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Tahun Pelajaran 2018 / 2019

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas / Program : XII / Farmasi-Keperawatan
1. Let’s guest what it their job
a. Someone who take care of patient is ...
b. Someone who cook in the restaurant is ...
c. Someone who drive a plane is ...

2. Please describe their job

a. An Electrician is someone who ....
b. A pharmacist is someone who ....
c. A programmer is someone who ....

3. Complete the table

1 Sell
2 Therapy
3 Drive
4 Account
5 Edit

4. Please describe a job of someone bellow. Every picture one paragragh

a. b.
5. Please tell example of making a reservation (3 sentences)

6. Please tell example of complaining about something (3 sentences)

7. Make sentences using conditional sentence type 1(1), type 2 (3), type 3 (1)

8. Please make sentences using subjuctive wishes in the past (1), present (1) and future
9. Maintion sequence of instruction (at least 5 word)

10. Tell how to use it in one paragraph.

a. b.

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