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I don’t know from where I should start because it’s really very difficult to memorize each and every

event of your life and it becomes more difficult when there is a lack of important ones. But let me try
once again. I would like to introduce myself as Ashwani Kumar pathak, pursuing post graduate diploma
in marketing management from Xavier institute of social service.I was born on 15 September 1989.I
have one brother .He is very good in his studies from the beginning and always get 1 st rank in wherever
he studied. As per my parents I had started going school when I was 2 and half years old. As far as I
could remember I was not good in my studies in early days of my school. As I have mentioned it earlier
my brother is very good in his studies it was a big comparative disadvantage for me because my parents
always compare me with my brother and I always say that just like our fingers are not equal in the same
way everyone can’t get good marks and if everybody will get good marks then who would be the topper.
I always used to take help of my brother while studying but I don’t know why I never understood
whatever he taught me. In my opinion either I was totally dumb at that time or he was not able to make
me understand. But as days passed away fear of punishment and my own effort helped me alot in
improving my results and I started getting good marks except mathematics, however I was weak in
mathematics but somehow I always managed to get passed in mathematics. After the examination I
always felt a kind of fear within myself about my results because every time whenever my parents asked
me how was your paper ? I still reply in a same way that it was very good. I have answered all the
question because I don’t want to bear the brunt of my parent’s scolding before the results. Somehow I
always used to manage 1st rank in my class. This was continued up to class four. Then my parents
admitted me into Hindi medium school where my results started deteriorating because up to class four I
was in English medium school and it was really very difficult for me to understand all those Hindi words
which I never thought of or heard then I started mugging up everything which i found difficult to
understand. This tactic helped me alot in a short run and I again started getting good marks in all subject
but not in mathematics because there was nothing in math which could be mugged up except formulae
and I was totally unaware of the application of those formulas. As days passed away it had become
phobia for me. this phobia has been continued up to class 6 then I took admission in other Hindi
medium school in class 7 and I joined tuition for math and science which helped me to get good marks in
all the subjects including math’s. I used to complete the whole chapters in math with my friends before
my exams it helped us alot during our exams. In year 2004 I have completed matriculation with a first
division. After matriculation it was a hot topic for discussion about which stream I am going to opt in
intermediate because my brother has taken science as a stream therefore my parent advised me to take
science but I was not so confident that I could take science. Then one day I and my friend gaurav were
discussing about which stream we are going to opt then after a very brief discussion we decided that we
would take commerce as an our preferred stream. Then we both applied for our respective colleges and
I also applied for ST. Xavier College and Marwari College but I could not get selected in ST. Xavier College
which was big shock for my parents. I got selected in Marwari College and I started going college
everyday however in Marwari college absenteeism was not a big issue but at that time I feel very
delighted going college. I have not forgotten that day when there was raksha bandhan and I had gone to
college.There are so many things which I like about my college like teacher, my college friends, library
etc and the most important thing which I liked about my college that there was no restriction on
absenteeism and as per my analysis some of my friends used to come only those days when there was
last date of submission of application forms , or for admit card, or for exams and sometime it happens
when I met someone directly in exams where as we were in the same section but we did not know each
other or we have not seen each other in classes before. At that time I was not very consistent with my
studies therefore I joined tuition for an improvement. I would say for me it was a very big task to search
a good teacher for commerce in near by locality because I live in namkum and teachers who were good
in teaching are far away from my place .But somehow I got a tutor who was good in teaching but totally
unable to make me understand.I don’t know how he used to teach us that every time balance sheet is
matched but it was totally different from an answer which has been provided by a book. So it had
become topsy- turvy situation for me to which method I should follow. Because of this confusion my
concept couldn’t get clear till now. That’s why at the time of my final examination of first year in I
was in a dire-strait condition. I was totally dependent on guess papers because I had heard that in
examination question would only come from of guess papers .it was like giving potion to a person who is
on verge of death . every time it happened with me as well as my friends that at the end we had very
few days left for the preparation. so at that point of time we used to follow guess papers because it has
become totally impossible to complete an humungous syllabus within a short period of time. Somehow I
always used to manage 60 percent marks with the help of guess papers. Then after my first year
examination one of my friend suggested me to join premier coaching center for accounts and after some
investigation I joined .After some classes I got to know that he is such a nice teacher that he can only
make me able to understand everything . later on when he took test in our batch I was the second
topper in my batch. After few days when I realized that I am able tounderstand everything in my
coaching classes I started bunking my classes in college. After passing my second year examination with
a first division I again applied for St.xaviers College for graduation. this time again I couldn’t convert it
into an admission. At that point of time I was not so disappointed because none of my friends couldn’t
convert it and one of my friends who might have converted it but couldn’t get an admission because of
wrong application no. which had been mentioned by him during entrance test. At last I had to take
admission in Marwari college.

This is how I was

At the start of this journey I would like to say that AMS has inspired and added attributes in me which is
still helping me to recuperate from my mediocrity.In AMS I met with vinay sir whose motivational and
inspirational discussion on various diverse issues made me confident and committed towards my work. i
couldn’t assume myself whatever I am today and It would not have been possible without his consistent
support .As per his suggestion I started reading newspaper. In the beginning I was confused among the
subject matters wiether I should go through the whole newspaper or I should go for some selective
issues. I started taking suggestion of vinay sir about the subject matterswhich I should read and I
continuously seeked his advice. After some days I felt that I have developed an interest in reading
newspapers as well collecting new words. I found it so interesting that I couldn’t even imagine a day
without a newspaper. As I have mentioned it earlier that my math’s was not up to the mark andit again
started creating obstacles in my path. I can’t forget that day when there was a period going on business
math and I was totally numb because I was unable to understand. After the end of the period I went
back to that teacher’s cabin and said” I couldn’t get anything which has been taught during the class”.
Then he said if u didn’t understand anything then why didn’t u say this to me during my period ; I said sir
I didn’t want to disturb the whole class; then he said you have to wait for an hour because I have to take
other classes also ;But I didn’t wait for him and returned back to home and without having my lunch I
started solving questions and I kept on solving till the last question of the chapter. It gave me a such kind
of confidence which I never felt before .This is how I started working hard on my weaknesses . I used to
stay at ams until 6p.m in the evening where as my classes used to get over at around 2 to 3 p.m. as days
passed away I started reading 2 to 3 newspapers and collecting new words. I think I have written more
than seven thousands in my copy. Some of my friends also started writing it but they were not
consistent and they always used to say that it is useless to write words from dictionary because it is
impossible to learn all those words which always appear in a bulk while reading newspaper. After one
year it had become an avocation for me. At that time I always used to carry newspaper and dictionary in
my bag.

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