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LoGic—METHODOLOGY AND CONCEPTS Statcraent: Statementie generally meant soup of words thet have anewning hut in Logie slatement means group of words that has two torms, first terms user! under svbject and the serond term under predicale, The stavwments in logic are called propositions or pro:niues. Premises: The premises that has the major lerm 1s called -najor premise and the premise that hue che minor term is coiled nuinor promiae, ‘Term: The predicate uf major premise is called major term and ie denoted by P and its sulyect zs catled caincr tezm and is denated by Sand the terms which are common in both the Premises are called middle term which is denned by M. for example, Exampl All men are muztal. (Major Premive} Ravi 28 man. (Miner Premise! lam is mortal (Conclusion) Nore ‘mortal’ ss major teem znd ite subject is not minor term here because it je imminon promise also go it és middle term. Minor tote here is “Ram In logic unit of argument is dalled proposition cr premise and unit of HOUght is called term. A propesitiow/is different frum a sentence thutite predicate g-liter Bitirm or Cony the subject, ie. ifwe say thabbhave taken food, In this sentence prégjeate neither affirms nur donies the subjaBabat it We say ther man is suurtal then the word'Mdetal affirms the man so this isa profiosifienjand "L have Laken food" is just o sentanc Now the queetion is hew will we identify (qe ajor and minor premises in a sylligisBiroup of lowical statemer ts. It is woasible Ly identifying the major and manor teenit Bur Chis purpose study the {st and Tad Puwhiises aud idensity the predicate which hus vital and wide concept. ILwill be the major teem and the terms which come in both the preises will be the middle loxme. A. wem may have of word av ricxe than ona ward, Mercaver iihior torm will be need us subject of the condlucini and its predicate Wall be the rinjor gern ‘Pypes of Syllogism: 1. Categorical: Flere all the proposiligfts ave CWusGorical in positive or nogatie fotm und no dochtfullnens ia aeen at Rlked 3. Allgraduntns ypmeligitle Major! All eligibte ae mon fino Some menareyradieces. (Cone) Typouletica: ‘The syllogism 9f this ype uses premise of conitign si” he works hard, he will ssapeged'a\Here the first part 1s ssllod antdgedent snd the second partis called consejent. ir this type of ayllogisan the ‘Major premiae is hypethetical loaing enrge thing oud the ciinoy premise will be eategorteal. e.g. It he eames. | akull meet him. In thes s¢Mlogism [the comes, Oitajer) T shall eet him. (how) 8, Disjunot Tn this type of syllogism the major premise ix disjanctive and the nchor two premises are categorical, 2g Either he is an honest man ora Tho (iajor) He ia an honest man. (tinor} He is not a thier (Conclusion) Tn disjunctive statements two terms opposite in meaning ary used. TE firet is aitiemed the secund must be denied . Relational: Hore relations between yavious terme are showr orderly, e.g A>B,B>C,C>B, SoA >D (conclusion) 5. Dilemma: Ta euch type of syllogiams the major premise is double hypothetical and minor premise iz of digjunctive type ond the conclusion will be cithers disjunctive or cateyoriva, e. W If these books confirm to Quran they are reliable ifthey donotthay aresuperfluous. Gi) Bither they confiem to Quran or they do nat fui) Fiver they are rlisble or euperfluons. in the above example the asoond and third premises are disjunctive. 6. Copel ‘The verb used in the promises in Logie is called copula. For chis purpose “is” and ‘are’ arc generally used and lugiclans du not use ‘was’ anid ware’ a copula because ogicians always talk in torme of the present. ‘Types of Proposition 1. From the qualitative point of view— ton the quality point of view itis of two types: A. Affirmative «ie, A'l graduates are B. Negative - Ee, No man is hart. working, 2, From the quantitative point of view From the quanhly peint of view iis Ottwe typos @ Universal—in which thef aubiei i> universal and refere fp all{withbut exeoplion. ie, human heli are mortal Q) Particular - uy hieli zhawubjoct dows pat refer to allyge.. dome people are bard-werkcing “The propsatiotwbith begins with proper noun will aleGSke, treated av universal ‘Similaxiys ¥yAtwpositions which woes parasea Like “gil bi one", 90% about 60%, ete, will be trojsted dmpaztivular propositions, The words Mike Wome times, often, generally, ete, also make th@prupseitions particular, ‘The propesitiona which use words like few, Little, hardly, seareely, ote. sxe cinsidervd tn be negative proposition. Simataly if there are double negatives used in a prop proposition will heeome alfirn buaia of ubuve divisions we van say that there are four types of categorical propositions in lows. 1. Universel affirmative -it ie valled “A propositions, fe. —AMlahcurers axe habd-warking I childton ae true spersing 2, Universal Nogative—Thev ar called “E prepositions, be, — No minister is dadieate —No huraan bemg ‘= hupiif ete 3. Particular Affirmative *T". propantions. ie. ~Some men arc ard Maer! Some peopleagp labyarinns, 4, Particular Negative [by are clled “O proposisons. i, = Som men FeV. hard-working —Someminiers aro not honest. Diftribation of = terms in propésition "— Ugyeuee of A prepoustions oulg subject is distributed, © In case of “E* propne:tion both aubjeet and predicate ore disteibuted. In case of “I” proposition neither subject nor predicats i= disctibuted. — Tn case of “C0” proposition only predicates distributed. Now, the question is how will the terms be distributed, Toke the example af’ proposition SMan is mortal’. Flere the term min has two ‘mouaing, The firsts, man yreans hueis being rand the record, s man means auimahiy. Wehr> farm ‘roan’ har heen used as denotation, 1, ‘man recuns human being, the term man will be distributed. On the other hare f man means animelity, 1. vonnotation of Use term, it will not be distribited becanse Uber ste vilier sex als borides tnan and the pzopssilion ill net comain universal Similuzly, in case of 'E” proposition both all, Examples wil) illustrate these aubject. and predicate are disuributed, i.c., no point. nan is happy. Tere ao man rofors to all human, @ All_ministors are politicians? boing and hsppy aleo rofere to all without {A Proposition). its converte oxception. So both can be distributed for logical form is Some politicians arc coneluvions, In the third ense of T proposition ministers (I pro-position) noithar subject nor predicate can be distributed, (@) Some men are hard-warking_(U Le. ‘sore men are hard-working, Here neither pro-positicn) the term mon reforo to ‘ail novther the term Its converted form ig Some ard hard.workang” refers to all wo bath of thei syerking are men ( propasisin eamnct bo divinbuted. (a) Noman is unmbrlel, V(t Th the last case of “0” proposition only ropeaation), Toone fag t= prodicate is dstributed, Ze, rome men ace not : honest, Hore the term ‘men’ does not refer to all 0 immortal We Ban, Ge torm honest nay veter to all woit cn 1 preposition) betel Saule (ie) Some etydeRts aveguot intelligent (Opropenien)y Distribution of the middle ov other vermss helps us to arrive at logical conclusion, legome' MQ Joaveriod ian the following way. Some intelligente Types of Logical Inforcnees: a not dlidonts. ‘AL Imuicdliate Inference 2, obyérsion: B, Mediate Inforence Qbverbed fO¥mn oF infowence iv eased on se A. Immediate Inforencos: followings: Sometimes promises ate arranged m @pSubjeez doce not underyo any change diffcrent forme. Out of thom some are true and Fat predicate is changed nto some are false, iv, ‘some students are contradictory. Here contradictory industsiows, is a premise. Jf it is considered 10, doos not mean the antonym of otrua then ‘soune etndents are not industrious’ term. Tt i¢ not used in louie. For 10 alo true bul if we soy that ‘no stiideyt jp making cmtradiciney of fe terin ‘ot industrious’ st:s-falao, All those arsfingeiiier, should be added| before il, F¢., contra: are based on ceriusn rues, Thigh is_calfed dictory of ‘kind’ i not ‘creel bul “not imatediate inference, We shall diseue® here Kind” is the real contradictory of only two mothads of mmediato tifertnace: “kind! 4) Negative propositions are changed into affirmative and viee-veraa. te. A is obverted intr F and E is ubvevtec into‘A’ proposition (©) The quantity of the proposition will remain the same. [the proposition is universal it will eimain unsversal and if it is parneular it will remain 1. Conversion: Hore we devivogonsivain@hy taking the following rules sto segpunt: {a} PrecacateFeqgnges the subjec and the suljpethedon.ds the predicate, (6) Quality of propostion does not ‘Ulergo any change, i.¢., Affirmative Fopasivin wall Jead to affirmative Shicsce ned negative preposition particular inthe abverted fore af the conchision, Following examples will illustrate these pints leary @ All evligious people an: enntended peuple, Proposition A) vill lend to negative conclusion (6)°*A" proposition is converted into pro-position. proposition is converted into T and “B'into' itself, fa) Proposition G’ cannot be converted at Neo religious io not contended people. No propueiticn) Tis ubverved fem is ‘Ail men ire nob fully impartial. (B) Some won are hard of hearing. () Tts obverted form ia Some mencare ot hard of hearing. ©) Sume doctors azo not 2004. (0) Ths abverted form ia Some daciors are good. @ ‘Validity Table: Tn order to vst the validity of the conclusions we mny aleo wee the following table: Tere T and t= trath fand F = falee a= doubtful A man is fully imparticl. © aid w How to use the table: “AI mon are honest’ is's proposition ‘A’ If it ws considered to be true then in the conclusion proposition, E ie., “no man is boneat’ will be falso, “Some honest ave men” ill be true apd conclusion of O propostion will also be fale ‘Now if this proposition is considered to bE falee then proposition #, ., ‘nu man is Honest doubtful and propos:ions |, i., setae wen sre honest’ iv also doubtcul but the propobitipr O, ‘sume men are not honegt is fue) Some studensa wm@agitive’ WS an ‘T" proposition if it 1s copsidered t0'Re Lrue then conclusion of “E” propobizion ix false. and conclusion of A and Opfopdsitions are doubtful ‘whichiaclear rom the Phil cohima ofthe table ifthe samme proposition is cnssi-dered to he false then concinsiimsof f and O propasition will be true atid, proposition will ve false which ie evidentfronfte second column of the table. A Mediate Inference: \mving conclusion op the basis of the middle term iscalled mediate inference. There ave bo premises—one is nvajor amd tho other iz maner with one conclusion, This group of arguments is technically know» as ag “ioxism, Anexample will Ainstewse the pornt All mammals are vestebratcs. —(Meiurt "She whale a niamme!. Cine) ‘The whale is i vestebrats (Conclusion Flere the word ‘aieivmaaY is coremon an both, the premises, It is middle we=m. Thie does not jootr at alin the conclusion even fon the basis of it conclusion ha= been draw The categurisal svilogism is (fe essentially a process of cormparieou. Dgetiaf the terme 7n the conclusion ix compared withthe middle serms in the premises andeeonelusion v- arrived at on the asia of the midsl@\eerin. The rules of eategaricallsy Hogism: Kor arriving at nightand valid@bnelweinns following rules or canona inust be kept vn view 1. In every eyllogwm chee must be Lhroe terms and/ictpavreithas: three, f., the major tetmg/th@ winor term and the midglermese! Gobd chiraciers ar liked by the good characters in his "Were ave four sorms in che abowe wo mises because outl character has 60 rnb nicanang in [be tro premises. Se po valid conclusion can be drawn here, ‘The middle torm anust have the identical menningin both dv: premiaes wnd it must ble to be dustzsbuted. 2, Beery catogorca syllogism must contain ‘ily three promuses » major, minor snd the conclusion. 0. Man is mortal = (0) Cowie mortal = Ram isaman @) ‘There axe three premizes excluding con dlusion sa no gonclasion can be drawn feom thom. 3. Whemuddle term must be distributed in at Teast one of the premises. IL ia a must because it ie the standard of comparison, LL must to used 1m at least one prem:se 19 its universal excent, «2. vedimvnlary rocks are stratified substances. Some metamorphic roe axe stratified substances. Here the tem stratified substances is not distributed ot all because sedimentary rocks ngrce with ome purtof the stratified substance and metamorphic rocks agree with another part, Thus there are foar terms |. Tho torm nov distributed in the promises can not be distributed in the conclusion, An exemple will Ihustrate the point. Allrational beings are responsible for their action, o Brutes ave nol rational being, @ rues are act responsible fir their action. Here the major term responsible for their action is distmbuted in she conclusion but # wae not distributed 1a the mayor premise because it means that only thase ave responsible for their action who are ratinaal being. 5&6. Two negative preauses yield no conclusion and if one of the prem:kes is negatave, the: conclusion must be negative e.g. No student distikes games. @ No game is fully eatisfactory. ra No conclusion can be drawn frou these two premise No human being dislikes tice. |) (2) Studenta are human being, ® Suudents do not dialike justices (Coaclusion) Hereoneo/the twoprémisé¥ixnegativethst makestheconelgichaegative. Butdouble negutives tgcdlmapremise makesitaflie- smntivogand tonclusion based on it will be corget, bye Néon@ whois not thoroughly upright ie to dhe whyated, ‘Thieaman ie not thoroughly upright, his man is not to be wusted No conclusion can be druwe from two partiexlar promises. and four types ofpropasitioa: paced there are onlyal6 Ralidpevllogisms whch are given below and ther av aavalie figures, dnd their muabers a view, Beganeetifey will be voferned an later chalays oPosic every now and cher: & If one of the promisns te partisan the conclusion must be particular Four possible Arrangements ia Logic: Figure 1 Figure 2 M P M a M s M bi s P Figure 3 Figured ™M PP, yf —— wos ye S " Subject or minor tera Predicate or major tern M = Middle termy On the basis. tbe founfiguihes: shownsbove chera are 56 types of agTlogusins poreible, But hes four he kept am Figure t Figure ® 2AM 5. BAE & KAR 6 AKK 3a 7 AIO 4 FIO 3, A00, Figures Figura d 9. AAL AAT 10. 1A 5. AER 1. all 171d 12 BAO 18 FAG 18, O40 18. KIO 14. IO Some enmples wililustrate these pints 1.M__P Allspivinualy love humanity. (Ay X SM All Indiana are spyectuale S—P All Indians love humanity wy a AAA sylloghans is here. Thue one clusign is correct nenneding. te gure No.1 2 MP Allatudents are hard-workimg, (A) SM Anilisa student. o SP Anilis hard-working, a Syllegiam No, 3 (AL) is here ac- cording to Figure Nu. 1 & PM No human being is animal. (E) MES Alluniwals have four legs. (8) S—P Nomanhes fourlegs, — B} This enclusion is not valid because EAE is not luere in Figure No. 4 4. MPP Some studenls are eichol MLS Allstadentsare Indians S—P Sume Indian students are faithful. Svllogism No. 10 GAD is here. Thus it is valid according to Figure No. 8 All animals like graae Lion does not like grass. Lion is not an awyimal Thie eonclusion is valid becase AOO is their in the Figure No.2 sc this conclusions is correct, Rules of Hypothetical Syllogism: It iz based on the connection hetweon a supposition or condition and itsconsequence fft martsbythe word jf supposing, granted théfas, te, Thepartofihesyllogisinwhicherprestesthe condition ia called antocedent angiER@clatige stoting the result is called consequent, In such typeofiyllegism thehypothetice! premiseiathe majorpremiseand theeategorweal propositianis the minorpremise. Followingrulesmuctbekep! inview whileartivingatvalidcondusionsinsuch cazes. Fither affirm the antecedent ar deny the consequent e.g. 1. Ihe were well, he would leave the place. 2. He has not Jefe the place. (Con). He ix not well Here the consequent 15 de-wed git the fallovang example antecedent is aflivited. 1. Cit rains today, be sjaithpebge to school. 2, Ilia eaining. (Con). He shall Aot gojge school. So always affirm the Raigetdent or dony the consequent 4st ciiye may be for valid conclusions. If hyfimixtake, consequent is affirmed chetéllowingafvalid conclusion will he drawn LgfBerBeejudlice prevailed, the rich would not bepermitzed lo exploit the poor. 2. ‘Tho yich are not premitted to exploit. the poor. (Con). Perfect justice is provailing. The above rule ix ales followed in disyunclive spllogisms 1. Fallacy otambiguity#If middle tenm or phrase ure @mbiguous wrong conclusion may be@rarn ¢z, 1. Bartigangare not fa:thful, wy 2. (ReDublicana are partisans. a (Concluicn) Republicans are nor fnithfel Hcte middle torm partisans hae two FALLACIES_OR’ POSSIBLE ERRORS IN LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS Tmeaning in tho two peemioes, In the premises No. 1. st means those who are projuheely interested in gome cause but in the second promise it denoted the membersof a purlitulew pasty. 2, Fallacy of composition: When we accept thing or term to bo trae cf’ whole which just holds true of ite 2. All the angles of 9 triangle are ess than 180" a) 2. 4, B and C are the angles of this ‘triangle: ® (Conclusion) 3, Band Care less than 180" Here all the angles’ in the first premise means each and every angle talsen separately butin the accond promize it meane A, Band C taken collectively. It meuns what ia true clpar ean not be necessarily trun of the whole, 3. Fallacy of division: Tt is the opposite of composition. If we consadler that what is true ofthe whole will be trueof paris when taken separately it will also give wrong conclusion, 2 1. All the beds fly in the eky. a 2 Oxteich is a bird, ® «Conelvsion) Ostrich fly in the sky. Ostrichas an exception which does not - fly in the sky. 4. Fallacy of irrelevant conclusion: We some time assume as wrong conclusion to be right if it ie near to the night concuston, This makes our efforss tistilo ng. Directions: Ju cack of the. following questions there are two statements JoHaiued by several conclusions. Chace the best ane after applying togica! reasoning\ These) statement may beat voriance from the Bbaunbrdy kuosen facts 1. @ All sisters ate méthers, Gi) Some, mothexg aro children, (e) All olémenjare sisters &) Somesistersinre children (6) Sogemothars are sisters, (@Nlone ofthese 2. (i) Painters like beauty. ii)\Rita is a psinter. fo) Alt thuse who bke beauty are painters 0) itita tikes beauty, sometimes butchered by the rieh. (1) 2. Rich people are always antagonistic Ww taose who [vo inshums. {Conchision) Rich butcher the poor because shey hate them. b. Fallacy of Consequent: Tcoccure when the conclusion does st really follow from the prem:ses and ites wrongly drawn dus ts lack of logical knowledge e g. 1. Everyone deaires happinead @ 2, Virtuous penpleare hippy @ (Conclusion) Everyone degif@Bte begirtuous 6. Fallacy of Accident: ‘The happening which géow's very eaeely eam never! he rogardind as o regular phenomend of accurrance and cone}si9n wie wrong. 1, Abgdy which is propelled moves. (1) 2) This body moves. @ (Conclusion) “Dis body is propelled. QUESTIONS Type T (2) Rita docs not like beauty. (@) None of there 8. () Gold is ductile. (4i) This substance is not ductile. (a) This substance 1s not gold. @) Gold is not ductile (©) Deetiles are not gold. @ Ail of theoe. i) The cabinet passed the bill (ii) He is « member of the cabinet. (@) He paasod the bill (@) The bill was passed by him (©) Amember ofthe cabinet can pass the bill, (@) None of these 5. @) All religious corruption. 4 people hate Gey we nance cunsupovae @ He is a religious man (0) Corruption hutes religions people (@ Those who hate corruption are religious (@) None of these 6. (i) All men are liable to commit mistakes. (42) All priests are mon. (@ All priesta are liable to commit mistakes, (@) Committing mistake 16 human ©) Some priests dant commit mistake, we ul Giese is cloudy lion will roar. Gi) Lions dor't roae {@) it is not cloudy (0) It is doudy. (© Vions rw only in cloudy night. (d) None of the above 8 (J We are dependent on our motor cars. (i) Our motor cars are dependent on petrol. @) We ase dependent on pocral @) Petrolis dependent on ve (@) Petwal is the dependent of motor ears (@) None of these 9. (i All planets are round. 44) A car wheel is round. @ A wheel is a planet. @) Planets ave wheels (© The thing which ia round is a planet, (@ None ofthese 10. ( All tigers have four legs. (ii) No cats are tiger. (a) No cat has four lege. {(@) Ne fou lagers avo eats. (6) Tigers are eats (@) None of the above UL @ Humans can adtliyewithout etmosphere. (ii) Themoon in fithdutatmosphere, (@) The man can Ygt live on the moon, @) Some men can Aotilive on the moun (e) There is ao life possible on the moon, @) All altncs 12, (i) Somegriabgles are figures. (4) Sommtriangles are pentagons. Gj, Some pentagons are figures. Gone figures are pentsyonw. Noneof these All lawyers are uncles, All girls are lawyers. All girls are uncloe, AAD tncles eve girls Some girl are not uncles Nune of the above: Some roots are ships. Some zovis are apples. Some apples are ships. Some ships are apples No root is a ship None of thes i) All the English speaking pedple are fool. Mohan speaks English, ‘Mohan is a fool. Mohan ie not a fool. Some Engliahspealsing pecpleare not fool. None of the above Water is a liquid Tee ix wath ee is Uquiay 9 @) Tou is wut Law. No demic liquid: } None of these Honest meri are respected, Bhola is an honest man, Bholitistespected. Bhols may probably be respected. People like Bhols are respected. “All of these india includes Hengal. (ii) Bengal does not include UP. @) India docs not include UP. (®) UP ix ules a part of India, (©) Bengal includes UP. (@ None ofthe above 19, (i) All the exprexs trains stop here. (ii) Rajdbani does not stop here. {@) Rajdhans ie a passenger train. (0) Rajdhas is a fast erain. (c} Rajdhani *s not en express train. (d) None of these 20, (i) All chairs are stars. Gy) Some chairs aze round. (a) Some rounds are etars. @ Some sters are round fe) No stor iy round. {d) None of these 1.@: 200% Ran 4a): 6. (a): 6. fd): Tay: 5@e P M &) ws ® 8 ms ‘Thus all the throe erllogiamy ar iuvalid according to the Figure No. 4 M Pp 3 M 8 P Option (@) is irrelevant, (6) is correct because it follows the rules of valid syllogism ALT. Moreover the terns ‘Pointers’ is distributed in the major promise us well as in the conclusion Pe M s——Im s——P Valid conclusion AOO is here. Option {e) can not be correct because nunor term mist come aa a subject of the conclusion: Conclusion (@) logically follows but be- cause of the fallacy of division at is invalid, Le, eollective action can nat be comidered an individual's action. Option (a) ean not be valid because audfera from fallacy of division, Qyiut @)and (c)ore aleoiavalid. NoweBoxtect syllogism ia @ All religious corruption. f®) He is a religiousman. (Con, He hatés corruption. The option (a) which seems to be correct is actually nobeogrect because of the fallacy of sceident (t} is also not logical infétence and (¢) is irzelevant. Hore, the conssqhent is denied (which niuab le) nd positive antecedent will becomé, negative. Un hypothetical sylyiim cither antecedent is alfirmed ‘dReMsequent is denied as the case is, here). Here the option (a) seems to be ourreet Yrut because of the fallacy of the middle teem it is wrong. Middle term is not vooble (hate Gisteibuted either in the mujor oF aninor premisos and thus there are Zour forms, P M s— I> s—pP lad the middle term ‘round’ boonies tributed the coneluaioa would have bean right, ie, “ATT” combinasions not there in figure No. 2. $6 option (a) 8 (a: or B) is nok true, 10. (@ysM P 5s M § P Combination SABES de not thore in Figure | 1 (a):P i, aaeealen 5 Fr ‘The ginclusion (0) is logically valid be- cauge iftne of the premises is negative the ealiclusion wil] aleo be negative sad P M 3—P Combination REE is not there an Figure No. 4 40 option (0) is not correct (ule No. 7). Mureover no conclusuin can be drawn from two T' premises. 18. @): ° =< s——P Valid wllogiu of AAA in hora whieh is thore in Figure No, 1 14. (@):"Two partieular promizes yield no eon- clusion. (Rule No. 73. 15. (4): Option (4) is not. correct Because it suffers from the fallacy of divisions Mohan speaks Hnglioh Lut it 13 not lear that Mohan dees not upeake any other language. So option (d) ia eave 16. (a): Option (a) seems to be correct but it sniffers from the fallacy of wecident soit is invalid, conefusion must he bused on which ia based on Figare No. 2. probability 20. (b):M Pe 18. (4): There are four torms. India, Benga M s Bengal and U.P. ‘Thus middle term s——p has double meaning in both the Here the second premiss is the major oy premise and the first oneis the minor (© one and the valid syllogiam of IAI ia jamal rae ee 8 P ‘Type 1 Dirertions: One statement ie given thinkin people ©) No right thinking peuple dogmbt beLeve in fate (© Those who believe ia Late are Hehe followed ty several conclusions in cari question. Choose the right one among the alternatives given. 1, He is an historian, s0 he ean not write ‘ovels (@) Nehistonan can write novela (®) Some historians can write novels (© Historizns can seldom write novela. @) Allof these . This man can't succeed because he is not truthful (@) Those who can yet success are leuthfut (®) All truthful persons succeed (@) Only successful persone are truthful f@) None of these 3. He does not go to Lhe mosque so he is not a true Muslin 4) Oniy true Muslims ga to the moequer @) All true Mualims must go.to the ‘mosque (@) Sore who go to masque ate tae Muslime @) None of these 4. Devil isan enemy because SBWepnives the poople (@) ‘Those wha devuive shegneupte are 1) All those whe deceiveche men ure dove (©) Enemica Baady the people @) All oF Bega 5. All right thinking poople believe in fate @) Some who believe in fate are right 10. thinking people @ Allofthose . Teip obviously false thar @igtetabealways retire voluntarily (@} Some who sotire voliiatarily are not Gactatorn (0) Many who fetisevetafttarily are other than dictators (0) Dictators rarelyfetire voluntarily @) Allofthese ALL AHEM glitters ts not gold (Many pthings that shine are other Un gold ty Vhalever shines ix other than gold (Gol is noc the only glittering substance @) Allot these Some students ave dieturbing Gy) Some disturbing are eludonts @) Some students are not disturbing (© Both of the aho #@) None of these . All sludenta are nut geniuses G) Many students are not genivs (®) All_geniusce are students (©) Noastudents is genius (@) None of theee Some doctors are not peliceimen (@) Some doctors are policemen. (@®) Some policemen are not doctors (o) Both of the above (2) None of these 1.4) 2 (bi: 3 Gh: The word ‘io’ declares that all historians ean not write navels ‘The sentence isexelusive. Had he been teuthjul he would have suaccedcd. It collier wise auca te ail truthful persons succeed, Duuble acgatives used in « sentance make it alfiemative Option (a cannot bn eorrece because hare may be other reusons vo yo to the iosquie 94 option (5) ie cornet 2 [fdevil ovases ty searive the peesple he will o-iemain che enenty. So option (@) ssenly correct. the premise and (c) i the distorted form Jazic always is the converisd form of arly. Option (¢) i the converted form OF the proirise and option (2) is the obvexted orm Option (A) aeane that ghtsring imo fhe quakty of goid our itis some ting ch that makes gold glee Option (a) is de vonverted form Sid ot (8) isthe obverted forma of pcre Here premise ‘E” is convetfed invoprenmne ' which is logically yal aacocding to the validity table. 6a): Ta B.te): Seay 5, (d}: Option (ai is the converved form of the: | 10.(6}: Option (ab is the ubAkgted Bure ara (0) premsee and ib: ie the obverted form of the conreried fom of Hifremise, ‘Type Tl] Directions: sseining the statement | & Statpment: Same of chose who are able to riven. against each. quewion to de true iAlRare lauder. determine whether the conchesion that follows CoperSome luilers are uot unable to istrue, aise, dowhtfisl or trreleucmt, Opiian (a) tall. isfor true. (b) for fatse, ic? Jor doscbtfud, and (a) for irrelevant. . Statement . Statement: all eandents are not lagye Cone,: No student is la . Statement: A few of those whole syilling to tell heir oge ave foglh lave fools refuze to tall thea Some who lars Aot/vary wi are other thampelitician. fay one Wwhpis.a polptican is very Cone. ecole. . Statement: Few politidians can atop a popular revolt, Cone: A Fey why are able w stop @ popularey Mare Gther tain kings. . Statement All who are immensely skillful axe cricketers Gone: Some cricketors are immensely uigtituly Statement: Some blinds are very antelligant, Come.:Encelhgents are blinds, ‘Statement: All snakes are poisonons, Conc.: No snake is nan-poiconous. 9, Statement: Few people read “The Times cof India’ Cone: A few people read “The India’. 10, Statement: Students never study early in the morning. Conc. Thore who etudy in the morning aro other than students 11. Statement: Only treaty breakers are communists. Conc. Treaty breaking is the part of cam 12, Statement: All that glitters is not gold. Cone.: Some glittering ubjecte are gold. 1% Statement: Babies cannot manage erocodites Cone: Few babies can manage crocodiles. 14, Statement. No marriage is ‘unsuccoseful Cones: Some marriage? are succosaful Statoment: Some doge can not sivim in the river. Cone: River is for swimming. 16, Statement: No teacher es of 16. commits 18, 18. Direetions: omstake Cone All teachers commit mistakes. 1. Staleasent: Old soldiers never die Cone. Sowe old wvisliors don't die Statement: Kvery criminal has his day ‘Cone. Some cyiminals have their day Statentent: Students never fail wo be diligent befine their exame. Cone.: A few students fail to be diligent before their cxams. Statement: A few of the wise lack Gorunal edueation. Cone. Many af the wise do not Tack thermal eduention, issuing the statement given agoinst each question to be false determine ushether the conclustwe Gut follows is trus, false, doubtful ur ircelecant. Of is for trne, Jotion {a} ) for false. fc) for doubiful aura (4) for irvelevoné. 21. 23. 24, Statement: Vew of the braves lack humility Cane: Many of Ube braves do not or do lavck Bumility. Statement: Almost evary one favours Tiquor on campun, Cone. Every one favours liquor oa carne Statement: Whoever isjust never fail to ‘be happy Cone : ha just slways fail to be beppy. Statement: Wivchevaft. ix seldom practised legally. Cone: ; Witsheraft ix always practigg@ Aegully. Statement: At [o: logic are tough, Cane.: A: east.a few exercixegin logic are not tough. Statement: All stydeats Bre not Uishoneste, Cone.: A few studedlsae dishonests, ta fow exerts ul . Statement: Aygumenta are never won. Cone.: Argunients are siways won, EXPLANATORY ANSWERS I pte Mikey’ is trae premise H will be «false 2. (a): Thao ate willing, a fow nvunt refuse, Correct conclusion ig ‘politiviana are 28 Statement: A few acta ot agerrss:on are not unjustified. Cone. At least one uch of axgeession ia unjusiilied 29. Statement: Ali zoldiene avy not brave Cone.: Some soldiers are brave. 40, Statement: 4 few lions are not vicious Cane. No lion is viciows. Directions: Tw statements are given followed by @ conclusion in cach of the following questions, Mark (0) if concivston és frac, (b) ifsc ie false, fe) iit ie doubtful, and (A) if it is trreteva. ‘SLL During puja days people visit thasd houses where puto iz performed Wie go there even if they axe not insated IL. Rama vasited the house of Raja."his office colleague during pujg dag Cone: in Raja's howe ‘puja wes performed. 82, L. Hf there 1 n calamity. IGxders go around the affected ate, Il. they mort theictims anil promis: 10 help them. Conc.: Such wyslpdthene visits give assurance to victims: 88. T Indian students who go abroad do yell T1thpthaure Olfered a job there as well Cong: Thee countries want to retain guch master minds, so do not let them return, $4.1. Hindus are allowed to have only une 0 ye allowed tw bave four wives Cone. In Hindus she catio of men and women is almost equal bot in Mustims it iel:4 85. [. Rablndra Nath Tagore wrote many poems, TL. Rabindra Sangeet is very swect. Cones Tagure himuelf composed tunes for his poems which are known ar Rabindva Sangeet, generelly confused, 4, (a): The word ‘king’ makes it irrelevant. ‘The correct conclusion 1s°No' politician. can stop a popular revelt. Conclusion ix doubtful. “A’ hax been obvesved into i 9. (b): Fow means no and thus it is premise "E. lf itie mneract promine T’ cam not be correct. Tho onrvect gonelusion ie ‘No people read “The Timo of Tada 10. (b):Seudents seldom study early in the morning is the correet cou usion, LL (©): The right conclusien is shese wha do not break the wealy are not communist 12 (a}’All that” means ‘wore’ andthe conclusion is an obvertad form of the premige, 13, (b):See the validdy table column fivet where ‘A’ is correct but ' is false Conclusion is premace E because ‘lew’ means ‘no’ 14. (b);"The stulement is the ubyerted form af ‘all musriaves are euconssfil”, Ib "means that sume successful marringoa. Hexe the premise Go the premisa ‘I' will he false. 18. (@):It's a promiee ‘0 (us obverted Zana ‘some dogs can s\im in the rivet 37 doubrfil asvording to the table aud “dog can awim in tho rivers fyi A) i false 16. {b):1f premise F's trae predtine “A will be false bat premise <0 ie, “awe teachers don't comaait mists ke" is (ru, If premise “E” iy éryp premise ‘O' will also be srur according to the validity 14. ( alu be true. 1, (b):TFpreasiae "Fis true conclusion Twill be false. Ite true form is a few students do not fail tw be diligent before their exams, (premise ‘0. 20, (e): If promize Tas tear eexctusion “0 gilh ho doubtful hut it iv near to be pede 22, (4): Tfpromise Tan false, conclusion 0’ Will be true 22, (b):T£premise T is false conga Swill also hp faloe seceding le the Yalidity table 28, (ch LEpremiae Bis talfe conddysion A’ will bbe doubrfal but ne:itgo be true. 21. (ays it is most likely to be tric because seldom iefthe fvers® uf always, 25, fa): Hf premise sf if fi rise trate 28, (a): Lf pti se Fs false conclusion‘ will ve Lie : Hitense bis false ccneusion ‘A wll Be dautbfu. 28, (a): Mipremize 0 is talze conclusion 'T will Le true, AO 30. th): 1. (c}: Rama snight have gone there fur uther purpesee, 32, (a): Promiced always give aewurance. 33. (@): It is unly a long drawn ons 84. B):Ve one wives even if they are ullowed v. ave four 35. (@): ion 0" few mustims have more Chan ‘Type IV] Direetfons)\ ft back of the felleining questions there eratico statements fallovwed by ux cofplusigns. Disregarding the commonly Anowse fact did anplving the rules of lugic ndich Fapif onky conckision 1 follows from the sslalements, mark (b) tf onky conelusinn I Yollolds from the statements mark (0) if both flier from the statements and mark (4) if either I nor if follows 1. Statement: (0 Footballers are gonera‘Jy healthy, 4) Rashid is ¢ yuod footballer. Cone: @ All healthy persune are footballers. (2D) Rashid 5s healthy. 2, Statement: () All wen are chairs. i) All ebuirs axe tnbles, Cones (D All men ore tabloe GD Some chaive are mon, 3, Statement: @ All boys are rivers (@) Some rivers are tls Cone: @ Some girls are boss. (HD Sorae boys are exis. 4. Slatement: (@) Some bags are white (i) Some non bags are wothpastes, Cone.: @ Some bags are tables (B) Some whites ave hags. Statement: (@ Some pots are cups, Gi) All cups ave racs. Cone.: . @ Some pota ove tats (All pots are not rate. 6. Statommen 6) All apples are bananas, Gi) Allbananas ave swrets Cones { Some apples are sweets, (@) Some banssnas ace apples. 7, Statement: {) Some poets ate fools. (@) All fools are rich, Cone: @ Some rich are poets. GD Some fools ave poets. & Statement: @ All graduates are wypewrikers Gi) All typoweisere are boat. Cones @ All graduases are beats () Albosts are gradactes, 9. Statement: () All cinemaigtars axBHvers. (2) All rivers eat stonp chips, Cone: @ SoniPeurdsre binema stars, (PLA Gnentestars ant stone chips. 10, Statement: @ All the honest people are mats. Vid Sldtke mata are politicians. Cone; (® All the honest people aro politicians. (@D Some pobticians are honest. 11, Statement: (@ All the dogs are cats, (i) Some ents ure white Can @ Some doga are while, @) Some wats are dogs, 12, Statement: @) Some tablee ave gluszes. All treca ave talon Cone. (Some trers are passes GD Some glassen ure Levee. 18, Statement: 4) No man ia a cet. Gi! Hamid is a man. Cone: () Vamicl in not a cat (ip Allman ave not a cat 14, Statement: i) Some chaisd arg hans (iy Table igang Cone @ Same lipns ate chairs. (yfable 2s%ant'o tion. 16, Statement @ All pigncs are buses. Gy) All buses are cars. Cane.; @) All buses are planes. BD AN planes ore cars. 16, Statement: it foothalla are made of iron cricket bate are made of wood. Ai) Ceiekct bats aa uot made of wood. Cont: @ Footballs ruc not made of ron (Z Footballs ure mado of iron, 11. Statement: (i) General rules the anny. @® Goneral'e wife rules him, Cone.: @ His wife rulea the army. (@) Army is ruled by a General 18 Statement: 6) Al birds bave wings. iii) Bats have no wings. 19, 21. 28, 2. 6. 26. @ Bats are not birds. (@) Those who have not wings are other than birds, Statement: (i) All wives are women. Gd) She is a woman. Cone.: ( She iu a wife. i Only che is wife. |. Statement: @ Teachera are saldiors, Gi) Soldiers are Larmers. €one.: @ Veachors are farmers, UD Woumeve wee teachers. Staveme: (@ Some apples are yellow Gi) Golden ig an apple, Cone: @ Goldin is yellow. @ Some appies are green. 2. Statement: () All cara fly Gi) Some bileoa fy Cone: (D All caro are bikes, @ Some bikes do not fy Statement: @ Some erows are dogs. (i) All dows ae fat ful, Cone: O) Some faithful are cede Gh Some faithful argdogn, Statement: @) All tables are amd Gi) Sone ants are caine Cone: ® Some bieadere chairs QD Same chiniré ere tables Statements ‘Some cooks are lazy, Gi AW bere are lary. Con. €) Some boys are cooks. Ga) Some cooks are boys, Statement: 6) Most trains arc gentlemen, (&) Some gentlemen ae tanks, 27. 28, 29, a1 32, 38. 34. @ Some tankes are trauns. @) Some trains are tanks. Statement: All luwers eve beautiful. 4) All flowers are girls Con @ Some koautifuls ave gisls @) Some girls are beautifel, Statoment: (0 All priconars are educutell Gi) No man is educated Cones G No man is « priscfer, QU No prisomer is a1acy Statement: () Ad potstyf@ ae birds (Same potataés ate books. Cone. (B Sorne boots axe poratoes. (Dall tauks are bieds . Statement: (All dogs bark (i) Borie dogs bite. Cone: @) Those dogs who do not bark alse bite °C) Barking dogs eeldom bite Statemont: (Some ollices aro hotel 4) AI hotete are eli, Cone.: @ Some dubs are offices QD Some offices are at clubs. Statement: @) Some roads ure fostpaths, Gi) Some highways have footpaths Cone: @) Some highways do noo ave footpaths. (D Some highways have roade Statement: (@ AN workers ave teachers. Gi) A weitors are (euchers, Cone: @ Some writers are worker. (i) Some teachers are workors. |. Statement: () All Americans ure eithor Canadians or Mexicans... ii) Most. of the Mexicana ave not white, Cone: @ No Canadian ia Mexican. AU) Some Americans ave not white ss M = ‘generally’ used in the statement. or “Tables 3. dy 5. (e}: Both the coneleaions are not correct because “ALT is not & valid syliog'smy accordicg to figure No, 4. Here mayaF promise ia‘A’ premise, aninor prgiuee is ‘Tr one und conclusions are also premises. No conclusion cau be daaven [formpiwo partioular promises. (Adtordilg 16 rule No.7i More-over prepowiniuys T, ie. ‘seme bags nve white is uyaverted into “seme whites are bas go aecnnd conde sion is eleo not éécrodt Ber Cups @) Some slates are cups. G) Some coupe ave spoons, Cone.: (D Some plates are spoons. GD Sore eupe are not spoans, EXPLANATORY ANSWERS 6.0: “a~ es ©) 7. a ‘TAT iso Laid sitlogiem here. 8. (a): ss 10. €e): LL. (bP M M. 8 s—— PF 2x ovucuasion rs correct ReCAUSE TT 1S the converted fori of the statement firat but statement I can’t be correet. Lecause the major term eannet he the subject of the eanelusion. we: ea 18. (©: ¢ 14, fa): (im) N\A 15. (a): 16. (a): Ina hypothetical ssJlogiam eoasequent is denied that is the gete here and if ‘both the causes areint affissiative then antecedent will ao besnvtegative term because uf the conditional phrase, 17.(@): There afefour verms in the two stalements 6A conclusion can he drawn because of the fallacy of the ude term. 18. (QP M si— Im 3 P (Conchuuon (Dia correct because AWE is 4 valid syllogism, According to figure No, 2 Conclusion UN) is also correct. 19. (a): P M 8 M 8 P Conclusion I ia wrong because All is not valid. Cunslusion Tle also wrong because it can aot be exclusive a the: word ‘only’ heze shows, 20. (a): 5) ) SZ 21, (@): Conclusion (1) ie notgorrdtt. because ‘HIV is noe a valid sfHlocism and conelusion (ff) iBerrclvant. Moreover no conclusionén he deawn feom to partiqulé>alfimndtive (1) premuses. 22, (yb Mt coe & ~~ Cohelution | is not correct because the majo term can uot be the ethject of the conclusion and conelusiun Il ia the ‘converted form of be second statement of premise T inti "If 28? (c): P M 7. s eB Conclusion Is correct because valid ayllogiem of IAL is hese and second ‘conclusion is the converted form uf the second statement 24, (@):P ¥ Me 8 P Comabuaion (It) AM’ ts wot valid according to figure No. 4 and Conclusion ) makes major term as the subject of the conclusion so itis ales wrong. 25. (d):P M s——Iy 8 P Crmelusion ts nol valid (LAD) aceording Wo the figure ard conclusion (1D makes the major term as subject of the conclusion 28. (4): No conclusion cau be draern fram two particular premises. “"(B) (© CAS 28, (ay: |? M ors 5 > Valid wllogiem ABBis therein gure 2. ‘And conclusion (I) can not be correct becanse major term is the subject cf the coneiusion. 29. (a): Wp—— P —» Condlusion | is sorr2ct bremuse valid syllogism of All is there in Figure No.3 bat “AJA’ is net a valid syllogism accarding; to the figure s¢ conelusion IL is not eurrect, Middle term dogs is not disurbuted here 90 no conclusion can be drawn, ‘And conclusion (I) is a phrane only BL (ex 2 M 80. (a): M 8 questions dure ise stateiient ee short parograpis folioued by wwe conehiBions Lond Ht, Assuming the statethenBto by true mark - @) [only coneliaioa | follows. @) [only conclusion EF follows fo) Whoth Rane 1] follow {@) Mix@xhes) nor HH fo%lowa, L Statement ibycu are a goad doctor we baa dBlinltoly a case for you. Wondl: You are 9 good doctor Goailh We are in need of n gond doctor. 2M Statement: Miser people seldam helo che poor ve cen rege or s——P Valid syllogism of IAL is here and (1) condlusion is the obveried - ssnverted, forme of the statement (6 82, (a): No conclusion can he drawn from two particular (|) premises 20 conchuzon 1) doce:nee flow but eonstus: the obverted form of the stateme sevond. 38. ( Middle term ‘teachers’ ols Yue astribuced at all sono exastsion cart be drnwa. Morooser AAP 30:1 Valid sylingism accurding “ai figurd) Nu 2 Andoondusion 1 gfe c manatee fren of dhe alsdement [ip so als enrrect, WAmevicans are ndhganadians, they are Mex:canayif sore Mexicans sere 20? white, if mggha sei Americuiny are aleosnigt Whitey Comcluricn (179 abe follews beeFe of Une word “or tused 39 thesstatenent. Qyelunian Teoe- not follow because (= fo Yonclusion can be drawn from bse paitowior premse= (6) meaporteruicay otbe the subjoczofthwecouclueion. Ad conelicion Iisjust te obverted fori of the alacement fi BA. (0%: 35. OF Con, Those o ave wiser never help the yror Con.Ik: Poor are very rarely helpad by the mixer. 3, Statement: Since the feclng of superiorly i« built in wherever thar is, social development, theirs is x Lite thas can be done to unrest it exexp: at the © of sovial dovelopmient, Con. I ‘Yo maiatain sovinl development ‘complex showld bo allowed to con time. Con.Ml: Social develepment and complex rus side by side. Statement: Recent researches have shown thn: pinaples have their yeot cause in the liver. Con. 1: The medication for pimples should be adminiscered to the ver Con.l: Iehaling of steams is of no use ‘or this purpose. 5. Statement: TL is wristen in history beuks that moat of the battles which tonic place among rulers were fought for amiaes.ng wealth and benvtiful women. Word War hasa hackgeound vory near wit Con. ft mone; ourish, starl Conk In ctden day2 wealth and heawiiful women were the mayor concerns for rulers 6. Statement: The owuns are store house of practivally every mineral including Bilge Butlike most other minerale itis found in cxtemely low cmeentration about 3 grams per 1000 tona of water. Cou. f Sen water containg silver and ion, Con.ll: Gold is found about 3 grams pa 1000 tons of water. 7. Statement: It 1s evident tre the historical information thatgeven{ an facient Indis oth the mutters ‘and’ valued pot tho quantity of ion but sta quality was (an/idontity in educations] \yalues) betwaen teachers and Sefudents in ancient ladia| Quality of ed.acation i valued and &en more importance Uhaifeguantity of edueation tiday. 8. StntemiBnt Domestic desaund has been dncfeasing foster than the production of “nigenots crude oll Gon. I: Deficiency demand will kave to be mot by import. Gon.Tt: There isno ased to cut dorcstic demand of evade oi 9. Statement: The disparities betwecn the minded people will World War ill may Con: 10, nL a 18, Ms, 6. problems of rich aud the poor do act stand out clearly when we compare the attitude of the lew maki ladies towards those (uo trata of the suciety. Con. 1: Periament do nol discriminate between rich and poor while Formulating policies for thom, ConTh Law makers do not have identical attitude towards the haves und have nots. Statement: A maladjusted (a Won erimiusl who commits crimo.fowthe sake ofadjuatment Con. f: Some crimes Rave tiie soot cauea in adjustmonipeoblems, Con.I: Maladjpstinent nd delinggengy gu Hind is hund, Statement; Congtitulionsl morality ix not « natural kenbiment, Con. I: Sentiments are always innate, ConJleConstitittional morality ear he uluivnted Statemhenty In a police encounter & fervoriabaind 2 soldiers wore killed rind on injured seriously Gone f; The clash Cond: The aly injnved war tenroiat Statement: No aew tax hes been proposed in the budget of 1997-98. Tl is still a surplss budget. Con. Ir The burlget of 1997-98 may be considered 4 goed budget. Con.Ti: 1997.98 budget ia @ surpiua budget because no new lus hus boon proposed Statement: It doos not matter shat type of food yor eat. What mattera ia whether you esr digest it Con. I: Any type of food ix equally good as long as it ia digested, Con.Il: The type of load one eat. is im- msterial, Statement: Now younced uot have an. import Licence te own # saftware computer today, Con. I: Computer softwares are mde indigerioaely, Con.T: Daty (row computers are aww available, not unoxpeeted. the 16 ag. a 2g! Statement: [Pblue is heavy then ¥ is ght, If red i light thon gree medium but blue is heavy or red is Light, Con. [: Yellow ia light or green is modium. Con.Th Yellow 1 red. Statement: The best. way to eecape from n problem is to selve it Con. i: Your life will be dull sf you don't fave « problem. Con: Te escape [com 2 problem demand ome eolulion of the problem. Statement: Good iv the enemy of best. Gon. [: You should he good to your best enemy Con.Ik Best do nut Like the good. Statemont: The casence of one dxy cuicketie the ability to seare runs fast and to bow! with a mixture of control and gression which adroicly Buadled can tie the oppoaent band und foot Gon. 1: Kapil Dey who won the Woeld Cup in 1983 had all she sboer qualicies Con.T: Aggressive bowling as well as fas: scoring of runs are equally indispensable to win x une day cricket, match. Statement: Majority democracy Con. I: {n a democracy candidates a elected by a majority of voles Con.tk Majority have the power Je amend a law in pilates in democratic act 0B Statement: WhereabOtypf my brother is not Iinown since He Iaft this place last year by thot uuluckspuy hich collided with 9 teuck oar Paieubad Con, Ts My bratheras killed im the ac- clit, Condi Gallien of toe bus and the truck ig “the reason behind my prother's missing SiBtement: Strikes «re the inherent Fite of workers for the murpose of gecuring justice rules in gf 268 28. 29, Com. [: Workers can nat get justice unlens Phoy go on stevie Every worker must defend hist her inherent: right. Statement: ‘The greatest need of India loday is mut of yood reseavekexs but well sated teachers ‘on. f: Indie docs not need re today Con.lk; Resnarckera are lawl agtached with the umversahzation and yopulwivationof quslvy educate, ConJT nrchers Statement: It is risky to weave} Fromm Jammu to Baranula tecanse of the ic zag road, Con.E Jammu and Tageels) are conniseted by yf Por sway Con.ff; ‘There is ne attiar medias of trans: oR iane.1 1 Burasyls, If. Statement: HookgRgtht inowiedye of life n7e uselecay Con, I: ATT hogktseontaia keowirdee of lite Cofftlh, Peapl should be annus to jacguive the knowledge of life. 'Stafement: All that glitters 1s not gold. ConE Judgemant should nor exclusively he made on the hazis of the appearsnce does nor ¢hine at all Cont: |. Statement: his bock is tox coatly v0 be wworthlers. Con. i: ken buelse fall sh Ucar prices go up. The higher the salling price. the superior is tae quality of Lhe couramotty. Statement: Apar’. ‘rom she educat'omal Ise of newspapers chair recewatsonal values alinvld lev be kent into account. Con. I People sake newspavers to be & ‘means of imparting eduention. Cou: The entertainment value of newspapers iz also of peramount iuspurtance Statement: U have nothing except lhe reality of ignorance. of supply Cond: Con. I: Th» world of knowledge is too vast 20 he explored by a single pero, Con: The writer ie ashamed of hiv poor érotedse 80. Stutemens: Books awe like frdeads wha give rich and lasting, sewaeds, Cou. i: Always choose sich friends like book. Con I: Books give us eternal satisfaction. EXPLANATORY ANSWERS 1. @): The consequent is related with the antecedent. The werd ‘definitely’ elarities that we need a doctor. 2 (es "The word seldom ia very dose ta never the very rutely’ is also very near to it and Tl conclusion is the naskive form of the statement, 8. (c): Ifwe remave superiority complex from: the mind of the people we wil! jeopardise socia? development. 4. @): Conchasion IT dues uct follow hecamse there ie ie referenoe uf steam in the statement. 5. (b): The otatemont clarifies that there were some exceptions lu this purpose of war sonothing can be definitely said about a War in future. Morcover mon minded people and kings are aot the same things, Every mineral ia found in oceans find also in low concentrations buystegond canelusion doce not follow begause\all mincrals are not found in the same concentestion, 3 grams per 1000 tons of water concentratiun Bas been used oxclusively for "hig 7. (@): Covclusion IL alse follayts because of the word “even” in fhe sistement that makes it a eeported Speech of indirect narration, Coneluetohh. Js not enrrect because in orderly “Keep a halance between prodyctidBofcil and domesticdemand, thedater must be cut ©. (ade, Stud Mthe attitude of parliamentarians Yowards rich and poor separately. itis ‘deen! thea it will be difficult bo \iotinguich rich and poor on the basis of their problems UWE): Both the conclusions can be drawn Jtom the statement but only one 8 conclusion will be correct at one time. Thus wither I follows or Il follo@. 11, (b):Sentiments are uatural andoulu sated both according to the statgmiert 12, (d): Encounters are aliwave uncpecred) and the porsons who wag injuredasm ony the, may either be a wildier or a terrorist 13, (ay Ifburden of tax doce nobimerrasc even then it is able iomeet the budgetary requiremenl ofth6government, ite & good bsdlge 14, (a): Imamdterial i the oppesite of materia notof matter 15. (d)¢Libsiulization does not necessarily ‘agin ‘that people have sturied predué-rg computers indegenowsly and cuntom duty and import beonee are not identical in natura Inbypotaetical affirmative syllogism, ef teecdent is affirmed its consequent, must be denied. 17. (@): Conclusion | is irrclovant. Second is also avt implicit because there are ways other than its solution for escape. 18.(@): Conclusion |-and U both «ze not implied, eg, ifwe don't like eomeone it does not mean that we are enemy of that person. 19, (b):Conehusion I ie not implicit boewuse there is no rofavence of a particulze oncketer in dhe statement. 20. (c}: Both the conclusions follow fem the slatementaeparately. Soeitker Lur tas correet. AL (¢): | and IL both the conclusions probably follow from the statement. 22. (ds Crmrect inference may he (0) Lf justice is not being given vo workors, they have the rght to go onatsikes, @ No onc has the right to prevent ‘workers going on strike, 28. (DR LONCIMNON + statement does not talk exclusively but refers “the greatest. need of India” and 11s alan probably Love. Xu auch problems urises in rail ox aw servirut 89 ‘hus services’ is the only possible option, And thee are other 24. ( means slo and land wags is visky atavng them, 25.(d): Land] both don’t follow fea the tate meni. 29, (d): Every one in Ubi world Directions: hr each of the followins queslions a statenwot is given followed by haa Arguments Mark vour answer (a) ifonly 1 is strong. Mark (4) af only argument If is wizong Mark (¢) ifboth the arguments nre stfong, Mazk id) i neither 1 nor IL is strong 1, Statement: Should education be givenby the government [vee af charge? Arg. I Yes, it will help 12 univerea: ligation of education in the country. ‘Arg.Ll; No, there will be budgetary deBit ‘eroiiug some now problems. 2, Statement: Shou'd caste eystem be banned inthe Lndian eociety ? Arg. I: Yes, ibis a heavy barnor ig’ the ‘way of speedy developmentaf he country. Arg.Il: No irwillgive chaned bolo gastt wople to cun the government througheloctiuas, 8. Statement: Should_privatesector be permitzed to envef nip the public utility services? Arg. kp Yes, thevooré doing well in advanced weerorn ecumtries. Arg. I: Qiu, tssriSky to putthese ey ‘a privare hands. 4. Sedveaiiunte: Should the goverment stop midAg wo minoricy instivtiony of ‘edvséabion? inference and II one as a logical one 27. db)rTt ollerwiaw meany tha® the books sre 80 expensive that i cm not be worthless (trapainenstion? 28. (cj: Hoth | and Th follow from the statement. gnorant it ‘many respects, eo there 1« nothing wo he ashamed of. 90. (b): Conclusion | in wxeie vant, ‘Arg: I: Yes, their paar quality stlrett Ry quantity of slivstigghis Wagting thefind, Ang.Tl: No.roling parts willove jis vet ibn in the ogimiinstelettio Statement: Should arudes of only deserving authora Digalirwed to be published? Brg. E Yee(ir ei) -A¥e 9 lot of paper sghvebfallgaort of supply Arg TIE'Nb, ifismtt possible todran ade "raréation between the deser ing andthe undeserving authars. , Statement: Shoald military raining be ynaiie sncurubent on all chon] ane wollege goxig’students ? srg. I: Yes, it will inculcate discipline among Uae Arg. Il: No, itwill bring rogmmentation in education Statement: Should thepoliiealpartieste banned? ‘Avg. L: Yes, it is neceewuy 09 tea a leseonto the politicians Avg. Il: No, it will ead toanend of des cracy. Statement: Should India suprott econamicliberalization? eg. Er Yes, it wall boost vp industrial dovelopment lewlirg ty more supply of Le rammodity sued tow pre. Avg.I No. it is againae the Nehre's drentn ofdemocratizaociatien 10. rt 1a 15. the world. Arg. No, du quatity of kealth care services willdetersorace Statement: Should ihe duration of the pavlamentary governmenthe increased ? Arg. I: Yos,itwill reduce theexpensesun elections and reduion snflation, Avg. No, at will take loner time to rhange a ruling party evon ‘Cabis corrapt Statement: The edu work in vilages, ‘Arg. I: Yor. because they revolutionarize agriculture and revamp the rural stmosphere Arg. No, because their cducittion night wastes there in villages, ‘ed people should . Statement: Should movies fullof vislenco betetecasted? Arg. I: Yes, because children will adopt suci behaviourfrom films Arg. Il: No, because-violence ie the hewt sand soul ofall puturea, Statcment: Should guides published by private agenceshebanned ? Arg. I: Yea, because only then students will start reading toxt bugle, Arg.TI: No, beceure they are of inimbnag! help.for wenk studcitts afttlie eleventh hour. Statement: Computer fied teehnslogy ie very fruiufulfor induatadtdbvelopment in India Arg. ‘Yes, adQuracy, Zast production anddine ness a¥8 posable thmugh computertdehnology. WOR it will increase ‘Uhomplryment in the county Statemtu Auricu'ture in Tudin abould beitioclianizd Ag. PXev, ir vould lead te duction Arg. No, wany villagers would be ‘ofl Are. hee pro 18, 19. 20, parceipace mune manasementof fartories in India’? Arg i Yes it om the sunagementtheory No, mang qurksry are iliterate and thor conteihution wall nol ba of value, present Ang li: . Statement:Shnuld Greve be women gllleh winisters ia states ? Arg. Yes. nly then thespligh et women will he removill andther condition will impayve Xu. a woamin ig an ARE: of ruling stave. Statement: Should publ meting aud conferences be baled! zaghe countey? Arg i Yea, fb 4 the place where oppondnbsargabieied. Arg.M; No. it ip Ugains. fundanentat Higher given to citizens of hadi. Stafomieat? Should mace media be felly gorltroffadbiytho government? Arg. Iboles. the cuntrndictes confaser the people SFRTE No, its eedibility will bedo-sbtlul afmasemeciaizcontratted bye ernment, Statemont: Sionld scx education be sven in schools? Arg. I: Yoo. it :s given int western counties, Arg.IL No, itis naturally gained when children grow mtoadclexernce Arg.U: nomsanly, |. Statement: Should religion be banned? Arg. 1: Yes, itdevelops fanatician »mong, peopl. Arg.T: No. religion logether. Winds peop 2. Statement: Stould Tindia have nuclear yw protect rie sovereignty und imasrity of the eeuntry. Arg.U: No, this will distarb the balance ofpoweri the region Avg. T; Yes, it damages the Liver and the hung. Arg.Ui No,it will drive millionsoftabaae workors out. 24, Statement: Showld driv wwconsunme liquors? Arg. I: Yeo. 1: reduces the chance of un controlled driving of vehicles. Arg. ll: No, tudds to stamine in them 95. Stalement: Should compotilive torts be objectiveinnanure? ‘Arg. I: Yes, iLeives fnirandimpartial on seesmentof the examinees Agg.[: No, writing and organizing abality eam not be naseswed through this test, 26, Statement: Should income tax heevaded bythe people? Arg. I: Yes, therate ofincome taisvery high. Arg. I: Ne, itisilegal and unlaveful 27, Statoment:Shouldualestaxbe abolished? Arg. i Yes, it will eliminate an important source oFeorruption, Avg. I: Yes, itwill bringthe pricesof com aodities down and hence consumers wil! he benefited Statement: Should state lotteries be stopped? Arg. i Yes, government chauld nee promote gambling habits Arg.TI: No, government. will hivegtiy suffer lossofrevenue. 29. Statement: Should igor educafionlbe restricted to the most descrving sttidemt sy ‘Arg. I: Yes, onlydesercing pemple areen- titled sa this luxury, Arg.IL: No, itis agsina(ibe pringiples of equality qof | edutational eppurtunity 30, Statement: Skul primary teacher's sho prohibited 33. at, . Statement [Joes the #10 Arg. i: Yes, twat crevurage ane motivale them loteachina better way. Arg. Ui: No, itwillineraase financial pres ‘ures cmthe gareemme nt, . Statement: Dayo quality wredueienecd wide publicity? Arg. I: Yes, an the present day world of an not prodact competition, suitome know about 4 n: swithsotproper publici No, good quality products auto- mationlly attrsict cwstomersand thus speak Lav rhroaselves. walof phti-teat ict fit today? “Arg. T: Yes, weak have very podtchante of achinving a6 (hing in the presentday worldlcompetition No, wore grthiviaginvthe stone agenow Statement: Haz the uledics really lengthened the sBian of life? Arg, I: ¥@s, LuPnowidrags have bee able th combist Une diseases and iindreases the spun of lif 1, the ersrnal truth Lbat every putson’s days are numbured « mnotbe denied adithent: Is the youngest child happy (ehelis now baby takes birth im the fomily? Arg. I: Yes, itis exciting for him to have anew membor in the family Arg. Il: No, hebveomesjealousof the new ben, Statement: Shoeld students srudy an carly hoursef woraing? ‘Seg. E Yes, ond is fresh acd alert at that vime ‘Arg. No, easly risers feel slecey ‘thronyghour the day. Arg. Arg: EXPLANATORY ANSWERS. 1. (@): Argun follows because those who acajunable ff yet educuuion due ly moneieyyproblems. will ges, if il is nifdde dec af charge, and argumunt #1 ‘also strony becawve at will cequire faiditional budget increasing financial 2. (a Durden on the goverrment Diviaiouof aneiety on the baeis ofeagto jn veally a basl stone in the way of speedy Dow of xocial and political fianecioning ao argument | Sstcony but argument IL does nut follow berause: 3.40: 4. (a) 5. (b): 6. (b): 7. (by: people are already running the xuvernment at various levels thas caste syetem bear liltle irapacton thia issue The condition of a devclopiay country ix entarely differont aw compared toa de- veloped nation. So argument I is not strong und argument ZL as also weak hecause private sector ie domg well in many cconomic areas ani theis cxedibility is unqueetionable. Tt ts « fare based on rescarches that quatity as well as quantity afedewation in minority isecitutions, karting s few, is oxtremely poor becuuse of many reasone as compared to governmzals’ institutions. If we compare the achievement with money invested itis less thau 1/10th. So argument first is strong. Seuond argumentiis not awong because ‘ruling’ party yaust acl in accordance with the general welfare of the people disregarding its vate bank. Wiis clear from the second argument that there 3s ay way of identifying desernng authors, H the criteria of deserving and non-deserving authors are the significance of thew atticles, the question of investigating into the acthor does not arise. So argumenthis weak and {I une ig strung. Avgument T is weak which is eviddht from the Tl argumont which je really) strang. Moreover, the diseiplinewhich is there in military, iggdiffevent From the discipline that wewapt in aolloges a6 well we im Ube (some. I. will definitely incronse angimencation because every cine does not like militaty training andahia tveedom af choice is challengad here Argument hia strong bowwe where theraaréipo pulttical parties there iso democracy : Pita, axgument is based on economic risiples aud lewa while the second gfe has its rigin into bisiory and Pel. model can not be the bax of an argument and naticnolived health eure serviess are not alwaya atusehed with poor health serving, Sy argument I ia also weak, 10. (b): Expenses on elections ure ror the wile, couse of inflation ao argurient | is wed but argument II is atzung heeadas when a ruling party is aor afting satisfactorily we can char ge itso elections and do away with by Eopulas votes, LL. (a): Argument [is stron boyfie Pyaudlay, their education properly they can sevolutionsrize ajricaltitejand revi) rural atmosphore, Tk does not mean that their eduratigh. is being wasted there, 12, ta): Only argeilent i? strong, because such méries dreate the attitude of wcolenge waperially in adules, 13, (b):Lagengies sip publishing guide books tie not npwbscary Uhat studeats will eo Throityb/toxt books. Study habits are Welated to other varinbles ike intelligence, sociv-ecamomuc statis itn ‘life oto. On the other hand thoze 18 nt doubt that guides are hclpCul for weak students, 8 argument I! is strong, Ph (e): There 1s no doubl at all about the fc» argument and [Ts alae strong bees: India is & populous couatry where labour intensive technique 1s mere suitable than capital invensive tachriqne. 15. fa); Meckanization in agriculture dere nut amcen that many peopte will Jove their Jobs. Mechanization generally helps in reducing the use of animals in agriculture 16. (b):A rule: which is supported by a theory does not suit to all cizcuastenres. So argument Lig “ot steong het argu This really a fact at lease in lndin whee is not more Unum MOY while monugement require Cine pices of education, = of women were stopped by men and 0 i the case even today, So anrienent Cin weak and argument If is alsa weak because many of the women happened lo be the rulers of etates and nations And they are reting well even tnday. 18, (b):Righ{ to freedomof expressian ia fta- damen'ni right So argument [16 strong bul argumer 14s weak becaune it rarely happens dhnt opponente are aburcd in public mectinge and eonferencen 19. Gh):Argument T 1s not strong becouse whenever there is a coritradiction in a news it is not because newspapcrs or TV are in private hands hut other reasons are reaponsible for it. Bvon in government controlled newspapers, one news sometime centradints the other news. Government's contzolled mas media gencrally speak the language of the rcding pnrty and (hus itscredibuity becomes doubtful. 20. (@): The culture of India ja very auch different from that of the western countties, So whatever is liked there muy not he necessarily regarded gond here. Morrover, children nced uot such type uf education but they are actults sho should be imparted sex education Bnowledge of wes in real sense ix act ant innate process 21, (b}:There ie nu doubt in the fact thay teligion binda people tagether but tia doubtful that it develops fanaticism All Teligious people Ble humanity im general and love hiuasa being/Only these sho are exhihirory aint believein croeodile s tear ane fanatiea) 22, {a): Having a nuclear weapod iveme theng and uae it, iniSeriminarely 1s another hing. SUiangtiment Es strong bul TT one ‘s not s¥fongshecause some other counigios af thi-fegion does also have it 23, (a): ArqumeRPAL Mis Lased om sxcuuic Fexaituhe but argmntent Iie not logical ts Feaeomis given in segument 1, 24, (a):@ontrylled driving can noc be done in ie otrong: but argument IL iy weak Conauming Tiquer doce increase atamina for a ehi'e hut afer that it cerashos the nervous system, Argumery | is the advantage of this pe of tes fgament IT is really the weal aspect of the test. Ut in aot possible to measure writing ability speed. epelling, argorizational alality ete. through mulcele choice testa, 26. (b):The rate of income tax u really very high butevon then we should not evade it because iL ix against law. 27. (a): Comraption 1s anvalverl not only ipsfiee ceullecting but aellers of the commodities are also habitual with scvcral fepes of corrupt activities like blacksmarkcting, fake receipts ote. So aggument [1s strong, Bul ergumgnt ‘bh is weak because in a free parker BHiées are Getermined by the finges of fomand und cupply. If tax ia eliminated from Uae commodity inmprice will po down and ne demaph will, inereass thar will roralt intelise $n the prices asain, 28, (a): Bollithe argiimenta ave not strong, 29. (d): Equality of educational opportunity does ityméan that everyone must te givettshe chance uf getting education infespective of his raleais. Te simply adits that any citizen of india wil moe. be discriminsied on the basiv of his arte. erved, colour ur profession. Higher education ontails bigver costs scrutiny is a muat here ‘Stndy shows that safary of Uhe teachor hae Tittle impact om reir professional ability and motivation, Most of che teachers are doing well an private schools un small an'acice. Soargumeat Tis nor strong bul argemant [I czzeally atrong because heavy finance val be aceded for paying calanes to teachers. 31 (@): Withoutproperpublicity ween notte! our customera about che quality of oar produeis butones itis ustsodscerl nthe market aller small pubtinity, people chooge itbecanse ofits hich qualityand other people are iafurmed by tho: 35.) 30. by "survival af the fittest. 39. (a): Assumption IT isnol slung because ite nieasting is entirely differont from that that af the J. 5. (a):.\Rtor cound eleup miaul becames Fresh and alert, Type VV Directions: ‘There are trea statements P and Q cack followed by an: inference. Now delermine which of the siatements rapports its inference. Mark (a) if onty siatement P is true, Marie (0) if only statement Q is true, mark (c) if both Pans Qrare true wad mul (u) if neither of them ts true in uvcordance with logic. 1. (P) Wavor boils at 100°C. Thas lequid boils at 100°C: Therefore, this liquid is swanter. (@ Every bottle with a green label contains apple juice. Apple juice is safe la drink, Therefore, Hts harmless todrmk from every bottle with ereen label. ) All, that twinkles, ave stars. Moon does not twinkle, Therefore moon is not a star, @ All tho motuls ave not in said forme, Merewy is in a liquid form, Therefore, insreury is alao a metal ©) Girls play chese—Choss 1 a difficult game. Therefore, giris play adifficul game. (@ Sheeta is a duck. Alb ducks a¥ naughty. ‘Thoro‘oms, | Shcolat naughty ©) Monkuys like wip. AML men ike mangoce, Thetefose, gall men exc monkey, () Plancts gre stan@R&y. Korth planet, Thegetorep eirth is stationary @) Sou Biiugiies are apples. AD guavas ancinanigoes Therefore, all apples are guavae (QPPSorhe mangoes ave apples. All apples prémpaper. Thezefave, same mangoes ate crapes. 6A(P) Stuse tables re yeas, AME stool are grass, Therefore. come stools are tables, 8 10. (@ Every sensible person likes axufic Indians are sensible people. Thereting, Indans like any 7 () All fish can fly, Some fighsare Bids. wL roy 13, ‘Thorefore, some birds en fy (Q All fish ore birds AM birds are naughty. Therefire. ullligh are naughty. {P) No policeman: likeMhpatny. He ia a policemangiherefane, be dora nat.like bent. (@) Some am unidfandtere ool ricky All mu sicisis dre polit, Therelore, all polite pereova ap not rich. (lpAlL musicians are rich. No rich person igPalite. Therefare musicians arc not polite @\Galy x Newwwn can golve Unis probless. He is Newton. Theyefore, be can solve this problem XP) All caps are fod, AML aundonte wear cape. Therefor espe @ All wives are women, Kamla is a woman. Therefore, Kamla ie a wife All gold shines. All silver shines ‘Therefore. ail gold is ailver. All gold shines. All ailver shines. ‘Therefore, all that shines is cithor gold or silver, ‘Some philarophers are intellighnt. AU philosophers axe men, ‘Therefore some men are intelligent. (@ Some books cut read, All bucks sire pencils. ‘Cherelrore, a pencil cin sad (2) Bithec he is happy er rich. Ie is rich. ‘Theeefore, he is not happy (QQ Those who ane rich commit: enicide He is nat rich, Therefore, he will not ‘commit suivide. 2 crow. Therefore, no lon is jackal (Q; MMexows are not jackals. Some crows are monkeys. ‘Therefore, some monkeys are not jackals. He did net stumble down, Therefore, he did not run fast. Q A>¥,B > C hut not D. Therefore, A>D. EXPLANATORY ANSWERS 1. (b}: No conclesion can be drawn from neu “T premises vo stalemunl P is weung Statement Q is correctly hased on valid syllogism because of the word "every bottle” used in the atatement previded we aastume “safe” and “harmless” aa synonumuus 2. (@): ‘AU that” nwiniles aro tara mens, some stars owinkle. So moon may or may nol be a star. See the figure below: M P 8 M 8 Here the ayllogism is AOO which is not valid according to igure number |. So P is not true. To the stulement Q, there are (our lorms (i) ull the metas (i) sutid form (i) wercury wat (iv) Liquid form, So uw vorelusiva can be drawn, 3. (by: P is auc only paradoxically not logically. Q is logically true because Pe ‘alid syllogism “ATT” is hers, (Seg igure) Pe M M 8 8 P Hence 11 premize ix majatpegint 4 (by: P Mw 8 M _Beememes “AAA” io ud gP yall cyllogiem according to “te gbove figure eo statement P is nobus, Wi P 8. M 8 r “ALI” 2 @ valid ayllogicen neoveding to Ve bove figure en 5. (a): M Pp s NM P ig not tiae because af ane of the premises 15 parLeular ats conclygana must. be particular. lf inferente made. I’ premise, -e.,"some gufivasgre apples” evens Usen it will Ba wrotg because IAI is not theredmib Ggeare below. So far az statement Q corned its figure wilhboy P Moo M s 7 8 p a Acvostif, Yoihe Ligure, the conclisies: should bo “dome grapes are mangne=". So she inlesente of this etatement ie also not tu@.c, the murjor term cum not be the shbyect ofthe inference Baby: we M s——l ? TATis ot a valid syllogism beeanse 1015 pot there in Figure No. 2. So statement P is not truc, So far as etatement Q ie convened its figure wil ker ns follows: M Pp 8 M 8 P Thus “AAA’ is a valid eytlogisu according te the Byzure given above. 7 aj M PY wlio 8 3——p Alla velid syllogism aceording tn the Figure No. 3 80 vtatement P is true. Tao figure for atatemont Q will be 8. (ar: 94d: 20. (a): dh 3—P And AAA is not u vulad syllogism ac. cording to the Figure No. 4 he figure for statemer will be M P 8 M 8 P Here the conciusion is based ua EIO Which ts vahd accordiag tu Figure No. 1, So P stetamenvis corrwer. The Sigure for Qacatement wall be M P | Sa s——pP It meana syllopsm is OAB which is not valid aecording to figure No 3 But “some polite persone aro mot ric" ie the correct conclusion, 2, QAO is a valid syllogiem. Statcment P ip wrong because majar torn can not be the subject of the conchicion, Ie the stateaient @ there are four tertaa (i) x Newton, (fi) solve this problem, iif) He und fivp Newton, Here ‘a Newiu' is ¢ common nous while Newton is a proper nown, M P _ P matement de truc betas: AAA ia a valid syLogiarM\putstntement @ ie not Leu becaufRATT is not a valid syllogieiiaThe correct ayllogiem will be “BiNeides aro woman. Kansla is « ‘wife Kuma is a women.” P M 5 —J sa P s—P AAA Both lhe stalement are false because AAA js aot a valid syllogism according TAB Here both the stacemelfs are{bused on figure Xo. 3, Pia -rue Begause TAT Ss 9 vatid syllogisunbut Q is Lalas TAB is not a valid eylingisipple this statement the inforenoa!lf..) sume poneils can read’ igeohr 18. (a): Statenfent P i correct because it is a disjunctive syllouistn Lut statement Q idnopmnt Because it ways thar those why arutich commie suicide. It docs nofyméan that only rch commit guicide, There aay be pecisie other Thun rich who commit suicide. Tos figure iz Me ¥ 8 M § [00 ° Thie AOO syllogism is rot valid ecoreing to figune No 1 No conelusian enn be dawn trem two particular premises so statement P is 14. 0 false but Qs tone because itis based fon valid ayUngiom BLO, Its figure is M P M 8 3——p in a hypotheties) eyllogism if cunsequent is denias then arteeudeut will also be denced in an affirmative statemont. So alauement Pa trno and @ as aul correct. hecanse relation Sotween Aand D isnot clear from the statement, ie. A> B,D >B>C Directions: In each of th following uestions wo stovements are given follow ext hy an inference, Mark (a) if the infercwee ex aofeuitely true, mash (6) Uf the tiferener is definitely Jatie, marks (€) if the inferenen se probably faloe or true and mark (d)if ujeronce ean not be dic, 1. (@) My son ie not old enough to vole () My con haa handaome personality, Inference: My sen isa boy rider 18 year siage. % @ Those who sre honest are god teachers. ©) Lord working people are honest Inference Hard work is che nuebesgary quality of a gued teacher 3. @ All wives are women @) She ia woman, Inference : She us a wife 4. Gi AUmonkoya weas cings, ) All rings ars blue, Inference ; All monekys wear blue ring 8. «) Cate like rats, (6) Ratelike bread Inferonce : Bread is liked by on 6 (2) Mappy is une whn is contended ©) Religious poeple are contended, Inference : Religious people gf happy, (2) Glass is w brittle, ®) This substance 1¢ not britthff Inference : This wubstaneeafis Rot glass & @ Either he ia happy ofthud ks.pooe @) He is happy Inference : Neds nob, ® (6) Metals are geney@lly)maileably or duet (© Xis neith®s malleable nor ductit Inferemee 8X is not a metal. 10. @ Birds Fig imithe sley ©) Nightinghie fly in the eky. Anference : Nigntingale i3 2 bivd 12. 42) AB weno higher. we fel cold WrXa we yo higher, thore is a decrease i ‘alzhoephoric pressuce 2, 13, uw. 16. ata is i. 20, 22, a ) ® ® @ @ ay @ ) a wo ) @ @ o @ © Inferenea : We fea! cold nu tae decrcase af stmosphevic presse Miez eat cheose, Choose 2s used in omelette. Inference : Mice can eat omelette, Pis behind M and N, Qis behind P Inference :@ is behind M, A D. Lis the brother of Kis the friend of MW. Inference : L isébe hictia@t M, 3} Mammals cause Upeir yaung once is drink: milk Rabbit cawmes their yourg uns w drink milk Inferened: Rabbit is a mammal. ‘Togive cau lPin the morning ie useful forkesltiy, Gectmises early in the maming Inference : Geet: should be healthy (This is tho bus for rrmte No. 10 Bativs of route No, 10 genezaliy goto Connaught Palace, Inference : This bus goes to tke Connaught Place There sould be no move than throe children to any gensible person Raheem has theee ebildren Inference : Raheem is certainly 4 seusible person. Tlmow 1 professor of a university. He has beavd, Inference ; All the profvesors of the amniversity have board, Some intolligent people wre huppy. Some intelligent peopte ate rich Inference : Some who aro sich are hapa: Nostident likes football Footballs nat a good game. Inference : No student bkes good aime. . (al Haresty 95 valuable for buaineasreen. (> Some businessmen ave not honest. Inference : Some businessmen are not valuable. EXPLANATORY ANSWERS ‘The voting age har not buet piven hore. So we ean noe definitely vay ehout the ‘age of lhe ehild. We ean only ears the boy on the basis nf the voung age comaiom in Indio ond hays of that ase sgenesnliy have hans} game prsonality Aihaael working people are honest wad TLronest ave gond wexehers. So hard work ascbe quakty nfa good teacher bnt itis nol Lhe only quality that he aust have, “There are other qualities reeded | tn be a gud teacher, ft is probably not true becuuse the criteria af necessar} qualities have aot becn given here. P 1. (o): 2B (eh: 3. AI is nota valid yllosious, Ske may cr may not be & wil ‘The inference is more clove true. This is aoe a valid syllogism ac ye al the sannnL be the 4.0 is cot definitely true of the fallacy of division, M M P ‘Valid eyllogiem of AO follows here. So the inference is definitely true. ho correct inference is “he in not poor". "Whe word “generally” uced in the B. () 9): (a) Two and Uwe makes four. (6) Four is a neuserical figure. Inference : Two aod twa is a simile omevical figure, statement fay mudkes the inten probably tre or probably flee It means thst there ia at Iona which is seshet malleable! te 10, (€): ere Allie ota fp eaten because <9, 2, ven ther tt isnot. ‘pecaiae aeane that Ny in ee : birds and nightingale jong then corti canmot Fe the subject of wion wo ib i re true. There rouvons alea that ess cold x Atmosphori: pressure i¢ one of war, So the inference may be probably true or probably false. 4b):The major term can not be the subject ofthe conel asion 12, (a): QP MN 14. @:D reading = material is ignowledeable, Conclusion : Some reading materi- Ile do not give knowledge. 8 10. ny, 2 18, 4. ‘raver has bern used in the statemens ‘itch haacloge meaning >. suuplion | @ There is dampaves in the climate of Congo forest: (8) Too much dampuees in the citaslas harmful to the hesich @bt ity inhabitants Conclusion = Dampnyf YC Mee Foroat du huufal to 44 fect of tts inkabituntn, ( The water leveboffthe Gomis rising ii) Some peuple live Deer the Gonnts Conclusion : [heres a danger ta these ivusg rar tlhe Gonati to Ic and property. © Payuhity Safire was ous 1 UP. GD) Mafidana A7AE was Boren UP. Conciusion : All freedom fighters werd orn in Ut () Cateoby:leates aee ho'pfa! foc the Zox- aafion of the body G4) Growing children need good aw Conclusion : Carboiiyiratss nceded for growing “hildren ( Wureiovs general’y do nt mary, ff) He ia 8 wareior Coneluyion : He should be Bachelor @ Boys wake unterest in music und dancing, (@) Radha has no interset in music and dancing, Conclusion : Htadha is not a boy @ Many Vindus yo to Lahore fox pil grimage, Many Muelime come to India fer Urs Conalusion ; There is a wwtual agreement belvcen Hindus and Muslims Moetof the murdevera lonve acy pron Mr. Gupta was killed by sore one. Conclusion : His murderer will be arrested scon. tion @ @ @ Ld 7 yl 5 8 P The correct conclusion will be “some stones are mountains” 2.(d P M Mae 3 P “AH” iy not a valid spMogism hore 8. (@): Bath che statement donot support the 4.(a: P M Me § 8 p Conclusion is not Ingically true, because major term ‘come vegetables’ ‘can not be the subject of the conclusion, . (a): Itistho cbworted fore ofthe statement (a): Thaathe obverted fore of tha statement 0. (b): This the obverced form of the statement fio. 8. (a): The word “too much” used ia che cistement (ii) makes the ctachasion ‘wrong. 9. (a): Second sualenent is not needed at al. to draw this conclusion 10, (4): Doe to fallacy af composition Uho con: is Wrong. Ve can np yeeerialiad a thing on the basiz of juet « (er indents, 1 through the stuge of the formation af thé bod’ statement Il is not needed toidra conclusion. : The word ‘generally’ dyer! mpthe Gret statement makea the conclusion false Valid syil@Bism afiA0O ie here 14, (6): "Ga and coma) clarifies that there 1s muital aBraoment. 15. (d): IE maybe probably true ‘Type XI| 1. On the basi of the diagram shown which statement do you consider correct? fa) Some Zarmers who are inveratoPey they are cither backward or Uliteratcs or both @) Some non investor fatmerd agp backward and literate (&) Those backwardseavho |are” not illiterate aro ¢fthep farmers ot investors or both. @) of theese, Sauore Toor) Baclacgle — heen ike Maguwerd N Teengioge Paes 2, 11 a\GRoupiof five person A, B.C, D and E dit plays Tennis, one plays Chess and one Hockéyy.A and D are unmarried women afd play no game. There is couple among them where Eis husband of C. No women plars either Chess or Hockey, Bis the brother of € and he acither plays catis nor Chess. Who plave Hockey Here? @A wo @ Cc @5 3, Points out the letter which represenes Indiang and historians but not politiciass on the basis of theze three circles? @b @t © band E @ bandg Mistoriaew Policia 4. On the basis of the figure in question 3 ‘which of the following sistements is not correct? (@) ‘he area that represents the Indian historian who is a politician al is d (2) fande areas donot repsesent Indian (o) corca represents Indian politician but | () A nolhistorien. @c fac is not am urea representing politiccans, Square = Clerke 8. A, Bund Care intelligent, A, Dand Bare Inborions and D, C and E ave houcst and | Rectangle = Plaver A.B and E are ambitious. Whioh of the following axe not honest? fo) AandR () Cand A K. @ AadD — @ CAand B Directions: (hurstion from 15 t0 18 is 6. On the basis of the information given in | jase on the above figure, Various letters question No. 5 who ia neither loborious | pepresent unrious types of persons. ‘nor hone: 13. The bachelor derk who is a wale player i8) @) Aenan (6) Bort represented by the letter. @ Eonly (@ Couly @ Gand P i) Gonly 7, Anita nad Geeta arc experts in dancing (© Tan 6) Lenk. nnd music. Seota cod Goetn nreenpertin | 14, Perna whoare neither tngheloPaor Wale nusie and painsing, Anita und Nesta srs butplayer and clerk are represented by expert in debate and dancing. Neeta and @ Bandé re aha Seota are expert in Painting and debate. @ Bandl. @ Lapa t ‘Which girl is nov expert in painting. 15. Which af the followe mm group of Letters (2) Anitaonly — (@) Seetaonly ‘have at loast.one property common” (© Anitaavd Gecta(d) Neewacnly (@) ADKN @ ADMK & On the basis of question Nu. 7 whic girl f aDiK i) KMAC. in expert in all fields 16, The ma@elalkawho is a player but not @ Arka @) Sere bacheler is (o) Cet None of these ok mB Directions: Questions fiom 9 to 12.are| — (Oy ft bavedd on the following figures. Which of the | ym. Kf, QM, Band F were playing cas, Following figures represents the hast ‘AljGalhes, mother and uncle weve in the relasianship among the three terms used it the, group. There wore two females also: B was question, the mother af A who scored higher thaa her husband, D scored higher chan [2 but @ ) Tess than F, 2's nephew acored snininvum As fathor scored more than F but even then he could not win. Who win the game? © Cy @E OB @ @ ae OO 18 om th informatio sven in Question 17 who is the father of A oO 9. Players, stucentafind Birks @e oD @A OB OF fa) None of these © Cc yD 19, Branches of five natinnlizexd haake A. 33, C, 10. Player, Unéle ond Aunt Dand E in MP are as follows: A, 6, and @s th) B Cure in Indore and Bhooal, 8, Band E aw © & (a) D iz Indore and Gwalior. #, C. and D are 21. Trdg, Waddirta and Islamabad, Raipur and Bhopal. A, Baad D ave in A OB Gwalior and Jabalpur, C, K and D are in ere @n Raipur and Jabalpur which bank has A2™feacher, Principl. Son branches in all cities except Raipur. @a @r 20, From the dats given in question No. 19, which bank hat beanchoa m minim cm number of citer? @a DB oc (@) None ofthese 21, Therearefive players A. B, C, D sad Bin group. One of them plays Football, one plays Tennis and one plays Chess, A amd Dare maids and play no game. No women plays either Chess or football, There is a nartied couple in the group where Fin hhuuband, (Cs bother is B who is neither Chess player nex Teams player - Who plays Chess? @E ® B oc aE From the dats given im question No. 21 who is Teania player? () E ) D @¢ @F 23, List of the females fom the information givon in quostion 21. G@ Asnd Dand C @) Band C @ Bond Gand D (@) None of thes Directions (Qs. 24-28): Questions Ry are based on the following figures. Stud Ne figures and relate then 10 the tebins ane concepts given. in questions. LVS 24, elJani Bad) Sofa, Furniture 22, GPa @® B wc (a) D BM Crooodile. Pugle, Lion () A @B ot @ Dv 26, Country, State, Chief Minister oe wav 27. Toncher. Weiter, Philosopher QA ae oo wn 28, Father, Son, Daugher GA OB Oc @) D 29. Which of the following Ggures coxrgetly expresses the relationship bativectt Janguage. Oriva and Urdu, @s @) B OL @D Wifichef BRE above Lguroe correctly sexprdsvey the relationship between lave. bee anddhousobird Siudy the figure snd sguestion. Teisngle = Fsluentod people — 30. aL. anawor the Square = Policemen Circle = Road Tax payer Which of the following conclusions ia not correct on the basis of the figure given abvive? @) Allvoad tax paying policemen arccdus cated ©) Some educated people are not men but pays road tax (9 Koncofthe educated shopkeeper ina policoman ner an educated policeman ina shopkeeper (@) Alleducated policemen pay road tax On the basis of the figure given im question No. 31 we ean say Unat: @) policemen dan't pay woad tax 8) shopleaepers do not pay road tx (@) sme ahopkeopers arc educited (@) some pokivemen are shopkecpers 32, as Directions: Questions frane 33 wed on the following figures. Which figure represeuts the exact relationship with the CD an. a8. ‘obles given in questions, ‘> «OO . Man, Touchey, Tailor master @a o) B @c @D Animal, Dog, Oat WA ( B @e D Male, Horse, Man @a @ B oe ad . A group of 30 students play ericket and football 20 playa cricket and 19 plays football. Bach student plays at least one game. How many of them plays both? @s yj 10 @o (35 There are aix books A. B, C, D, B anddiy B, C.and F haveblue covers while the test have red covers. 1 and F are new books while tko rest are uld booke. A, @gnd ND are law reporls while thesregt ane of physice, Wich is the red cogered new Taw roport book? @aA @B @c OD Which ovo are oid Physics bucks and have Dine cover front thydugia kiven in Q. 37? ty) Baod ¥ @ Bund E @ Rand a) Band P Which ws blue govercd, ald and « law ‘report Boek trom the data given in Q 37? ars @) B OE wy la A group of live persons A, B, C, Dand EF ne is a farmer, one id a physicist, one ga jowrna list, one iaan industrialist. and ‘one is a docwr.A, C+ doctor profer tea to 1, 42, 43, & cnifee and tho of therm B + Journaliet profer cofve to tea, Indurtriabst + D+ dre friends but. tivo of thom proter tna to office. The farmer is ("s benthor. Wine as a farmer. @A & B @c ( D From the information given m Q. 40 who ina physicist? @A wy B oc aD Who i. journalist aus:ding to these mation given in @. 40 @a @c Players, fa © Oo Mohan o Bam) Mahosh ‘badmitten, Mahesh, Ramesh and Pramod play tennis, Mahesh, Ramesh end Ram and play lay chess, who plays chess and badminton but not tennis? @ Ram (0) Mahesh (© Pramod fa Ramesh ‘From the information given in Q. (ld who plays all the games? G@) Pramod (6) Mahesh @ Bao @) Ramesh Snake, veptilo and rat cn he represented (Or o@ Cattle, goat and sheep cam be re} a@OOO mo) a ODO 48 Sir, water and sund can be represented by «OOO °CD © @D @ ©o 49, Human, women, and educated, can be represented by “OOO 1@xe) 0 50. Shirt, yurmynt aiid cloths, ean be shown edo TG AThase Duckwarda who Wlitorator aro out of the rectangle that part Lelonge to criangle and square both, 2. (b): Outlot five three are players. A and D 51. 58 a4, »® Five friends Lalit, Feroz, Shahid, Jehu and Manject are painler, singerydaincen puet, or sculpture. Lalit and Pergz.are tit seulpenro or dancer. Johnand Manjeet aro not pet ex pain-er. Stahid is néfeher painter aor dancer. Manjet J rot a dances. Feroz and Shohid swenét pet or singer. Who Ie post G) Manjeat fg Lalir (©) Shubitt (ap Powe Ateam of tir fog WB, ©, D, B, F and G is to be sclexted agimding lo the following condi Bann must be together Bane ust not be together ‘Aandi & must be together Feng 0 mus: be together ‘and G will not be together Cand must be together “The vem will have @ ADFG @) ABOE ( RCAG (@ Nine of these A group of 25 students play Huchey, Football and Crickel. 5 plays all the three games, 12 plays hockey and football only, 13 playe foothall and crickel only. How many of them do not play any game ? @ 5 OT @ 8 @u On the busi of she data given in Q. 53 how many students do not play football @) 8 e) 18 &) 10 (a) 12 EXPLANATORY ANSWERS ‘are unmarried women and play no gamo. No women play chess or bockcy. Cisonly woman excluding A and |, 89 she must be palying Tennis — B neither plays tonnis nor chess. [t ‘mean he ayust be playing ho: nly player otter B (male and 18 Tr vo his yome is chess. Ic is clear Irom the fnllewing vable. Taam oy rT 2 the top cirele we well a8 in and civie but right hand citele fe away from this letter. 18. (b):The lestor is inside the cisele, square triarygle and rectangle. (a): These tera letLere ame anside the square and the rectangle bt outside the sircke and tangle. 15. (0): A ia neither clerk, uoe bachclas er inale but only a player. D is bachelor ut he is neithey male cles nor player. Same is the eaee with | and ‘Thus tey all belong lo four diffrent felis, (hy: Iris outside [he triangle bur inaide the, cirele, square and rectangle 17. (b):B ie Ube mother of A> her Eushand) ue 18. 4. (d): Area Cis a partuf the righ hand eiacle P>D>E OD so the statement is wreulg. icemeghew was A who acored, 5. (a): Pusa right mark on the qualities that miniaum 8 a pusticalar member possesses a is Bis husbond > F @ done in the table here. Be husband is A, Bg@®D. gli — Trecllgen Faborious — Henot Ambitious, BPD B ASC o eee 8>C>F>D>E MA @ fe y % |48. (a: Bis husband is C and Ate son of B i y 2 so C is the fthor of & D v 19, (o): Seo the tablegivel below E ¥ ¥ ¥ _| Wants Indore | Bhopal Chealir Raipur debaipar @ (br Bis neither laborious avr honest, 7 AN v v 7. (a): Sec the Zollowing table. B FAY yo TT Ritating “Wiusie _Trebate Dance | Of 4“ yoy ~ yY ND ¢ Yo ¢ c 2 Y v “oye ¥ ¥ ¥ “ 4 aad D (inaids) play no game. 8. @): 8. tb): Some players may be student all gine and. seme giule may bo\playtrs ind cuidente. So figure Blau suitable 10. (a); Sexe pl ay hemcles and sonic mauy be aunts. Simlsty, seme uncles rae he players amd ome auunts my be players. Buc ucelesmiey, not be aunts nie gumts May naj be uncles. Sv figure Ds mesbeaitable 11. (@): Cabeagtay eee city of Inca which is refresentbd by a baz circle with x small warele in if ard Islamabad is not the jpareog India, Pechice migy be the principal of dhe ‘Elloge and may have @ aon 18, B,C, plagers is the husband of Bor C Bas the brotaor of © Bie uhe husband of © B neither plays chess nor tennis Dend B- A& 1 = BCE are Beplays football o Na-woman plays chess or football € does not play chess a football Cplaye tennis e E plage Chess @ 24, (4): Both Sofa and hard bed come under the category of furniture 25. (e): Ceocedile Lives in water, lion on lond and eagle in the air. Soall of them are otal different are run by the chief ministers 27.(a):There axe some tonchers who are writers and philosophers. Thero ure writers who are teachera and. philosophers and there are some philosophers who are also teachers and writers 28, (d): Pothcr ie repzesented by the big circle W, (a): Oriya and Uadu uze two languages rep regented by small ciclas in a big one, 30, (a): Bath bee and housebird make nests on 51.(d):First conclusion ix correct because square is in the circle aad some partol the circle is im the triangle. Secand conclusion is correct which ix dear fiom the shaded aces, Third sca'ement is also correct bocaume square ie just touching the eevipse and last one is wrong. 82, (e)s Triangle cavers some parts of eckpse 3. (b);A man can be a teacher as well as 4 ‘tailor master with half-half job. 34. ta) AD oD _ EF Red Blase Blue Ral Bing Bed Old OK OH New OH Now, Law Phy Law Law Bhy (( Phy 38.) (ey 40. (a): 4 FC + Doctor TGR D+A4+Industmalist $ "Coffee (only two of thom) D + Industrialist = eotfee B ' Jopmotist Cettew B= Industeiplist De Journalist Subtracting B+ D from A+B4+0+D 5 A-C+R=Tes A) C + Doctor = Tea E= Doctor Cs brother is @ farmer aA ¢ 42. (a): 42. (b): Father and mothor are of equal rank and two amall circles represent them ard big circle representing players is related to both in equal status, 44, (ai: Game Ram Mahesh Pramod Hukmoh Badainton ~~ v 7 Y ¢ % viv a different Snuke is a reptile EetBPa2 animal Goat and sheep bothkare cattle. Il the three are entirely aifferent things (represcrited by Uae independent ardles 49, (b) All wétmen arphumens but only sune of thom aft educated 50. (d)sAlll garments are made of cloth and fs is» garment, 5b Oy Nine idler Stiger Poet Domeer Soulphore Lalit «ex For vo ox x x x Shahid x x kw . Yon x ro Mamject < * 52. (a:B+O+D “ B+Cig @ C+ G not povsible @ G+D o AIG-D+E @ 58, (a)c5 plays all. So 25 — 5 = 20 12 playa H and F. So 20-7 = 14 1 play ¥ and C. So 13 = 1 +8) 5 do not play any game. S4.@):H FC ot 77 1 So 25-13 = 12

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