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As we all know lean manufacturing will always focus on increasing the value of the
products that covers customers needs by using several tools that may help to achieve this
goal such as; Elimination of Mistakes using the process standardization, or the just in time
principles that can reduce and even remove it, or also we can think on eliminating wastes
such as wait times or unproductive work hours, moving goods unnecessarily and many
others that may help you to increase savings and at the same time add value to your

but in this essay, I will talk about the Hoshin Kanri which is a method for ensuring that the
strategic goals of a company drive progress and action at every level within that company.
This eliminates the waste that comes from inconsistent direction and poor

This means that you need to have clear goals and in order to achieve them obviously you
need the help of your team work so you as a leader or team member you need to able to
spread all your ideas to everyone involved in the project because that way everyone will
be focusing on that objective, and wont be wasting their effort on secondary stuff that
have nothing to do with the main objective.

So this methodology needs a strategy, that aligns the goals stablished. A tactic which is
path or plan to follow and finally the operations that is the work to be perform by
everyone in the team.

There are some basic steps that this methodology recommends in order to achieve a main
goal, and are the following:

- Step 1: Create a Strategic Plan

In this step the top management develop a long-range goals for the company and would
be reduce later choosing the most important that attack the most critical issues. There are
some important tools that help in this step : Focus on five (since you don’t have infinite
resources you need to use then wisely and properly), Evolution vs Revolution (goals can
change a little bit), Top consensus ( take into consideration the feedback given by the
team), have clear KPI´s, and own the goal

- Step 2: Develop Tactics

Ensure that the strategy and goals are well understood that there is strong alignment
between strategy and tactics, and that the KPIs are meaningful and appropriate.
- Step 3: Take Action

This is the level where goals and plans are transformed into results. This is Gemba (the
place where real action occurs). Therefore, managers should stay closely connected to
activity at this level

- Step 4: Review and adjust

As continuous improvement ideology states it is important to adjust strategy in case the
results are not close to what expected.

Hoshin Kanri Aligns Strategy to Manager and Operator Actions | Lean Production. (2019).
Retrieved 11 August 2019, from

Purpose of Lean Manufacturing. (2019). Retrieved 11 August 2019, from

What Is Hoshin Kanri? | Kanbanize. (2019). Retrieved 11 August 2019, from

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