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BY :

Yeremia Walukouw





a. Background

b. Problem Formulation

c. Limitation Of Problem
d. Writing Objectives

e. Benefits Of Writing

f. Writing Methode




As we know, liquor is an ingredient that can damage the younger generation,

both physically and mentally, so it is very important that the younger generation

can recognize and avoid it for the advancement of the young generation.

I express my deepest gratitude to the English subject teachers who have

provided guidance during the preparation of this paper. And I realize that this

paper is not perfect, for that reason constructive criticism and suggestions are

what we hope for in the future progress of the author. Hopefully this paper will

benefit the readers.




People who consume and are addicted to liquor or alcohol

referred to as alcoholism, this term is the first time

introduced by Magnus Huss, a health official

Community in Sweden (Bachtiar, 2004). Alcohol addiction is

complex disturbances and are often viewed from a perspective

biopsychosocial (Karsono, 2005).

Alcohol consumption among youth is a serious health problem,

drinking alcohol has a negative impact on health and society.

Individuals who have arrived at the phase of abuse and dependence

miras can behave anti-socially like stealing, fighting and angry,

indifferent and apathetic towards problems and social conditions, up to

have an impact on their health which is experiencing brain development

suicide and depression, memory loss, high risk of behavior

sexual, addictive, impaired decision making, academic achievement

bad, violence, and motor vehicle accidents (injuries and

death), (Dariyo, 2004).

WHO data estimates the current number of alcoholics throughout

The world reaches 64 million people, with varying degrees of dependency

In each country. In America for example, there are more than 15 million people

experiencing alcohol dependence with 25% of them being addicts

from among women. In Indonesia, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN)

estimates there are 3.2 million people (1.5% of the total population) in Indonesia

having a history of using drugs including 4.6% is behavior

drink alcohol (Prmob, 2013).

Data obtained by Basic Health Research, prevalence of drinkers

Alcohol in the last 12 months and the last 1 month according to Regency or

Cities in Central Java Province, especially the city of Surakata are as follows

the percentage in Surakarta city of alcohol consumption in the last 12 months

was recorded

3.7% and in the last 1 month there was 1.7%, at the age of 10-14 years

alcohol consumption in the last 12 months was 0.1% and in the last 1 month

and at the age of 15-24 years the consumption of alcohol in the last 12 months was 4.5%


in the las t 1 month 2.3% (Riskesdas, 2009). .

Based on data from the Central Java Provincial Health Office at

Estimate about 25% of teenagers have used liquor.


drinking occurs in adolescents aged 15-25 years,

with various kinds of driving factors starting from trial and error, because

solidarity with friends, as seekers of identity, or as

form of escape from the problems faced (Central Java Provincial Health Office,

Young adults are the beginning of a new life, after

Individuals through their teenage years then individuals will be confronted with a

variety of

kinds of challenges and role changes, many demands and tasks

must be fulfilled, making this period tinged with emotional tension

make individuals look for outlet and pleasure with

consume liquor (Hurlock, 2012).

Health effects that occur from consuming alcoholic beverages

the excess is, for example, GMO (Organic Mental Disorders) disorders

this will cause behavioral changes such as acting harshly

so that it has problems with the family, the community and the growth of that



Physiological changes, such as squint, red face, road

staggering, then psychological changes, such as difficulty concentrating, talk

slurred, irritable, then the dose taken will be taken

getting bigger because of addiction, therefore, it's a pity if someone

already accustomed to alcoholism because it will inhibit

development of memory and brain cells, then brain edema is

swelling and blocking of blood in brain tissues so

resulting in coordination disorders in the brain normally.

Taking alcohol to addiction can cause

heart problems. Over time the heart will not function

normal (Mubarak, 2009)

When interviewed 8 men aged 18-25 years were

have ever consumed alcohol in the hamlet of Mendungan, some have

answer initially consuming liquor because you want to try,

want to get rid of stress, and because of joining friends hanging out.

The longer it causes changes in the value of liquor in the community, liquor

which is legally or religiously considered to be a bad thing to be something that

is considered normal and reasonable to do.

As a result of these drinking habits, the impacts are mainly negative, in terms of

social, economic and especially public health in the area. Impacts such as

increasing criminal cases, especially teenage fights, disturbing the surrounding

community, the emergence of a gap between old drinkers and teen drinkers or

between regional drinkers with one another, and increasing poverty. Drinking

habits also have an impact on the health of the community in the area, even if
the physical form of the drinkers is observed to change, their stomach becomes

distended with black eye bags, a sign that they often drink hard drinks and lack

of sleep.

According to they are alcoholic beverages, can eliminate

stress and some say you should avoid alcoholic beverages

because it damages health. When asked about impact knowledge

Negative liquor for their health answers, liquor

Damaging the body but not knowing what the dangers are for sure, some

Answering liquor can damage the kidneys and stomach. Although

Less understanding of the dangers of liquor, they remain


B. Problem Formulation

1. What is the meaning of liquor?

2. What are the reasons for people drinking liquor?

3. What are the consequences if people drink liquor?

4. How to overcome the use and abuse of liquor?

C. Limitation Of Problem
In this paper only those that are related to the the bennefits of MIRAS in

general will be discussed.

D. Writing Objectives

The purpose of this paper was written, among others.

· Know the meaning of liquor.

· Know the causes of people drinking liquor.

· Know the consequences if people drink liquor.

· Know how to deal with the use and abuse of liquor.

E. Benefits of writing

Benefits of writing this paper include

 To fulfill the task of making english papers

 Deepening knowledge about THE DANGER ABOUT MIRAS

F. Writing Method

This paper is prepared ,based on one’s own thoughts, and supported by

various sources from the internet,and books that support the writing of the


1. Cover

2. Dedication sheet

3. Validation sheet

4. Table of contents

5. Preface


7. Chapter II Contents

8. Chapter III Closing

9. Bibliography

10. Attachment

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