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Zakat is one of the five pillars of islam, its aim is to meet the social needs of the
Muslim Society and to improve the economic position in Islam.
The word Zakat means purification, blessing and increasing. It is a kind of protection
of the wealth of those who are rich. When a Muslim pays his zakat he is protecting his
money from unexpected disaster, for the prophet said, “Protect your prophet by giving
Zakat and help your relatives to recover from their illness by giving charity”.
Zakat is an obligatory payment, like a tax, and the English translation is “poor dues”
It could be called a divine tax, for it has been prescribed by God in the holy Qur’an
and in the sayings of the prophet. The holy Qur’an says in many places, “Keep up
regular prayer and give Zakat, “and one of the sayings of the prophet when Mu’az
was sent to Yemen was,”You will come to folk who are people of the book, so invite
them to testify that there is no God but God and that Muhammad is God’s Messenger.
If they obey that, tell them that God has made it obligatory for them to pray five times
every twenty four hours. If they obey that, tell them that God has made it obligatory
for them for sadaqa to be taken from the rich and handed over to the poor. If they
obey that, do not take the best part of their property, and have regard to the clain of
him who is wronged, for there is no veil it and God”.
There are many kinds of zakat: zakat al- fitr which is an obligatory payment by a
Muslim slave or freeman, male or female, young and old, and it should be made
before ‘Id prayer. It is usually given from the food of the majority: rice, wheat, or
grain. The cost of this could be given instead and it is preferable, in a country like
Indonesia, for it to be done by giving money. Nowadays, one must pay Rp. 1,500.00
for each member of the family, including the servant (if there is a servant) and one’s
parents, if one is responsible for them. Ibn ‘Abbas said that God’s messenger
prescribed the zakat relating to the breaking of the fast as a purification from empty
and obscene words and as food for the poor.
Other kinds of zakat are zakat al-mal, meaning money zakat, either gold or silver,
zakat al-tijara,meaning trade zakat,zakat al-an’am meaning cattle zakat, involving
camels, cows or sheep, zakat al-zuru’ wa al-thammar, meaning cereals and fruit.These
last two are of one kind. For zakat to be compulsory there must be to conditions:
firstly, that it much reach the nisab and, secondly, that it must havebeen owned by the
prayer for one complete year.
Islam has prescribed zakat for all kinds of property for the benefit of needy people. It
is not always paid in money but, in some cases, in cattle, cereals and fruit asin africa
and similar countries. But in more developed countries, trade and business are the
most common ways of paying zakat and money is used for this purpose. The aim of
collecting zakat is to serve members of society and to meet their needs and help them
to overcome the difficulties they are facing. Some people are in difficulty because the
heaven’t the ability to work, some because they meet with disaster of some kind and
some because they are old and need help. zakat in islam is the source of security from
any hardship for all members of society. Those who have the right to receive money
from zakat are mentioned in the holy Qur’an.
In case there is nobody who is need of zakat. It will be collected and the head
of the community will spend it for the benefit of the whole, using it for example,
forthe building of school, hospitals, mosques or other similar things.

Wealth : kekayaan
Charity : derma, kemurahan hati
To testify : memberikan kesaksian
Veil : tabir, tutup, kerudung
Obscence : cabul
Disaster : bencana
Folk : rakyat, umat bangsa
Obligatory : wajib
Grain : padi-padian, biji-bijian
Property : harta milik


1. What is the aim of collecting zakat ?(the aim of collecting zakat is to serve
members of society and to meet their needs and help them to overcome the difficulties
they are facing)
2. What does the word zakat mean ?(the word zakat means purification, blessing
3. What function does zakat have ?(to protect his money from unexpected disaster)
4. What did the prophet say about this ?(“protect your property by giving zakat and
help your relatives to recover from their illness by giving charity”)
5. What did God say about this zakat ?(“keep up regular prayer and give zakat”)
6. Where did Mu’adh go and what did the prophet say before sending him
?(Mu’adwentto Yemen and one of the sayings of the prophet before sending him,
“you will come to folk who are peopleof the book, so invite them to testify that there
is no God but God and that Muhammad is God’s messenger. If they obey that, tell
them that God has made it obligatory for them to pray five times every twenty four
hours. If they obey that, tell them that God has made it obligatory for them for sadaqa
to be taken from the rich and handed overto the poor. If they obey that, do not take the
best part of their property, and have regard to the claim of him who is wronged,
forthere is no veil between it and God.”)
7. What does ”people of the book” mean ?(“peopleof the book” mean people who
arementioned in the holy Qur’an.)
8. For whom is the zakat given ?(the zakat is given for the poor)
9. How many kinds of zakat do you know ?(five kinds)
10. When must the zakat al fitr be paid ?(the zakat al-fitr must be paid before the ‘Id
11. Who must pay the zakat al fitr ?(the zakat al-fitr must be paid by a Muslim slave
or freeman, male or female, young and old)
12. How much rice must be given for each member of the family ?(onemust
pay Rp.1.500.00 for each memberof the family)
13. What is the source ofthe obligation ?(the source of the obligation is the holy
Qur’anand the sayings of the prophet)
14. What other things should be given as their zakat ?(it will be collected and the
head of the community will spend it for the benefit of the whole, using it for example,
for the building of schools, hospitals, mosques, or other similar things)
15. What are the conditions which should be fulfilled before paying the zakat
?(firstly, forthat it must reach the nisab and, secondly, zakat must have been owned by
the prayer one complete year)
Fill in the blank to complete the sentence
1. The topic of the text above is :(an obligatory payment )
2. The meaning of zakat :( purification, blessing and increasing )
3. The definition of zakat :( zakatis an obligatory payment, like a tax, and the
Englishtranslation is “poor dues” )
4. The kinds of zakat ( see below ) :( zakatal-fitr, zakat al-mal, zakat al-tijara, zakat
al-an’am, zakat al-zuru’, zakat al-thamar )
5. The receivers of zakat :( are mentioned in the holy Qur’an (the poor) )
6. The conditions of zakat : ( firstly, that it must reach the nisab and, secondly, that
it must have been owned by the prayer for one complete year )
7. The source of zakat :( from the holy Qur’an and the sayings of the prophet )
8. Yhe function of zakat :( to protect his money from unexpected disaster )
9. The aim of zakat :( to meet the social needs of the Muslim society and to
improve the economic position in Islam )
10. The status of zakat :( one of the five pillars of Islam )


Complete the blanks according to the text above.
Kinds of zakat :
1. Zakat al- fitr
2. Zakat al- mal
3. Zakat al- tijara
4. Zakat al- an’am
5. Zakat al- zuru wa al- thamar
Interpret the words in italics below by referring to the text
1. Its aim is to meet the social needs of muslim society
Its: zakat
2. When a muslim pays his zakat he is protecting his money ........
He : a muslim pays his zakat
3. ........ help your relatives to recover from their illness ........
Your :a muslim pays his zakat
Their : relatives
4. It could be called a divine tax, for it has been presented by God in the holy
It : zakat
It : zakat
5. You will come to folk who are people of the book, so invite them to testify that
there is no God but God .............
You : mu’az
Them : people of the book
6. If they obey that, tell them that God has made it obligatory for them to pray five
times a day.
They : people of the book
That : testify that there is no God but God and that Muhammad is God’s messenger
Them : peoplewho obey to testify that there is no God but God and thatMuhammad is
God’s messenger
7. If they obey that, tell them that God has made it obligatory for them for sadaqa
They :people of the book
That :pray five times every twenty four hours
Them:people who obey to pray five times every twenty four hours
8. ............. and it should be given before the Id prayer.
It :zakat al- fitr
9. .............. if one is responsible for them.
Them :the servant and one’s parents
10. Firstly, it must reach the nisab and secondly that it must have been owned by the
prayer for one complete year.
It :zakat


Fill the blank with the words derived from the text.
1 .Some muslims if they have property, itshould be paid their zakat to purify the
2. Zakat is an obligatory payment for those whose property has reached its nisab.
3 .Are you going to come to Ali’s wedding party ?
4. The order of zakat has been presscribed in the holy Qur’an.
5. Do you give zakat.
6. After fasting the whole month of Ramadan, a muslim celebretes ‘Id al-Fitr by
performing ‘Id prayerin the morning on the first of Shawwal.
7. ’Ali is one of myrelatives; he is my nephew.
8. There are certain compulsory which must be fulfilled before paying zakat.
9. In a country where zakat is not needed because of its prosperity, zakat could be
used for build social institutions such as hospitals, mosque and schools.
10. God always gives protecting to those who believe in him and follow His
Word building : derivative word
A. –al ( suffix ) : Adjective
Example :
- The aim of zakat is to meet the social needs of muslim society.
- It is permitted by law. It is legal.
- This is essential to life. It is vital.
- After the written test the students took the oral test.
- There will be a formal exam after the course.

Other words ending with –al :

Economical, national, practical, textual, habitual, official, financial, provincial,
commercial, professional, vocational, factual, actual, educational, confidential,
physical, psychological etc.
There are some words ending –al as nouns:
- The arrival of the train will be delayed.
- We are waiting for approval from the department.

Other words ending –al as nouns :

Refusal, denial, proposal, arousal etc.
B. –ion ( suffix ) : Noun
- Zakat is a kind of protection of the wealth of those who are rich.
- The English translation of zakat is “ poor dues “.
- The prescriptionof zakat was written in the Holy Qur’an.
- The regular prayer should be performed five times in a day and a night. This is
the regulation of God.
- Zakat is a kind of purification of empty and obscence words.
- The collection of zakat serves menbers of society and helps them to overcome
C. –ity ( suffix ) : noun
- The aim of zakat is to meet the social needs of muslim society
- It is usually given for the food of the majority.
- Zakat aims to overcome the difficulty because they have no ability to work.
- The head of the community is responsible for collecting zakat.
- The collction of zakat is one of this responsibilities.

Other –ity Noun

Security capacity university
Faculty electricity density
Loyalty originalty humanity
Put the words below into the blanks to suit sentence. Change the form of the word if
Capacity ability operation observation
Fact profession approval resident
Industry attention difficult intellect
Concept sex pollute form

1. He was an intellectual person. He is a graduate of an outstanding university.

2. It is necessary to dispose of all chemical waste in some way which
prevent pollution.
3. The task for the student is very hard; it is beyond their capacity.
4. The difference was one of the concepts. There was a conception difference.


ATAS 1. Apa tujuan mengumpulkan zakat? (Tujuan mengumpulkan zakat adalah
untuk melayani anggota masyarakat dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dan
membantu mereka mengatasi kesulitan yang mereka hadapi) 2. Apa arti kata zakat?
(Kata zakat berarti pemurnian, berkah, dan meningkat) 3. Fungsi apa yang dimiliki
zakat? (Untuk melindungi uangnya dari bencana yang tidak terduga) 4. Apa yang
dikatakan nabi tentang hal ini? ("Melindungi harta Anda dengan memberikan zakat
dan membantu kerabat Anda untuk pulih dari penyakit mereka dengan memberikan
amal") 5. Apa yang Tuhan katakan tentang zakat ini? ("Tetap berdoa dan memberikan
zakat") 6. Ke mana Mu'adh pergi dan apa yang dikatakan nabi sebelum mengirimnya?
(Mu'adwentto Yemen dan salah satu perkataan nabi sebelum mengirimnya, "Anda
akan datang kepada orang-orang yang merupakan orang-orang dari buku ini, jadi
undanglah mereka untuk bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Tuhan dan bahwa
Muhammad adalah utusan Tuhan. Jika mereka mematuhinya, katakan kepada mereka
bahwa Tuhan telah mewajibkan mereka untuk berdoa lima kali setiap dua puluh
empat jam. Jika mereka mematuhinya, katakan kepada mereka bahwa Tuhan memiliki
mewajibkan mereka untuk shadaqa untuk diambil dari orang kaya dan diserahkan
kepada orang miskin. Jika mereka menuruti itu, jangan mengambil bagian terbaik dari
harta mereka, dan memperhatikan klaim orang yang dirugikan, karena tidak ada
kerudung antara itu dan Tuhan. ") 7. Apa yang dimaksud dengan "orang-orang buku"
("orang-orang buku" berarti orang-orang yang disebutkan dalam Al-Qur'an suci.) 8.
Untuk siapa zakat diberikan? (Zakat diberikan untuk orang miskin) 9. Berapa jenis
zakat yang Anda tahu? (Lima jenis) 10. Kapan zakat al fitr harus dibayarkan? (Zakat
al-fitr harus dibayar sebelum shalat Id) 11. Siapa yang harus membayar zakat al fitr?
(Zakat al-fitr harus dibayar oleh seorang budak Muslim atau orang bebas, laki-laki
atau perempuan, muda dan tua) 12. Berapa banyak beras yang harus diberikan untuk
setiap anggota keluarga? (Hanya harus membayar Rp.1.500,00 untuk setiap anggota
keluarga) 13. Apa sumber dari kewajiban itu? (Sumber dari kewajiban itu adalah
Alquran suci dan perkataan nabi) 14. Apa hal-hal lain yang harus diberikan sebagai
zakat mereka? (Itu akan dikumpulkan dan kepala komunitas akan membelanjakannya
untuk kepentingan keseluruhan, menggunakannya sebagai contoh, untuk
pembangunan sekolah, rumah sakit, masjid, atau lainnya hal serupa) 15. Apa saja
syarat yang harus dipenuhi sebelum membayar zakat? (Pertama, setelah itu harus
mencapai nisab dan, kedua, zakat harus dimiliki oleh sholat satu tahun penuh)


Isi bagian yang kosong untuk melengkapi kalimat

1. Topik teks di atas adalah: (pembayaran wajib)

2. Arti zakat :( pemurnian, berkah dan meningkat)

3. Definisi zakat :( zakat adalah pembayaran wajib, seperti pajak, dan terjemahan

bahasa Inggrisnya adalah “iuran miskin”)

4. Jenis-jenis zakat (lihat di bawah) :( zakatal-fitr, zakat al-mal, zakat al-tijara, zakat

al-anam, zakat al-zuru ', zakat al-thamar)

5. Penerima zakat :( disebutkan dalam Alquran (orang miskin))

6. Kondisi zakat: (pertama, harus mencapai nisab dan, kedua, harus dimiliki oleh

sholat selama satu tahun penuh)

7. Sumber zakat :( dari Alquran suci dan perkataan nabi)

8. Fungsi zakat :( untuk melindungi uangnya dari bencana yang tak terduga)

9. Tujuan zakat :( untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sosial masyarakat Muslim dan untuk

meningkatkan posisi ekonomi dalam Islam)

10. Status zakat :( salah satu dari lima rukun Islam)

II DISKUSI TEKS Isi bagian yang kosong sesuai dengan teks di atas. Jenis zakat: 1.

Zakat Fitr 2. Zakat 3. Zakat al-tijara 4. Zakat al-anam 5. Zakat al-zuru wa al-thamar

AKU AKU AKU. REFERENSI Menafsirkan kata-kata dalam huruf miring di bawah

ini dengan merujuk pada teks 1. Tujuannya adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sosial

masyarakat muslim Ini: zakat 2. Ketika seorang muslim membayar zakatnya dia

melindungi uangnya ........ Dia: seorang muslim membayar zakatnya 3. ........ bantu

kerabat Anda untuk pulih dari penyakit mereka ........ Anda: seorang muslim

membayar zakatnya Mereka: saudara 4. Ini bisa disebut pajak ilahi, karena itu telah

disajikan oleh Allah dalam Alquran suci. Itu: zakat Itu: zakat 5. Anda akan datang

kepada orang-orang yang adalah orang-orang di buku ini, jadi undanglah mereka

untuk bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah ............. Anda: mu'az Mereka:

orang-orang di buku ini 6. Jika mereka mematuhinya, beri tahu mereka bahwa Allah

telah mewajibkan mereka untuk berdoa lima kali sehari. Mereka: orang-orang di buku

ini Itu: bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Tuhan dan bahwa Muhammad adalah

utusan Tuhan Mereka: orang-orang yang taat untuk bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Tuhan

selain Tuhan dan bahwa Muhammad adalah utusan Tuhan 7. Jika mereka menaatinya,

beri tahu mereka bahwa Tuhan telah mewajibkan mereka untuk shadaqa Mereka:

orang-orang di buku ini Itu: berdoa lima kali setiap dua puluh empat jam Mereka:

orang yang taat shalat lima kali setiap dua puluh empat jam 8. ............. dan itu harus

diberikan sebelum sholat Id. Itu: zakat fitr 9. .............. jika seseorang bertanggung
jawab untuk mereka. Mereka: pelayan dan orang tua seseorang 10. Pertama, harus

mencapai nisab dan kedua harus dimiliki oleh doa selama satu tahun penuh. Itu: zakat


Isi bagian yang kosong dengan kata-kata yang berasal dari teks.

1.Beberapa muslim jika mereka memiliki properti, itu harus dibayar zakat mereka

untuk memurnikan pemilik.

2. Zakat adalah pembayaran wajib bagi mereka yang propertinya telah mencapai


3. Apakah Anda akan datang ke pesta pernikahan Ali?

4. Perintah zakat telah ditekankan dalam Alquran.

5. Apakah Anda memberi zakat.

6. Setelah puasa sepanjang bulan Ramadhan, seorang muslim merayakan ‘Id al-Fitr

dengan melakukan‘ Id sholat di pagi hari pada hari pertama Syawal.

7. ’Ali adalah salah satu kerabat saya; dia adalah keponakan saya.

8. Ada kewajiban tertentu yang harus dipenuhi sebelum membayar zakat.

9. Di negara di mana zakat tidak diperlukan karena kemakmurannya, zakat dapat

digunakan untuk membangun lembaga sosial seperti rumah sakit, masjid, dan sekolah.

10. Tuhan selalu memberikan perlindungan kepada mereka yang percaya kepadanya

dan mengikuti perintah-Nya.

V. GRAMMAR DALAM FOKUS Membangun kata: kata turunan A. –al (akhiran):
Adjektiva Contoh: - Tujuan zakat adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sosial
masyarakat muslim. - Itu diizinkan oleh hukum. Itu legal. - Ini penting untuk
kehidupan. Itu penting. - Setelah ujian tertulis, siswa mengikuti ujian lisan. - Akan
ada ujian formal setelah kursus. Dengan kata lain berakhir dengan –al: Ekonomis,
nasional, praktis, tekstual, kebiasaan, resmi, finansial, provinsi, komersial,
profesional, kejuruan, faktual, aktual, pendidikan, rahasia, fisik, psikologis, dll. Ada
beberapa kata ending –al sebagai kata benda: - Kedatangan kereta akan tertunda. -
Kami sedang menunggu persetujuan dari departemen. Dengan kata lain ending –al
sebagai kata benda: Penolakan, penolakan, proposal, gairah dll. B. –ion (suffix): Kata
benda - Zakat adalah semacam perlindungan kekayaan mereka yang kaya. -
Terjemahan bahasa Inggris zakat adalah "iuran miskin". - Resep zakat ditulis dalam
Alquran. - Doa teratur harus dilakukan lima kali dalam sehari dan satu malam. Ini
adalah peraturan Tuhan. - Zakat adalah semacam pemurnian kata-kata kosong dan
cabul. - Pengumpulan zakat melayani para pekerja masyarakat dan membantu mereka
mengatasi kesulitan.

C. –ity (suffix): kata benda

- Tujuan zakat adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sosial masyarakat muslim

- Biasanya diberikan untuk makanan mayoritas.

- Zakat bertujuan untuk mengatasi kesulitan karena mereka tidak memiliki

kemampuan untuk bekerja.

- Kepala komunitas bertanggung jawab untuk mengumpulkan zakat.

- Penagihan zakat adalah salah satu tanggung jawab ini.

Lainnya –ity Noun

Universitas kapasitas keamanan

Kepadatan listrik fakultas

Kesetiaan orisinalitas kemanusiaan

Masukkan kata-kata di bawah ini ke bagian kosong agar sesuai dengan kalimat. Ubah

bentuk kata jika perlu.

Pengamatan operasi kemampuan kapasitas

Bahkan persetujuan profesi residen

Perhatian industri sulit intelek

Konsep bentuk polusi seks

1. Dia adalah orang yang intelektual. Dia adalah lulusan universitas terkemuka.

2. Penting untuk membuang semua limbah kimia dengan cara yang mencegah polusi.

3. Tugas untuk siswa sangat sulit; itu di luar kapasitas mereka.

4. Perbedaannya adalah salah satu konsep. Ada perbedaan konsepsi.

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