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Scientific Journals Zeszyty Naukowe

Maritime University of Szczecin Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

2012, 32(104) z. 1 pp. 42–47 2012, 32(104) z. 1 s. 42–47

World Class Manufacturing – characteristcs

and implementation in an automotive enteprise

Katarzyna Midor
Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organisation and Management
Institute of Production Engineering
41-800 Zabrze, ul. Roosevelta 26, e-mail:

Key words: company management system, quality, elimination of waste in an enterprise

The article outlines the characteristics of the WCM system, which is more and more frequently used to
support enterprise management. Currently in Poland the WCM system is most often applied in automotive
plants due to special quality requirements in this branch. By signalling the effects achieved by an organisation
owing to WCM implementation, the author of the article wishes to make automotive plants managers
interested in it, as this system might be a subsequent stage of quality improvement in a company, following
the standards of ISO 9000 series.

Introduction the continuous improvement standard both, in

logistics and in production. This system consists of
The notion of quality accompanies man in
five pillars and employs a number of methods
everyday life. When thinking about quality, the
and tools which are necessary in the complicated
consumer has in mind a number of product quality
process of product quality improvement and in the
attributes, such as: the comfort of use, functionality,
even more difficult activity related to quality main-
durability, aesthetics, cost-effectiveness, safety
tenance on the already achieved level [7].
and more and more frequently – product ecology.
In most cases the applied methods are well-
Depending on personal features and preferences,
known tools for improving quality in an enterprise,
consumers seek for various products and services
such as: FMEA, QFD, 5S, Brain Storming. The
which will meet their individual requirements.
article presents selected tools of the Quality Control
For this reason, contemporary enterprises wishing
pillar, which are not very popular in organisations
to beat strong competitors on the global market
and allow the existing irregularities to be quickly
must offer services and goods which fulfil their
eliminated. These methods include: Poka-Yoke,
customers’ quality requirements. Such an approach
5G, 5Why, 5W+H1, OPL [8].
to enterprise management makes quality a priority
for a modern, developing enterprise with long-term
Characteristics of Word Class
strategies. Both the financial and development
Manufacturing (WCM)
aspects force companies of the 21st century to adopt
a „quality” approach at each level of activity, start- WCM (World Class Manufacturing) is a pro-
ing with the managerial level and finishing with the gramme of enterprise renewal based on the con-
production one [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. In order to ensure tinuous improvement standard both, in logistics and
a high standard of products and services, companies in production [9]. It rests upon foundations of the
can make use of appropriate methods worked achieved performance and methods used by leading
out by authorities in this field. Apart from TQM, global companies. When gathering experience for
KAIZEN, one of such management instruments is many years, these companies created World Class
the WCM (World Class Manufacturing) system, Manufacturing definitions, referring them to the
which is an enterprise renewal programme based on following concepts [9, 10, 11]:

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World Class Manufacturing – characteristcs and implementation in an automotive enteprise

Cost Workplace
Deployment Organization Quality Maintenance Logistic

Concepts basic TIE TQC TPM JIT

improve the quality

technical capacity

level of service

no waste no defects no failure no stock

Fig. 1. WCM concepts [9]

 Total Quality Control (TQC); ment. Figure 2 presents WCM goals in a graphic
 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM); form. Another important issue in the process of
 Total Industrial Engineering (TIE); goals fulfilment is related to employees’ awareness
 Just In Time (JIT). of the changes which must take place, so that the
WCM system can fulfil its function in an organisa-
Figure 1 presents the WCM system with as-
tion. The development of this awareness must go
sumptions to be fulfilled by a particular concept
through subsequent stages of the employees’ way
included in this programme.
of thinking and acting.
WCM detects and eliminates losses and the re-
Employees’ awareness can be classified on five
sulting costs. Waste is analysed, evaluated and
basic levels [7]:
attributed to particular processes. The result of
a conducted analysis shows the manner of interven- LEVEL 1: Employees do not see any problems or
tion. In order to achieve an appropriate level of question their existence.
World Class, WCM influences all the production LEVEL 2: Employees admit that they have noticed
and logistics processes by supporting them with an a problem, but they find excuses claim-
audit system and measuring them with relevant ing the problem is beyond their skills.
indicators. LEVEL 3: Employees admit that problems do exist
The main goals of WCM include [9, 8]: in their company, but they do not know
how to solve them.
1. Maximisation of production system results
LEVEL 4: Employees perceive problems, can iden-
within the framework of logistics programmes
tify them and select a solution using an
and in accordance with the assumed quality
appropriate method.
2. Strengthening of competitiveness through con-
To involve all the
tinuous evolution of the production system so as
people that work
to eliminate losses in all the processes. The at any level of the
scope of „No losses” includes: Attack waste organization
– no accidents; and losses of
any kind
– no defects; OBJECTIVES
– no failures.
no waste
3. Continuous improvement of skills, competences Promote and no defects
and knowledge of employees, which is neces- standardize the
sary to solve problems by means of WCM results achieved no stock
methods and tools. no failure
Use the pain of
Ambitious goals that WCM sets for an enter- methods and tools
prise require a thorough change not only to the very
functioning of the plant, but also to the way of work Fig. 2. Goals in WCM (the Author’s own study on the basis
and the manner of production processes manage- of [12])

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Katarzyna Midor

LEVEL 5: Employees know the kind of problems 1. The 360º approach – encompasses the activities
and appropriate methods to solve them. of the whole plant.
They can also get other persons engaged 2. Based on Cost Deployment – explores the exist-
so as to eliminate the problems. ing losses and allows appropriate corrective
Continuous improvement within the framework measures to be taken.
of WCE is aimed at achieving the fifth level of 3. WCM methodology becomes an objective tool
employees’ awareness. for measuring the effectiveness of the under-
The following elements are necessary for WCM taken solutions.
to be implemented in a company: 4. Common language enables implementation and
– Knowledge necessary to improve processes and maintenance of certain standards in different
to eliminate losses. plants.
– The commitment of employees who make use of 5. Best Practices – the use of other enterprises’
their full potential to „attack” and eliminate experience.
problems. 6. WCM as a method of determining the budget for
– WCM theory must be processed and used in the years to come.
practical actions.
World Class Manufacturing is based on ten
Appropriate selection of people capable of
pillars (Fig. 3) [7, 8, 9]:
cooperating in a team is crucial for the set goals’
fulfilment. – Safety;
WCM is implemented by means of the cascade – Cost Deployment;
process. It starts with implementing a model in a – Focused Improvement;
select group and gradually makes more and more – Quality Control;
people involved. Throughout the process of chan- – Workplace Organization;
ges the employee must realize that his/her attitude – Professional Maintenance;
is being observed. It is not quantitative aspects of – Logistics / Customer Service;
work that are important, but his/her more organised – Early Equipment Management;
and orderly activity. WCM introduces the following – People Development;
changes in the functioning of an enterprise: – Environment.

Logistics customer service
Autonomous maintenance

Professional maintenance

Early product/equipment
Workplace organization

People development
Cost deployment

Quallity control


The involve- Qualified Involvement

ment of the Transparency Vademecum
Board of purpose WCM employees of organizations
Focus on improving Time and money Level extended Level of detail

Fig. 3. Pillars and foundations of WCM [7, 9, 10, 11]

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World Class Manufacturing – characteristcs and implementation in an automotive enteprise

In the WCM system each methodology (Pillar) 3) Dynamic System – this recently established
is equipped with tools necessary for continuous business line focuses on the development of car
improvement and waste elimination. These tools underframe mechatronics products. This de-
are selected on the basis of real requirements of the partment deals mainly with the development of
Pillar, in real implementation conditions. shock absorbers, electronic control modules and
Each methodology (Pillar) has its line of imple- strategies aimed at improving the comfort and
mentation. It consists of seven basic steps. At the dynamics. Apart from the development of par-
very beginning, the so-called „Entrance Step” is ticular components, Dynamic System specialises
applied, the result of which is certified. The evalua- in the integration of the whole system of vehicle
tion provides a basis for a decision regarding next control.
steps, which are continued only when economic
The WCM system was implemented, so that the
benefits can be demonstrated. If they are difficult
company based in Poland and cooperating with the
to define, the fulfilment of the Pillar is withheld
concern could survive on one of the most competi-
until the profit-loss balance becomes evidently im-
tive markets of the automotive branch. This innova-
tive system not only ensures prestige, but it also
The areas of an enterprise which are analysed
allows identifying and eliminating the problems
and improved as part of WCM activity include all
which cause losses and waste within an organisa-
kinds of issues influencing the quality and effec-
tion. The WCM programme can only be developed
tiveness of the organisation’s activity. It is ex-
if appropriate resources are granted for this pur-
tremely important that actions taken in all the areas
pose, as management of projects related to the im-
presented in figure 3 finally lead to the effective-
plementation of improvements defined by targets
ness of operations. It is impossible to proceed to the
must take into consideration: material, financial and
next stage of WCM implementation if particular
human resources, costs, time and the enterprise’s
effects have not been achieved at the current stage.
WCM in an automotive company A budget for WCM projects is established annu-
ally and allotted to different pillars according to
The implementation of WCM in an organisation WCM Schedule. Projects must be completed within
will be presented by using an example of an auto- a specified perspective, and their course should be
motive company focusing its activity on the design monitored in order to adjust the time and planned
and production of suspension modules and ele- costs in the event of a change. Groups responsible
ments for motor vehicles. The company has its head for the projects have to learn how to manage plans,
office in Turin, but the production lines are located so that the goals can be achieved fast and effec-
all over the world. At the moment production is tively. It is also advisable that one person in
going on among others in Poland, Brazil, USA and a group, preferably somebody who is the most
Italy. In continuous search for improvement to the experienced in terms of technological issues and
suspension systems, the activities of the corporation WCM methodology, should take up the role of the
have been divided into three business lines [12]: project manager.
1) Suspensions – the line of suspension systems In July 2008, the top management of the com-
includes mainly such parts as: brake drums, pany made a decision on WCM implementation.
brake discs, stub axles, trunions, hubs. The pro- Factors which determined this step included chiefly
duced pieces are designed for whole modules benefits related to cost reduction, as well as an
assembly (groups of wheels). The design and increasing prestige on the competitive automotive
testing department tailors technical parameters market. A subsequent stage on the WCM path
of the parts to the customer’s requirements. involved trainings related to the essence of the im-
2) Shock absorbers – this business line includes plemented system, which were held in September
shock absorbers, characterised by a wide range and October (they concerned theoretical aspects,
of applications in the automotive industry. This tools and key goals). In November, an official inau-
is the major element of the suspension system, guration of the WCM system in the organisation
so its workmanship must be perfect. This goal took place, which meant a transition from theory to
is achieved by testing the behaviour of shock practice. From December 2008 to February 2009
absorbers on various tracks. Technical parame- teams (Pillars) were established, persons responsi-
ters are designed individually, depending on ble for the Pillars were appointed, a plan of action
the make of the vehicle, the customer and the for particular pillars was worked out and trainings
requirements. for people in charge of the teams were held.

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Katarzyna Midor

There are three main determinants regarding creasing the shares of the manufactured products
the progress of WCM system implementation in on the market;
a company [12]: – continuous improvement of knowledge;
– Bronze medal: – continuous strengthening of the current market
• creation of basic conditions for competitive position.
production; The achieved effects are evaluated on a regular
• achieving a considerable cost reduction basis through audits and by experts specially ap-
(10–20%); pointed for this purpose. After verifying the WCM
• creation of “know-how” to attack main losses methodology, they grant an appropriate score.
of energy; Depending on the obtained score, the company’s
• any quality problems reduced three times current zone is established:
(divided by 3); – Bronze zone: ≥ 50;
• twice reduced time of delivery (divided by – Silver zone: ≥ 65;
2); – Gold zone: ≥ 80.
– Silver medal: By the end of 2012, the company is planning to
• achieving a considerable improvement in have reached the gold zone. This means 40–60%
such areas as: Quality, Costs, Production cost reduction, 10-fold reduction of the number of
Efficiency; quality problems, 4-fold reduction in delivery time
• continuous development of “know-how” for as well as achieving a leader’s position in the area
the whole plant; of products sold by the plant.
• continuous search for energy losses and crea- The effectiveness of WCM is high. The effects
tion of “know-how” in order to systemati- of using WCM methodology could be noticed as
cally attack the defined losses; early as in the first year after its implementation.
• cost reduction reaching a level of 20–40%; Cost reduction noted in the presented company in
• any quality problems reduced seven times the year 2009 reached a high level of 8% [7, 12].
(divided by 7); The WCM system is implemented in the com-
• time of delivery reduced three times (divided pany by means of various methods and tools used
by 3); in order to identify problems, as well as to correct
– Gold medal: and improve the undertaken actions. In most cases
• achieving the level of a leader in the class of these methods are methods and tools of quality
products and services sold; improvement which are well known to the com-
• effective “know-how” philosophy in the area pany, such as FMEA, QFD, 5S, Brain Storming [7].
of loss attack;
• carrying out “know-how” research; Conclusions
• achieving the world class in the field of
products and services sold; WCM (World Class Manufacturing) is a pro-
• quality problems reduced ten times (divided gramme of an enterprise’s renewal, based on the
by 10); standard of continuous improvement both, in logis-
• cost reduction reaching a level of 40–60%; tics and in production. Its foundations rest upon the
• time of delivery reduced four times (divided achieved performance and methods followed by
by 4). leading global companies. When gathering their
experiences for many years, these enterprises cre-
Currently, the presented enterprise is at the ated definitions of World Class Manufacturing,
bronze medal stage. At the beginning of the system referring them to the following concepts: Total
implementation the company was at point 0, which Quality Control (TQC), Total Productive Mainte-
was defined by means of relevant WCM methodo- nance (TPM), Total Industrial Engineering (TIE),
logy. The enterprise had reached an advanced level Just In Time (JIT).
of competitiveness and knowledge already at the WCM detects and eliminates losses and the
stage of the system introduction [7]. At the moment resulting costs. Waste is analysed, evaluated and
the major goal for the company is to achieve the assigned to relevant processes. The result of a con-
gold medal, which means: ducted analysis points to the way of intervention.
– an increased competitiveness level; In order to achieve an appropriate World Class
– increased horizontal expansion (spread of the level, WCM influences all the production and logis-
company’s influence around the sector in which tic processes, supporting them with an Audit sys-
it is currently operating). This is aimed at in- tem and measuring them with relevant Indicators.

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