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Apportionment – means distribution or allotment in proper shares.

Standard Divisor (SD) = total population
total no. to be apportioned
Standard Divisor (SD) = population in the group
Example – 20 tutors

SD = 795 = 39.75

Subject No. of Student SQ Initial Final

Math 325 325/39.75=8.176 8 8
Stat 265 265/39.75=6.667 6 6
Phys 130 130/39.75=3.270 3 3
Chem 75 75/39.75=1.887 1 2
Total 795 18 20


Modified Divisor (MD) < SD MQ = population of group

Let MD = 37.5 MD

Subject No. of Student MQ No. of Tutors

Math 325 325/37.5=8.667 8
Stat 265 265/37.5=7.067 7
Phys 130 130/37.5=3.467 3
Chem 75 75/37.5=2 2
Total 795 20
Andromeda’s Constitution calls for 25 representatives to be chosen from
the states. The no. of representatives is to be apportioned according to its
population use a) Hamilton & b) Jefferson Method

Hamilton Method
State Population SQ No. of Rep
Apus 11,123 13.904 14
Libra 879 1.099 1
Draco 3,518 4.397 4
Cephus 1,563 1.954 2
Orion 2,917 3.646 4
Total 20,000 25

SD = 20,000 = 800

Jefferson Method
Modified Divisor (MD) < SD MQ = population of group
Let MD = 740 MD

State Population MQ No. of Rep

Apus 11,123 15.031 15
Libra 879 1.187 1
Draco 3,518 4.754 4
Cephus 1,563 3.112 2
Orion 2,917 3.941 3
Total 20,000 25

I. Plurality Method of Voting

Fifty people were asked to rank their preferences of chocolate candy using
1 for the favorite and 5 for the least favorites.
Caramel Center 5 4 4 4 4
Vanilla Center 1 5 5 5 5
Almond Center 2 3 2 1 3
Toffee Center 4 1 1 3 2
Solid Chocolate 3 2 3 2 1
No. of Votes 17 11 9 3 2
* According to this table, w/c variety of candy would win the taste test
using the plurality voting system.
First Place Votes Second Place Votes
Caramel Center 0 0
Vanilla Center 17 0
Almond Center 3 26
Toffee Center 20 2
Solid Chocolate 2 14
* For 1 place votes Toffee Center would win the taste test.
* For 2 n d place votes Almond Center would win.

II. Borda Count Method of Voting

Use Borda Count Method of Voting

Example 1:
Fifty people were asked to rank their preferences of chocolate candy using
1 for the favorite and 5 for the least favorites.
Measure A :$50M 1 3 3
Measure B :$30M 3 1 2
Measure C :$15M 2 2 1
No. of Senators 15 12 9
Measure A Measure B Measure C
1 15.3=45 12.3=36 9.3=27
2 0.2=0 9.2=18 27.2=54
3 21.1=21 15.1=15 0.1=0
* Measure C won

Example 2:
Members of the club are going to elect a president form four nominees. If
the 100 members of the club mark the ballots as shown, who will be elected
president using Borda Method .
Avalon 2 2 2 2 3 2
Branson 1 4 4 3 2 1
Columbus 3 3 1 4 1 4
Dunkirk 4 1 3 1 4 6
No. of Votes 30 24 18 12 10 6

Avalon Branson Columbus Dunkirk

1 0.4=0 36.4=144 28.4=112 36.4=144
2 90.3=270 10.3=30 0.3=0 0.3=0
3 10.2=20 12.2=24 54.2=108 24.2=48
4 0.1=0 42.1=42 40.1=40 40.1=40
Total 290 240 260 232
* Avalon has the largest

Seatwork: Fifty people were asked to rank their preferences of chocolate candy
using 1 for the favorite and 5 for the least favorites.
Caramel Center 5 4 4 4 4
Vanilla Center 1 5 5 5 5
Almond Center 2 3 2 1 3
Toffee Center 4 1 1 3 2
Solid Chocolate 3 2 3 2 1
No. of Votes 17 11 9 3 2
1 0.5=0 17.5=85 3.5=15 20.5=100 2.5=10
2 0.4=0 0.4=0 26.4=104 2.4=8 14.4=56
3 0.3=0 0.3=0 13.3=39 3.3=9 26.3=78
4 25.2=50 0.2=0 0.2=0 17.2=34 0.2=0
5 17.1=17 25.1=25 0.1=0 0.1=0 0.1=0
Total 67 110 158 151 144
* Almond Center won.

III. Plurality with Elimination

– the least vote will be eliminated or eliminated first the fewest no. of first
place votes.
Apple Valley 3 1 2 3
Bremerton 2 3 3 1 >eliminated
Cochella 1 2 4 2
Del Mar 4 4 1 4
No. of Votes 12 11 5 2

Apple Valley 2 1 2 2
Cochella 1 2 3 1
Del Mar 3 3 1 3 >eliminated
No. of Votes 12 11 5 2

Apple Valley 2 1 1 2
Cochella 1 2 2 1 >eliminated
No. of Votes 12 11 5 2

Apple Valley = 11+5=16 >Apple Valley is the winner.

Cochella = 12+2=14
IV. Pairwise Comparison
– the candidate who wins in head to head match-up is the winner.

AV over B : 11+15=16
B over AV : 12+2=14

AV over C : 11+5=16
C over AV : 12+2=14

AV over D : 12+11+2=25
D over AV : 5

B over C : 5+2=7
C over B : 12+11=23

B over DM : 12+11+2=25
DM over B : 5

C over DM : 12+11+2=25
DM over C : 5

AV = III ∴ Apple Valley is the winner.

B = I
C = II
DM =

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