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Delage 2019

Course: M
​ aker Space 8  

Teacher: M
​ s.Delage 

Contact Information:  ​  

Website : (All Projects and outlines will be posted here)  

Room:  202  

Makerspace is a creative exploration center for students. Tap into your individual strengths, passions, be 

inventors and explore your interests. In these spaces, students have opportunities to discover out of the box thinking 

and creative exploration. Which will help them become critical thinkers and collaborators. Makerspace 8 is a course that 

has been designed to introduce students to hands on learning through a variety of creative projects.  

“The Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies curriculum​ builds on students’ natural curiosity, inventiveness, and 
desire to create and work in practical ways. It harnesses the power of learning by doing, and provides challenging fun that 
inspires students to dig deeper, work with big ideas, and adapt to a changing world. It provides learning opportunities 
through which students can discover their interests in practical and purposeful ways.” 
- BC Curriculum for Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 8  
Reporting and Assessment procedures:  

Students will be assessed individually on the following : 

❏ Creative planning and execution  

❏ Organization and Project Development (Check in weekly)  
❏ Participation and Attendance  
❏ Self assessment / final presentations for each project  

Ms.Delage 2019

Projects   Assessment Breakdown  

1)Cardboard Automata   Creative Planning and Execution  
● Plans and outlines (Worksheets included) 
  for projects in your folder, plans and 
research for supplies must be finished 
  completely before moving onto your 
prototype. This can be revisited after your 
2)Rube Goldberg Machine    testing stages. 
● Prototype Design drawn out and outlined 
  ● Designing and developing project steps 
(Testing and recording or prototype) 
  ● Creating and Presenting final project(See 
Presentation below)  
3)Found / Recycled Items Musical Instrument  
Organization of Data Collection and Project 
● Workbook will include : Plan outlines, 
prototype plans, prototype images, data 
collection from tests and final presentation 
4)Open Project (Directed Study of your choice)   reports/ Self assessments for e ​ very 
  ● Tests on your prototype and final project 
will all be recorded  
  ● Self assessment will be done at the end of 
each project 
**Brain Break Challenges (Scratch, Design  Participation and Attendance  
● Students are expected to arrive on time and 
challenges etc) To be done in one class as a brain 
ready to learn.  
break from your projects (Fridays)   ● Students are expected to follow the 
“MakerSpace Expectations” guidelines that 
  we created as a group.  
● When not working on projects, students can 
use Ms.D’s brain break challenges. Only to 
be used for brain breaks during project 
● Final projects will be shared through video, 
class presentation or other (Speak to Ms.D 
if these presentation options will not work 
for you)  
** Reminder: This is a safe, open, creative 
environment. Sharing your projects with the group 
could inspire others ideas. Students are 
STRONGLY ​encouraged to present to their peers!   

Ms.Delage 2019

​ tudents are expected t​ o understand​ the following​: 

(Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 8 & Art Education 8)  

1. Complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies. 

2. Creative growth ​requires patience, readiness to take risks, and
willingness to try new approaches. 

CURRICULAR  COMPETENCIES:  ​Students  are  expected  to  be  able ​to do the 

➔ Exploring and Creating  
- Intentionally select and apply materials, ​technologies​,
environments, tools, and techniques by combining and arranging
artistic ​elements​ and processes.

➔ Defining 
- Choose a design 
- Identify key features ​or​ potential users and their requirements 
- Identify criteria for success and any constraints 
➔ Ideating 
- Generate potential ideas and add to others’ ideas 
- Screen ideas against criteria and constraints 
- Evaluate personal, social, and environmental impacts and ethical considerations 
- Choose an idea to pursue 
➔ Prototyping 
- Research and identify and use sources of information 
- Develop a plan that identifies key stages and resources 
- Explore and test a variety of materials for effective use 
- Construct  a  first  version  of  the  product  or  a  prototype,  as  appropriate,  making  changes  to  tools,  materials,  and 
procedures as needed 
- Record iterations of prototyping 
➔ Testing 
- Test the first version of the product or the prototype 
- Gather peer and/or user and/or expert feedback and inspiration 
- Make changes, troubleshoot, and test again 
➔ Making 
- Identify and use appropriate tools, technologies, and materials for production 
- Make a plan for production that includes key stages, and carry it out, making changes as needed 
- Use materials in ways that minimize waste 

Ms.Delage 2019

CONTENT​: ​Students are expected t​ o know​ the following​:  

Techniques and processes & Computational Thinking 

- Safety processes in the Makerspace lab while using different tools (Hot glue, Scissors, exacto knives etc)  
- Ability to acquire practical skills and knowledge that they can use to bring their ideas from conception to life!  
- Hand construction techniques 
- Develop a sense of efficacy and personal agency about their ability to participate as inventors and innovators 


Students will be accessing the Core Competencies in all their curricular areas. They may be self-assessing the Core 
Competencies on their Ongoing Communications.   

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