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Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107

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Flexible pavement drainage system effectiveness

Masoud Seyed Mohammad Ghavami, Maryam Sadat Hosseini ⇑, Pablo D. Zavattieri,
John E. Haddock
Lyle School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 550 W Stadium Ave, West Lafayette 47907, IN, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 The drainage layer is still needed in the flexible pavements.

 Drainage layers do effectively lower the subgrade moisture content.
 The granular filter shows a better performance than the dense graded asphalt filter.
 The materials’ hydraulic properties required for the FEA are obtained in the lab.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Moisture can significantly affect flexible (asphalt) pavement performance. As such, it is important to
Received 6 December 2018 remove moisture as quickly as possible from such pavements, especially to avoid allowing moisture into
Received in revised form 13 April 2019 the pavement subgrade. Using an appropriate drainage system is one method to remove moisture from
Accepted 13 May 2019
pavement structures. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of flexible pavement
Available online 22 May 2019
drainage systems using currently specified materials to determine if, and when, the drainage system can
be safely excluded from the pavements. Moreover, the effects of filter layer and edge drains are also
Asphalt pavement
Laboratory experiments were performed to obtain the hydraulic properties of asphalt materials and
Unsaturated flow used in the numerical modeling of pavement sections. The results indicate that drainage layers do effec-
Finite element analysis tively lower the subgrade moisture content. Also, while the results show that either a dense-graded
Permeability aggregate or a dense-graded asphalt mixture can be used as a filter layer between the subgrade and
the open-graded drainage layer, the subgrade tends to have lower moisture when a granular filter layer
is used. Finally, the results indicate edge drains have a positive effect on flexible pavements, especially on
pavements that do not contain a drainage layer.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al. [18] found that reducing the moisture content in an asphalt
pavement base course from 45 to 16% can increase the pavement’s
The longer moisture remains in a flexible (asphalt) pavement service life from 7 to 13 years.
structure the more likely pavement failure will occur. In particular, In an attempt to increase asphalt pavement life, the Indiana
the continuous presence of moisture in a pavement subgrade can Department of Transportation (INDOT) has used a drainage system
significantly affect the subgrade’s modulus and reduce pavement in their pavement design since 1993. This system includes an
performance. Work by Ji and Nantung [8] found that at 2% above open-graded asphalt drainage layer over a dense-graded asphalt
optimum moisture content, a pavement’s subgrade resilient mod- layer (filter) placed immediately on the subgrade, with the drai-
ulus can be reduced by as much as 25 percent. Arika et al. [2] found nage layer connected to a pavement edge-drain. The filter layer
pavement subgrades with moisture contents of 8% above optimum serves as a barrier, thus reducing moisture migration both from
could result in a 50% decrease in asphalt pavement life or could the pavement into the subgrade and from the subgrade into the
increase construction costs by 32 percent. Conversely, Zaghloul pavement. As a result, moisture moving into the pavement is
quickly transported to the edge-drains and removed from the
pavement, thus preventing moisture from damaging the pavement
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.S.M. Ghavami), mhossei@purdue.
edu (M.S. Hosseini), (P.D. Zavattieri), Over the intervening two decades, since first implementing this
(J.E. Haddock). drainage system, INDOT has updated its asphalt pavement design
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
100 M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107

Z  h iT h i
specifications and construction practices. Today, asphalt mixtures
k ½r NPI dt;
H¼ ½r NPI ð3Þ
are typically designed using the Superpave mixture design method t
and have higher in-place densities than those designed in the early
Z h iT
1990s using the Marshall mixture design method, making them
C¼ ð½BI ÞT ½m NPI dt; ð4Þ
less susceptible to moisture intrusion. Under the old specification, t
Marshall-designed asphalt mixtures could be placed with accept-
able densities as low as 88% of the maximum theoretical density Z   h iT
(88% of maximum theoretical specific gravity (Gmm)). In contrast, W¼ N PI dt; ð5Þ
t Q
with the new specifications, Superpave-designed asphalt mixtures
typically meet in-place density specifications at 93% of Gmm or where ½N and ½NP  are the shape function matrices used to truncate
higher. the x and p fields respectively, [m] is the Voigt representation of the
Although the INDOT has had success with drainage layers in e
Kronecker delta tensor m, k is the effective hydraulic conductivity
asphalt pavements, such layers are not without some disadvan-
matrix given by k ¼ k=qw g, k is the permeability matrix, g is the
tages. The construction of the open-graded asphalt layer can be
gravitational acceleration, qw is the mass density of the water, Q
challenging, as such mixtures can be difficult to handle and com-
is the hydraulic capacity of the partially saturated mixture given
pact. Also, current INDOT specifications require a PG 76-22 asphalt
for incompressible fluid and soil particles by ð1=Q Þ  nð@S=@pÞ, n
binder be used in open-graded asphalt mixtures. Typically, this is a
is the porosity of the medium, and S is the degree of saturation.
modified binder that can cost substantially more than an unmodi-
The ABAQUS program is used because it can perform seepage
fied binder, thus increasing the cost of the drainage layer and the
analyses for pavement sections that include several layers, with
overall cost of the pavement.
each layer having different hydraulic properties, water characteris-
Given the importance of drainage systems in asphalt pave-
tic curves, and hydraulic conductivity functions. However, the
ments, the potential challenges involved with the open-graded
uncoupled (purely diffusion) pore pressure elements are not avail-
asphalt mixtures used for drainage layers, their possibly increased
able in the ABAQUS program. Therefore, in the case when only the
costs, and the recent changes to the INDOT pavement design spec-
seepage part of the problem is of interest, the coupled deforma-
ifications and construction methods, the objective of this research
tion/pore pressure element can be used and the displacement
was to evaluate the effectiveness of the pavement drainage layer in
degrees of freedom are constrained to be computationally ineffec-
INDOT’s as-currently-designed-and-constructed asphalt pave-
tive [1].
ments to determine if such a layer can be safely eliminated.
To meet the study objective, the hydraulic properties of as-
constructed asphalt mixtures meeting current specification were 3. Asphalt mixture hydraulic properties
determined in the laboratory and used in a finite element model
of unsaturated moisture flow through asphalt pavements. The Hydraulic properties including water characteristic curves
moisture conditions of drained and un-drained asphalt pavements (WCC) and hydraulic conductivity functions for the pavement lay-
and their underlying subgrades were determined and compared to ers are required in the numerical analyses. Hydraulic conductivity,
see what, if any difference, the drainage system makes. or permeability, is a key asphalt mixture property and is the rate at
which a porous material will convey or transport water under a
2. Finite element method and governing equations hydraulic gradient. Low or non-existent permeability is expected
for dense-graded mixtures compacted to 92% density (92% of
Previous studies have indicated finite element (FE) methods can Gmm) or higher (8% or less air voids content) [17]. However, higher
be a helpful tool in analyzing water flow (seepage) through pave- hydraulic conductivities are anticipated for the asphalt pavement
ments in either saturated or unsaturated conditions [7,12,9,10,6] layers that have lower densities (higher air voids content).
and [5]. ABAQUS is an FE software package that can be used in Permeability is characterized as either a saturated or unsatu-
the analysis of fully or partially saturated porous medium. The gen- rated condition. Saturated hydraulic conductivity describes the
eral governing equations used by the ABAQUS program are given permeability occurring when all asphalt mixture pores are filled
by Eqs. (1) and (2) and can apply to the x-p system (x and p refer with water, or fully saturated, a condition easily measured in the
to the displacement and pore water pressure respectively) in the laboratory. In contrast, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, or par-
truncated space. The equations are derived based on the stress tially saturated, refers to a condition in which the asphalt mixture
equilibrium law for the solid phase and the continuity law for pores are only partially filled with water, a more difficult labora-
the fluid phase. It should be noted that the stress tensor is in Voigt tory measurement [15]. In the field, an unsaturated flow condition
notation and the subscript I refers to the nodal space truncation occurs when one or more pavement layers become fully saturated
index [1,13]. while others remain partially saturated, such as near the surface in
Z the asphalt pavement. This flow condition is more realistic than
F ext ¼ ½BI T r0 dt  CpI ; ð1Þ the fully saturated condition.
t Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity describes an asphalt mix-
ture’s permeability-suction variation and can be estimated using
qI ¼ HpI þ C x_ I þ W p_ I ; ð2Þ WCC. The WCC for a given asphalt mixture indicates the amount
of water remaining in the mixture’s pores as a function of the
where F is the external mechanical force vector matrix, qI is the pore-water pressure (suction). WCCs can also be expressed in vol-
external volumetric flux vector, [B] is the strain displacement umetric form, the volumetric water content (VWC) as a function of
matrix given by ½B ¼ ½@ ½NT , r is the Bishop effective stress tensor
suction, VWC being the ratio of water volume to soil volume. The
that describes the stress state in the partially saturated medium WCCs of granular materials can be measured in the laboratory by
given by r ¼ r þ avmp, r is the total stress tensor; a is the Biot’s
various methods. The filter paper method is a simple, low-cost,
coefficient (unity for incompressible soil particles) and v is Bishop’s experimental test method used to indirectly determine VWC in
parameter that equals to the degree of saturation, H is hydraulic the laboratory. It can be used when materials have a suction in
conductivity matrix, C is fluid–solid coupling matrix, and W is the range of 0 to 1500 kPa (218 psi) [11]and can be performed on
hydraulic capacity matrix. H, C, and W are defined by Eqs. (3)–(5). any number of asphalt specimens simultaneously.
M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107 101

4. Materials and experimental test methods where K is the coefficient of permeability (cm/s), Lthe average spec-
imen thickness (cm), Ais the average cross-sectional area of the test
4.1. Materials specimen (cm2), t the elapsed time between h1 and h2 (s), ais the
inside cross-sectional area of the burette (cm2), h1 the initial head
Laboratory testing was performed on three different asphalt across the test specimen (cm), h2 the final head across the test spec-
mixtures (9.5-mm and 19.0-mm dense-graded asphalt mixtures imen (cm), and t c the temperature correction for viscosity of water.
and a 19.0-mm open-graded asphalt mixture) to obtain their satu- Asphalt mixture WCCs were obtained using the methodology
rated permeabilities and VWCs; the aggregate gradations of the recommended by Kim et al. [11] to measure matric suction of com-
mixtures are shown in Table 1. Two cores were extracted from pacted subgrade soils using the test method ASTM D5298, ‘‘Stan-
an existing flexible pavement section and the cores taken to the dard Test Method for Measurement of Soil Potential (Suction)
laboratory where the various pavement layers were separated by Using Filter Paper.” The filter paper technique is a simple and
sawing. This resulted in two, 100 mm (4-in.) diameter asphalt mix- low-cost experimental method and can be used for the measure-
ture specimens for each of the three mixture types. First, the bulk ment of suction in the range of 0–1500 kPa (0–218 psi) [11]. The
specific gravity (Gmb) and the Gmm were determined for each test method evaluates the soil matric and suction by measuring
asphalt mixture specimen according to AASHTO T331, ‘‘Standard the free energy of the pore-water or tension stress applied on the
Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity (Gmb) and Density of Com- pore-water by the soil matric. In using this test methodology, the
pacted Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing filter paper is in direct contact with the asphalt mixture test spec-
Method” and AASHTO T209, ‘‘Theoretical Maximum Specific Grav- imen, which is in a tightly sealed plastic bag. The water content of
ity and Density of Hot Mix Asphalt,” respectively and the mixtures’ the filter paper is measured when it reaches equilibrium with the
air voids contents calculated. partial pressure of the water vapor inside the sealed plastic bag.
Whatman No. 42 filter paper (Table 2) and a minimum equilibra-
4.2. Experimental test methods tion time of seven days are suggested for clay subgrade [11] and
as clay is likely a worst case scenario, seven days was used in this
Saturated permeability testing was performed using the falling experiment on asphalt mixture specimens. Once the seven days
head permeability test developed by the Florida Department of equilibrium time period is reached, the water content of the filter
Transportation [4] in 2002. The standard test method used was paper can be obtained by oven drying the paper. This value is used
the Virginia Test Method-120, ‘‘Method of Test for Measurement to determine the matric suction of the test specimen by reference
of Permeability of Bituminous Paving Mixtures Using a Flexible to the ASTM D5298 suggested calibration curve [3], as shown in
Wall Permeameter.” In accordance with this method the cylindrical Fig. 2; this figure relates filter paper water content and matric suc-
asphalt specimens were vacuum-saturated at a residual pressure of tion. This test can be repeated at various saturation levels to pro-
90 ± 2 mm (28 in.) of Hg for 15 min with each specimen remaining duce the VWC-suction curve for a material.
under water until the testing begins. When a specimen was ready In accordance with this method the mass of each fully saturated
for testing it was removed from the water and a thin layer of pet- asphalt specimens was measured, and a Whatman No. 42 filter
roleum jelly was applied to outside (excepting the top and bottom) paper was placed on the top and bottom of the specimen. Each
to fill the voids and achieve a seal between the specimen and the specimen was then quickly covered by two layers of plastic cling
testing apparatus. Next, the specimen was placed in the perme- film as shown in Fig. 3 to prevent evaporation. Since the surface
ameter with a confining pressure of 68.9 ± 3.4 kPa (10 ± 0.5 psi) of each specimen and the filter papers must be in good contact
and water was placed in the graduated cylinder. The time required to get the best result, a small contact stress caused by the weight
for water to fall from the specified upper mark on the graduated of extra core was applied by placing it on top of each specimen dur-
cylinder to the lower mark was recorded to the nearest second. ing the equilibration time. During equilibration, the specimens
The test was repeated at least three times for each specimen and were stored in a dark, confined space (Fig. 4a). After the seven days
the percent difference between the first and third tests was limited equilibrium period, each specimen was unwrapped (Fig. 4b), and
to less than 4% to ensure the specimens were actually in a satu- the filter papers were removed and weighed. Filter papers were
rated condition. All tests were performed at 25 °C (77°F); a temper- quickly placed in separate containers, which were weighed after
ature correction factor of 0.89 was used to adjust the water the filter papers were placed inside. Then filter papers were
viscosity. The coefficient of permeability, k, was determined using oven-dried for 16 h.
Eq. (6) based on Darcy’s law. Initial head (h1) and final head (h2) are The experimental points were used to develop the matric
shown in Fig. 1. suction-saturation curve for each specimen. Each experimental
point represents a percent saturation of the specimen with the
aL h1
K¼  ln  tc ð6Þ average water content of filter papers. The calibration suction-
At h2
water content curve from ASTM D5298 was used to estimate the
matric suction from the moisture content of the filter papers. From
the calibration curve, using the filter paper ‘‘Whatman No. 42”, Eqs.
Table 1
Asphalt mixture gradations. (7a) and (7b) were suggested to determine the amount of suction:

Sieve Size, mm 9.5-mm 19.0-mm 19.0-mm h ¼ 5:327  0:0779Wf; Wf < 45:2640 ð7aÞ
dense-graded open-graded dense-graded
Percent Passing h ¼ 2:412  0:0135Wf; Wf > 45:2640 ð7bÞ
25 100.0 100.0 100.0
19 100.0 92.7 95.8 where h is the suction (log kPa), and Wf is the filter paper water
12.5 100.0 64.3 81.5 content (%).
9.5 90.0 43.2 73.5
4.75 61.1 21.9 50.9
2.37 40.1 16.2 33.8 5. Laboratory test results
0.6 19.5 9.6 15.4
0.3 11.0 5.8 10.2
The saturated permeability coefficient (K) was calculated using
0.075 4.4 2.2 5.2
Darcy’s equation (Eq. (6)) and the results were shown in Tables 3–
102 M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107

Fig. 1. Permeability testing apparatus (Left Fig. adapted from [4]).

Table 2
Characteristics of filter paper (after [11]).

Grade Diameter (mm) Basis weighta (g/m2) Nominal particle retention in liquidb (lm) Ash contentc (%) Nominal thickness (lm)
42 42.5–320 91–109 2.5 <0.007 200
The unit weight of the filter paper produced in Lot No. J11368905 was 95 g/m2 according to the certificate of analysis provided by GE Healthcare Co. Thus, the nominal
weight of a 90-mm-diameter filter paper should be 0.6044 g; however, the average measured weight of three filter papers stored in a sealable plastic bag was 0.6089 g.
Particle retention rating at 98% efficiency.
Ash content determined by ignition of the cellulose filter at 900 °C in air.

5. Additionally, Tables 3–5 include the results from the filter paper
method, including matric suction over saturation and VWC, for all
the mixtures. The results from the filter paper method represent
only a few data points, including the measured values of suction
at corresponding asphalt mixture VWC values. Therefore, it is
important to determine the values of suction at other VWC values.
WCC data resulting from the filter paper tests were fitted into the
closed form model [16] using the SWRC Fit program [14] and are
shown in Table 6 (See Eq. (8)).

6. Flexible pavement drainage system effectiveness

In order to evaluate the currently specified pavement drainage

system, 2D FE Models 1–4 were developed. These models are
shown in Fig. 5. Model 1 and 3 include a drainage layer, while
Model 2 and 4 do not. Model 3 has the #53 granular aggregate
as a filter layer instead of the dense graded asphalt layer in Model
1, and the drainage layer and the edge drain are not considered in
Model 4. Due to symmetry, one-half the pavement cross-section,
consisting of a 3.65 m (12 ft) pavement lane with a 0.60 m (2 ft)
paved shoulder covering a trench and collector pipe, was modeled.
Fig. 2. Suction-water content calibration curves for Whatman No. 42 paper after Material properties assigned to each layer shown in Fig. 5 are pre-
[19]. sented in Table 7. The materials’ permeability functions and WCCs
M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107 103

Filter Papers, one on top, and the other on the bottom of sample.

Fig. 3. Filter-paper test sample preparation.

Fig. 4. Filter-paper test a) stored samples with extra core on top, b) opening samples after seven days equilibrium period.

Table 3
Test results for the 9.5-mm dense-graded asphalt mixture.

Test 9.5-mm dense-graded

Sample 1 Sample 2
Gmm 2.756
Gmb 2.571 2.601
Air Voids (%) 6.7 5.6
K (cm/s) 9.30E05 7.80E05
Saturation 100 71 66 63 57 52 48 45 43 100 88 84 76 69 63 55 52 50
VWC 0.067 0.048 0.044 0.042 0.038 0.035 0.032 0.030 0.029 0.056 0.049 0.047 0.043 0.039 0.035 0.031 0.029 0.028
Suction (kPa) 0.0 2.7 7.1 12.4 39.4 106.2 288.9 694.0 1022.3 0.0 1.9 3.3 10.6 31.2 94.3 534.3 900.0 1416.2

Table 4
Test results for 19.0-mm open-graded asphalt mixture.

Test 19.0-mm open-graded

Sample 3 Sample 4
Gmm 2.574
Gmb 2.25 2.22
Air Voids (%) 12.6 13.8
K (cm/s) 3.60E02 6.90E02
Saturation (%) 100 77 65 55 37 23 17 15 100 78 62 49 32 21 16 10
VWC 0.126 0.098 0.082 0.069 0.047 0.029 0.022 0.019 0.138 0.107 0.085 0.067 0.044 0.029 0.022 0.014
Suction (kPa) 0 0.84 1.16 1.50 2.34 3.80 4.90 5.70 0 0.67 0.98 1.30 1.96 2.84 3.57 5.10
104 M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107

Table 5
Test results for 19.0-mm dense-graded asphalt mixture.

Test 19.0-mm dense-graded

Sample 5 Sample 6
Gmm 2.512
Gmb 2.35 2.327
Air Voids (%) 6.4 7.4
K (cm/s) 8.78E04 6.50E04
Saturation (%) 100 62 59 54 50 44 39 35 33 100 65 59 52 45 41 38 34 32
VWC 0.064 0.040 0.038 0.035 0.032 0.028 0.025 0.022 0.021 0.074 0.048 0.043 0.039 0.034 0.030 0.028 0.025 0.024
Suction (kPa) 0 0.78 1.3 3.4 7.9 37.2 114.1 382.6 800 0 0.58 1.82 6.3 29.8 97.2 211.4 790 1332

Table 6
Fitting parameters for Van Genuchten model.

Mixture Type Sample hs a (1/cm) nvg m Van Genuchten Parametric Model, 1980
9.5-mm dense-graded 1 0.067 1.89 1.09 0.083 h ¼ hr þ ðhs  hr Þ: 1
nvg m (8)
ð1þ½a:h Þ
2 0.056 1.35 1.09 0.08
h = volumetric moisture content (cm3/cm3),
19.0-mm, open-graded 3 0.126 0.09 2.12 0.528
hr = 0 (residual moisture content),
4 0.138 0.12 2.27 0.559
hs = saturated moisture content,
19.0-mm, dense graded 5 0.064 18.31 1.09 0.086
a and nvg are curve fitting parameters, m = 1–1/nvg , and h = pressure head (cm H2O)
6 0.074 20.61 1.09 0.083

Fig. 5. Finite element geometries of Models 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Table 7
Flexible pavements material types and hydraulic properties.

Layer Number Material Type WCC Fitting Parameters for Van Genuchten3 Ksat (cm/s)
hs a (1/cm) n m
1 9.5-mm, dense-graded asphalt mixture1 0.056 1.35 1.09 0.08 8.55E05
2, 3, 5 19.0-mm, dense graded asphalt mixture1 0.074 20.61 1.09 0.08 7.64E04
4 19.0-mm, open-graded asphalt mixture1 0.138 0.12 2.27 0.56 5.25E02
6 Clay soil subgrade2 0.426 14.50 1.05 0.05 7.70E8
7 #8 Coarse aggregate-trench2 0.558 104.64 1.29 0.22 1.18
8 #53 Granular aggregate2 0.274 0.84 1.26 0.21 2.73E02

1 – Lab experiments, 2 – Hassan and White [7], 3 – Residual moisture content hr = 0.

used in the analyses were estimated from [16] model. A rainfall pressure to the pavement surface. All the FE models contain 8-
event, as reported by Hassan and White [7], was applied in four noded biquadratic displacement, bilinear pore-pressure (CPE8P)
successive steps: 6 h of simultaneous raining and draining, 9 h of element types.
draining only, 2 h of simultaneous raining and draining, and a final One method to determine the need for, or effectiveness of a
51 h of continuous draining. The outer edges of the pavement pavement drainage system is to establish the degree of subgrade
cross-sections were assumed impermeable, and a constant, zero- saturation that occurs during a rainfall event [5,20]. The degrees
pore pressure was assumed around the pipe. During a rainfall of saturation in the various flexible pavement layers at the end
event, surface infiltration was modeled by assigning a zero-pore of the rainfall event for Models 1 and 2 are shown in Fig. 6. The
M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107 105

Fig. 6. Degrees of saturation at the end of the rainfall event for models 1, 2.

results also exhibit the overall degree of saturations of all layers at

the end step of rainfall event (51 h draining) in Model 1 are lower Fig. 7. Subgrade saturation comparison of Models 1, 2 and 3.
in comparison to the Model 2. Therefore, one concludes is that a
drainage system needed to be installed to effectively lower the
moisture content throughout the pavement and subgrade. This
conclusion is consistent with the findings of [7].
The variation in subgrade saturation during the rainfall event
for Models 1, 2, and 3 are shown in Fig. 7. The results indicate that
subgrades in pavements without a drainage layer become fully sat-
urated immediately following the initiation of the rainfall and tend
to stay near full saturation level by the end of the rainfall event.
However, the subgrades in Models 1 and 3, the pavement models
that include a drainage layer, quickly begin to lose moisture during
drainage periods and reaches approximately 77% saturation by the
end of the rainfall event. This indicates that flexible pavements
with a drainage layer serve to more effectively reduce moisture
contents in the subgrade than do pavements without such a layer,
thus lowering moisture in the subgrade, resulting in higher sub-
grade moduli and increased pavement bearing capacity.
The results shown in Fig. 7 also illustrate the difference in sub-
grade saturation depending on which filter layer material is used in
the pavement section. For both the granular and dense-graded
asphalt filter materials, the subgrade saturation levels increase as
the rainfall begins, but the pavement with the dense-graded
asphalt filter reaches a higher subgrade saturation level (98% satu-
ration) than does the subgrade in the granular filter layer pave- Fig. 8. Subgrade saturation comparison of Models 2 and 4.
ment. Indeed, the subgrade saturation levels in the pavement
with the granular filter layer always remain below that of the pave-
ment with dense-graded asphalt filter layer. However, both pave- are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. These results are consistent with the
ments successfully drain the excess moisture from the system at subgrade saturation results, in that the degree of saturation for
the end of the rainfall event. all pavement layers appears to be lower for Models 1 and 3 than
Additionally, the final drainage time was extended to help eval- for Models 2 and 4. The results also confirm that by removing a
uate the effect of edge drains. The resulting degrees of subgrade drainage layer the whole pavements may remain fully saturated
saturation were determined and compared for Models 2 and 4, as during all the raining steps, and moistures are held for a more
shown in Fig. 8. The results indicate that subgrades in both pave- extended period. Accordingly, at the end of 51 h draining step,
ments without a drainage layer become fully saturated immedi- the saturation of the base layer in the section without both drai-
ately following the initiation of the rainfall and tend to stay near nage layer and edge drain reduces to 97% while it can reach
full saturation for a long period of time. However, the pavement approximately to 72% when drainage layer is included. Similarly,
with no drainage layer, but with an edge drain begins to lose mois- for the top surface layer in Models 1–3, for the pavements with a
ture sooner (around 168 h after rainfall initiation) than does the drainage layer, develops approximately 80% of saturation after
similar pavement section without an edge drain (around 286 h the 51 h draining while the value of saturation increases to 85%
after rainfall initiation). This phenomenon likely represents the and 87% for the model 2 and 4, for the pavements without a drai-
effectiveness of the edge drains in flexible pavements that do not nage layer respectively. It is therefore concluded that the currently
contain drainage layers. designed drainage layer and edge drain systems do effectively
Moreover, the degree of saturation in the various pavement lay- lower the moisture content throughout the pavement and sub-
ers at the end of each step of rainfall event (6 h raining, 9 h drain- grade, an effect that should produce increased pavement life. This
ing, 2 h raining, 51 h draining, and 300 h draining), for all Models conclusion is consistent with the findings of Hassan and White [7].
106 M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107

Model 1: Drainage layer, edge drain, Model 3: Drainage layer, edge drain, #53
dense-graded asphalt filter 1 granular filter
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0

Fig. 9. Layers saturation results for Models 1 and 3, pavements with a drainage layer.

Fig. 10. Layers saturation results for Models 2 and 4, pavements without a drainage layer.

Finally, by comparing Model 1 and 3, it can be seen that by contents in the subgrade than do flexible pavements without such
replacing a dense graded asphalt mixture with the #53 granular a layer, thus providing improved moisture protection to pavement
material in a filter layer, the overall amount of moisture through- systems. Additionally, the use of a dense-graded granular filter
out the pavement section is reduced in every step of the rainfall layer beneath the open-graded drainage layer more effectively pre-
event. This shows the better performance of the granular filter vents the pavement subgrade from reaching fully saturated levels
layer. than does a dense-graded asphalt filter layer. Therefore, in areas
with a higher rainfall or high water tables, the use of a dense-
graded granular filter layer is recommended. Finally, results indi-
7. Summary and conclusion
cate the positive effect of using edge drains in flexible pavements,
especially when no drainage layer is included in the pavement.
The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effectiveness of
the flexible pavement drainage system based on the current spec-
ification (Superpave mixture design) as used by INDOT, and to then Declaration of Competing Interest
determine if such systems are necessary for current flexible pave-
ment cross-sections, given contemporary materials and construc- The authors confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest
tion specifications. This objective was addressed by first associated with this publication and there has been no significant
determining the hydraulic properties of the asphalt mixture sam- financial support for this work that could have influenced its
ples in the laboratory, including saturated permeability and water outcome.
characteristic curves. These properties were then used in finite ele-
ment modeling of flexible pavement sections with and without Acknowledgments
drainage layers.
The results of the finite element analyses suggest that even with This research work was supported by the Indiana Department
improvements in materials and construction methods, the pave- of Transportation (INDOT) and Joint Transportation Research Pro-
ment drainage layer based on current flexible pavement specifica- gram (JTRP). The contents of this paper reflect the views of the
tion (Superpave) serves to more effectively reduce moisture authors, who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the
M.S.M. Ghavami et al. / Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 99–107 107

data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the Research Board, TRB 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2013. 13-
official views or policies of the sponsors. These contents do not
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