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Varieties of English

The term World English (or World Englishes) refers to the English language as it is
variously used throughout the world. Also known as international English and Global
English.The English language is now spoken in more than 100 countries. Varieties of World
English include American English, Australian English, Babu English, Banglish, British
English, Canadian English, Caribbean English, Chicano English, Chinese English, Denglish
(Denglisch), Euro-English,Hinglish, Indian English, Irish English, Japanese English, New
Zealand English, Nigerian English, Philippine English, Scottish English, Singapore
English, South African English, Spanglish, Taglish, Welsh English, West African Pidgin
English, and Zimbabwean English.

In the Asian context, the concept was introduced by Braj Kachru. Kachru (1997)
proposed three circles (Figure-1) to divide English-using world. While doing this, he focused on
the historical context of English, the status of the language and the functions in various regions.
According to Kachru, the Inner Circle includes the Native English-speaking countries such as
England, USA and Canada. The Outer Circle consists of the former colonies such as India,
Africa and Nigeria and finally Expanding Circle includes countries such as China, Japan and
Turkey, which are affected by Western and where English is becoming an important language in
business, science, technology and education. It is then to be understood that people have
different linguistic and cultural backgrounds making intercultural communication a significant
variable in communication.

Figure 1. Concentric Circle Model Adapted from Kachru (1997)


Nordquist, Richard (2017, May 8). What is World English? Retrieved from
Kilickaya, F. (2009). World Englishes, English as an International Language and Applied
Linguistics. English Language Teaching, 2(3).

Language Registers
Linguists use register to describe the level of formality when speaking to others.
Language register is the level of formality with which you speak. It refers to the perceived
attitude and level of formality associated with a variety of language. The relationship between
the writer's attitude and the variety chosen is very important in the study of written language. In
face to face speech, the listener can easily interpret the attitude of the speaker by examining the
speaker's tone of voice, facial expressions and overall body language. This is not possible in
writing. The writer has to use specialized features of discourse to convey or mask attitudes. It is
then the reader's responsibility to correctly interpret the writer's attitude, tone and level of
formality. Language registers range on a scale from most formal to most informal.
Very briefly, here are the five registers:

1. Frozen or “static” register

Language that is “static” in time and from, It does not change and is often learned by
rote. Examples: biblical verse, prayers, the Pledge of Allegiance, and so forth.
2. Formal register
Often used in writing, impersonal and professional. Avoids slang and speaks in complete
sentences. Examples: Academic, medical or technical language.
3. Consultativeregister
Similar to formal register but used more in conversation. This language is precise and
often technical. Examples: conversing with a doctor or other expert
4. Casual register
Informal language that may include slag and colloquialisms. Words are general, rather
than technical. Examples: language used between friends
5. Intimate register
The language used between lovers. Also used in cases of sexual harassment. Avoid using
this register in public and professional situations

In other words, different situations and people call for different registers. It depends upon
the audience (who), the topic (what), purpose (why) and location (where).It is also through
register that you are able to determine the kind of lexicon or vocabulary to use as well as the kind
of structure to be used.

How well you grasp the idea of register as it relates to writing? Identify the register you
think is being used.

1. From the night of my birth, I had been haunted by apparitions and troubled by
phenomena unseen by anyone other than myself.
2. “Hey, meet in the parking lot in fifteen for lunch. You in?”
3. And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that
all the world should be taxed … And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of
Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he
was of the house and lineage of David:) …
4. After we finished dinner, we piled into the Buick and headed for the mall.
5. No more than an hour before bed, mix the entire contents of the green packet with 8
ounces of water and drink it within ten minutes.
6. “What you mean, we don’t got any more bread? I tol’ you to buy some last night!” Mom
stomped around the kitchen, banging saucepan lids and stainless steel ladles like a
wacked-out percussionist.
7. “Bunnykins, do you still want to bob for videos?”
8. During the spring of 2016, a group of researchers ventured into the outback to undertake
a month-long study of the effects of exposure on petrochemical-based packaging.



Conlin, Karen S. ( 2017, December 18).Understanding and Using Register. Retrieved from

Eaton, Sarah Elaine. (2018, January 2.) Learning, Teaching and Leadership. Retrieved from
Madrunio,MariluRanosa and Isabel Pefianco Martin.(2018).Purposive Communication Using
English in Multilingual Contexts. C&E Publishing House.

CAPE-Communication Studies. (2011,February 9). Retrieved from http://cape-

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