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DATE: AUGUST 27, 2019

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student’s will be able to:
a. Discover literature as means of connecting to a significant past. (EN7LT-I-c-1)
b. Express appreciation for sensory image. (EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1)
c. Observe the correct pitch levels (high, medium, low) when reading lines of
poetry, sample sentences and paragraphs. (EN7OT-I-c-1.14.2)

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Folk songs – Oldest crazes
Materials: Board, Marker, Laptop, TV.

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Routine:

Let us pray first, may I ask someone to lead the prayer please.

Thank you. Good Morning/Afternoon class.

Before you take your seats, kindly check if there are pieces of paper under your chairs. Pick it up and arrange your
chairs properly.

Attendance Checking.

B. Motivation:

-Teacher will present a video of Philippine folk songs.

-After watching, the teacher will ask the students what the video is all about.

C. Presentation of the topic:

-The teacher will ask the students their own ideas and opinion about what is folk song.

-Teacher will discuss to the class what folk song is and will present an example of a common literary device which is
imagery its meaning and function and example sentences (taste, sound, sight, smell, and touch).

D. Activity:

-Refer to the book, page 19 Connect your experience (work individually)

E. Generalization:

-Teacher will ask the students, what is the significance of folk songs to the present and in the future?

F. Application:

-The class will sing one of the folk songs in the book and observe the correct pitch. (High, medium, low)

IV. Evaluation

Directions: In your own insights, answer the following questions.

Two to three sentences only.

1. Choose one folk song from the book and determine what the message of the song is.

2. How and why are folk songs passed down from generation to generation?

3. How can you help preserve Filipino culture and traditions?

V. Assignment

-Research and read in advance: What is colloquialism? Give at least 5 examples

-Graded recitation next meeting.

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