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M. Vidyasagar, V X Patel, and G.S. Deodhare

ndia is thye second largest country in the world in terms of to the local colleges is based on a variety of factors, including
I population (after China), and the seventh largest in terms of area.
In a recent assessment by the United Nations, the Indian economy
the HSC marks as well as the performance in the statewide
Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by many states.
was rated as the sixth-largest in the world in terms of the PPP The ItTs are the best-known and best-funded undergraduate
(F’urchasing Power Parity) of its citizens; moreover, by the end of educational institutions in India. The caliber of the students in the
the century, India was expected to move into the fourth place. RECs is only marginally lower than in the UTs, but unfortunately
Together with China, India is among the two oldest continu- the same cannotbe said of the funding level, the quality and quantity
ous civilizations in the world. Over the millennia, India has had of equipment, and general level of autonomy and functional inde-
a series of invaders who subsequently became settlers, so that pendence given to these colleges. To mention only one glaring
India can perhaps be considered the original “land of immi- example, while each IIT is a fully autonomous body with its own
grants.” After 190 years of I3ritish rule, India became an inde- director, the RECs are (as the name implies) merely colleges, and
pendent dominion of Britain in 1947, and a republic in 1950. are forced to be a i a t e d to a nearby universitythat is often of much
Today India consists of 25 states plus seven Union Territories. lower quality. There is some talk of “equalizing” the situation
With its more than 900 million people speaking fourteen regional between the IITs and the RECs, but it remains to be seen whether
languages, its wide variation in everything from climate to this will be achieved by elevating the RECs to near the level of the
standards of living, lndia is a land of infinite diversity and ETs. The quality of the remaining colleges is extremely variable,
fascination, and infinite promise, mostly unrealized. even among the colleges affiliatedto the same university,and caveat
emptor is the watchword for the students.
A Thumbnail Sketch of ithe Indian Education System All in all, the educational picture in India is like a giant
kaleidoscope that throws up different patterns at different
India has (at last count) 37 5 degree-level engineering colleges
times-much the same as everything else connected with this
offering a total of about 1.800 programs covering different
vast and heterogeneous country.
branches of engineering and Itechnology, and graduating nearly
100,000 engineers annually. The premiere engineering institu-
tions are the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) at Bangalore and
Some Data
the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), of which there are six:
on Control Education
Genesis of Control Education in India. Courses in control
five established at Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, and Ma-
systems f i s t began to be offered in India during the late 1950s
dras, and the recently establiished IIT-Guwahati. Next, in terms
in the form of courses on servomechanisms. At that time, gener-
of prestige, are the Regional Engineering Colleges (RECs), of
ality was preferred over specialization, and not all students were
which there is one in each state of India. These are funded on a
taught control systems. Soon, however, controls became a core
50-50 basis by the central government and the respective state
course for many disciplines. In 1980, the Defense Research and
governments. In this category, one should also include the Birla
Development Organisation (DRDO) started a specialized gradu-
Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) at Pilani, which was
ate level program devoted entirely to the guidance and control of
started with collaboration with MIT in the United States. Finally,
missiles. Today, most engineering colleges offer courses in con-
there are literally hundreds of engineering colleges, each of
trol both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
which is affiliated to one of the hundreds of degree-granting
universities in India. Size of the Controls Faculty. Institutions that offer only
undergraduate courses in control typically have one or two
Each summer, millions of hdian youngsters write the Higher faculty members specialized in control. Usually these faculty are
Secondary Certificate (HSC) public examinations, which are con- in the electrical engineering department. In institutions that offer
ducted by a variety of “boards.” These examinations are either graduate level courses in control, such courses are offered in as
statewide or nationwide, depending on the board. The IISc is a many as four different departments (electrical engineering, me-
postgraduate institution, and a student cannot enter IISc directly chanical engineering, chemical engineering, and aerospace en-
after the HSC. Entrance to the I n s is based strictly on the student’s gineering). There can be a very large number of faculty
performance in the nationwide Joint Entrance Examination (E),specializing in control in each such department. For example, the
and not on the HSC marks. Entrance to the RECs is based on a electrical engineering department at IIT Kanpur has six profes-
combination of the JEE perfomnance and the HSC marks. Entrance sors specializing in control, the chemical engineering department
at IIT Bombay has three, BITS Pilani has 12 in various depart-
The authors are with the Centre for Artij5cial Intelligence and ments, the electrical engineering department at IIT Madras has
Robotics, Raj Bhavan Circle, High Grounds, Bangalore 560 001, three faculty members specializing in control, and IISc Banga-
India, email {sagar;vvp, lore has eight in the electrical engineering department. Jadavpur

30 IEEE Control Systems

University has seven faculty in the electrical engineering depart- A preliminary controls course is offered in the Diploma Course
ment. The Institute of Armament Technology in Pune, which for specializations in electrical, mechanical, instrumentation,elec-
teaches service officers as well as scientists of the DRDO, has tronics, and chemical engineering. Mathematical foundations are
three faculty specializing in guidance and control. usually not emphasized in such courses. A few projects are
Style of Instruction. The style of classroom instruction carried out on automatic control systems. The emphasis is
consists of lectures supplemented by assignments more on producing a skilled engineer or techni-
and tutorials.At the graduate level, students are cian and therefore most of the time is spent
also required to present a seminar. Students in the laboratory. Microprocessor-based
are encouraged to use MATLAB, CC, projects are very popular. In instrumen-
Mathematica, or other such software to tation engineering, a few projects are
supplement what they learn in the class- carried out related to control valves or
room. orifices.
Laboratory Racilities. In most in- B.E./B.Tech. Courses. The B.E.
stitutions, undergraduate students course is of four years’ duration and is
carry out the following standard experi- eight semesters long. There is no under-
ments: graduate degree offered with a speciali-
Modeling of some available process zation in control alone. However, at many
Time response of an RLC circuit on places a B.E.B. Tech. degree is offered with
oscilloscope the specialization instrumentation and control.
The requirement is often 35 to 40 courses, 20 to 25 labora-
Identification of an RLC network by frequency sweeping
tory courses, and a dissertation in the final year. In a typical
Synchronous generators
undergraduate program in instrumentation and control, two to
PID controller for some processes
three courses in control are included. An undergraduate controls
Temperature control course is also offered in electrical, electronics, computer, me-
Level control chanical, chemical and aeronautical engineering departments in
Postgraduate students with a control specialization carry out the third or fourth year. The syllabus covers standard books by
six hours of laboratory work per week. Sophisticated control
K. Ogata, B.C. Kuo, or Nagrath and Gopal. (The last two are
experimental kits are available in all the IITs, at a few Regional
Engineering Colleges, and at several state-govemment engineer- Indian professors specializing in control.)
ing colleges. Some of these kits are bought from well-known A few of the above specializations also offer a second (op-
foreign companies such as Feedback Instruments U. K. and tional) course in control systems. This normally deals with
Tech-Equipment. Typically, the experimental kits consist of classical controller synthesis, introduction to nonlinear control
Pneumatic system systems (describing function and phase-plane analysis), intro-
Hydraulic system duction to state-space theory (concepts of controllability, ob-
Temperature control system servability, and state feedback for single-input single-output
Level control system systems), and introduction to digital control and the effects of
Pressure control system sampling. A brief introduction to advanced topics such as adap-
Coupled tank system tive control, optimal control, and robust control is also given.
Analog and digital servo experiments Projects. Though almost all B.E. or B.Tech. degrees require
CNC machine that a project be completed during the final semester or final
PC interfacing and off-line identification of some process year, very few students do theoretical projects. Occasionally
Analog computation industry will sponsor undergraduate projects, but these are usu-
Programmable Logic Controller and interfacing with some ally in applied areas such as Programmable Logic Controllers
process (PLCs), fuzzy-logicbased controllers, or temperature control sys-
Tuning of PID controllers tems. The level of interaction with industry varies from college to
Nonlinear elements, limit cycles, and describing functions college, and the location of the college plays a major role in this
Speed control of DC motor, position feedback, and velocity regard, since students usually have to cany out the project in the
feedback premises of the industry while attending to their coursework at the
same time.
Undergraduate Degrees Offered and Requirements Employment After Graduation. Students with a good con-
Diploma Courses. A few institutions offer a diploma course trols background are usually able to find employment in process
that includes some instruction in control. The typical diploma control industries or the aerospace industry, where their control
course is of three years’ duration divided into six semesters. In
training can be used. However,a recent trend is that most students
each semester, four to five courses are conducted, along with two
to three laboratory classes. At the end of each course, a written opt for software jobs, which usually carry higher pay and also
examination is conducted. For the laboratory courses, a practical provide the possibility of traveling andor resettling abroad.
examination is conducted along with an oral examination. In the Qualifications of the Engineering Faculty. The minimum
final year, students carry out a project. Thus, the requirement is requirement is normally an M.E./M.Tech., although some
often 20 to 25 courses with 15 to 20 courses in laboratory work. smaller colleges relax this to a B.E.B.Tech.

April 2996 31
Postgraduate ESducation in Control and so on.
The research interests of the various groups offering post- Students in the controls specialization also opt for some of
graduate education in control at the various academic institutions the following courses from the mathematics department:
span a variety of research areas, consisting of both theoretical as Abstract Algebra
well as applied areas. The theoretical topics studied include Functional Analysis
almost all the standard areas, such as adaptive control, stochastic
Variational Principles
control, robust and optimal control, fuzzy systems, and variable
structure control. Application areas include power systems, ro- Differential Geometry
botics, machine drives, aircrafts, missiles, process control, etc. Topology
M.E./M.Tech. and M.S. #Courses.The M.E.N.Tech. course In addition, students in the controls specialization choose
is typically of 18 months’ duration and is spread over three elective courses from the areas of computers, power systems,
semesters. During the first two semesters students do intensive power electronics, digital signal processing, etc., depending
coursework. Usually 10 lecture courses and two laboratory upon their interests.
courses are compulsory. In ithe final semester, students devote For their master’s thesis (in the various programs), the
their full time to their project. The degree programs are usually students specializing in control carry out either theoretical pro-
further divided into streams such as instrumentation and control jects or sponsored projects from R&D organizations. The list
and systems and control, etc. below shows some of the recent applied (sponsored) projects in
The M.S. (Master of Science) degree is usually of two years’ some academic institutions:
duration, and is primarily a research degree. In comparison with Mechanical design and fabrication of Autonomous Guided
the M.E./M.Tech. degrees, the number of courses required for VehicIes (AGV) including drives.
the M.S. is about half, while the amount of contribution required Controller design for the AGVs.
from the thesis is correspondiingly much higher, as is the normal Mechanical design and fabrication of a SCARA manipulator.
duration of the program (two years vs. 18 months).
The typical range of course offerings includes: * Design and implementation of a PC-based controller for a
two-link SCARA manipulator.
* Linear Control Theory
* Optimal Control * Design and implementation of sensory systems.
0 On-line computer control of a distillation column.
* Nonlinear Control
0 Adaptive Control
On-line computer control of a heat exchanger.
* Modeling and Simulation On-line computer control of a plug flow reactor.
0 Stochastic Processes * On-line computer control of stirred tank reactor.
* System Identification * On-Line computer control of pH in a stirred tank reactor.
* Digital Control * Integrated simulation environment.
* Computational Techniques * Robust control of chemical reactors.
* Distributed Computer Control 0 Control of molecular weight distribution (NIWD) in emul-

0 Application of Software Engineering sion systems.

32 IEEE Control Systems

Mode of Evaluation of Master’s Thesis. A master’s thesis join the government R&D organizations. There are, of course,
is reviewed internally by a group of examiners, including the several honorable exceptions to this statement-both the guided
supervisor. Sometimes the thesis is also sent to a single extemal missile program and the satellite-building program have bene-
examiner. The student has to defend hisher thesis before an fited enormously from the participation of some committed
audience, including an examiner from another institution in India. academics. For instance, Jadavpur University and the IISc
Ph.D. Program. There are no compulsory courses for the (through the Joint Advanced Technology Program) have contrib-
Ph.D. program if the student has already completed the required uted significantly to India’s guided missile development pro-
courses at the graduate level. The Ph.D. supervisor and other gram. With the budgets of the academic institutions (not
faculty members decide the course requirement for the Ph.D.
excepting the IITs) coming under great pressure, and the budgets
candidate. Typically the student is asked to complete three or four
of the mission-oriented scientific agencies being in relatively
courses. The other requirements for the partial fulfillment of the
degree consist of passing a comprehensive examination and healthy shape, there are now strong incentives for more academ-
giving a few seminars at various stages. The thesis is sent to two ics to shed their prejudices and start becoming useful to Indian
or three external examiners who are active research workers in technology and industry. It remains to be seen whether such an
the student’s area of research. The examining panel consists of attitudinal change actually takes place.
one member from within the country and one or two from abroad.
Once the report of the examiners and the thesis supervisor(s) are Interaction of Academic Groups
received and necessary corrections are made, the student has to Within the Country and Abroad
defend the thesis before an examination board. The interval With internal distances being vast and travel infrastructure
between the submission of the thesis and final thesis defense is poor, in the past it was rather difficult for Indian academics to
typically of the order of six to ten months. The duration of the keep in touch with each other and with the outside world.
Ph.D. program varies from three to six years. However, with the advent of email the situation has improved
At the Ph.D. level, most students do theoretical work for their dramatically. Now Indian academics are able to keep in touch
theses. A few projects sponsored by R&D organizations may with their counterparts abroad, and also with their Indian col-
form part of the thesis work. At various places research is leagues should they wish to do so. The National Systems Con-
conducted in all the standard areas of control theory, such as: ference is organized at a different place each year, and has by
Robust Control now become something of an institution. In addition, the IITs
H- Control Theory and 11%witness a large number of visitors coming through either
L’ Control to visit their families or to attend one of the many international
Adaptive Control symposia and conferences organized in India during the pleasant
winter season. Programs such as the UN-sponsored TOKTEN
Fuzzy Systems
(Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals) are an-
Reduced Order Modeling other mechanism whereby non-resident Indians are able to spend
Periodic Control some time visiting Indian institutions.
Quantitative Feedback Theory
Discrete Event Dynamical Systems Summary and Conclusions
Fault Tolerant Systems System Identification In general, controls education at the undergraduate level in
India fares relatively well when compared with its counterparts
Manufacturing Systems
in more advanced countries. The graduating engineers are able
Distributed Computer Control to cope with the requirements of Indian industry and technology.
Knowledge-Based Control At the postgraduate level, the situation is not so happy, in that
and so on. the overall quality of education is comparable to mediocre over-
Most Ph.D. graduates try to join an academic institution upon seas universities. There is also a clear lack of a sense of direction
the completionof their degrees.Very few seek R&Djobs in industry in the choice of thesis topics. Here again it must be emphasized
or government.A few may even opt for softwaredevelopmentjobs, that some committed individuals, be they faculty or students, are
since they are more lucrativethese days. While waiting for a suitable able to overcome the manifold disadvantages of working in an
permanent position, Ph.D.s can find temporary employment as
Indian environment and to produce first-rate work. But these are
Project Associates, especially in the IITs and IISc.
the exceptions and not the rule. The situation is exacerbated by
a very low level of interaction between the government scientific
Interaction with Industry and Government Agencies
One glaring weakness of the Indian academic community is departments and industry on the one hand, and the academic
the very low level of interaction between academia and the users institutions on the other hand. However,the situation may change
of research output, such as industry and the scientific depart- as budgets become tighter at academic institutions, and account-
ments of the government (e.g., Atomic Energy, Defense, and ability increases.
Space). Even though the latter bodies all have many challenging
scientific and technological problems to tackle and are willing Acknowledgment
to sponsor research in the academic institutions, there appears to The authors express their gratitude to all faculty members
be a cultural bias among some academics both against accepting who responded to our questionnaire by providing relevant details
such projects as well as having the graduates of their programs about their academic and research programs.

April 1996 33

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