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Speech contest “Erlangga”

Bismillah hirrohman nirrohim

Assalamu’alaykum wr.wb.

Robis rohli sodri wayas sirli amri wahlul uhdatan min lisani yafqohu qouli.

Honoroble the judges, and the audiences.

Firstly, let’s pray and thanks to Allah who has given His mercies and blessing to us especially
the healthy delights. So we can attend in this place and in this opportunity without any

Secondly, sholawat and salam may be always and always poured out to our great prophet
Muhammad SAW. He has guided us to the place where the heaven is actually located.

Thirdly, in this occassion I am going to delivery my speech about “What contribution can the
youths make for better and greater of Indonesia”.

Youths are thirsty on learning new knowledge and experience. There are many quotes from
powerful person who believe in youth potential. Such as our first president’s quote, “Give me
1000 old man, I will undoubtedly rip Semeru from its root, give me 10 youths, I will
undoubtedly shake the world”. This quote has motivated many people in Indonesia. Soekarno
himself believed that youth are the agent of change of nation.

“as the young leaders of tomorrow, you have the passion and energy and comitment to make
a different”. Ban Ki Moon said.

The belief on what youth potential is neither a concept nor a theory. It has proven that youth
has capasity in order to be an agent of change or change makers. Indonesian youth itself has
the capability to make a change. Take a look for Indonesia’s independent there were many of
youths who struggled to escape from the Dutch colonization. Such as Mohammad hatta, Ki
hajar dewantoro, Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangun kusumo etc. They all contributed to
Independence of Indonesia, they were all young. If you want to more you can read in
“Erlangga history book”. This example has shown us that youth is not only age but also great
potential in order to make a change.

Even through there are lots of evidences which show the potential of youth, there is still a
negative statement “ I am only youth”. Seemingly if we are youth we won’t be able to
anything for our country. This statement is entirely wrong, indeed. If we believe that we are
the agent of change and the future leader of this country, we should change the statement “ I
am youth and I am the future leader of my country”. Embrace our young age as the age of
learning not as an excuse to do nothing.

As a youth we have an opportunity to contribute for our country. We can bring our flag
proudly with our achievement in national or international level. Let’s make change we are
youth we are amazing. As a student we must prove that we can be a winner and make
Indonesia better and greater. Like our brothers and sisters Jonathan christy, Kevin Sanjaya S,
Liliyana natsir, Acnes mo, Joey Alexander, etc. They proudly bring Indonesia’s flag to
another country as the winner as athletes, academic field such as debate, math competion
olimpyad, musicians, and artists. They can contribute for Indonesia better and greater.

In order to do that there are several things, youth should do. First, believe in yourself as the
future of the nation and chase your dream. No matter what your passion is, because there are
so many ways to be pride of the nations.

Second, do what you love and love what you do, you can find your passion, and do what your
passion, then love your passion. Don’t waste the time, don’t spend the time without do

Third,then stay focus and do not ever think about what the outcome. As the wise word said
that “the result will never betray the effort”. We have to put our maximum effort on what we
are doing right now. As a student we should study hard to get the best score that we want.
And we should dig our tallents so our parents will be proud of us, don’t forget to be a smart
student , by reading a lot of books from “Elangga”. He he he...

The conclusion is youth as the future generation and hope of a nation should aware on their
true identity. They should encourage themselves to learn more and act more rather than doing
nothing, doing some stupid activities in order to be viral in social media. Be something that
Indonesia will be proud of you, because you are the youth, and you are the hope of Indonesia.

I think that’s all thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaykum wr.wb.

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