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8th World Forum for a Responsible Economy

In October 2014, Human Nature co-founder Dylan Wilk represented the brand to
share our company vision and experiences at the World Forum Lille, a gathering
which seeks to highlight the best practices of responsible businesses. Forum
organizers noted that Human Nature's story proves that responsible economy is
possible, strengthening their belief that "it is better to show solutions than to talk
(for) hours about the problems."

23rd World Economic Forum on East Asia

In May 2014, the Philippines hosted the World Economic Forum (WEF) on East Asia
for the first time. WEF social entrepreneur delegates from Switzerland, India,
Cambodia, Bangladesh, and the Philippines visited the Human Nature flagship store
and listened to our president and co-founder, Anna Meloto-Wilk, talk about how
Human Nature links farmer-based organizations and community-based livelihood
groups to our supply chain and international markets.

Schwab Foundation 2012 Global Social Entrepreneur Award

Human Nature founders Anna Meloto-Wilk and Dylan Wilk were recognized by the
Schwab Foundation as Global Social Entrepreneur Awardees in 2012. Winners were
selected in recognition of their innovative approaches and demonstrated social
impact. The award was presented during a reception at the World Economic Forum's
Annual Meeting of New Champions in Tianjin, China on September 11, 2012.

Ernst & Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year Philippines 2011

Human Nature co-founders Anna Meloto-Wilk and Camille Meloto were awarded the
Ernst & Young Social Entrepreneur Award for 2011 for building an organization that
champions social transformation for the marginalized and the poor. This award
began Human Nature's journey to becoming a recognized globally as a radical social

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