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personalized checks and other features 2 2 1 1 1 1 *Revising Passive

Constructions* [Logo] *Directions:* Rewrite the following sentences in
the text-areas provided so that passive constructions have been changed
to active verbs. *WARNING!* Some of these sentences do not use passive
verbs or are better off left in the passive, so this exercise will also
engage your attention in recognizing passive constructions and in using
them when appropriate. When you are finished with each sentence (or, if
you wish, wait until you've done them all), click on Grammar's Version,
which will reveal how we might have rewritten the sentence (when
appropriate) to achieve a more vigorous and concise statement. (You
might notice, too, that changing from a passive to an active
construction does not /always/ improve a sentence!) If you try to cheat
by looking at Grammar's version first, loud sirens will go off and there
will be a general decline in the country's moral health. There is,
however, no single right answer to these rewrites, and if you come up
with a clearly improved version, please write us e-mail (using the ASK
GRAMMAR form on the main page of this Guide).
*1.* Before the semester was over, the new nursing program had been
approved by the Curriculum Committee and the Board of Trustees. The
Curriculum Committee and the Board of Trustees had approved the new
nursing program before the semester was over The Curriculum Committee
and the Board of Trustees had approved the new nursing program before
the semester was over Before the semester was over, the Curriculum
Committee and the Board of Trustees had approved the new nursing
*2.* With five seconds left in the game, an illegal time-out was called
by one of the players. With five seconds left in the game, one of the
players called an illegal time-out With five seconds left in the game,
one of the players called an illegal time-out With five seconds left in
the game, one of the players called an illegal time-out.
*3.* Later in the day, the employees were informed of their loss of
benefits by the boss herself. Later in the day, the boss herself
informed the employees of their loss of benefits. Later in the day, the
boss herself informed the employees of their loss of benefits. Later in
the day, the boss herself informed the employees of their loss of
*4.* The major points of the lesson were quickly learned by the class,
but they were also quickly forgotten by them. The class quickly learned,
but also quickly forgot, the major points of the lessons. The class
quickly learned, but also quickly forgot, the major points of the
lessons. The class quickly learned, and then quickly forgot, the
lesson's major points.
*5.* For several years, Chauncey was raised by his elderly grandmother.
For several years, Chauncey's elderly grandmother raised him. For
several years, Chauncey's elderly grandmother raised him. Chauncey's
elderly grandmother raised him for several years. (However, the first
version puts more emphasis on Chauncey than it does on the grandmother,
and there's nothing really wrong with that.).
*6.* An unexpected tornado smashed several homes and uprooted trees in a
suburb of Knoxville. An unexpected tornado smashed several homes and
uprooted trees in a suburb of Knoxville. An unexpected tornado smashed
several homes and uprooted trees in a suburb of Knoxville. Whoa! This
sentence is already in the active voice.
*7.* I was surprised by the teacher's lack of sympathy. The teacher's
lack of sympathy surprised me. The teacher's lack of sympathy surprised
me. The teacher's lack of sympathy surprised me. (However, if you wish
to emphasise the fact that _I_ was surprised -- as opposed to the effect
itself or its source -- then there's nothing wrong with the sentence.).
*8.* "The Yellow Wallpaper" was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote "The Yellow Wallpaper". Charlotte Perkins
Gilman wrote "The Yellow Wallpaper". Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote "The
Yellow Wallpaper." The original sentence actually puts a bit more
emphasis on the author's name, and there is really nothing wrong with
that sentence.
*9.* Participants in the survey were asked about their changes in
political affiliation. Participants in the survey were asked about their
changes in political affiliation. Scientific writing. Participants in
the survey were asked about their changes in political affiliation.
Scientific writing. There's nothing wrong with the passive construction
in this sentence. _Who_ asked the questions is not particularly
important here.
*10.* Tall buildings and mountain roads were avoided by Raoul because he
had such a fear of heights. Raoul avoided tall buildings and mountain
roads because he had such a fear of heights. Raoul avoided tall
buildings and mountain roads because he had such a fear of heights.
Raoul avoided tall buildings and mountain roads because he had such a
fear of heights.
*Passive Verbs* *Quiz List* *Guide to Grammar and Writing* / /

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