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D. Pudjianto', G. Strbac', S Ahmed2,K. Bell and P. Turner'

qational Grid Company, UK
Power Technology, UK

INTRODUCTION erators, (ii) the cost associated with re-dispatching ac-

tive generation to meet voltage constraints and (iii) the
The function of transmission in a power system is cen- cost of investment into additional compensating plant
tred on the fundamental requirements of providing such that the total operational and investment cost is
efficient transport of electrical energy from large gen- minimised [l].
erators to demand centres, while maintaining required
standards of security and quality of supply. Among This paper uses a newly developed sensitivity analysis
other requirements, these standards specify the permit- based security constrained optimal power flow (SA-
ted voltage fluctuations under both normal and contin- SCOPF) to calculate the optimal amount of VAr support
gent conditions. In order to efficiently maintain the that needs to be committed while fully exploiting the
required level of voltage regulation, an adequate man- available control capabilities of the system. The optimal
agement of reactive power is essential. portfolio of reactive contracts to be accepted should be
adequate to maintain system security and quality of
In addition to the vital role of system security, voltage supply across a number of loading conditions while
control strategies and reactive power management have taking into account credible contingences.
significant impact on both capital expenditure and sys-
tem operating costs, affecting the total costs of electric- In contrast to work presented in [2] that focuses exclu-
ity seen by the end customers. Reactive power support sively VAR aspects of voltage control, this paper
and reserve are extremely critical for efficient use of the stresses the importance of coupling of active power re-
existing transmission capacity, because the system may dispatch and reactive support [3]. It is well known that
become voltage limited if the reactive loading is not active power dispatch affects the system reactive power
managed appropriately, and this could lead to &der- requirement, particularly when the system is heavily
utilisation of capital investments. Simultaneously, in- loaded, active and reactive powers become strongly
adequate reactive support would inevitably cause addi- coupled. Furthermore, generators' availability to pro-
tional operating costs; such as voltage constraints re- vide reactive power depends on their active output.
quiring increased out-of-merit generation and an ac-
companied increase in active power losses. On the other Decomposition technique adopted by SA-SCOPF to
hand, excessive reactive support would expose the users solve such a large and complex problem and the model-
of the transmission system to an increase in prices for ling of generator loading capability charts are presented
using the system due to an unnecessary increase in the in this paper. Case studies on the modified IEEE 24 bus
corresponding capital expenditure or costs of reactive system and the real England and Wales 1092 bus sys-
support tem demonstrate the validity of the developed SA-
There will be a need for a margin of reactive reserve to
be held on a number generators and other dynamic PROBLEM FORMULATION
reactive compensation plant. These reactive reserves are
maintained primarily to provide additional reactive The minimum overall annual cost associated with volt-
power in the event of outages. For instance, with the age control is composed of (i) out of merit generation
loss of a transmission circuit, the network configuration cost, (ii) cost of VAr support contracts (capability and
changes resulting in an increase in system impedance, utilisation) and (iii) annuitised investment cost of new
which in turn increases reactive demand. This increase VARs. This is modelled as a multi-level security con-
is supplied from reactive reserves. System operation strained Optimal Power Flow problem, formulated as
must therefore, ensure that sufficient reactive reserve is follows (the variables typed in bold are vectors):
held for all credible contingencies. Due to localised
requirement of reactive support, these reserves must be
Y = ~ : Q E+ ~ T Q ;+ FTQE + F ~ Q +?
appropriately distributed across the network. NT ( 1)

In a competitive environment, in order to ensure ade-

quate voltage profiles under both normal and contingent
conditions, the system operator is required to balance (i)
the cost of reactive power support offered by the gen-

Power System Management and Control, 17-19April 2002

396 Conference Publication No. 488 0 IEE 2002
As the number of hours T O spent in the intact network
is much higher then zJzo in the 'contingent condition,
for simplicity it is considered zjg0 =O.

In the objective function (l), Cc,

C, , E , , F r ,Cc ,C,, C, , C D denote the offered an-
nual capacity prices for offered (existing) reactive
power generatiodabsorption (f/MVAr.year), the annual
capacity investment prices for potential (new) reactive
power generation labsorption (f/MVAr.year), the of-
fered prices for utilisation of reactive energy genera-
tionlabsorption within the offered capacity (EMVArh),
and the offered prices to increase or decrease the active
power output from initial dispatch (f/MWh) respec-

The primary objective is to allocate VARs among the

existing generators ( Q ,Q: ), whde re-dispatchmg
generators when appropriate and, where necessary, to
install additional ones ( Q,", a,").
Equations (2) and (3) represent the nodal active and reac-
tive power balance equations in each of the system states.
In the above model, the abbreviations used have the In the above model, Equation (4) and ( 5 ) enforce the
following meaning:
c : Reactive generation limits on the corrective ( k_d ) and preventive ( E l ) control
r : Reactive absorption variables respectively. These include the taps of OLTC
g : Generator (On load tap changing) transformers, shunts, phase shift-
d : Load(demand) ers and even SVCs. The generators' set voltages are con-
i? : Load level (demand period) sidered fixed at their pre-specified values. The adjustment
e : Existing sources of reactive power supplied by generators is achieved
p : Potential sources through changing the generator transformer taps.
E : Existingmaximum
j : Label of an operating state The limits on the state variables are enforced by Equation
NG : Total number of generators (6). Equation (7) ensures that the thermal limit of every
NS : Total number of contingent states (intact branches not being violated. in Equation (8) repre-
system: j=O)
NP : Total number of load levels sent the summation of Qi,!
and ai,!. Potential reac-
w : Objective function tive supports and SVCs are modelled as synchronous
Q : Reactive power injection
P : Active power injection
I : Increment of active power dispatch Equation (9) calculates the movement of current active
D : Decrement of active power dispatch power dspatch fiom the initial (selr) dispatch. Equation
x : State variables(vo1tage V and phase angles e) (10) ensures that the amount of increment and decrement
kj : Control variables adjusted in corrective mode of active power are balanced. Active power re-
dispatching may change the total active power generation
in system state j at load level e requirement due to the changes in system losses, however
k, : Control variables adjusted in preventive th~seffect is not taken into account in the presented for-
mode at load level e mulation.

T! : Number of hours reactive energy is utilised in

intact network.
In this paper a two-stage decomposition scheme shown in
Figure 1 is proposed and implemented to solve the above
optimisation problem. At the Master level, a proposal,

comprishg a portfolio of reactive support contracts to dispatch, a reactive capacity layout ( QE ,Q; ,QK ,Qf)),
be purchased, the settings of preventive controls as well
as the preventive generation active power dispatch for including proposed settings of preventive controls ( k e )
each loading condition, is made. for each loading condition.

The feasibility of the proposal is evaluated at the Slave This single state OPF problem can be formulated with
level (second stage). For each contingent state at each the objective function as follows:
load condition (demand level), this assessment carried
out using an advanced non-linear programming based
optimal power flow (OPF). Objective:

power commitment and demand

c:r,Q,J + CTr,Q,,
subject to the satisfaction of power balance constraints,
Decision Evaluation: Equations (2,3) and the feasibility of the operational
Level constraints, Equations (4-7). It is important to note that
for each demand level preventive controls, including
Decision Evaluation: preventive active power dispatch, are optimised by the
constraints decision-making sub-problem, and are hence kept con-
I ' ' - 1 stant at the decision evaluation level. On the other hand,
Decision Evaluation: corrective controls are optimised for each system state
Load State 0 Selection of specifically.
NP Decision Evaluation:
State NS constraints QE ,Qt ,QE ,andQr represent additional capacity of
reactive generation and absorption from existing and
potential (fictitious) sources respectively, necessary to
Figure 1 Two-stage solution algorithm of Multi-level enforce the feasibility of the system. Constraints,
SA-SCOPF Equations (15-18) , are included in the decision
evaluation sub-problem.
In contrast to the conventional sensitivity analysis based
decomposition, the developed algorithm directly en- -Q: -Qf) -Q: -Qr SQL,! SQZ +QE +QZ + Q g
forces the satisfaction of the constraints in the decision ( 15)
evaluation sub-problem (discussed further in the next
O S Q ;S Q F - Q : ( 16)
O S Q ; I Q : -Q; ( 17)
For each individual system state studied, the sensitivi-
ties of violated voltages and flows as well as reactive
Q: 2 0 ;Qr 20 ( 18)
power injection at voltage-controlled buses with respect
This optimisation problem is solved through an ad-
to reactive power injection at non-controlled buses
vanced non-linear primal dual interior point method
including preventive controls are calculated. After se-
developed on the basis of work published in [4,5].
lecting the most severely violated constraints from the
decision evaluation problem, for each individual load
level, a new set of constraints is formed and fed back to
the Master problem. The new solution, the improvement
Proposal for VARs support contracts, VAr reinforce-
of the Master's proposal, is then created. The Master-
ment required and preventive control settings are cre-
Slave interaction process continues until the VAR sup-
ated at the Master level (Figure 1). This optimisation
port contract portfolio purchased (andor new VAr re-
problem takes the following form:
sources installed), in coordination with settings of pre-
ventive controls including active power generation Objective
dispatch, is such that the system security requirements
are satisfied.


The decision evaluation sub-problem represents a feasi-

bility assessment of the proposed VAr support con- Subject to
tracts, given through a preventive active generation

Nodal violated v,oltage constraints for non voltage
controlled buses: lar load level). Vectors - refer to the sensitivity
au e
=(Pt,Qi,,Ep 1 ( 20)
coefficients of the reactive power output with respect to
av; the control variables. Note that constraints in Equation
Vmin 5 V p ) +-(Ue - u y ) s Vmax (21) (22) are the linear approximations of the constraints in
h e Equation (8).
Reactive power constraints for voltage controlled
buses: After selecting the states with most severely violated
- Q F , e -Q! 'Q,e j(0) + constraints from each individual load level, the con-
straints in Equation (21)-(23) are formed. These con-
straints are brought back from decision evaluation to the
decision making sub-problem, whch improves the
decision to satisfy all constraints. The improved deci-
MVA constraints (demand level and system state
specific): sions (QE ,Q,",QF , Q! and k e ) are then fed to the
decision evaluation sub-problems, the feasibility check-
Active power re-dispatch constraints MODELLING GENERATOR LOADING CAPA-
Pe -P: - 1 p +De = O ( 24) BILITY CHART
C(Pi,!-PIT]() =o ( 25)
i =1

ue represent the vectors of control variables to be op- Figure 2 Generator loading capability chart
timised and comprises of vectors of active power dis-
patch, reactive injections at non-voltage control buses Figure 2 illustrates the piece wise linear approximation
of the generator loading capability chart. The chart is
) and positions of preventive controls for each broken down into several linear segments. If the number
loading condition. of breakpoints is n, than number of segments n-1. P, to
P, denote the possible range of active power production.
Constraints (2 1) are formed for each load level from the Outside that range, generator may not be stable or could
states with most severely violated voltages, indicated by E
be overloaded.Q,",,I QEl andQEn I Qr,nrepresent
the presence of new reactive reinforcement. Vi repre- the maximum reactive power generation I absorption
sents the vectors of voltages at voltage optimised buses when generator produces active power at minimum and
with subscript j and .! being referred to the severely maximum level respectively. Increasing the number of
segments will make the approximation closer to the real
violated system state and load level. -refers to the one. However, the optimisation problem becomes more
he complex and more difficult to solve since the number of
vectors of sensitivity coefficients of the bus voltage integer variables increases. In practice, a trapezoidal
magnitudes at demand level .!in j-th system state to the form may be sufficient.
control variables.
Constraints (29 - 37) are added into the decision-
making problem to include generation loading capabil-
Constraints in Equation (22) are formed for the voltage-
ity chart constraint.
controlled buses for each load level. Vectors of reactive
power outputs ( C& ) at voltage-controlled buses (sub-
Pe -a:P1 -a:P2 - .........-a;€', =P~(y'-l) (29)
script j refer to the state with most severely violated
reactive constraint, while l? corresponds to the particu- a:,! -.:a:,, -.:a:,, ---afQF,n <Q;,~(Y' -1) (30)

nificant impact on the voltage and local reactive power

As the reactive power reserve may be needed from

particular generators due to the increment of local reac-
tive power requirement in the contingent conditions,
local generators may have to be partly de-loaded to
reserve their reactive power capability.

An -Max Qgeneration capability

...... b x Q absorption capability
A &xQcapabilityatbus 27

h4xQcapabilityatbus 28

. h'0xOcapabilityatbus 31

h4x Q capabilityat bus 32


-30 1 ............
Active power output (MW)
Case studies on the modified IEEE 24 bus system and
the real England and Wales 1092 bus system demon-
strate the validity of the developed SA-SCOPF.

The need to re-dispatch active power in order to provide

necessary reactive power reserve, considering the gen- Figure 3 Generator capability chart: the need to reduce
erator loading capability chart constraints, is demon- active power output in order to provide additional reac-
strated on the modified IEEE RTS system, while the tive support.
balancing of out-of-merit order generation cost against
VAR investment is shown on the England and Wales Figure 3 gives outputs of active and reactive output of
system. the generators, places on the capability chart. It is
shown that all four generators output are re-dispatched.
Inserting a generator transformer between each of the In order to ensure sufficient reactive reserve generators
generators and the network modifies the IEEE RTS are de-loaded. The amount of the reactive reserve cre-
system. Generators connected to buses 27, 28, 31 and ated is sufficient to maintain satisfactory voltages in the
32 have similar technical and cost characteristics. The post contingent states.
generators are initially scheduled to run at their maxi-
mum active power output. The generator capability
charts are divided into 4 segments, where the details of Additional case studies are performed on the standard
the breakpoints are summarised in Table 1. Other gen- 1092 bus model of the real England and Wales system
erators are assumed to have rectangle operating charts. [6]. Three case studies are performed. In each study
Peak load level (2850 M W and 580 MVAr) is being annual variation in load is presented with 5 demand
considered. Total MW scheduled is 2930 MW and the periods. However, the duration of the period is varied to
four generators are scheduled to produce at their maxi- demonstrate the ability of the developed tool to balance
mum active power output (76 MW). VAR investment cost against out of merit generation
cost. This is listed in Table 2. In all studies 30 critical
Table 1 Breakpoint details for the generator loading double branch contingencies are considered. Pre-
capability chart contingency voltage limits are 0.95 - 1.05 pu, while
post-contingency limits are 0.9 - 1.1 pu. All generations
1 Break- I MW I are assumed to offer the same price for their reactive
capability, the same price for their reactive power utili-
sation.and for re-dispatching of their active power out-
put. For reactive investment, the same price applied for
all buses in which additional reactive compensation can
be provided.

Six system states are considered: intact network with 5

single contingencies (outages of lines 14-16, 15-24,4-9,
6- 10 and 5- 10). Selected contingencies considered in
the case study are critical, as these outages make a sig-

Table 2 Loading conditions and their duration for each investment required by optimising control variables in
case preventive and/or corrective modes. The coupled man-
I Duration(h) 1 agement of active and reactive power for voltage con-
trol strategy, showed by minimising the cost of voltage
dnven out of merit generation and allocation of VAr
support contract and investment are presented. Genera-
tor loading capability chart was modelled and discussed.
This tool can optimise reactive support of the system
across a number of demand levels taking into account
some credible contingencies. Case studies performed
show that the developed SA-SCOPF is applicable to
Table 3 Reactive capability layout and out of merit large-scale power systems.
generation reauired for each case
(MVAr) (MVAr) (MVAr) (MVAr) (MW)
Case 1 19904 534 832 32 0 The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from
EPSRC (GRW37489) and the valuable inputs from
(case 3 I 1693 11 521 404 24 126d National Grid Company and Power Gen.
Columns “QPE” and “QNE” present the reactive gen-
eration and absorption capability from existing VAR REFERENCES
providers (generators) respectively. Column “QPF’” and [l] Strbac, G. et al, 1997,”Co-ordination of investment deci-
“QNP” consist the reactive generation and absorption sions and controls in reactive power planning”, Paper
capability from new reactive sources suggested to be 342-05, CIGRE symposium on Open access, Tours,
installed. While column “ O M G gives of the amount of France, 8- 12 June.
out of merit generation required to be dispatched to [2] Pudjianto,D. et al, 2001, “Optimal Reactive Power
enforce the satisfaction of voltage constraint. allocation using Sensitivity Analysis Based Security
Constrained OPF (SA-SCOPF)” , IPECOl, May,
Table 3 shows that when the duration of the peak de- Singapore
mand period (51,028 MW) is long, engaging out of [3] Chebbo, A.M. et al, 1995,”Combined Active and Reac-
merit generation is an expensive option. Installation of tive Dispatch, Parts I and II”, IEE Proceedings, Part C,
new VAR support (864 MVAr) combined with reactive Vol. 142, No.4, July, pp 393 - 405.
capability committed from generators (19909 MVAr) is [4] J..Kubokawa et al, 1998,”An Interior Point nonlinear
the preferred option. programming for Optimal Power Flow with a novel data
structure”, IEEE Tarns.on Power Systems, Vo1.13, No.3,
August, pp. 870-877.
However, when the duration of the peak reduces to
157h, some 364 MW out-of-merit generation is dis- [5] V.H. Quintana et. al, 2000, “Interior Point methods and
patched, while the capacity of new VARs installed their applications to Power Systems: A classification of
publications and Software codes”, IEEE Tams. on Power
reduces from 832MVAr (lagging) and 32 MVAr (lead- Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, February, pp. 170-176.
ing) to 638 MVAr (lagging) and 23 MVAr (leading)
[6] National Grid Company plc., Seven Years Statement,
respectively. Also amount of reactive capability pur-
chased from the generators reduces from 19,909 MVAr
(lagging) and 534 MVAr (leading) to 18,713 MVAr
(lagging) and 439 MVAr (leading).

Reducing the duration of the peak period further to 57

hours per year, increases the amount of out-of-merit
generation dispatched to 1,266 MW, while the capacity
of new VARs installed reduces to 409MVAr (lagging)
and 25 MVAr (leading). Similarly, the amount of lag-
ging capability reduces significantly to 16,93 1 MVAr,
while the demand for leading Capability slightly in-


In this paper a novel sensitivity analysis based security

constrained OPF was developed to optimally allocate
VAr support amongst the existing generator and VAr


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