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NOTES Chapter 5

Physical Characteristics of Water

Sifat Fizik Air
1. Water is the basic source for the survival of all living things on Earth.
Air adalah sumber asas untuk kemandirian semua benda hidup di Bumi.

2. Water is a compound. It is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Air adalah suatu sebatian. Ia terdiri daripada dua atom hidrogen dan satu atom oksigen.

3. Water can be decomposed into its constituent elements by the process called electrolysis.
Air boleh diuraikan kepada unsur-unsurnya melalui proses elektrolisis.

4. The chemical formula of water is H2O.

Formula kimia bagi air ialah H2O.

5. The following are the characteristics of water:

Berikut adalah ciri-ciri air:
• The boiling point of water is 100°C.
Takat didih air ialah 100ºC.
• The freezing point of water is 0°C.
Takat beku air ialah 0ºC.
• The density of water is 1 g cm–3.
Ketumpatan air ialah 1 g cm–3.
• Pure water is colourless, odourless and tasteless.
Air tulen adalah tidak berwarna, tidak berbau dan tiada rasa.
• Water has surface tension and can cause capillary action.
Air mempunyai tegangan permukaan dan boleh menyebabkan tindakan kapilari.
• The temperature of water will rise when heat is absorbed and its temperature will fall
when heat is released.
Suhu air akan meningkat apabila haba diserap dan suhunya akan menurun apabila haba dibebaskan.
• The presence of impurities in water can affect its boiling point and freezing point.
Kehadiran bendasing dalam air boleh mempengaruhi takat didih dan takat beku air.
• The presence of salt in water increases its boiling point and lowers its freezing point.
Kehadiran garam dalam air meningkatkan takat didih dan menurunkan takat beku air.

6. Factors affecting the rate of evaporation of water:

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar penyejatan air:
• Humidity – the higher the humidity in air, the lower the rate of evaporation
Kelembapan udara – semakin tinggi kelembapan udara, semakin rendah kadar penyejatan
• Surrounding temperature – the higher the surrounding temperature, the higher the rate
of evaporation
Suhu persekitaran – semakin tinggi suhu persekitaran, semakin tinggi kadar penyejatan
• Exposed surface area of water – the larger the exposed surface area of water, the higher
the rate of evaporation
Luas permukaan air yang terdedah – semakin tinggi luas permukaan air yang terdedah, semakin tinggi kadar
• Movement of air – the faster the movement of air, the higher the rate of evaporation
Pergerakan udara – semakin laju pergerakan udara, semakin tinggi kadar penyejatan

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