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Iron is made in the Blast Furnaces by

smelting iron bearing materials with

the help of coke and air. The solid
charge materials like sinter, sized
iron ore, etc. are charged in the
vertical shaft of the Blast Furnace at
top and hot air blast is blown through
the tuyeres located at the bottom.
The oxygen from the hot air
combines with the carbon of the coke
and generates heat and carbon
monoxide. The gases while ascending
upwards react with the charge.
Eventually the charge melts and hot
metal and slag are produced and
tapped out. The cooled gas is also
used as fuel in the plant. The Paul-
wurth, bell loss top system is
installed for furnace charging.
There are four hot blast stoves for each furnace with a
total heating surface of 224,000 m2. High temperature
zone is lined with silica and mullite corundum refractories,
medium temperature zone, with kaoline refractories and
low temperature zone with fire clay refractories. Its novel
circular cast house with four tap holes ensures continuous
tapping of hot metal.

Two Blast furnaces of 3200 cum. useful volume each.

Salient Features

        Conveyorised charging of Blast Furnaces

        Paul-Wurth “Bell-less” top charging system for

Blast Furnace.

        On-line correction of coke moisture and batch


        Circular cast house with four tap holes and no slag


        Cast house slag granulation plant.

        Tuyere leakage detection system

        Gas Expansion turbines for power generation by

utilizing the blast furnace gas top pressure

        Automation with Programmable Logic Controllers


        A circular cast house with four tapholes and no slag



Production Capacity – 3.4 MT of Hot Metal per annum.

Commissioning Dates
Furnace – 1- 1st tapping – 29.03.90

Furnace – 2- 1st tapping – 22.03.92

Pig Casting Machines – 1,2,3 &4   - PCM Pouring –


Gas Cleaning Plant (GCP) commissioned – 28.03.90

Masses & Compound Shop production commenced –


Gas Expansion Turbine Station-1 (GETS) commissioned –


Gas Expansion Turbine Station-2 (GETS) commissioned –


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