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Project for
Strengthening of Flood Management Function of DPWH


1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 This Manual.........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Purposes of Runoff Analysis ...............................................................................................1
1.3 Overall Procedures of Runoff Analysis with HEC-HMS....................................................3
2. MODEL APPLIED FOR THIS PRACTICE...............................................................................4
2.1 Selection of Runoff Analysis and Routine Methods ...........................................................4
2.2 Sample River Basin for Practice..........................................................................................4
3. PREPARING INPUT DATA.........................................................................................................6
3.1 Required Data......................................................................................................................6
3.2 Physical Conditions of Sub-basins ......................................................................................7
3.2.1 Catchment Area of Sub-basins ...............................................................................7
3.2.2 Lag Time ................................................................................................................7
3.2.3 SCS Unit Hydrograph Type Selection....................................................................8
3.3 Precipitation.........................................................................................................................9
3.4 Physical Features of River Reaches...................................................................................12
4. HEC-HMS COMPUTATION .....................................................................................................12
4.1 Preparing for the Software Operation................................................................................13
4.1.1 Notes on HEC-HMS Modelling ...........................................................................13
4.1.2 Installation Procedure...........................................................................................13
4.1.3 User Interface .......................................................................................................13
4.2 Starting HEC-HMS ...........................................................................................................14
4.2.1 Starting the Program.............................................................................................14
4.2.2 Creating a New Project.........................................................................................15
4.3 Inputting Subbasin and Reach Data to a Basin Model ......................................................16
4.3.1 Creating a Basin Model ........................................................................................16
4.3.2 Building a Basin Model Map ...............................................................................17
4.3.3 Entering Element Data (Subbasin and Reach) .....................................................20
4.4 Entering Precipitation Data ...............................................................................................21
4.4.1 Creating Time-Series Data and Input Design Hyetograph Data ..........................21
4.4.2 Creating a Meteorologic Model............................................................................24
4.5 Creating Control Specifications.........................................................................................25
4.6 Running Simulation...........................................................................................................26
4.6.1 Creating Simulation Run Configuration...............................................................26
4.6.2 Run Simulation.....................................................................................................28
4.7 Viewing the Results...........................................................................................................28
5. EVALUATION OF HEC-HMS COMPUTATION RESULTS................................................30

Attachment :
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form – Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by
Alternating Block Method



1.1 This Manual

HEC-HMS (HEC-Hydrologic Modeling System) is the computer program for the runoff
analysis developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), US Army Crops of
Engineers. The software can be downloaded on the HEC’s web-site free of charge along
with its detailed user’s manual and technical references. Ver. 3.3 is the latest as of October
2009, and is used in this manual.

HEC-HMS applies the unit hydrograph method, among a variety of runoff analysis methods.
The unit hydrograph method itself cannot consider river routine which attenuates and
transforms flood waves in river reaches. However, HEC-HMS enables users to develop a
basin model combining basin runoff and river routine.

This manual is a simplified tutorial of the HEC-HES software, and is designed for those who
have no or little experience in the HEC-HMS computation. Users need to download and
refer to user’s manuals and technical references of HEC-HMS issued by HEC, for further
understanding of the software.

Runoff analysis methodologies which are convenient for ungauged river basins are employed
in this manual so as to help flood control planning of small to middle sized river basins where
observed precipitation and discharge data are often unavailable. Nevertheless, in principle,
parameters in runoff analysis models should be determined based on the calibration
comparing runoff analysis simulation results and observed discharge data. It should be
noted that HEC-HMS users should direct their best efforts to search available recorded data
for the calibration, before going for methods for ungauged basins introduced in this manual.

1.2 Purposes of Runoff Analysis

The runoff analysis derives discharge at reference points on downstream through

transformation of rainfall on upstream catchments as schematically shown in the following
figure. Some of runoff analysis methods like the Rational Formula provide only a peak
discharge, while other methods, such as the unit hydrograph and the storage function
methods, can produce temporal discharge distribution (hydrographs).


R (mm)

Rainfall River Basin (on the catchment Area)


Runoff Analysis
Rainfall (e.g. Rational Formula, Unit Hydrograph, etc.)

Q (m3/s)

For Planning and design of (Peak Q or Hydrograph)
flood control measures,
need discharge (m3/s) at
this reference point. Time

Figure 1.1 Basic Concept of Runoff Analysis

Two questions may arise here; why discharges are required, and why discharge has to be
derived by transforming rainfall, instead of utilising observed discharge data.

Why discharges are required? : Engineers need to know discharges at reference points for
planning and designing flood control measures. For instance, river channels and levees
should be designed based on peak discharge and associated water levels, so that river
channels can accommodate design discharge. Storage types of flood control measures,
such as dams and retarding basins, require inflow hydrographs for their planning and design.

Why discharge has to be derived by transforming rainfall, instead of utilising observed

discharge data? : Flood control measures should be planned and designed based on design
flood with a targeted probability. However, discharge data are often not sufficiently adequate
and reliable for the frequency analysis to estimate design probable floods. The following
limitations are often detected in observed discharge data.

• Availability of discharge data is often lower than that of rainfall data.

• Stream gauging stations are often not installed especially in middle to small sized
river basins.
• Discharge (water level) observation tends to fail during large floods, because
gauges can be damaged by floods. Gauge keepers of manual stream gauges may
also have to evacuate during large floods.
• Observed discharge records often cannot represent natural runoff phenomena, because it
can be affected by storage effects on upstream by dams, retarding basins, natural
swamps, overflows, and others. Changes of river channel dimensions and watershed
conditions may also alter downstream discharge characteristics.
• Precise discharge can hardly be measured when flood water overflows from a river


• Rating curves (H-Q curves) which convert recorded water levels to discharges are often
not available or not reliable. Curves may not have been updated for a long period,
though it is essential especially after large floods which could change river cross section
shapes. Rating curves at high water levels (discharge) are normally developed by
extrapolation due to the absence of discharge measurement data during high water, and
therefore, are often lost reliability.

In short, rainfall data, especially daily rainfall data, is often more available and reliable than
discharge data. Therefore, the runoff analysis becomes necessary to derive discharge from

Then, design discharge distribution is determined based on resulted peak discharges from the
runoff analysis, as schematically described in the following figure.


Runoff at downstream
end of S2 (m3/s)
S3 S1

Runoff at downstream end of
Runoff at downstream
the entire catchment (m3/s)
end of S1 (m3/s)

Cross Sections

Q3 Q1

Q3 : Design discharge for Q1 : Design discharge

this stretch for this stretch
All cross sections on this All cross sections on this
stretch are to be stretch are to be
designed for Q3 (m3/s). designed for Q1 (m3/s).
Design Discharge Distribution

Figure 1.2 Developing Design Discharge Distribution Diagram from Runoff

Analysis Results

1.3 Overall Procedures of Runoff Analysis with HEC-HMS

The runoff analysis involves the following three steps. Each step is described in the chapters
specified below. A sample model applied for this practice is explained in Chapter 2.


1) Data preparation Chapter 3

2) HEC-HMS computation Chapter 4
• Starting HEC-HMS
• Inputting subbasin and reach data to a basin model
• Entering precipitation data
• Creating control specifications
• Running simulation
• Viewing results
3) Evaluation of data (calibration) Chapter 5


This chapter introduces features of the river basin which was applied for a practice model in
this manual. This chapter also explains how to translate an actual river basin conditions into
an analysis model.

2.1 Selection of Runoff Analysis and Routine Methods

Selection of several different unit hydrographs is available in HEC-HMS. This manual

applies the SCS unit hydrograph, which is synthetic and requires the limited number of
parameters. The SCS unit hydrograph is useful for ungauged river basins, because its
parameters can basically be derived from basin physical characteristics, not by calibration
with observed discharge data. It was developed by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS,
presently Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) under US Department of
Agriculture), and has widely been applied in the Philippines. It should be noted that other
unit hydrographs, such as the Clark and the Snyder unit hydrographs can also be appropriate,
when observed discharge data adequate for calibration are available.

HEC-HMS enables users to involve river routine in a model as mentioned earlier. Among
several selections in HEC-HMS, the Muskingum-Cunge method is applied to this practice.
The Muskingum-Cunge is also a convenient method for ungauged rivers, because its
parameters can be acquired from physical characteristics of actual river reaches.

2.2 Sample River Basin for Practice

The San Juan river basin presented in the following map is used for this practice. A practice
model for this manual includes only upstream parts of the basin, consisting of five subbasins
(S-1 to S-5). The subsequent figure illustrates a basin model diagram of the practice model






Figure 2.1 Sample Model Basin (San Juan River Basin)


Dario River

S-2 S-1


San Juan River



Extent used for this practice.



S-7 S-8

S-9 Legend

S-1 Sub-basin and ID


C-7 River reach and ID

Pasig River

Figure 2.2 Model Diagram


3.1 Required Data

The runoff analysis for this practice, which employs the SCS unit hydrograph and the
Muskingam-Conge methods, requires the following data as inputs.

(i) Physical conditions of subbasins (for the SCS unit hydrograph method)
• Catchment area of subbasins
• Lag time which can be derived from the following parameters
— Length of water course in each subbasin
— Difference of elevation in each subbasin
(ii) Precipitation (for the SCS unit hydrograph method)
• Design hyetograph (hourly rainfall)
• Rainfall loss (to obtain effective rainfall)
(iii) Physical features of river reaches (for the Muskingum-Cunge method)
• Length of river reaches
• Average cross section dimension (bottom width and side slope)
• Average bed slope of river reaches
• Manning’s roughness coefficient

The subsequent sections explain how to prepare each data set.


3.2 Physical Conditions of Sub-basins

3.2.1 Catchment Area of Sub-basins

The catchment area of each sub-basin can be measured on the NAMRIA 1/50,000 maps with
a planimeter or with GIS. The following table summarizes the catchment area of each
sub-basin of the example basin in Figure 2.1.

Table 3.1 Catchment Area of Sub-basins

Sub- Basin Area

Name of Creek
No. (km2)
San Francisco River (Junction
S-1 22.8
with Dario River)
S-2 Dario River 10.4
Reach 1 (Residual Basin San
S-3 2.1
Francisco River)
S-4 Mariablo River 9.8
S-5 Talayan River 8.3
Total 53.4
Note : Data in this table are prepared for exercise purposes, and may differ from
actual site conditions.

3.2.2 Lag Time

The lag time is defined as the time between the center of mass of excess rainfall to the time to
peak of the unit hydrograph. The SCS unit hydrograph method necessitates it for solving
equations. The lag time should be determined based on analyses of observed rainfall and
discharge data, or on the calibration of the runoff analysis in nearby gauged areas. It can be
estimated by formulae developed by past experiences and analyses in the absence of
observed discharge data. The following modified Snyder’s Lag Equation is commonly used
in the Philippines for that purpose. This formula is also applied to this practice.

⎡ L × Lca ⎤
Lg = 0.6865 × Ct × ⎢ ⎥
⎣ S ⎦

Where : Lg : lag time (hour)

Ct : lag time coefficient
- for mountainous area = 1.2
- for hilly area = 0.70
- for valley area = 0.35
L: length of water course from the downstream end of the subbasin to the
upstream sub-basin boundary (km)


Lca : length of water course from the downstream end of the subbasin to a
intersection on the stream perpendicular from the centroid of the subbasin



S: average basin slope (overall slope along longest water course from the
downstream to upstream ends of the subbasin)

The following table summarizes physical features of the sub-basins and computed lag times
for this practice model. The sub-basin features can be acquired from existing 1/50,000
NAMRIA topographic maps with a planimater or GIS. Especially, GIS is a convenient tool for
computing these features.

Table 3.2 Physical Parameters of Sub-basin and Lag Time

Sub- Highest Lowest Elev. Slope Lg

basin L Elev. Elev. Diff. S Lca Ct
(km) (El.m) (El.m) (m) (km) (hr) (min)
S-1 7.954 48 10 38 0.004777 4.20 0.35 2.52 150
S-2 4.145 30 10 20 0.004826 2.00 0.35 1.48 90
S-3 3.115 10 4 6 0.001926 1.60 0.35 1.45 90
S-4 4.018 32 4 28 0.006969 2.01 0.35 1.37 80
S-5 5.056 19 6 13 0.002571 2.45 0.35 1.94 120
Note : Data in this table are prepared for exercise purposes, and may differ from actual conditions.

3.2.3 SCS Unit Hydrograph Type Selection

Two types of the SCS unit hydrographs are available in HEC-HMS ver. 3.3, the “Standard”
and the “Delmarva” types. The “Standard” type is default and has widely been applied in the
Philippines and other countries. The “Delvarva” type of the SCS unit hydrograph is originally
developed for flat coastal plain areas in the US, and produces a hydrograph with flatter peak
and longer base than the standard type. A reference of the selection of type is as follows;

Standard Type : Urban areas

Mixed areas of urban and rural
Rural areas with average slope steeper than 0.5 per cent
Delvarva Type : Rural areas with average slope milder than 0.5 per cent

In this practice, the “Standard” type is applied to all sub-basins, because the sample basin is


3.3 Precipitation

Rainfall applied to the runoff analysis should be basin average rainfall, not point rainfall at a
certain rainfall gauging station. Besides, in order to compute runoff, hourly rainfall pattern
(hyetograph) of excess rain (effective rain) is required.

This manual briefly introduces a development procedure of a design hyetograph by the

alternating block method based on a rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (RIDF) curve. This
method is useful for areas where RIDF curves are available, but recorded hourly rainfall data
are not available. The attachment of this manual is an excel form to help users to develop a
hyetograph through this method. A soft copy of the form is available at FCSEC. Reference
5 supplies RIDF curves at major PAGASA synoptic stations. Uses are suggested to refer to
hydrology text books and other documents for further details and for other methodologies.

Using RIDF curves, a design hyetograph can be derived through the following steps.

(i) Develop hourly discharge distribution of rainfall from rainfall intensity-duration-frequency

(RIDF) curves at a rainfall station in or near the targeted basin

Procedures of developing a hyetograph from a RIDF curve are schematically shown below.
Rainfall Intensity - Duration
- Frequency Curve
(For example) A
R (mm/hr)

R= d1
b1 (C + T)
r (mm)

d2 d3
R : Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
T : Duration (min) d4
b2 d5
b3 A, B, C : Coefficient d6
1 Time (hr) Time

Rainfall Cum. Rain Hourly Rain

Duration Intensity for (a) hrs Position
from Eq. Incremental
T R (b)x(a) of (c)
(hr) (min) (mm/hr) (mm) (mm/hr)
(a) T (a') R (b) (c) (d)
1 60 (b1) (c1)=(b1)x1 (d1)=(c1) 13th (Center)
2 120 (b2) (c2)=(b2)x2 (d2)=(c2)-(c1) 12th
3 180 (b3) (c3)=(b3)x3 (d3)=(c3)-(c2) 14th
4 240 (b4) (c4)=(b4)x4 (d4)=(c4)-(c3) 11th
.... .... .... ... .... ....

24 1440 (b24) (c24)=(b24)x24 (d24)=(c24)-(c23) 1st

Figure 3.1 Developing Hyetograph from RIDF Curve

The curves at Port Area synoptic station are applied to this example. The following formulae
are provided as RIDF curves for the 10 and 25-year probable floods at Port Area rainfall
station in Reference 5.


10-year probable flood : R=
(89.62 + T )0.85
25-year probable flood : R=
(184.31 + T )1.02
where : T: Duration (min)
R: Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)

(ii) Convert point rainfall to basin rainfall using an area reduction factor

Daily or hourly scale of basin rainfall with a particular probability becomes smaller than point
rainfall, because intensive rainfall unlikely extends an entire river basin. Point rainfall can be
converted to basin rainfall using an area reduction factor defined by the following Horton’s

P = P0 × exp(−0.1 × (0.386 × A) 0.31 )

fa = P/Po : Area reduction factor

where : P: Areal rainfall (mm)
Po : Point rainfall (mm)
A: Catchment area (km2)

The catchment are of this practice model is 53.4 km2 as shown in Table 3.1. Hence, the
area reduction factor for this practice is;

fa = exp(−0.1 × (0.386 × 53.4) 0.31 ) = 0.774534

(iii) Deduct losses to compute the effective rainfall

Effective rainfall (excess rainfall) should ideally be analysed based on volume of rainfall and
runoff recorded during actual floods in or around the objective river basin. However, when
observed data are not available, effective rainfall needs to be estimated by different a method.

In the Philippines, significant rainfall which triggers major floods normally occurs after certain
amount of small to moderate rainfall. Lands are almost or completely saturated when a large
flood emerges under such conditions, and therefore, minimal losses should be considered.
For this practice, no loss is taken.

The hyetographs derived through the above procedures are summarized in the following
tables, and illustrated in the subsequent charts.


Table 3.3 Hourly Rainfall Values Derived by Alternating Block Method

(1) 10-year Probable Rainfall

R Cum. Rain Hourly Rain Design Hyetograph
Time Intensity for T hours Incremental Position Hourly Rainfall
(b)x(a) of (c) Hour Point Reduced
(a) (a') (b) (c) (d) Rainfall by fa
hour min mm/hr mm mm/hr mm/hr mm/hr
1 60 85.25 85.25 85.25 13 1 2.39 1.85
2 120 64.00 128.00 42.75 12 2 2.80 2.17
3 180 51.67 155.01 27.01 14 3 2.83 2.19
4 240 43.56 174.24 19.23 11 4 3.28 2.54
5 300 37.79 188.95 14.71 15 5 3.83 2.97
6 360 33.46 200.76 11.81 10 6 4.26 3.30
7 420 30.08 210.56 9.80 16 7 5.11 3.96
8 480 27.36 218.88 8.32 9 8 6.43 4.98
9 540 25.13 226.17 7.29 17 9 8.32 6.44
10 600 23.26 232.60 6.43 8 10 11.81 9.15
11 660 21.67 238.37 5.77 18 11 19.23 14.89
12 720 20.29 243.48 5.11 7 12 42.75 33.11
13 780 19.10 248.30 4.82 19 13 85.25 66.03
14 840 18.04 252.56 4.26 6 14 27.01 20.92
15 900 17.11 256.65 4.09 20 15 14.71 11.39
16 960 16.28 260.48 3.83 5 16 9.80 7.59
17 1020 15.52 263.84 3.36 21 17 7.29 5.65
18 1080 14.84 267.12 3.28 4 18 5.77 4.47
19 1140 14.23 270.37 3.25 22 19 4.82 3.73
20 1200 13.66 273.20 2.83 3 20 4.09 3.17
21 1260 13.14 275.94 2.74 23 21 3.36 2.60
22 1320 12.67 278.74 2.80 2 22 3.25 2.52
23 1380 12.23 281.29 2.55 24 23 2.74 2.12
24 1440 11.82 283.68 2.39 1 24 2.55 1.98
Total 283.68 219.72
(2) 25-year Probable Rainfall
R Cum. Rain Hourly Rain Design Hyetograph
Time Intensity for T hours Incremental Position Hourly Rainfall
(b)x(a) of (c) Hour Point Reduced
(a) (a') (b) (c) (d) Rainfall by fa
hour min mm/hr mm mm/hr mm/hr mm/hr
1 60 97.61 97.61 97.61 13 1 1.49 1.15
2 120 78.02 156.04 58.43 12 2 1.64 1.27
3 180 64.94 194.82 38.78 14 3 2.01 1.56
4 240 55.59 222.36 27.54 11 4 2.44 1.89
5 300 48.57 242.85 20.49 15 5 3.11 2.41
6 360 43.12 258.72 15.87 10 6 3.90 3.02
7 420 38.75 271.25 12.53 16 7 5.23 4.05
8 480 35.19 281.52 10.27 9 8 7.12 5.51
9 540 32.22 289.98 8.46 17 9 10.27 7.95
10 600 29.71 297.10 7.12 8 10 15.87 12.29
11 660 27.55 303.05 5.95 18 11 27.54 21.33
12 720 25.69 308.28 5.23 7 12 58.43 45.26
13 780 24.06 312.78 4.50 19 13 97.61 75.60
14 840 22.62 316.68 3.90 6 14 38.78 30.04
15 900 21.35 320.25 3.57 20 15 20.49 15.87
16 960 20.21 323.36 3.11 5 16 12.53 9.70
17 1020 19.18 326.06 2.70 21 17 8.46 6.55
18 1080 18.25 328.50 2.44 4 18 5.95 4.61
19 1140 17.41 330.79 2.29 22 19 4.50 3.49
20 1200 16.64 332.80 2.01 3 20 3.57 2.77
21 1260 15.94 334.74 1.94 23 21 2.70 2.09
22 1320 15.29 336.38 1.64 2 22 2.29 1.77
23 1380 14.69 337.87 1.49 24 23 1.94 1.50
24 1440 14.14 339.36 1.49 1 24 1.49 1.15
Total 339.36 262.85


80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50
Rainfall (mm/hr)

Rainfall (mm/hr)
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Time (hr) Time (hr)

(a) 10-year Probable Rain (b) 25-year Probable Rain

Figure 3.2 Design Hyetograph

3.4 Physical Features of River Reaches

The following table summarizes the features of river reaches, which are required for the
Muskingum-Conge method. These can be measured on existing 1/50,000 NAMRIA maps.

Table 3.4 Features of River Stretch

River Length Highest Lowest Ave. Basin
Name of Creek Difference
Reach (m) (El.m) (El.m) Slope
San Francisco River
C-7 (Junction with Dario 3115 10 4 6 0.001926
Note : Data in this table are prepared for exercise purposes, and may differ from actual conditions.

Other channel dimensions required for the method is estimated at as follows. These can be
obtained through averaging topographic survey results or actual conditions.

• Shape : Trapezoid
• Bottom width : 30m
• Side slope : 1 (Side slope of trapezoid. Units of horizontal distance per one unit of
vertical distance.)
• Manning’s n : 0.03


This chapter describes how to operate HEC-HMS software in order to accomplish the runoff
analysis using data prepared in the previous chapter.


The HEC-HMS computation consists of the following five steps. The operation of the
software at each step is explained in the subsections specified below.

(i) Starting HEC-HMS (Subsection 4.2)

(ii) Inputting data
• Basin and river reach data (Subsection 4.3)
• Precipitation data (Subsection 4.4)
(iii) Creating control specifications (Subsection 4.5)
(iv) Running simulation (Subsection 4.6)
(v) Viewing results (Subsection 4.7)

4.1 Preparing for the Software Operation

4.1.1 Notes on HEC-HMS Modelling

Before starting HEC-HMS modelling, users should keep the following aspects in mind.

• The formatting of dates and times is suggested to be set to “English (United States)”.
Using other formatting may cause errors in time series data of HEC-HMS. In order to
change the formatting, select Start (usually placed at the left bottom corner of the window
screen) ⇒ Control Panel ⇒ Regional and Language Options⇒ Region ⇒ select
“English (United States)”.
• For storing HEC-HMS data sets, one folder for one project is recommended to be created
prior to starting modelling. The route directory is a preferable location due to the
following reason.
• A long path to the folder where HEC-HMS files are saved might cause unexpected
problems. (For example, a model cannot be opened.) If users encounter unknown
problems, moving the folder to the root directory (e.g. C: ¥HEC-HMS_practice) could
solve them.

4.1.2 Installation Procedure

An installer “HEC-HMS_33_Setup.exe” can be downloaded on HEC website. Use the

following steps to install the software;

1) Double click on the downloaded installer of “HEC-HMS_33_Setup.exe”

2) Follow the setup instructions on the screen.

4.1.3 User Interface

The user interface of HEC-HMS ver. 3.3 consists of a menu bar, tool bar and four main panes
as shown in the following figure. All panes are empty when a new window is opened.


Source : HEC-HMS Quick Start Guide, September 2008, HEC

Figure 4.1 Panes on Project Definition Window (Main Window)

4.2 Starting HEC-HMS

4.2.1 Starting the Program

The program can be started by selecting Start (usually placed at the left bottom corner of the
window screen) ⇒ Programs ⇒ HEC ⇒ HEC-HMS ⇒ HEC-HMS 3.3 menu item, or by

double clicking the HEC-HMS icon on the desktop, if the short cut icon is there. The
empty Project Definition Window in Figure 4.2 appears when the program is started.

Figure 4.2 Project Definition Window (Main Window) (Empty)


4.2.2 Creating a New Project

A Project stores all HEC-HMS data sets including information of basins and precipitation. A
new project should be created to start modelling. From the menu bar of the HEC-HMS
Project Definition Window (Figure 4.2), select the File ⇒ New. The window shown below
pops up. The boxes appear initially empty. Input and select information as follows.

• Name : Input a name of a new project (e.g. Samp1SanJuan)

• Description : (This can be empty. A description can be added, when becomes
• Location : Click on the right, and select path to the folder which HEC-HMS
files should be stored in. (e.g. “c:¥HECHMS-practice”)
• Default Unit System : Metric

Figure 4.3 New Project Window

After all necessary information is supplied, click Create. The new project name is appears
on the “Watershed Explore” pane.

Default settings in basin and meteorologic models can be specified before formulating a
model. Go to Tools ⇒ Project Options to open the Project Option Window (Figure 4.4).
Then, select the following options for this practice. These will be used in new basin, reach
and meteorologic elements. Selections of each item for each element can be changed later
in input windows of each element.

• Unit System : Metric

• Loss : --- None ---
• Transform : SCS UH
• Baseflow : --- None ---
• Routine : Muskingum-Cunge
• Gain Loss: --- None ---
• Precipitation : Specified Hyetograph
• Evapotranspiration : --- None ---
• Snowmelt : --- None ---


Figure 4.4 Project Definition Window with a Project Name

and Project Options Window

Press the OK button to save and close the options.

(Note : No base flow is considered in this practice so that direct runoff caused by excess
rainfall can be presented clearly. However, base flow should be considered in actually runoff
analysis cases. It can be obtained from observed discharge data. When data are not
available, 0.05 m3/s/km2 can be applied. (See Technical Standard and Guidelines : Part 1

4.3 Inputting Subbasin and Reach Data to a Basin Model

4.3.1 Creating a Basin Model

The “Basin Model” of HEC-HMS is a place to store information of sub-basins and reaches
constituting a model.

In order to create a Basin Model, on the menu bar of the Project Definition Window, select
Components ⇒ Basin Model Manager ⇒ New. Type a river basin model name,
“SanJuanRiver” for this example, then press “Create”.


Figure 4.5 New Basin Model Window

After adding a new basin, close the Basin Model Manager Window by clicking .

The basin model name appears on the “Watershed Explorer” pane as shown in the following

Basin Model name appears

Explorer Desktop Pane

Figure 4.6 Project Definition Window with New Basin Model Name

4.3.2 Building a Basin Model Map

Hydrologic elements of sub-basins, reaches, reservoirs, junctions, diversions, sources and

sinks constitute a HEC-HMS basin model. Among the elements, sub-basins, reaches and
junctions are used for this example model. Functions of the three elements are summarized
in the following table, and a table in page 31 of HEC-HMS User’s Manual describes all
elements. Element icons can be found on the tool bar above the Watershed Explorer (see
Figure 4.7). They can be activated by clicking a concerned basin model name,
“SanJuanRiver” for this practice, on the Watershed Explorer (see Figure 4.7).


Table 4.1 Function of Major Basin Model Elements

Icons on Tool Name Descriptions

Bar *
Subbasin This is used to present physical subbasins in the modelled river
basin. Rainfall is transformed to runoff in the subbasin.
Precipitation losses and baseflow can also be considered.
Reach This is used to model rivers and streams. A reach can receive
outflow from more than one Subbasins. Translation and
attenuation of flood waves can be computed.
Junction This is used to combine Subbasins and Reaches. Outflow from
more than one elements is summed at the junction.
Note : * Icons on tool bar above the Watershed Explorer. See Figure 4.7.

A HEC-HMS basin model for the “SabJuanRiver” model should be developed as in the
following figure based on the basin diagram in Figure 2.2, using five subbasin (S-1 to S-5),
one reach (C-7) and three junction (Junction-1 to Junction-3) elements.

Click Basin Model name to

activate element icons


Desktop Pane


Figure 4.7 Basin Model Window (Example : San Juan River)

In order to develop a basin model map, elements should be added on the Desktop Pane firstly.
Then, they should be connected each other to formulate a flow network system though the
following procedures.


(1) Add elements

(i) On the tool bar, push and activate an icon of an element to be added (see Figure
(ii) On the Desktop Pane, move the mouse and click at a targeted position where the
desired element is to be added,
(iii) Input a name (e.g. S-1) of the element (Subbasin, Reach or Junction), and then
press “Create”,

(iv) Repeat (i) to (iii) to add all elements. (S-1 to S-5, C-7, and Junction-1 to Junction-3)

(2) Connect elements

(i) Click on the icon on the tool bar to activate it,

(ii) Click on the desired element (S-1 to S-5, C-7, or Junction-1 to Junction-3) on the
Watershed Explorer (or click the element icon on the Desktop Pane) to activate the
Component Editor,
(iii) On the Component Editor, select the Subbasin tab for Subbasins, the Reach tab for
Reaches, or the Junction tab for Junctions,
(iv) On the “Downstream” cell, select a Junction or Reach to be connected on
downstream of the current element, (see Figure 4.8. For example, Subbasin S-1
should be connected to Junction-1. Junction-1 should be connected to Reach C-7,
Reach C-7 to Junction-2, Junction-2 to Junction-3, S-3 to Junction-2 and so on.)

(v) Repeat (ii) to (iv) to connect all elements.

Elements are connected with each other by fine lines as follows.


Figure 4.8 A Sample Basin Network Model (Upstream of San Juan River)

4.3.3 Entering Element Data (Subbasin and Reach)

Then, data of each element (Subbasin and Reach) should be input with the following

(i) Click on the icon on the tool bar

(ii) In order to activate the Element Data Input Window, click one of element names
(Subbasin or Reach) on the Watershed Explorer (or click the element icon on the
Desktop Pane). A window shown in the following figure (an example for Subbasin
S-1) opens on the Component Editor.

Figure 4.9 Element Data Input Window (Component Editor)

(iii) Input element data in Tables 4.2 and 4.3.

(iv) Repeat (ii) to (iii) to connect all elements.


Table 4.2 Element Data (Subbasin)

Tab Subbasin Transform

Sub- Area Loss Transform method Baseflow Graph Lag Time
basin (km2) *1 method method Type*3 (min) *2
S-1 22.8 ---None--- SCS Unit Hydrograph ---None--- Standard 150
S-2 10.4 ---None--- SCS Unit Hydrograph ---None--- Standard 90
S-3 2.1 ---None--- SCS Unit Hydrograph ---None--- Standard 90
S-4 9.8 ---None--- SCS Unit Hydrograph ---None--- Standard 80
S-5 8.3 ---None--- SCS Unit Hydrograph ---None--- Standard 120
Note : *1: see Tables 3.1, *2: see Table 3.2, and *3: see Subsection 3.2.3

Table 4.3 Element Data (Reach)

Tab Reach Routing *1

Reach Routing Loss/ Length Slope Man Invert Shape Bottom Side
Method Gain (m) ning’ (m) width slope
method sn (m)
C-7 Musking --None-- 3115 0.001926 0.03 (empty) Trapez 30 1
um- oid
Note : *1 : see Section 3.4

After completing element data input, go to File ⇒ Save, in order to save the data.

4.4 Entering Precipitation Data

In order to make the HEC-HMS model recognize rainfall data, design hyetograph data (hourly
rainfall values) should be input in Time Series Data, firstly. Then, the hyetograph applied to
each sub-basin should be specified by a Meteorologic Model.

4.4.1 Creating Time-Series Data and Input Design Hyetograph Data

For this practice, hyetographs for 10-year rainfall and 25-year rainfall are used. Hence, two
separate Time Series Data, named Rain-10y and Rain-25y respectively, should be prepared.

(i) On the menu bar of the Project Definition Window, select Components ⇒ Time-Series
Data Manager ⇒ Select Data Type of “Precipitation Gauges” ⇒ New. Specify a
rainfall time-series data set name, “Rain-10y” for the first example, then press “Create”.
(ii) Close the Time-Series Data Manager window by clicking .
(iii) On the Watershed Explorer Pane, click a yellow icon under the “Time-Series Data” –
“Precipitation Gages” – “Rain-10y” folder to activate the Component Editor (see Figure
4.10). Then, the following information should be input on the Component Editor.


Figure 4.10 Time Series Data Component Editor

• “Time-Series Gage” tab

¾ Data Source : Manual Entry (= use a hyetograph prepared by users beforehand)
¾ Units : Incremental Millimeters
¾ Time Interval : 1 Hour (= a time interval of design hyetograph data)
• “Time Window” tab
¾ Start Date : 01Jan2000
¾ Start Time : 00:00
¾ End Date : 02Jan2000
¾ End Time : 0:00 (= design hyetographs for this example have 24 time steps as
in Table 4.4.)
• “Table” tab
¾ Input the design hyetograph data in the following table. Users be aware that, as in
Figure 4.11, the first cell of the “Precipitation (MM)” (01Jan2000, 00:00) cannot accept
data input.


Table 4.4 Hourly Rainfall Data (Design Hyetograph)

10-year Rain 25-year Rain
Hour Rain Hour Rain
mm/hr mm/hr
1 1.85 1 1.15
2 2.17 2 1.27
3 2.19 3 1.56
4 2.54 4 1.89
5 2.97 5 2.41
6 3.30 6 3.02
7 3.96 7 4.05
8 4.98 8 5.51
9 6.44 9 7.95
10 9.15 10 12.29
11 14.89 11 21.33
12 33.11 12 45.26
13 66.03 13 75.60
14 20.92 14 30.04
15 11.39 15 15.87
16 7.59 16 9.70
17 5.65 17 6.55
18 4.47 18 4.61
19 3.73 19 3.49
20 3.17 20 2.77
21 2.60 21 2.09
22 2.52 22 1.77
23 2.12 23 1.50
24 1.98 24 1.15
Total 219.72 Total 262.83
Note : See Table 3.3

Figure 4.11 Example of Inputted Hourly Rainfall Data

(iv) A design hyetograph chart is automatically presented on the “Graph” tab page.
(v) Repeat (i) to (iv) for 25-year probable rainfall (Rain-25y).


4.4.2 Creating a Meteorologic Model

A Meteorologic Model relates Time Series Data containing design hydrographs with
subbasins. For this practice, a separate Meteorologic Model should be prepared for 10-year
and 25-year probable rainfalls (e.g. Meteo-10y and Meteo-25y), through the following

(i) On the menu bar of the Project Definition Window, select Components ⇒
Meteorologic Model Manager ⇒ New. Type a new rainfall data set name,
“Meteo-10y” for the first example, then press “Create” as in the following figure.

Figure 4.12 Meteologic Data Manager

(ii) Close the Meteorologic Model Manager window by clicking .

(iii) On the Watershed Explorer Pane, click the “Meteo-10y” icon under the “Meteorologic
Models” folder in order to activate the Component Editor. Then, the following
information should be input.
• “Meteorologic Model” tab
¾ Precipitation : Specific Hyetograph
¾ Evapotranspiration : ---None---
¾ Snowmelt : ---None---
¾ Unit System : Metric
• “Basins” tab
¾ Basin Model : SanJuanRiver Include Subbasins : “Yes”
(iv) Then, click the “Specified Hyetograph” icon under the “Meteo-10y” icon on the
Watershed Explorer, in order to input the following information.
• “Subbasins” tab
¾ For all Subbasins, select “Rain-10y” in cells of the Gage column as in the following


(v) Repeat (i) to (iv) for 25 year probable rainfall. The Meteorologic Model name should be
Meteo-25y, and “Gage”s (Time Series Data) applied to subbasins should be Rain-25y.

Successful procedures create two Meteorologic Model icons (Meteo-10y and Meteo-25y) and
two Time-Series Data icons (Rain-10y and Rain-25y) on the Watershed Explorer as in the
following figure.

Figure 4.13 Watershed Explorer Pane after Inputting Rainfall Data

4.5 Creating Control Specifications

The Control Specifications define start and end times and the time interval of the simulation.
The two cases (10-year and 25-year) of this practice model can share one Control
Specifications setting.

Select Components ⇒ Control Specifications Manager ⇒ New on the menu bar of the
Project Definition Window. Input a Control Specification data name, “Control 1” for this
example, then press “Create”. Close the Meteorologic Model Manager window by
clicking .

The “Control Specifications” folder and the “Control 1” icon are created as in the following


Figure 4.14 Watershed Explorer Pane with Control Specifications Icon

On the Watershed Explorer Pane, click the “Control 1” icon under the “Control
Specifications” folder in order to activate the “Control Specifications” tab in Figure 4.15.
Then, the required information should be input as follows.

• “Control Specifications” tab

¾ See the following figure. The format of dates and times should also be followed.

Note : Times should be expressed by 24-hour clock time instead of AM or PM notation.

Figure 4.15 Control Specifications Data

For this practice, the start date and time is set at the initial time of the design hyetograph.
The end date and time was determined to secure 24 hours of a simulation period sufficiently
long in consideration of the precipitation period (24 hours for this practice) and the time lag of
a hydrograph (delay of the presence of peak discharge from peak rainfall.)

The time interval needs to be shorter than 0.29 x Lag time (see Table 4.2), and should be a
divisor of the time interval of the hyetograph data (1 hour for this example case). Hence, for
this practice model, 20 minutes should be applied. (0.29 x 80 min. = 23.2 min., say 20 min.)

4.6 Running Simulation

4.6.1 Creating Simulation Run Configuration

The “Simulation Run” configuration defines simulation cases according to a combination of a

Basin Model and a Meteorologic Model. For this practice, two cases will be prepared. One


case use 10-year probable rainfall (Meteo-10y), while the other one receives 25-year
probable rainfall (Meteo-25y). The two cases share the “SanJuanRiver” Basin Model.

In order to create a new Simulation Run configuration, on the menu bar of the Project
Definition Window, select Compute ⇒ Create Simulation Run. Input a new Simulation
Run name, “TestRun10y” for the first case, then press “Next”. Following the instruction,
select a combination of data sets as follows.

• Basin Model : SanJuanRiver

• Meteorologic Model : Meteo-10y
• Control Specifications : Control-1

A new “TestRun10y” icon is created on the “Compute” tab page of the Watershed Explorer
Pane. (see Figure 4.16)

Then, repeat the same procedures for the second case applying the following information.

• Simulation Run name : TestRun25y

• Basin Model : SanJuanRiver
• Meteorologic Model : Meteo-25y
• Control Specifications : Control-1

With the completion of the above procedures, two Simulation Run icons are displayed on the
Watershed Explorer Pane as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4.16 Simulation Runs

The following information should be confirmed. If a ratio is used for either Precipitation or
Discharge, outflow values are multiplied by the ratio value specified in this page.


• “Ratio” tab
¾ Ratio Method : No Ratio

4.6.2 Run Simulation

In order to select the simulation case, go to Compute ⇒ Select Run ⇒ TestRun10y (or
TestRun25y) on the menu bar of the Project Definition Window.

Then, to start simulation, select Compute ⇒ Compute Run [TestRun10y] (or Compute Run

[TestRun25y] ) on the menu bar of the Project Definition Window, or click on the tool

4.7 Viewing the Results

Results can be accessed on the “Results” tab page of the Watershed Explorer Pane. In
order to view results, click one of result type icons, such as “Graph” and “Summary Table”
under the “Simulation Results” – simulation run name (e.g. TestRun10y) – element name (e.g.
S-1) folder.

Figure 4.17 Simulation Results (Graph at a Junction)

By clicking icons of different elements and different result types on the Watershed Explorer
Pane, simulation results at different points can be presented with different forms on the
Desktop Pane. Examples are as follows.


Figure 4.18 Example of Result Form : Summary Table at a Junction

Figure 4.19 Example of Result Form : Time-Series Table at a Junction

Figure 4.20 Example of Result Form : Direct Runoff from a Subbasin



Simulation results by the software cannot be utilized for subsequent analyses without
evaluation. The software can complete simulation without providing error messages, but a
model still may have to be modified or adjusted.

When data are available, simulation results should be compared with observed discharge
hydrographs as displayed in the following figure. Parameters in a simulation model, such as
a lag time for the SCS unit hydrograph, should be adjusted to explore a best fit of two



Discharge (m3/s)





11/1 12/1 13/1 14/1 15/1 16/1 17/1 18/1 19/1 20/1 21/1 22/1 23/1 24/1 25/1 26/1 27/1 28/1 29/1

Figure 5.1 Example of Calibration of Hyetograph

When observed data are not adequately available for the calibration, specific discharge is one
of convenient references for checking simulation results. Specific discharge of the peak of a
hydrograph derived by the HEC-HMS computation should not be too far from ones of
recorded discharges in adjacent areas. Reference 5 provides charts of average specific
discharges for various return periods in the Philippines. The following figure shows one

Figure 5.2 Example of Specific Discharge Chart



1. HEC, USACE, “HEC-HMS Quick Start Guide ver. 3.3”, September 2008

2. HEC, USACE, “HEC-HMS User’s Manual ver. 3.3”, September 2008

3. HEC, USACE, “HEC-HMS Technical Reference Manual”, March 2000

4. HEC, USACE, “HEC-HMS Applications Guide”, March 2008

5. PMO-FCSEC, DPWH, “Specific Discharge Curve, Rainfall Intensity Duration Curve,

Isohyeto of Probable 1-day Rainfall, March 2003

6. National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), “National Engineering Handbook,

Part 630: Hydrology, Chapter 16: Hydrographs”, March 2007

Retrieved Sep., 2009 from


7. Lin, Steve S.T. and Perkins, William At, “Technical Memorandum DER 270: Review of
Pre-developed Runoff Analysis Methods volume I”, .Water Resources Division,
Resource Planning Department, south Florida Water Management District , April 1989

Retrieved Sep., 2009 from


Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form
-Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph
by Alternating Block Method-

A MS Excel file for this form is available at FCSEC.

Forms in this attachment are examples of 25-year
probable rainfall (5-year probable rainfall, only for
Method 4). For Methods 1 to 3, hyetographs for 2,
5, 10, 25, 50 and 100-year probable rainfall can be
produced automatically in one file.

Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

Basic Information : River Basin Name Practice

Catchment Area (km2) * 53.4
* : Catchment area of the total of all sub-basins
After filling two yellow cells above, then go to sheet "02Method".

Notes :

- This form helps users to develop hourly rainfall hyetographs by the Alternating Block
Method .

- Black ltr. and Blue ltr. Yellow cells: Requiring manual input.

- Black ltr. and Blue ltr. Clear cells: Automatically filled.

- Values in Blue ltr. and Blue ltr. should be utilized as inputs for
the runoff analysis with HEC-HMS.
- Black ltr. Shaded cells: Descriptions only.
Information in these cells are not used for computations.

References :

1 RIDF of Selected Synoptic PAGASA Station, Attachment 4.3 of "Specific Discharge

Curve, Rainfall Intensity Duration Curve, Isohyet of Probable 1-day Rainfall ", FCSEC,
March 2003
2 Iso-specific Coefficient, Attachment 4.4 of "Specific Discharge Curve, Rainfall Intensity
Duration Curve, Isohyet of Probable 1-day Rainfall ", FCSEC, March 2003

3 Isohyet of Probable 1-Day Rainfall, Attachment 4.5 of "Specific Discharge Curve, Rainfall
Intensity Duration Curve, Isohyet of Probable 1-day Rainfall ", FCSEC, March 2003

Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method
This work worksheet requires no data input
by users.
1. List of PAGASA Synoptic Station Having FCSEC's RDIF Curve
(RDIF curves are presented in Reference 1)
No. Sta. ID Station Region
1 222 Vigan Ilocos Sur
2 223 Laoag Ilocos Norte
3 232 Aparri Cagayan
4 233 Tuguegarao Cagayan
5 324 Iba Zambales
6 325 Dagupan City Pangasinan
7 328 Baguio City Benguet
8 330 Cabanatuan Nueva Ecija
9 333 Baler Quezon
10 425 Port Area Manila
11 427 Tayabas Quezon
12 429 NAIA (MIA) Pasay City
13 430 Science Garden Quezon City
14 432 Ambulong Batangas
15 434 Infanta Quezon
16 435 Alabat Quezon
17 440 Daet Camarines Norte
18 444 Legaspi City Albay
19 446 Virac Rader Catanduanes
20 526 Coron
21 531 San Jose Occidental Mindoro
22 536 Romblon Romblon
23 538 Roxas City Aklan
24 543 Masbate Masbate
25 546 Catarman Northern Samar
26 548 Catbalogan Western Samar
27 550 Tacloban City Layte
28 558 Guiuan Eastern Samar
29 618 Puerto Prinsesa Palawan
30 630 Cuyo Palawan
31 637 Iloilo City Iloilo
32 642 Dumaguete City Negros Oriental
33 644 Tagbilaran Boholl
34 646 Mactan International Airport Cebu
35 648 Maasin Southern Layte
36 653 Surigao Surigao del Norte
37 741 Dipolog Zamboanga del Norte
38 748 Cagayan de Oro Misamis Oriental
39 751 Malaybalay Bukidnon
40 753 Davao City Davao del Sur
41 755 Hinatuan Surigao del Sur
42 826 Zamboanga City Zamboanga del Sur
43 851 General Santos
Example of Method 1
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

2. Coefficients for Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (RIDF) Curve

(1) Selection of Methods : Selection is OK.
Tick with "x" one of four methods accorting to your selection.
x Method 1: Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at one of PAGASA synoptic stations on sheet "01StList"
Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient and isohyet of probable 1-day rain
Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")

(2-1) Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station

This method is selected now.
* : Select one station ID from the table on sheet "01StList"
PAGASA Synoptic Station Station ID* 425 Name Port Area
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (from Reference 1)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 1 4860.10 27.70 1.02 1 5426.08 58.15 0.92 Type 1 :
5 1 16524.97 74.85 1.24 1 17502.14 185.91 1.02 A
R =
10 1 27293.72 107.26 1.32 2 6017.42 89.62 0.85 (C +T b
25 1 48845.51 167.53 1.43 2 26620.00 184.31 1.02 Type 2 :
50 1 69763.09 219.71 1.49 2 35363.86 200.22 1.05 A
100 1 82036.77 236.28 1.51 2 49935.14 221.44 1.08 (C + T )b
** : Short duration curves are not applicable to this form.

(2-2) Method 2 : Manual input of coefficients for RIDF curves

This method is NOT selected now.
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (Manual Input)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 Short duration curves are not Type 1 :
5 applicable to this form. A
R =
10 (C +T b
25 Type 2 :
50 A
100 (C + T )b

(2-3) Method 3 : Iso-specific Coefficient and Isohyeto of Probable 1-day Rainfall

This method is NOT selected now.
Location Interested
Specific Coefficient β (from Reference 2) b (=log β/(log24-log1))
Probable 1-day Rainfall Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
(from Reference 3) R (mm)
1-day Rainfall Intensity Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
I24 = R/24 I24 (mm/hr)
b b
Rainfall Intensity for ⎛ 24 ⎞ ⎛ 24 ⎞ R
I t = ⎜ ⎟ × I 24 = ⎜ ⎟ ×
Duration t (hours) It (mm/hr) ⎝ t ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ 24
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A (=I24) C (=24) b t (hr)
2 Short duration curves are not 3 24 Type 3 :
applicable to this form. b
5 3 24
⎛C ⎞
10 3 24 R = ⎜ ⎟ A
⎝ t ⎠
25 3 24
50 3 24 A = I 24
100 3 24 C = 24

(2-4) Method 4 : Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")
Example of Method 1 03R25yr
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

Selected Method
X Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station
Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient & isohyet of probable 1-day rain
Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (This sheet is not used. Go to Sheet "04Method4")

3-4.(1) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Total Rainfall) (25-year Probable Rain)

Return Period (Year) 25 PAGASA Synoptic Station 425 Port Area
RIDF Curve Type 2 Coefficients A 26620 C 184.31 b 1.02
Storm (Rainfall) Duration for Runoff Analysis (Select from "7", "13" or "24" hours) 24
Duration Intensity Cumula- Incremen- Hourly Rainfall Distribution
Design Hyetograph
(hour) (mm/hr) tive (mm) tal (mm/hr) by Alternating Block Method
(Total Rain, Point Rainfall)
a c d=c*a 7 hour 13 hour 24 hour
1 97.61 97.61 97.61 1.49
2 78.02 156.04 58.43 1.64
3 64.94 194.82 38.78 2.01
4 55.59 222.36 27.54 2.44
5 48.57 242.85 20.49 3.11
6 43.12 258.72 15.87 3.90
Rainfall (mm/hr)

7 38.75 271.25 12.53 5.23
8 35.19 281.52 10.27 7.12
9 32.22 289.98 8.46 10.27
10 29.71 297.10 7.12 15.87
11 27.55 303.05 5.95 27.54 20

12 25.69 308.28 5.23 58.43 10

13 24.06 312.78 4.50 97.61 0

7 13 24
14 22.62 316.68 3.90 38.78 Time (hour)
15 21.35 320.25 3.57 20.49
16 20.21 323.36 3.11 12.53
17 19.18 326.06 2.70 8.46
18 18.25 328.50 2.44 5.95
19 17.41 330.79 2.29 4.50
20 16.64 332.80 2.01 3.57
21 15.94 334.74 1.94 2.70
22 15.29 336.38 1.64 2.29
23 14.69 337.87 1.49 1.94
24 14.14 339.36 1.49 1.49
Total 339.36
Note : The above rainfall amount is the total rainfall, and losses are not considered.
An area reduction factor for Method 1 (and for Methods 2 and 4, according to conditions) are not considered yet

Area reduction factor should be manually input on Table (2).

Example of Method 1 03R25yr

Data Input Format for HEC-HMS

3-4.(2) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Excess Rain with Area Reduction)

Name of River Practice Return Period (Year) 25 Rainfall Duration (hour) 24
C. A. (km ) * 53.4 * :The total catchment area of all sub-basins.
Area Reduction Factor fa 0.7745
Area Reduction Factor fa for Method 1: Value computed in the above cell
Applied 0.7745 for Method 2: 1.0 or value in the above cell (case-by-case)
for Method 3: 1.0
Manual Input

Time Total Rain Loss Excess Rain

Design Hyetograph
(adjusted by fa) (%)
(Excess Rain, Basin Rainfall)
(hour) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) to total
1 1.15 0.00 1.15 0.44%
2 1.27 0.00 1.27 0.48% 80

3 1.56 0.00 1.56 0.59%

4 1.89 0.00 1.89 0.72% 70
5 2.41 0.00 2.41 0.92%
6 3.02 0.00 3.02 1.15% 60
7 4.05 0.00 4.05 1.54%
8 5.51 0.00 5.51 2.10% 50
9 7.95 0.00 7.95 3.02%

Rainfall (mm/hr)
10 12.29 0.00 12.29 4.68% 40
11 21.33 0.00 21.33 8.12%
12 45.25 0.00 45.25 17.22% 30
13 75.60 0.00 75.60 28.77%
14 30.04 0.00 30.04 11.43%
15 15.87 0.00 15.87 6.04%
16 9.70 0.00 9.70 3.69%
17 6.55 0.00 6.55 2.49%
18 4.61 0.00 4.61 1.75%
19 3.49 0.00 3.49 1.33%
7 13 24
20 2.76 0.00 2.76 1.05% Time (hour)
21 2.09 0.00 2.09 0.80%
22 1.77 0.00 1.77 0.67%
23 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.57%
24 1.15 0.00 1.15 0.44%
Total 262.81 0.00 262.81 100.0%
Max. 75.60 0.00 75.60 28.77%

HEC-HMS Input Data

Example of Method 2
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

2. Coefficients for Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (RIDF) Curve

(1) Selection of Methods : Selection is OK.
Tick with "x" one of four methods accorting to your selection.
Method 1: Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at one of PAGASA synoptic stations on sheet "01StList"
x Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient and isohyet of probable 1-day rain
Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")

(2-1) Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station

This method is NOT selected now.
* : Select one station ID from the table on sheet "01StList"
PAGASA Synoptic Station Station ID* Name
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (from Reference 1)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 Type 1 :
5 A
R =
10 (C + T b
25 Type 2 :
50 A
100 (C + T )b
** : Short duration curves are not applicable to this form.

(2-2) Method 2 : Manual input of coefficients for RIDF curves

This method is selected now.
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (Manual Input)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 Short duration curves are not
2 459.44 0.00 0.58 Type 1 :
5 applicable to this form. 2 649.58 0.00 0.56 A
R =
10 2 3532.97 89.00 0.77 (C +T b
25 2 8073.72 133.50 0.85 Type 2 :
50 2 26845.54 216.66 1.00 A
100 2 27489.24 209.17 0.99 (C + T )b

(2-3) Method 3 : Iso-specific Coefficient and Isohyeto of Probable 1-day Rainfall

This method is NOT selected now.
Location Interested
Specific Coefficient β (from Reference 2) b (=log β/(log24-log1))
Probable 1-day Rainfall Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
(from Reference 3) R (mm)
1-day Rainfall Intensity Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
I24 = R/24 I24 (mm/hr)
b b
Rainfall Intensity for ⎛ 24 ⎞ ⎛ 24 ⎞ R
I t = ⎜ ⎟ × I 24 = ⎜ ⎟ ×
Duration t (hours) It (mm/hr) ⎝ t ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ 24
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A (=I24) C (=24) b t (hr)
2 Short duration curves are not 3 24 Type 3 :
applicable to this form. b
5 3 24
⎛C ⎞
10 3 24 R = ⎜ ⎟ A
⎝ t ⎠
25 3 24
50 3 24 A = I 24
100 3 24 C = 24

(2-4) Method 4 : Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")
Example of Method 2 03R25yr
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

Selected Method
Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station
X Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient & isohyet of probable 1-day rain
Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (This sheet is not used. Go to Sheet "04Method4")

3-4.(1) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Total Rainfall) (25-year Probable Rain)

Return Period (Year) 25 PAGASA Synoptic Station - ---
RIDF Curve Type 2 Coefficients A 8073.72 C 133.50 b 0.85
Storm (Rainfall) Duration for Runoff Analysis (Select from "7", "13" or "24" hours) 24
Duration Intensity Cumula- Incremen- Hourly Rainfall Distribution
Design Hyetograph
(hour) (mm/hr) tive (mm) tal (mm/hr) by Alternating Block Method
(Total Rain, Point Rainfall)
a c d=c*a 7 hour 13 hour 24 hour
1 91.92 91.92 91.92 3.52
2 73.06 146.12 54.20 3.96
3 60.99 182.97 36.85 4.33
4 52.56 210.24 27.27 4.85
5 46.31 231.55 21.31 5.49 70

6 41.47 248.82 17.27 6.51 60

Rainfall (mm/hr)

7 37.62 263.34 14.52 7.66 50

8 34.47 275.76 12.42 9.54

9 31.84 286.56 10.80 12.42
10 29.61 296.10 9.54 17.27
11 27.70 304.70 8.60 27.27
12 26.03 54.20 10
312.36 7.66
13 24.57 319.41 7.05 91.92 0
7 13 24
14 23.28 325.92 6.51 36.85 Time (hour)
15 22.13 331.95 6.03 21.31
16 21.09 337.44 5.49 14.52
17 20.15 342.55 5.11 10.80
18 19.30 347.40 4.85 8.60
19 18.53 352.07 4.67 7.05
20 17.82 356.40 4.33 6.03
21 17.16 360.36 3.96 5.11
22 16.56 364.32 3.96 4.67
23 16.00 368.00 3.68 3.96
24 15.48 371.52 3.52 3.68
Total 371.52
Note : The above rainfall amount is the total rainfall, and losses are not considered.
An area reduction factor for Method 1 (and for Methods 2 and 4, according to conditions) are not considered yet

Area reduction factor should be manually input on Table (2).

Example of Method 2 03R25yr

Data Input Format for HEC-HMS

3-4.(2) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Excess Rain with Area Reduction)

Name of River Practice Return Period (Year) 25 Rainfall Duration (hour) 24
C. A. (km ) * 53.4 * :The total catchment area of all sub-basins.
Area Reduction Factor fa 0.7745
Area Reduction Factor fa for Method 1: Value computed in the above cell
Applied 0.7745 for Method 2: 1.0 or value in the above cell (case-by-case)
for Method 3: 1.0
Manual Input

Time Total Rain Loss Excess Rain

Design Hyetograph
(adjusted by fa) (%)
(Excess Rain, Basin Rainfall)
(hour) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) to total
1 2.73 0.00 2.73 0.95%
2 3.07 0.00 3.07 1.07% 80

3 3.35 0.00 3.35 1.16%

4 3.76 0.00 3.76 1.31% 70
5 4.25 0.00 4.25 1.48%
6 5.04 0.00 5.04 1.75% 60
7 5.93 0.00 5.93 2.06%
8 7.39 0.00 7.39 2.57% 50
9 9.62 0.00 9.62 3.34%

Rainfall (mm/hr)
10 13.38 0.00 13.38 4.65% 40
11 21.12 0.00 21.12 7.34%
12 41.98 0.00 41.98 14.59% 30
13 71.19 0.00 71.19 24.74%
14 28.54 0.00 28.54 9.92%
15 16.50 0.00 16.50 5.73%
16 11.25 0.00 11.25 3.91%
17 8.36 0.00 8.36 2.91%
18 6.66 0.00 6.66 2.31%
19 5.46 0.00 5.46 1.90%
7 13 24
20 4.67 0.00 4.67 1.62% Time (hour)
21 3.96 0.00 3.96 1.38%
22 3.62 0.00 3.62 1.26%
23 3.07 0.00 3.07 1.07%
24 2.85 0.00 2.85 0.99%
Total 287.75 0.00 287.75 100.0%
Max. 71.19 0.00 71.19 24.74%

HEC-HMS Input Data

Example of Method 3
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

2. Coefficients for Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (RIDF) Curve

(1) Selection of Methods : Selection is OK.
Tick with "x" one of four methods accorting to your selection.
Method 1: Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at one of PAGASA synoptic stations on sheet "01StList"
Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
x Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient and isohyet of probable 1-day rain
Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")

(2-1) Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station

This method is NOT selected now.
* : Select one station ID from the table on sheet "01StList"
PAGASA Synoptic Station Station ID* Name
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (from Reference 1)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 Type 1 :
5 A
R =
10 (C + T b
25 Type 2 :
50 A
100 (C + T )b
** : Short duration curves are not applicable to this form.

(2-2) Method 2 : Manual input of coefficients for RIDF curves

This method is NOT selected now.
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (Manual Input)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 Short duration curves are not Type 1 :
5 applicable to this form. A
R =
10 (C +T b
25 Type 2 :
50 A
100 (C + T )b

(2-3) Method 3 : Iso-specific Coefficient and Isohyeto of Probable 1-day Rainfall

This method is selected now.
Location Interested Batangas
Specific Coefficient β (from Reference 2) 7.3 b (=log β/(log24-log1)) 0.626
Probable 1-day Rainfall Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
(from Reference 3) R (mm) 155 230 270 330 365 400
1-day Rainfall Intensity Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
I24 = R/24 I24 (mm/hr) 6.458 9.583 11.250 13.750 15.208 16.667
b b
Rainfall Intensity for ⎛ 24 ⎞ ⎛ 24 ⎞ R
I t = ⎜ ⎟ × I 24 = ⎜ ⎟ ×
Duration t (hours) It (mm/hr) ⎝ t ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ 24
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A (=I24) C (=24) b t (hr)
2 Short duration curves are not 3 6.458 24 0.626 Type 3 :
applicable to this form. b
5 3 9.583 24 0.626
⎛C ⎞
10 3 11.250 24 0.626 R = ⎜ ⎟ A
⎝ t ⎠
25 3 13.750 24 0.626
50 3 15.208 24 0.626 A = I 24
100 3 16.667 24 0.626 C = 24

(2-4) Method 4 : Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")
Example of Method 3 03R25yr
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

Selected Method
Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station
Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
X Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient & isohyet of probable 1-day rain
Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (This sheet is not used. Go to Sheet "04Method4")

3-4.(1) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Total Rainfall) (25-year Probable Rain)

Return Period (Year) 25 PAGASA Synoptic Station - ---
RIDF Curve Type 3 Coefficients A 13.75 C 24.00 b 0.63
Storm (Rainfall) Duration for Runoff Analysis (Select from "7", "13" or "24" hours) 24
Duration Intensity Cumula- Incremen- Hourly Rainfall Distribution
Design Hyetograph
(hour) (mm/hr) tive (mm) tal (mm/hr) by Alternating Block Method
(Total Rain, Point Rainfall)
a c d=c*a 7 hour 13 hour 24 hour
1 101.82 101.82 101.82 5.24
2 65.79 131.58 29.76 5.28
3 50.96 152.88 21.30 5.73
4 42.51 170.04 17.16 6.11
5 36.94 184.70 14.66 6.65
6 32.93 197.58 12.88 7.35
Rainfall (mm/hr)

7 29.88 209.16 11.58 8.08
8 27.47 219.76 10.60 9.11
9 25.51 229.59 9.83 10.60
10 23.87 238.70 9.11 12.88
11 22.48 247.28 8.58 17.16 20

12 21.28 255.36 8.08 29.76 10

13 20.23 262.99 7.63 101.82 0

7 13 24
14 19.31 270.34 7.35 21.30 Time (hour)
15 18.49 277.35 7.01 14.66
16 17.75 284.00 6.65 11.58
17 17.09 290.53 6.53 9.83
18 16.48 296.64 6.11 8.58
19 15.93 302.67 6.03 7.63
20 15.42 308.40 5.73 7.01
21 14.96 314.16 5.76 6.53
22 14.52 319.44 5.28 6.03
23 14.12 324.76 5.32 5.76
24 13.75 330.00 5.24 5.32
Total 330.00
Note : The above rainfall amount is the total rainfall, and losses are not considered.
An area reduction factor for Method 1 (and for Methods 2 and 4, according to conditions) are not considered yet

Area reduction factor should be manually input on Table (2).

Example of Method 3 03R25yr

Data Input Format for HEC-HMS

3-4.(2) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Excess Rain with Area Reduction)

Name of River Practice Return Period (Year) 25 Rainfall Duration (hour) 24
C. A. (km ) * 53.4 * :The total catchment area of all sub-basins.
Area Reduction Factor fa 0.7745
Area Reduction Factor fa for Method 1: Value computed in the above cell
Applied 1.0000 for Method 2: 1.0 or value in the above cell (case-by-case)
for Method 3: 1.0
Manual Input

Time Total Rain Loss Excess Rain

Design Hyetograph
(adjusted by fa) (%)
(Excess Rain, Basin Rainfall)
(hour) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) to total
1 5.24 0.00 5.24 1.59%
2 5.28 0.00 5.28 1.60% 110
3 5.73 0.00 5.73 1.74%
4 6.11 0.00 6.11 1.85%
5 6.65 0.00 6.65 2.02% 90
6 7.35 0.00 7.35 2.23%
7 8.08 0.00 8.08 2.45%
8 9.11 0.00 9.11 2.76% 70
9 10.60 0.00 10.60 3.21%

Rainfall (mm/hr)
10 12.88 0.00 12.88 3.90%
11 17.16 0.00 17.16 5.20% 50
12 29.76 0.00 29.76 9.02%
13 101.82 0.00 101.82 30.85%
14 21.30 0.00 21.30 6.45% 30
15 14.66 0.00 14.66 4.44%
16 11.58 0.00 11.58 3.51%
17 9.83 0.00 9.83 2.98% 10
18 8.58 0.00 8.58 2.60%
19 7.63 0.00 7.63 2.31%
7 13 24
20 7.01 0.00 7.01 2.12% Time (hour)
21 6.53 0.00 6.53 1.98%
22 6.03 0.00 6.03 1.83%
23 5.76 0.00 5.76 1.75%
24 5.32 0.00 5.32 1.61%
Total 330.00 0.00 330.00 100.0%
Max. 101.82 0.00 101.82 30.85%

HEC-HMS Input Data

Example of Method 4
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

2. Coefficients for Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (RIDF) Curve

(1) Selection of Methods : Selection is OK.
Tick with "x" one of four methods accorting to your selection.
Method 1: Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at one of PAGASA synoptic stations on sheet "01StList"
Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient and isohyet of probable 1-day rain
x Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")

(2-1) Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station

This method is NOT selected now.
* : Select one station ID from the table on sheet "01StList"
PAGASA Synoptic Station Station ID* Name
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (from Reference 1)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 Type 1 :
5 A
R =
10 (C + T b
25 Type 2 :
50 A
100 (C + T )b
** : Short duration curves are not applicable to this form.

(2-2) Method 2 : Manual input of coefficients for RIDF curves

This method is NOT selected now.
Coefficients for RIDF Curves (Manual Input)
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A C b T (min)
2 Short duration curves are not Type 1 :
5 applicable to this form. A
R =
10 (C +T b
25 Type 2 :
50 A
100 (C + T )b

(2-3) Method 3 : Iso-specific Coefficient and Isohyeto of Probable 1-day Rainfall

This method is NOT selected now.
Location Interested
Specific Coefficient β (from Reference 2) b (=log β/(log24-log1))
Probable 1-day Rainfall Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
(from Reference 3) R (mm)
1-day Rainfall Intensity Return Period (Year) 2 5 10 25 50 100
I24 = R/24 I24 (mm/hr)
b b
Rainfall Intensity for ⎛ 24 ⎞ ⎛ 24 ⎞ R
I t = ⎜ ⎟ × I 24 = ⎜ ⎟ ×
Duration t (hours) It (mm/hr) ⎝ t ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ 24
Return Short Duration (10min - 1hr)** Long Duration (1hr - 24 hr) Formula
(Year) Type A C b Type A (=I24) C (=24) b t (hr)
2 Short duration curves are not 3 24 Type 3 :
applicable to this form. b
5 3 24
⎛C ⎞
10 3 24 R = ⎜ ⎟ A
⎝ t ⎠
25 3 24
50 3 24 A = I 24
100 3 24 C = 24

(2-4) Method 4 : Manual input of hourly rainfall values (Go to Sheet "04Method4")
Example of Method 4 04Method4
Runoff Analysis Input Data Processing Form

Developing Hourly Rainfall Hyetograph by Alternating Block Method

Selected Method
Method 1 : Apply FCSEC's RIDF curves at a PAGASA synoptic station
Method 2: Manual input of coefficients for RDIF curves
Method 3: Develop RIDF curves based on iso-specific coefficient & isohyet of probable 1-day rain
X Method 4: Manual input of hourly rainfall values (This sheet is not used. Go to Sheet "04Method4")
Method 4 is selected now
4.(1) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Total Rainfall)
Return Period (Year) 5

Storm (Rainfall) Duration for Runoff Analysis (Select from "7", "13" or "24" hours) 24
Time Hourly Rainfall Distribution
Design Hyetograph
(Total Rain, PointRainfall)
a 7 hour 13 hour 24 hour
1 2.42
2 2.56
3 2.72
4 2.92
5 3.15
6 3.44
Rainfall (mm/hr)

7 3.80
8 4.29
9 4.98 20
10 6.06
11 8.07 10

12 13.99
13 47.84 0
7 13 24
14 10.01
Time (hour)
15 6.88
16 5.45
17 4.60
18 4.03
19 3.61
20 3.28
21 3.03
22 2.82
23 2.64
24 2.49
Total 155.04
Note : The above rainfall amount is the total rainfall, and losses are not considered.
An area reduction factor for Method 1 (and for Methods 2 and 4, according to conditions) are not considered yet

Area reduction factor should be manually input on Table (2).

Example of Method 4 04Method4

Data Input Format for HEC-HMS

4.(2) Hourly Rainfall Distribution (Excess Rain with Area Reduction)

Name of River Practice Return Period (Year) 5 Rainfall Duration (hour) 24
C. A. (km ) * 53.4 * :The total catchment area of all sub-basins.
Area Reduction Factor fa 0.7745
Area Reduction Factor fa Input 1.0 or the computed fa value in the above cell.
Applied 0.7745 Selection is according to the definition of the given rainfall data.

Manual Input

Time Total Rain Loss Excess Rain

Design Hyetograph
(adjusted by fa) (%)
(Excess Rain, Basin Rainfall)
(hour) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) to total
1 1.88 0.00 1.88 1.57%
2 1.98 0.00 1.98 1.65% 40
3 2.11 0.00 2.11 1.76%
4 2.26 0.00 2.26 1.88%
5 2.44 0.00 2.44 2.03%
6 2.66 0.00 2.66 2.22%
7 2.94 0.00 2.94 2.45%
8 3.32 0.00 3.32 2.77%
9 3.86 0.00 3.86 3.21%

Rainfall (mm/hr)
10 4.69 0.00 4.69 3.91%
11 6.25 0.00 6.25 5.21%
12 10.83 0.00 10.83 9.02%
13 37.05 0.00 37.05 30.86%
14 7.75 0.00 7.75 6.45%
15 5.33 0.00 5.33 4.44% 10
16 4.22 0.00 4.22 3.51%
17 3.56 0.00 3.56 2.96%
18 3.12 0.00 3.12 2.60%
19 2.79 0.00 2.79 2.32% 0
20 2.54 0.00 2.54 2.12% 7 13 24
21 2.34 0.00 2.34 1.95% Time (hour)
22 2.18 0.00 2.18 1.82%
23 2.04 0.00 2.04 1.70%
24 1.93 0.00 1.93 1.61%
Total 120.07 0.00 120.07 100.0%
Max. 37.05 0.00 37.05 30.86%

HEC-HMS Input Data

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