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Hubspot: Inbound Marketing and Web 2.

 Developing market segmentation and targeting strategies to decide which customer
to serve and which to turn away
 Come up with suitable Pricing Model
 Determining whether inbound marketing programs can generate enough scale or
whether traditional outbound marketing methods need to be employed to
accelerate growth

Strengths Weaknesses
 Solid financial foundation  Fighting with many of the same
 Has made significant progress over issues its customers face when
passed two years in convincing implementing inbound marketing
America that the rules of marketing practices
have changed  Diverse pool of customers (many
 Has reached noteworthy millstone industries, B2B, B2C, small business
of 1000 customers by practicing larger firms, etc) – difficult to
what it preached standardize processes across
 User-friendly product customer base
 Complete inbound marketing  Mix of customers adds layers of
system (best practice guides, complexity and cost to sales and
training materials, software tools, a customers service areas
community and support) – selling  Prioritizing items in the long list of
more than just software potential software updates proves
 Received the W3 Silver Award, the to be challenging
MITX Impact Award, and named one
of the top ten “Best SEO Companies
in 2009”
 Its “Website Grader” was an official
honoree in the 12th Annual Webby
 Robust website (whitepapers,
webinars, and podcasts, etc), 8000
member Linkedin group (Pro-
Marketers), HubSpot TV and
Youtube video spoofs – all attract
many potential customers
Opportunities Threats
 Founders recognize transformative  dominates the
power that the internet possesses bottom of the customer funnel—
for changing the way small business become the industry standard for
operates managing and tracking sales efforts
 Possesses a willing audience for its  Inbound marketing involves fishing
ideas – considered a thought leader for customers, taking what is caught
in the Web 2.0 space and figuring out target market—
 Outbound marketing’s effectiveness causes strategic planning difficulties
is diminishing as consumers begin  A lot of macroeconomic risk
turning out associated with small business
 Search engines, blogs and social customers—bad business models
media (inbound marketing) are that are risky during recessions
generating new business at high  Ignoring 50% of the leads brought in
rates by its inbound marketing
 Cost of a lead generated using  Customer churn rates showing that
inbound marketing in 5 – 7 times some customers are obtaining initial
less than one generated by burst of value from software and
outbound marketing then cancelling it within a few
 Inbound marketing has many months
increased efficiencies over  Restricted from doing outbound
outbound marketing prospecting—could be hindering
 Business have increased the portion scale by not creating outbound
of their marketing budgets marketing programs
dedicated to inbound marketing
 Inbound marketing allows small
business to compete with larger
firms-small businesses allocating
their budgets to inbound marketing
 Uses a software as a service pricing
strategy, allowing customers to
avoid a large upfront fee and
instead pay a smaller monthly fee
 Huge market potential for small and
medium sized businesses.

Recommended Solution
 Need not go into expensive and / or aggressive outbound methods like offline
 Outbound techniques might be partially applied
o Online advertisements
o Logo on the client site
 Outbound techniques might be later used in following scenarios
o For feedback mechanism
 Create two separate areas in the business – one that will focus on services for
smaller business and one that will focus on services for larger business
 Create contracts to prevent customers from leaving after several months and give
the opportunity to present everything Hubspot has to offer
 Increase the upfront price for larger companies

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