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Highways there are frequent openings

In case &&way Engineers do
in the medians, direct access to abutting not exercise effective control on access
private properties
development thereon.
of inter city traffic, which are increasing
in importance need to be protected from I. INTRODUCTION
unregulated roadside development by With the deck undergoing expansion
exercising limited access control. T h ~ s Before working out the expressions due to temperature, the free bearing will
is especially necessary in the case of for horizontal forces for various possible resist movement upto a force of 'pR'and
bypasses and highways in the urban conditions, it is felt necessary to bring out thereafter the deck will start sliding on the
fiinge. the principle in distributing the horizontal free bearing ('p' is the coefficient of friction
force between free and fixed bearings between the deck and the free bearing and
The control of access can be considering a simply supported span.This 'R' is the reaction on the free bearing). It
either full or partial. For full access principle has been explained by Shri can be seen from Fig. 1 that the top of
control we will have to design and Rakshit However, it is pertinent to bearing is subjected to a force of 'pR'and
construct new routes as per Expressway reiterate it here for the benefit of reaaers the bottom of the deck to a force of 'pR'
Standards. Till such a time, we have a to appreciate the expressions developed in the opposite direction balancing the
network of Expressways, the National subsequently for continuous spans. forces at the joint. For static equilibrium, a
Highways will have to cater for mobility force of 'pK' in the opposite direction is
fhction with partial access control with A simply supported span with a free developed on the top of the fixed bearing
provision of service roads to regulate and fixed bearing cawing an applied at the other end. At this stage, if a force of
horizontal force 'H' is considered for the 'H' is applied on the deck in the same
frontage access, openings in the central
following conditions : direction as that of 'pR' on the top of the
median at not less than 750 m centre to
free bearing, then the free bearing would
centre, location of petrol filling stations 1.1. %' and 'pR' Acting in the not be able to take any further force and
away from junctions by minimum of Same Direction (Fig. 1) the full 'H' is tsansferred to the fixed
300 m, conversion of at-grade cross
bearing. Thus the total force taken by the
junctions to staggered T-junctions etc. fixed bearing is 'H-pR'.
Regardingbypasses, the planning should
be to have parallel service roads to limit
1.2. 'N' and 'pR' Acting in the
the access on the main highway before Opposite Direction (Figs. 2&3)
building construction activity is allowed
to develop. Etawah bypass on NH-2 in -+P R
With the deck undergoing contraction,
U.P. has been designed with complete the free bearing as before will resist
Fig. 1 .
access control with fencing, crossing of movement upto a force of 'pR9 and
other major roads through grade thereafter the deck will start sliding. At
separation and provision of underpass
to reduce severance of community. * Advisor (RITES) & Former-Chief Engineer, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
New Delhi
2. DERIVATION OF EXPRESSIONS FOR Force on fixed beanng
HORIZONTAL FORCES ON FIXED BEARINGS For this case, force on fixed bearing : -

--+Em+p R
(upto a max.
of R)+
I When 'Fh,' and 'pR' are acting tn the
same direc , Fh, and
pL will be directton
Fig, 2. on the left span. (With the fixed bearing in Fig. 6 . For this case, force on fixed bearing :
between the free beaiings the expanstod
this stage, if ;a force of 'H' is applied In
contraction of the adjacent spans will be tn Force on fixed bearing
the opposite direction, the free bearing will
the opposite direction) (Fig. 4)
not move till it is subjected to a force of = Fh, - pR + Fh, - pL
Fh, + Fh,- (pR + pL) .. . (8)
'2pR' in the opposite direction. Till that =-

time it will act as a fixed bearing. Thus for When Fh, and pR are acting in the
'H 5 4pR' both the bearings will share Fig. 9.
opposite direction on the right span, Fh,
equally the applied force 'H' and the total
and pL will be acting in the same direction Force on fixed bearing
amount of force on the fixed beanng would
on the left span.
be '(W2)+ pR' (Fig. 2). = Fh, - I"R + Fh,- pL
This is the case of deck undergoing = Fh, + Fh,- (pR + pL) ... (if)
Fig. 4.
contraction :
It may be seen that (B) and (D) are
For such a case, there are two identical expressions. Thus the force on
conditions possible : the f ~ e bearing
d shall be the maximum of
the following :
P R --J
- Fig. 3. 1. Fh, - pR +
Fig. 7. + pL AN acting
in the
For 'H> 4pR', 2pR would be taken For this case, forqe on fixed bearing . 2. Fh, + Fh, - (pR + pL) direction
up blthe free bearing and H-2pR' would For such a case, there are two of Fh, and
be transferred to the futed bearing. The conditions possible : 3. + pR + Fh, - pL Fh,
total force on the fixed bearing works out
to 'H-pR' (Fig. 3).
aJ T nR 5 2pR Where,
t nL or Z nR = Number of bearings to the
Thus it can be seen that for all the !eft or right of the fixed
Fig. 5. For this case, force on fcred bearing :
possible combinations, the force on the hearing respectively
fixed bearing is 'H-pR' or '(Hi2) + pR' Force on fixed bearing pL and pR = Total horizontal force
whichever is larger. The maximum force
on the free bearing would be 'pR'. - Fh, - 1tR + +pL ...(.4j
developed o n the free
bearings to the left or right
o f the fixed bearing
This principle is used in developing
Fh, and Fh, = Horizontal force applied to
the expressions for horizontal forces on (I+ X nR) the left or right of the fixed
fixed bearings under continuous spans.
Fig. 8.
- bearing respectively.



3. HORIZONTAL FORCES ON FREE 3.2. Deck Under Contraction Probably the design of the piers and necessity for calculating the horizontal
BEARINGS ON A PIER UNDER EXPANSION forces on the bearings in a systematic way
abutments can be carried out as usual for
Fh, and pR, would be acting in the the toal horizontal force without considering needs no emphasis. Further, bridges are no
Consider a case where the adjacent opposite direction whereas, Ffi, and pR, the directions provihg same reinforcement more being constructed only straight, and
spans are supported on free bearings over would be acting in the same direction. on both the faces. Similarly, the foundations skew and curved bridges to suit to the road
the pier. pR, and pR, are the maximum Based on the same reasoning brought out may have to be designed considering that geornetrics are being adopted in mmy cases
horizontal forces that are carried by the in para 3.1, it can be seen that the total the total horizontal force without for which in place of metallic roller-rocker
free bearings on the left side and right side horizontal force on the pier is (p R, + p considering directions may act in either bearings, Pot-cum-PTFE bearings, etc., are
respectively where R, and R, are the 4 ) acting in the direction of Fh, and Fh, direction. being used which are capable of
maximum reactions on these beanngs. Fh, transmitting both longitudinal and
and Fh2are the horizontal forces on the left 4. HORIZONTAL FORCES ON BEARINGS 5. EXAMPLES transverse horizontal forces. While the
UNDER A FOUR LANE CARRIAGEWAY distribution of transverse horizontal forces
and right spans respectively. CARRYING TWO DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC
In Annexure I, numerical examples is simple, the distribution of longitudinal
are illustrated showing the calculation of horizontal forces is a little bit complex.
3.1. Deck Under Expansion
For two lanes (e.g., with 4 beams) or horizontal forces on the bearings using the
four lane (e.g., with 6 beams) dual expressions developed in para 2 with the From the numerical examples
carnageway on the same superstructure f ~ e bearing
d in between the roller bearings illustrated in Annexures I h bl, it is seen
I Expansion I I f- Expansion 1 for a 3 x 45 m span continuous bridge for
catering for traffic in both the directions, that the expressions in Appendix 2 of
pR1-0 Ot, at a particular time the forces on the the normal and seismic case. The values so IRC:83-1982 for distribution of horizontal
bearings under the two carnageways will obtained have been compared with those forces on the bearings in continuous bridges
be in opposite direction obtained by using the expression in is seen valid only for the particular case in
Appendix 2 of IRC:83-1982 (Bearings Part which the fixed bearing is located at one
DECK UNDER EXPANSION I : Metallic Bearings). The values are end and all the free bearings are located on
'for H (r *pR) up 10 zp RI 1/
7 1 found to be differing for both the cases one side of it and not for the general case.
forH ( > r p R ) lpRa

Fig. 10. In Annexure II, numerical examples

for the same 3 x 45 m span continuous During the preparation of the Paper
Fh, and pR, would be acting in the bridge with the fured bearing at one end references have been made to the technical
same direction whereas, Fh, and ~.1& would and all the free bearings on one side of it literature brought out in references in the
be acting in the opposite direction. The is illustrated for the same two cases end. This is gratefully acknowledged.
right side free bearing can take a horizontal considered in Annexure I. The values so
obtained have been compared with the REFERENCES
force upto 2pR2 for the case Fh, I 4 p 4
and a horizontal force of 2pR, for the case values obtained by using the expressions
1. Rakshit, K.S. "Determination of Horizontal Forces
H > 4p%. Thus the maximum horizontal in Appendix 2 of IRC:83-1982 and it is on Bridge Piers and Abutments Transmitted
force on the right side free bearing would seen that the values obtained are tallying. Through Fixed and Free Bearings - Indian
Highways, July 1995.
be pR,. The total horizontal force on the
pier is (p R, + p 4 ) acting in the direction 2. IRC:83-1982 "Standard Specifications and Code
of Fh, and Fh,.
Expansion gap Expaasion dp With long span continuous bridges
of Practice for Road Bridges : Section iX, Bearings
-Part I : Metallic Bearings".
Fig. 11: becoming more and more common, the



p = friction between the deck and bearings = 0.05 (Comparing with C1. 905.1,
ANNEXURE l Appendix 2 of 1R:83-1982.
Using the expressions developed in Horizontal force developed in the fixed bearing
para 2, horizontal force developed in the shall he the maximum o f :
(Comparing with C1. 905.1, Appendix- fixed bearing wiil be the maximum of :
3 x 45 m span continuous bridge (i) Fh- (pK + pL)
2 of IRC:83-1982: = 24 1 - (85+26)
(i) Fh, - pR + Fh, + PL = 130 (acting in the same direction of applicd
( 1 ) Normal Case : 'mj force)
Horizontal force developed in the fixed = 157 -85 + 841(1+1) +26
-+Fh, = 20 ~ b 30-~ = bearing shall be the maximum of : = 140 (acting in the same direction of apphed
(ii) Fh + (pR - pl.,)
(i) Fh-- ( pR +pL)
(ii) Fh, + Fh,- (pR + pL)
= 157 + 84 -(85+26)
= 130 (acting in the same direction of applied
= 139.33 (acting in the same dlrect~onof applied
force) force)
= - 61 (acting in the opposite
direction to applied force)

Fig. 12.
= 2411(1+1) -(85-26)
= 61.5 force) in the same direction of applied
p = friction %betweenthe deck and = 195.33 (acting in the same direction of
= 501(1+2) + (85-26)
applied force)
bearings= 0.05. = 75.67 (acting in the same direction of applied
force) Maximum horizontal force works out to
Maximum value = 195.33 MT 139.33 MT as against 195.33 MT worked out using
Using the expressions developed in expressions in para 2). .
para 2, horizontal force developed in the
fixed bearing will be the maximum of :
= 5Ol(l+l) -(85-26)
= -34 (acting in the opposite direction to applied
(i) Fh, - pR + Fh, + pL force)
(1+ Z nL)
= 30 -85 + 20/(1+1) +26
Maximum horizontal force works out
= - 19 (acting in the opposite to 76 MT as against 89 MT worked out
direction to applied force) The same examples worked out in 3 a: 45 m span continuous bridge :
using expressions in para 2.)
Annexure I have been illustrated below
jii) Fh, + Fh,- (pR + pL)
= 30 + 20 - (85+26) (2) Seismic Case : with the only change that the fuied bearing (1) Normal Case :
= - 61 (acting in the opposite is kept at the left most end with all the ---3 ~ h , 543

direction to applied force) roller bearings on the right hand side to

show that in such a case the horizontal
i - Fh + pR + Fh, - pL forces worked out by the expressions 'I+ '1'
(1 + I nR) developed in this paper Lily with the values .as 1226 1193 499
obtained by using the expressions in C1. , ,,,,& 61 50 25
905.1, Appendix 2 of IRC:83-1982. This L-
= 89 (acting in the same leads to the inference that the coda1 $46
direction of applied force) expressions are valid only for such a case.
Fig. 14.



p = friction between the deck and bearings = 0.05 (iii) Fh - (pX - PL)
(I + 1 nL)
Using the expressions developed tn para 2, horizontal = 206 25 (achng m the same dtrectton as applled = 206.25 (acting in ihe same direction as applied
force developed in the fixed bearing will be the maxtmum = 50/(1+0) -(146-0) force)
of: = - 96 (acting in the
applied force) (iii) Fh -- {pX-pL)
Maxtmum value = 206 25 MT
(i) Fh, - pX + Fh, + pL (Fh,= 20+30=50 Maximum horizontal force works out to 158.5 MT
(Companng w ~ t hCI 905 1,
(I+ C nL) Fh, = 0) which is the same value obtained using the expressions Appendix 2 of IRC 83-1982
developed in para 2 of this Paper).
Horizontal force developed In the fixed beanng = 95 (acting in the same direction as applied
(2) Seismic Case : shall be the max~mumof force)
= -96 (acting in the opposite direction to
applied force) Maximum horizontal force works out to 206.25
MT which is the same value obtained using the expressions
(ii) Fh, + Fh,- (pX + pL) developed in para 2 of this Paper).

- 95 (actmg in the same drrectlon as appl~ed

= -96 (acting in the opposite direction to
applied force) (ii) Fh + (pR - pL)
(I t X nR)
(iii) %, + pR + Fh, - pL Y
(I+ 'f nR)

Fig. 15.

= 158.5 (acting in the same direction of

applied force)
p = friction between the deck and bearings = 0.05
Maximum value = 158.5 MT.
Using the expressions developad in para 2, horizontal
(Comparing with ~1.'905.1,Appendix 2 of force developed in the fixed bearing will be the maximum
IRC:83-1982: of:

Horizontal force developed in the fixed bearing (Fh, = 84 t 157-24=241 Fh, = 0)

shall be the maximum of: EMPANELMENT OF ARBITRATORS FOR
(I) Fh, - pR + Fh, +pL
(i) Fh- (pR + pL) (I+ X nL) ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS
= 241 -146 + 0 + 0
On the persistant demand of the members the last date for furnishing
= -96 (acting in the opposite direction to = 95 (actlng tn the same direction of particulars for empanelment of Arbitrators for the road and bridge works has
applied force) applted force) been extended upto 15th April, 2001. Qualified Engineers who are IRC members
(li) Fh, + Fh,- (pR + pL) for the minimum last three years or Life Members, holding or have retired from
the post of atleast Chief Engineer or equivalent including those in the Public/
= 241 + 0 - (146+ 0)
= 95 (acting in the same direction as appl~ed
Private Sector and who have handled road and bridge works for a minimum
force) period of 5 years at the level of Superintending Engineers and above willing to
= 158.5 (acting in the same direction to work as Arbitrators may hrnish their particulars on the prescribed form
applied force) (iii) Fh, + pR + Fh, - pL
( I + 1 nR) available from the IRC Sectt. latest by the 15th April, 2001.


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