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SECTION 4 – JOINT AND SOLIDARY OBLIGATION Legal Indivisibility - where a specific provision of law

declares as indivisible, obligations which, by their nature, are

(Article 1207-1208) divisible.
Individual Obligation – one where there is only one creditor Conventional Indivisibility – where the will of the parties
and one debtor. makes as indivisible, obligations which, by their nature, are
Collective Obligation – one where there are two or more divisible.
creditors and/or two or more debtors. Natural Indivisibility – where the nature of the object or
prestation does not admit of division, e.g. to give a car, to sing a
Joint Obligation – one where the whole obligation is to be song.
paid or fulfilled proportionately by different debtors and/or is
to be demanded proportionately by different creditors. SECTION 6 – OBLIGATION WITH PENAL CLAUSE
(Mancomunada, mancomunadamente and pro rata)
Solidary Obligation – one where each one of the debtors is (Article 1226)
bound to render, and/or each one of the creditors has a right to Principal Obligation – is one which can stand by itself and
demand from any one of the debtors, entire compliance with does not depend for its validity and existence upon another
the prestation. (Solidaria, in solidum, juntos and obligation.
separadamente) Accessory Obligation – is one which is attached to a principal
obligation and, therefore, cannot stand alone.
Rule on Multiplicity of Suits – seek to prevent the filling of
two or more suits or complaints for a single action or violation Obligation with a penal clause – is one which contains an
of legal right. accessory undertaking to pay a previously stipulated
indemnity in case of breach of the principal prestation,
Passive Solidarity – solidarity on part of the debtors, each one intended primarily to induce its fulfillment.
of the debtors can be made liable for the fulfillment of the Penal Clause – is an accessory undertaking attached to an
entire obligation. (Mutual Guaranty) obligation to assume greater liability in case of breach
Active Solidarity – solidarity on the part of the creditors,
where any one of them can demand the fulfillment of the entire Legal penal clause – when it is provided by law.
obligation Conventional penal clause – when it is provided for the
Mutual Representation – solidary creditors have stipulation of the parties.
powers to exercise the right of the other in the same manner as Compensatory penal clause – when the penalty takes place of
their rights. damages
Mixed Solidarity – solidary on part of the debtors and Punitive penal clause – when the penalty is imposed merely
creditors, when each one of the debtor is liable and each one of as punishment for breach.
the creditor has right to demand for the entire compliance with Subsidiary or alternative penal clause – when only the
the obligation. penalty can be enforced.
Conventional Solidarity – where solidarity is agreed by the Joint or cumulative penal clause – when both the principal
parties. obligation and the penal clause can be enforced.
Legal Solidarity – where solidarity is imposed by law.
Real Solidarity – where solidarity is imposed by the nature of

(Article 1211)
Uniform – when the parties are bound by the same
stipulations; or
Non-uniform or varied – when the parties are not subject to
the same stipulations


(Article 1223)
Divisible Obligation – is one the object of which, in its
delivery or performance, is capable of partial fulfillment.
Indivisible Obligation – is one the object of which, in its
delivery or performance, is not capable of partial fulfillment.
Qualitative Division – or one based on quality, not on number
or quantity of the things which are the object of the obligation.
Quantitative Division – or one based on quantity rather than
on quality.
Ideal or Intellectual Division – or one which exists only in the
minds of the parties
(Article 1251)
(Article 1232) Venue – is the place where a court suit or action must be filled
Payment – May consists of not only delivery of money but also or instituted.
the giving of thing (other than money), the doing of an act, or Domicile – is the person’s habitual residence
not doing of an act. Residence – element of domicile.
Payment – synonymous to performance
Debt – An obligation to deliver money, deliver a thing (other SUBSECTION 1 – APPLICATION OF PAYMENT
than money), to do an act, or not to do an act.
(Article 12 52)
(Article 1233) Application of payment – is the designation of the debt to
Integrity of prestation – a debt to deliver a thing or to render which should be applied the payment made by a debtor who
service is not understood to have been paid unless the thing or has various debts of the same kind in favor of same creditor.
service has been completely delivered or rendered.
Identity of prestation – the very prestation due must be SUBSECTION 2 – PAYMENT BY CESSION
delivered or rendered.
(Article 1255)
(Article 1234) Payment by cession – is the assignment or abandonment of
Substantial performance – when the important or essential all the properties of the debtor for the benefit of his creditor.
part of the contract has been performed and only a small part
or minor part has not been carried out. SUBSECTION 3 – TENDER OF PAYMENT AND CONSIGNATION

(Article 1237) (Article 1256)

Subrogation – the payer acquires not only the right to Tender of payment – is the act of offering to the creditor the
reimbursed for he has paid but also all other rights which the thing or amount due
creditor could have exercised. Consignation – is the act of depositing the thing due with the
Reimbursement – right to be refunded to the extent of proper court when the creditor does not desire or cannot
payment beneficial to the debtor receive it.

(Article 1239)
Free disposal of the thing due – the thing to be delivered is
not subject to any claim, lien or encumbrance of a third party.
Capacity to alienate – the person is not incapacitated to enter
into a contract and to make a disposition of the thing due.

(Article 1241)
Estoppel – an admission or representation is rendered
conclusive upon the person making it and cannot be denied or
disapproved against the person relying thereon.

(Article 1245)
Dation in payment – is the conveyance of ownership of a
thing as an accepted equivalent of performance.

(Article 1246)
Principle of equity – supplies justice in cases where there is
lack of precise declaration in the obligation.

(Article 1247)
Judicial cost – are the statutory amounts allowed to a party to
an action for his expenses incurred in an action.
(Article 1249)
Legal tender – currency which is offered by the debtor in the
right amount, the creditor must accept in payment of debt in
(Article 1250)
Inflation – is a sharp sudden increase of money or credit or
both without corresponding increase in business transaction
Deflation – is the reduction of volume and circulation of
available money or credit, resulting in decline of the general
price level.

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