in solids, will eventually be capable of giving very
do the consequences of such a picture agree with complete information about the energy levels in
experiment? Secondly, there is the more theoretical solids, information comparable with that given
answer: to what extent do they agree with the about individual atoms by atomic spectroscopy
more elaborate theory which we should find by and the Zeeman effect. And the further we go in
rigorously applying the principles of wave mech- this direction, the more it seems that an energy-
anics to the problem of a solid? To me, as a band picture is capable of explaining what we are
theoretical physicist, the second type of answer is finding. In other words, the empirical answer to
more satisfying than the first. If the results of the our question about the legitimacy of energy-
simple theory disagree with experiment, then it is band theory seems to be definite : the more we find
wrong; but if they agree with experiment, it is out about it, the better it works, at least for
not necessarily right: other theories as well might materials similar to germanium.
give the right answer. Nevertheless we must Let us then go to the other type of answer, that
realize that the plausibility of the theory is greatly depending on the analysis of more rigorous
strengthened by the many types of agreement approaches to the theory of solids. There are three
with experiment that have been discovered in major types of approximations made in using the
the last few years, many of which will be reported energy-band model of a solid. First is the assump-
on at this conference. tion of the self-consistent field: the assumption
In the first place, calculations of energy that the action of other electrons on the electron
bands,(rJ) using reasonable postulates regarding in question can be replaced by a periodic potential,
the one-electron potential, have agreed with arising from the averaged behavior of the other
experiment in the sense that they indicate filled electrons. Secondly, there is the closely related

approximation that we can disregard anything of stationary states by means of a pseudo-momentum

the nature of multiplet structure, treating the k like that of a single electron. In other words,
problem like that of one electron outside closed it is necessary that the lower stationary states of a
shells. Thirdly, there is the quite separate postu- semiconductor with a single electron in the con-
late that we can treat the electronic motion duction band (or a single hole in the valence
separately from the nuclear motion, as in the band) show the same type of behavior as those of
approximation of BORN and OPPENHEIMERfor a a single electron in a periodic potential. This
molecule, solving for the energy bands in an similarity holds not only as far as the translation
approximation in which the nuclei are held fixed is concerned, but also for the rotational operations
at the positions which they would occupy in an which result in the interesting degeneracy and
ideal crystal at the absolute zero of temperature, symmetry properties of the energy bands. This
and bringing in the interaction with the lattice point of view has been emphasized by a number
only as a perturbation at a later stage of the cal- of physicists recently,(s) and probably will be
culation. Let us take up these three approxi- brought out more clearly in some of the later
mations, all of which are very significant, in order. papers in this series, by KOHN and others, dealing
For the first two approximations it pays to recall with semiconductor problems by means of a many-
the similar and familiar example of the theory of electron approach.
isolated atoms, where the same two approxi- The second approximation met in the energy-
mations must be made in the first stages of our band theory, namely that we can disregard any
calculation. analogy to multiplet structure, or any interaction
A semiconductor is an inherently simpler prob- of the electrons outside the closed shells, holds
lem in quantum mechanics than a metal, just as an only to a limited extent, though we are familiar
alkali atom is simpler than one with more outer with phenomena where it does not hold, but
electrons. The reason is that the semiconductor where this has long been recognized. The most
ordinarily has so few electrons in the conduction familiar of these examples is that of the exciton,
band, or so few holes in the valence band, that resulting from the interaction between an electron
they can be treated independently of each other, and a hole. This has close analogy to the atomic
so that we are essentially dealing with a single problem of an inert-gas atom, in which one
electron outside closed shells. We know that the electron is removed from the filled shell and placed
alkali atoms can be handled with great success in an outer shell. For instance, in neon, where we
by a central field model, of a single electron moving have the configuration lss2sz2ps in the ground
in a properly chosen potential field, determined state, we could go to the state ls??$2p53s, leaving
ordinarily by the HARTREE-FOCK method. This is a hole in the 2p shell and an extra electron in the
no accident. By group theory we can show that 3s state. In such a case, we know from the vector
the behavior of the orbital and spin angular model of the atom that we have a vector coupling
momenta of an isolated atom show properties like problem between the 2p shell, which acts like a
those of a single electron. The reason is that the single 2p hole, and the 3s electron, resulting in
angular momentum operator and the rotation 1P and 3P states. This is a simple example of
operator are closely related to each other, so that multiplet structure, replacing the douhlet spectra
the fact that the potential energy of the atom as a arising in the case of alkali atoms. But this situation
whole is independent of rotation leads directly to as applied to excitons is now well understood.
the angular momentum properties, like those of The work of OVERHAUSER(~) and others has shown
single electrons moving in central fields. that the multiplet structure of excitons, as com-
Similarly the operation of translation through plicated by the fact that we are in a crystalline
one lattice spacing is related to the quantity k, field rather than a central field, really exists. Here
similar to a linear momentum, and often called a is a simple case where we must consider a two-
pseudo-momentum, and the fact that the be- electron problem, and there are other such cases.
havior of a semiconducting crystal is unchanged They do not invalidate the picture of energy
when we make a translation through a lattice bands, but merely show that we must expect to
spacing directly leads to a classification of its extend it in appropriate cases.

We may remark at this point that it is here that handled by perturbation methods. This would be
the theory of metals, and of magnetic media, expected to be the case more particularly in ionic
becomes so much more complicated than that of crystals, where an isolated electron can produce
semiconductors. We know from atomic theory large distortion of the lattice of ions, rather than
that a partially filled shell has much more com- in a covalent crystal such as germanium. Here
plicated multiplet structure than a shell witb only we are meeting problems which are the hardest
two electrons. Thus, for instance, there are five ones in semiconductor theory, and where I believe
muitiplets for the configuration ds, eight for 8, that we still do not have enough information to
and sixteen each for d4 and d5. In the f shell, decide the question completely. There seem to
even f4 has 47 multiplets, and f 7, the half-filled be at least two methods of approach to its solution.
shell, has no fewer than 119. A partially filled First, there is the experimental approach. The
energy band in a metal acts, as far as its multiplct electron-lattice interaction in such a covalent
structure is concerned, somewhat like an atom crystal as germanium is not likely to be large, as I
with a shell capable of holding two electrons for have just mentioned. It can well be that this is a
each unit cell of the crystal, partially filled with partial explanation of the fact that it is in ger-
electrons. This is something that cannot possibly manium that the energy-band approach has
be handled completeIy and rigorously, and we are worked best. But fortunatefy now there is more
pushed into approximations for treating the multi- and more work on the III-V compounds like
plet structure, which often are far from satis- InSb, and on the II-VI compounds like ZnS and
factory. In the case of paramagnetism, this situa- ZnSe. Surely these compounds will be increasingly
tion is not so serious. Here we can treat each ionic, and in the I-VII compounds like CuBr we
paramagnetic atom separately, so long as their shall have an almost completely ionic case, though
wave functions do not overlap or interact by with the same type of crystal structure. Intensive
superexchange mechanisms through intermediate study of these groups of compounds, such as is
electrons. Thus the problem is no more difficult going on at present, is bound to show if, or where,
than that of a single paramagnetic atom in a the energy-band picture begins to break down as
crystalline field, and there has been widespread the crystal becomes more ionic. The evidence is
success in treating such cases. But once the orbitals pretty clear that the situation in the III-V com-
of the various atoms overlap or show superex- pounds is not very different from that in ger-
change phenomena, we must consider all the unit manium; but those compounds might well be
cells of the crystal as forming a single problem and nearly covalent, and the ionic behavior may begin
consequently in ferromagnetism and antiferro- to come in only with the II-VI and I-VII com-
magnetism we meet theoretical problems of an pounds.
altogether higher order of difficulty. Fortunately, The second approach, which still must he
in an ordinary non-magnetic semiconductor, these developed much further, though very good steps
situations do not arise, and it is here that we may toward it have been taken, is the theoretical study
expect the energy-band theory in its simpler forms of electron-lattice interactions, in the limit where
to hold with relative accuracy. they are large. Some theoretical studies of polarons
Now let us consider the third and final approxi- in alkali halides, which have been carried out so
mation made in the energy-band theory. We far,(T) suggest that the lattice polarization by the
conventionally start by fixing the nuclei at the conduction electrons, though appreciable, is not
positions which they would have in a perfect enough to affect the properties of the crystal in a
crystal at the absolute zero of temperature, setting very profound fashion. But these studies have
up a s&-consistent potential, and solving the hardly gone far enough to be conclusive. The
energy bands in that potential. Then, as a later whole question of interaction of electron waves
stage in the approximation, we try to bring in the with lattice waves, and of lattice waves with each
interaction with lattice vibrations as a pertur- other, is to my mind the leading theoretical prob-
bation. It is this approximation which the Soviet lem in the study of solids at present. Very good
workers have mainly questioned: they feel that starts toward its solution have been made, for
the interaction is so strong that it cannot be example by VANHOVE,@)using methods which

were originally developed for the study of field that the problems of metals, and particularly of
theory. But these studies must be carried much ferromagnetic metals, are far more complicated.
further than they have already, before they can Fortunately, as I have mentioned, the theoretical
give really conclusive answers to the behavior of means of handling these problems are becoming
polar crystals. It is almost certain that in such a more powerful; and I have a great deal of con-
study, the simple energy-band theory will appear fidence that through such advances in theory, we
as a first approximation for the electronic motion, shall eventually find to what extent a simple
as the simple harmonic theory of elastic vibrations energy-band approach is adequate for ionic semi-
will appear as the first approximation for the conductors, as it seems to be from empirical
nuclear motion. But it is the higher approxi- evidence for the covalent semiconductors. At
mations that will count, and the encouraging thing least, we seem to have here a fruitful direction of
about the recent studies in the field is that rigorous attack, and I believe we shall find that it is work
methods are being found to apply perturbation along these lines which will make the most useful
theory to such problems. advance in semiconductor theory in the coming
Let me close by describing a few of the many years. As far as I know, this point of view is in
problems that await solution along this line, but agreement with that of the Soviet workers, who
whose treatment is in sight, and probably will be are actively pursuing theoretical work along the
worked out in the next few years. First we have lines I have described, and have been making
the problems of ordinary elastic vibrations of good progress toward an understanding of these
crystals. Here we are beginning, through the work difficult problems.
of LAVAL, WARREN,cg) and their colleagues with
X-ray thermal diffuse scattering, and through the
work of BROCKIIOUSE(~@and others with neutron REFERENCES
scattering, to have good experimental knowledge
1. SLATER J. C., The Electronic Structure of Solids
of the elastic spectra of a few simple crystals. We from Encyclopedia of Physics Vol. 19. Springer,
must tie these results in with fundamental cal- Berlin (1956), for bibliography on the band
culations of microscopic elastic constants, from theory.
energy-band theory or improvements on it. Then 2. DUNLAP Jr. W. C., Phys. Today 11, 14 (1958).
3. HERMAN F., Rev. Mod. Phys. 30, 102 (1958), for
we must consider the scattering of one thermal references not given in (1).
wave by another, leading to thermal conductivity 4. LAX B., Rev. Mod. Phys., 30, 122 (1958), for refer-
on the one hand and thermal expansion on the ences on experimental methods of studying
other. Here VANHOVE@) has carried out a thorough energy bands.
5. KOHN W., Phys. Rev. 105, 509 (1957).
theoretical analysis, which awaits comparison with
6. OVERHAUSERA. W., Phys. Rev. 101, 1702 (1956).
detailed calculations on individual crystals. Next 7. SCHULTZ T. D., Solid-State and Molecular Theory
we must consider the interaction of electron waves Group M.I.T. Tech. Rep. No. 9 (1956) (un-
with these elastic waves, resulting on the one published), including references.
hand in a theory of electron mobility and electrical 8. VAN HOVE L., Unpublished. To be available as
Solid-State and Molecular Theory Group M.I.T.
resistivity, and on the other in an understanding
Tech. Rep.
of the damping of ultrasonic waves by electron 9. LAVAL J., Rev. Mod. Phys. 30, 222 (1958); CRIBIER
waves which has been the subject of interesting D., ibid. p. 228; JACOBSENE. H., ibid. p. 234.
experimental investigations recently.(ll) including references.
10. BROCKHOUSEB. N. and STEWARTA. T., Rev. Mod.
These are but a few of the aspects of these
Phys. 30, 236 (1958); STEWARTA. T. and BROCK-
interactions between waves, as far as semicon- HOUSEB. N., ibid p. 250.
ductors are concerned; I have already indicated 11. MORSE R. W., Phy~. Rev. 97, 1716 (L) (1955).

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