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Math Quest Grade 5

Solve the following.

_______________1. Round 45 956 732 to the nearest hundred thousand.

_______________2. Round each factor to the nearest hundred and estimate the product of
582 x 429.
_______________3. What is the smallest number that rounds to 600 to the nearest hundred?
_______________4. Round each addends to the nearest thousand and estimate the sum of
4 623 + 6 421 + 7 509.
_______________5. Write the number that is 500 more than the biggest number that can be
formed by all the odd one-digit numbers.
_______________6. What number is 200 less than the product of 55 x 60.
_______________7. What is the ratio of 45dm to 8.5m?
_______________8. Write 48% as a decimal.
_______________9. Write 65% as a fraction in lowest terms.
_______________10. What is 38 percent of 860?
_______________11. Liza has 265 sampaguita garlands to sell. In the afternoon, she had 18
garlands left. How many did she sell?
_______________12. Noni bought 3 sign pens at Php28.45 each and 3 notebooks at
Php14.50 each. How much did she spend in all?
_______________13. Roy gathered 915 mangoes. He put 60 mangoes to a basket. How
many baskets did he use?
_______________14. A pair of shoes was marked Php950.00. Rose bought a pair at a 12%
discount. How much did she pay?
_______________15. Ann receives Php120.00 as pocket money each week. She spends
Php103.50 and saves the rest. What percent of her pocket money does Ann save?
_______________16. How many centimeters are there in 3.55 meters?
_______________17. A family uses a circle graph to represent its monthly expenses. If 40% is
spent on food, how many degrees is the sector in the circle graph food?
_______________18. A circus tent is pyramid in shape. The rectangular base is 42 meters
long and 34 meters wide. The height is 15 meters. How much space does it enclose?
_______________19. A wooden crate containing 36 papayas weighs 30 kg. If 24 of the
papayas are removed, the weight of the crate and the remaining papayas is 10.8 kg.
What is the weight of the crate if the papayas have about the same weight?
_______________20. A farmer bought 85 kg of fertilizer in 12 bags. Some are 5 kg bags and
the rest are 10 kg bags. How may 5 kg bags did he buy?
21-22. A motorist travelled 2/3 of his journey at 80 kph. After which, he decreases his
speed to 60kph and completed the rest of his journey in 3 ½ hours.
_______________a. What was the total distance he travelled?
_______________b. Given that the motorist reached his destination at 1:30pm, at what time
did he start his journey?
_______________23. A train, 135 m long, travels through a tunnel at a constant speed of 15
mps. What is the length of the tunnel if the entire train takes 1 minute 42 seconds to pass
through it?
_______________24. Mr. Lee jogged at an average speed of 7kph from home to the park in
his neighborhood. On reaching the park, he jogged back home along the same route at
an average speed of 5 kph. If he too 1 hour round trip, how long did he take to jog from
the park back home?
_______________25. Mary is driving to her office. If she drives at an average speed of 6o
kph, she will reach her office at 12:30pm. If she drives at a higher average speed of 80
kph, she will reach her office at 11:45am. At what speed should she driving so that she will
reach her office at 12 noon?
_______________26. Ali walked from home to school. For the first 2 minutes, she was walking
at an average speed of 50mpm. When he realized that he was going to be late by 5
minutes, he increases his speed to 60mpm. At this rate, he was early by 2 minutes. Find the
distance between his home and school.
_______________27. Mr. Ho drove at a speed of 60kph during the first 5/12 of his journey to
his office. He completed the rest of his journey in 10 minutes at a speed of 84kph. How
much time did he spend on the entire journey? Give your answer in minutes.
_______________28. Mr. Tan took 3 hours to cycle from Town A to Town B. He covered 4/9 of
the journey in the first hour, 1/3 of it in the second hour and the rest in the third hour. Given
that his average speed for the first two hours was 10.5kph, find his average speed for the
whole journey?
29-30. Simon completed a triathlon race in 3 hours 25 minutes. In the race, he swam,
jogged and cycled at an average speed of 12kph. Given that he swam 1 km in 1 hour 30
minutes and took 5 minutes less to run 21 km, find
_______________a. Distance travelled by cycling;
_______________b. His cycling speed. Give your answer in kph, in terms of fractions.
_______________31. A train, travelling 36kph, takes 37 seconds to pass through a 250-m
tunnel. Travelling at the same speed, the train takes 28 seconds to pass through another
tunnel. How long is the second tunnel?
_______________32. Peter drove at a constant speed of 40kph from village A to village B to
deliver some goods. Without spending any time at village B, he drove back to village A
along the same route at a constant speed of 60kph. In total, he took 5 hours to make the
round trip. Find the distance between two villages.
Answer Key Grade 5

1. 46 000 000
2. 240 000
3. 550
4. 19 000
5. 98 031
6. 3 100
7. 9:17
8. 0.48
9. 13/20
10. 326.8
11. 247
12. Php128.85
13. 15
14. Php836.00
15. 5.4%
16. 355
17. 144°
18. 7 140 cu.m
19. 1.2kg
20. 7 bags
21. 256.6 km
22. 10:00 am
23. 1395 m
24. 35 minutes
25. 72 kph
26. 2200 m
27. 20 minutes
28. 9kph
29. 10.25 km
30. 20 ½ kph
31. 160 m
32. 120 km

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