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fj] PRACTICING TO TAKE THE Sis ‘RYU St Fee le. suse AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GRE BOARD MATHEMATICS TEST ‘Time—170 minutes 66 Questions Directions: Fach of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Trach case, select the one that is the best of the choices offered and then mark the corresponding space on the answer sheet ‘Computation and seratchwork may be don¢ in this examination book, Note; In this examination: (1) All logarithms are to the base e unless otherwise specified. 2) Theset of all x such that a Sx $5 isdenoted by [a, b) 1. If S isa plane in Buclidean 3-space containing (0, 0,0), (2,0,0), and (0, 0, 1), then S is the (A) ay-plane (B) 32-plane © yz-plane (D) plane y ~ 2-0 @) plane * + 2y — 22 =0 2. If a, b, and ¢ are real numbers, which of the following are necessarily true? LW a —B. (A) Tonly @) Tand Monly (©) Wand IVonly (D) HE, Wand 1V only (B) 1, H, and IV GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 0 (ao Oy ©} M1 ®3 4, Por x20, £ (tee) = (8) ete let atime ate Oateet DO) xe Extent 5. AlLfmtions f defined onthe 2y-plane suc that Larery at Zone y are given by f(x, ») = Atay t Pte BP -xy+yP4+C @) P+ 2xy te P4+O © x -2wy t+ y+ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. n OQ P-x- +e | | j j | AE 6. Which of the following could be the graph of the derivative of the finciion whose graph is shown in the figure above? (a) y (B) fe © y SN ae ape. @) y ©)» DE Ne i (GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE. 7, Which of the following integrals represents the area of the shaded portion of the rectangle shown inthe figure above? wf @ +2 bee ® [Ol +x + Hd © [e+ ae © f Ile ® [2% 8 vaetm wt @) ox? ©. Me @ +0 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 16 9, digits are to be chosen at random (with repetitions allowed) from (0, 1,2, 3,4 5, 6,7, 8, 9}. What is the probability that 0 will not be chosen? ke a © (3) © (a) 410, In order to send an undetected message to an agent in the field, each letter in the message is replaced by the AE ®t © number of its position in the alphabet and that number is entered in a matrix M. Thus, for example, “DEAD” sscomes temas 0 = ({ §)- monroe avo dove, ech esoge ih fr tei set theagentenndedas MC, whew C= (7A) att agent rsa thesis (5 Tf) ton bemesaesi (a) RUSH ® COME (© ROME ©) cant (B) not uniquely determine by the information given 11, six“he = %, then the aoate angle value of cos” we ® © @M1-§ Ho GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG! 8 \ i | | 1 fh ethagoo nay = awe Bex © * @) ete ri 13. Which ofthe following is true ofthe behavior of f(x) = 5 as x02 (A) The limit is 0. (B) The limit is 1 (©) The limit is 4. (D) The graph of the function has a vertical asymptote at 2. (©) The function has unequal, finite left-hand and right-hand limits. 14, A newscast contained the statement that thie total use of electricity in city A had dectined in one billing period by 5 percent, while houschold use had declined by 4 percent and all other uses increased by 25 percent, Which of the following must be true about the billing period? (A) The statement was in error. (B) ‘The ratio of all other uses to household use was 7. (© Therato ofall otter ues to houebold ue was 2. (Dy Tee cao oat oer ues to hous ue wae © Nonwoftesbowe GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 15. 16. 2 if f isa Soear transformation from the plans to the real nambers andif f(1,1) = 1 and f(-1,0) = % then (3,5) = @ -6 @ -5 oo os @©°9 Suppose that an arrovr is shot froma point p and lands ata point ¢ such that at one and oxly one point in is Auntie te aztow paral to the Ene of sight between p and q. OF the following, whichis the best mathematical model for the phenomenon described above? (A) A tuoation fciferentable on {2, b] such that there is one and only one point ¢ in (a, 6) with Bred = 00-2) (B) A function f whose second derivative is at all points ‘negative such that there is one and only one point ¢ in [a,8) with pe) = LQ =LOd (© Atuvation f whow fost drivative iat all points postive such that thee is one and only one point & in [a,2] with [2 fla) dx ~ fle)-@ ~ a) (D) A function f contionous on {a, 6] such that there is one and only one point ¢ in [a,b) with Pree = 1-6-0) (© Atascton f eontiouovs on (2, band fla) <4 0 and fix) = aso ®) fe) or?) ©) foe) (© nonexistent GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. 4 i 20, Suppose that f(1 + x) = fle) forall real x. If f is. polynomial and /(5) 11, then (2) is @-u Bo ou oF (©) not uniquely determined by the information given 21. Forall x > 0, if fogx) = J, then fl) = we ®) toa/= Oe ©) Vio © af (oa Oy > OF Mt ©F GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 26 23, Sis astatement about positive integers m such that whenever S(E) istme, Sk <1) mas also be true. Seep isa statement as some postive integer My Such that S(t) isnot tre. Of the fellowing, whic isthe strongest conclusion that can be drawn? (A) S(v + 1) isnot tue, (B) Sw — 1) isnot true. | (© S(r) isnot true for any 7» S tip (D) S(a) is not true for any B ro. () Sin) isnot true for any 7. 24, Let f and g be functions defined on the positive integers and related inthe following way: ‘The value of g(1) is AS @? Ow @) 3% (&) not uniquely determined by the information given 25, Lat x and y be positive integers such that 3x -+ Ty_ is divisible by 11. Which ofthe following mast also be divisible by 11? (A) ax + &. @Bxtyts ©xty @) 4x = 9 @xty-1 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 26. If k isa seal number and ‘foxy =| 4 for x #0 k for x =0 ‘and ifthe graph of fis not a connected subset of the plane, then the value of (A) could be -1 (B) must be 0 (©) mast be 1 (D) could be less than 1 and greater than —1 (&) must be less than —1 or greater than 1 27, For what triples of real numbers (a, 8, ¢) with a #0 is the function x, if xsi aeosy 109 = iy be if x>1 ifferentiable at all real x? (A) (@ 1 = 22, a)|a isanonzero real number} B) (@, 1-22, c)/a,e arereal numbers and a ¥ 0} (© (@,5,c)|a,b,¢ arereal numbers, a #0, and a +b te = 1} o (boa : (B) {@, 1 ~ 2a, 0)|4 isa nonzero real number} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 30 Questions 2830 are based onthe following information. Tet f be a function such thatthe graph of fis a semicircle S_ with end points (2,0) and (6,0) where @

y and y>t Dery ory>t @ x js (A) empty (B) a single point (© a may in the open first quadrant (D) actosed curve ) the open first quadrant 47. Suppose that the space $ contains exactly eight points. If 3 is a collection of 250 distinct subsets of S, which of the following statements must be true? - (A) S isan clement of 3. B NG Gch (© _NG isa nonempty proper subset of S. Geb (D) 2 has a member that contains exactly one element. (©) The empty set is an element of 4. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 48, Let be the set ofall real polynomials p(x). Let transformations 7, S bedefined on ¥ by Tip(x)-oxp(x) end S:p(x)-+p'(x) = FPG) andinterpret (STIPE) a8 STH). ‘Which of the following is true? (sv =0 @) sT=7 © sv =75 (@) ST — TS is the identity map of V onto itself, () ST + 7S is the identity map of ¥ onto itself. 49, Ifthe finite group G contains a subgroup of order seven but no element (other than the identity) is its own invetse, then the order of G could be (ay 27 Bw Ox» © 9 © 2 50. Ina game two players take turns tossing @ fair coin; the winner is the first ons to toss a head. The probability that the player who makes the first toss wins the game is Oy ®3 ©} Oo} oj 51, Let x1 and xney= JF Din forall positive integers m. IFit is assumed that {x} converges, then im, a= wl @o o% Me ©3 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 6 4 2 “Which of the following is the larger of the eigenvalues (characteristic values) of the matrix ( )) 2 a4 es os ¢ @) 10 ®2 33. Let F be the vector space, under the usual operations, of real polynomials that are of degree at most 3. Let W7” be the subspace of all polynomials p(x) in such that p(Q) = p(l) = p(~1) = 0. Then dim ¥ + dim 17 is 4 5 os @)7 ®s ‘The map x—> axa? ofa group G into itselfis a homomorphism if and only if (A) G is abelian ® =e) ane @ @=a ®a 55, Let fle.) = 2° + y3 + Say forall real x and y. Then there exist istinct points P and @ such that fsa (A) local maximum at P and at Q (B) saddle point at P and at Q (C) local maximum at P anda saddle point at @ (D) local minimum at P and a saddle point at O (E) local minimum at P and at Q GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. ’ + Loe — 1) — fo — 0) fs used to approximate “J TOL. Which of the following ‘The polynomial p(x) = most closely approximates the error /TOT ~ p(1.00)? oo (3) x06 (i) x 0" o(?)

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