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7. KABAJIEBCKUN D. KABALEVSKY @MOPTEMMAHHAA MY3bIKA JIA JIETEM WW IOHOMECTBA PIANO MUSIC FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Bunyex 4 Instalment 1 Op. 3/86. B IMOHEPCKOM JIATEPE Ciouta IN THE PIONEER CAMP Suite Op. 14. 43 MMMOHEPCKON HKM3HM FROM PIONEER LIFE Hepeusdanue Reprint Hote: Mocxpa » Moscow COBETCKUR KOMMO3UTOP SOVETSKY KOMPOZITOR PUBLISHERS 1983 OT ABTOPA Counnate Goprentaiiue nvectt Aan AeTeit x navaa p 1927 roay, 6y- Ayu eule cTymeHTOM KoucepsaropHit. Ho anus nemitoriie H3 HHX # peuna- Gq roraa usnats. [arb neec nog Hasanem «Hs nuonepcKod sxusnus (Op. 14) Goin Hanevaranet 8 193] roay, OARY % BBen B KauecTse TpeTbel acti Bo Bropyio conaruny (op. 13 Ne 2), HecKOAbKo caMBIX serkitX BKAIO- unt ake B COOPRHK «30 wboprenuannoix noece (op. 27). Octanbatie Mbe~ cbi, KOTOPHe patbWwe A XOTeT cOOpaTs Now op. 3, WacTHNHO MponastH, ya- CHNNHO COLPAHILACE 8 YepHOBHKAX 9cxu9aX. JTnwe copoK aeT cnycTs, 8 1968 roay 10 STHM 3cKH3aM HANNCAN CIOHTY HS WecTH NEC, HasBaA ce «B nuonepcxom aazepe> OcTaBit He TOABKO ABE ATH COUHHEHHA — 19271968, Ho m aga onyca—3/86, Oanoft na meec— «lo Aaecam u 20- pans —crana usbaran u3 Bropof couatuuit Tperbx vactb. Hassan x HO~ Suit UNKA CIOHTOR, TAK Kak B OTMHUHE OT nsec «Hs NUOKEpCKOI ICUSKUD OM Goaee YeAbHBIM; BCe COcTaBARIOWIHE eFO WlecTh npec ObdemHHeHEE o6ueit TeMOf-nporpamMoit (seb B slarepe) M MOTYT HenowATECA He TOMBKO OT- ReasHo, HO H HeANKOM, Kak OAHO WUKAMYECKOe npOHsBEReHHE. ‘Uro me Kacaeten nbec «3 nuokepcKod acusKU», TO ® celiac MHOroe a MHX HBMEHHA H BLINYcKaIO B HOBOH PenaKUnH, LOBoABHO cyuIeCTBeNKIO otauyaroulelica ot Toll, KoTopad Gbina B H3AalilAX NpenmecTByIOWHX ster. Crenaa #970 3 npoctoro xxenaHua YAY4UINTe H3MOXeNHe MYBHIKH, OCDO- GomuTs ee OT pala NKAHACTUNECKH HeyAOGHBIX MecT, OT pasHOro poga He- TouHocTel B ronocoBeneHHH, dakType H AuHamuKe. Kopove roBops, A XO- Ten MO BOSMOKHOCTH OCBOGOANTH STH MbeCbi OT TEX HelOCTATKOB, KOTOPLIX He Mor u3GexKaTb B TY MOpy, KOPAA, COMMA IX, He MeN elle HHKAKOrO onuiTa B O6acTH My3bKH 118 AeTeli. Am, Ka6aaceckud, 1969 COMPOSER'S NOTE 1 began to write piano music for children in 1927 while still a student of the Conservatoire, but 1 ventured to publish only a few pieces composed al the time. In 193i five pieces appeared as Op. 14 under the general title of From Pioneer Life, one piece was used for the*third movement of the Second Sonatina, Op. 13, No. 2, and a few of the easiest were includ- ed in the collection Thirty Piano Pieces, Op. 27. The rest, of which I orig- inally intended to make up a collection Op. 3, have either been lost or preserved in rough sketches. After a lapse of forty years, in 1968, I utilised the sketches for a six-movement suite which I called Jn the Pioneer Camp and provided with a double composition date (1927—1968) and two opus numbers (3/86). The piece that used to be the third movement of the Second Sonatina is included in the suite under the title of Through Forests and Mountains. | have defined the new collection as a suite because, unlike the From Pioneer Life, it is an integral whole; its six items are unified by a common programme (a day at a Young Pioneer Camp) and may be performed both as a single cyclic work, or separately. As for the From Pioneer Life collection I have made numerous changes in it and prepared a new version differing materially from the one which has appeared in previous editions, These changes were dictaled by a desire to improve the musical expression, to smoothe over certain pianistic difficulties, to clarify the part-writing and remove the oversights in the texture, dynamics, etc.—in short, I wanted to purge the pieces of the shortcomings which were inevitable in a work by a young composer who had had no experience in writing music for children, Dmitry Kabaleusky, 1969 3 B NMOHEPCKOM JIATEPE IN THE PIONEER CAMP Cioura Suite YTPO 1. IN THE MORNING A. KABATIEBCKUA Op. 3/86 D. KABALEVSKY (1927 / 1968) — Lento (Quen» menaenno) 3 pp wa corda poco a poco} cresc. 5, aor Pili mosso ()Kusee) a ts nf p marcato ON poco rit. nf ee ae ee eee ©1351 K Allegretto COxmuaen4o) SAPAXKA 2. MORNING EXERCISES Non troppo allegro (He ovens 6s1erpo) woo <> af 1351 x simile Dy ©1351 x HA PEYKE 3. ON THE RIVER Allegro scherzando (Bucrpo, urpaB0) 2 af 1351 k * pik f legato marcato grt: * 1351 « 10 lO JECAM M TOPAM 4. THROUGH FORESTS AND MOUNTAINS Moderato (Caepaanno ) a PP 2 P canfan Poco pitt mosso meen eee ies SONS © 1351 Tempo 1 > > ee RQ. H con Ped 1351 K 12 YPESBEIYAMHOE NPOMCWECTBME 5. EXTRAORDINARY EVENT Allegro molto ¢ agitato (Ovens Gucrpo H ossoanonanno eat t f simile o a. * c 1351 «x * oy 1351 x con Ped. = > > > ©1381 « © 1351« Y KOCTPA 6. BY THE CAMPFIRE Moderato (Jlononsuo meanenno) P tenuto Sa. RTD BRD. BRD. BRD. oe 2 Z Don 4 ™p HRD. & simile 1351 k poco rit. c 135Lic 8 M3 NMOHEPCKOM #U3HM FROM PIONEER LIFE BAPABAHIIME 1, DRUMMER Meaogaua u3 HEMeLLKHX MHOHepcKHX meceH Melody from German Pioneer Songs Op 14 (1931 / 1908) Marciale moderato (B tewne mapuia) goes tf 4 1351 « 8 1351 x 20 @®VU3KYIbTYPHAA UPA 2 SPORTING GAME Scherzando (Kuso) 3 — marcato 1351 Kx Ese @ poco crese, ©1351 x MPASIHUK 3. HOLIDAY Allegro (Buctpo) > > f marcato > os ©1351 1351 « TMMOHEPCKAA MECHA 4. PIONEER SONG Mesogua B, Wexrepa Melody by B. Shekhter Cantando. Marciale (Mesyue, B temne mapwa) & Peanthbile 1351 « 26 NOXOQHbBIA MAPIT 5. MARCH Allegro molto ed energico (Ovens 6werpo « anepriwo) 32 2k Vv v 1351 K © 1351 COJEPMAHME Contents p.3/86. B MMOHEPCKOM JIATEPE Comte In the Pioneer Camp Suite |. YTPO In the Morning SAPADKA Morning Exercises. |. HA PEYKE On the . 10 JIECAM iH TOPAM Through Forests and Mountains. UPESBBIYAMHOE MPOMCIIECTBHE Extraordinary Event, . ¥ KOCTPA By the Campfire Op. 14. 13 DHOHEPCKOR 2KH3HH From Pioneer Life BAPABAHIIMK Drummer. OM3KYAIbTYPHAA HEPA Sporting Game. |. PAS HME Holiday . IMOHEPCKAR MECHA Pioneer Song . MOXOHEIA MAPII March 10 12 16 8 20 22 m4 26 35K. Aurpuit Bopucoeus Kasaneocxut OOPTEMMAHHAS MYSBIKA IULA TETER H 1OHOWECTBA Bummyex 1 (neperanane) Penaxtop B. Hee te pox, Jimr, penaxtop JL Tx om u poe s, Text. penaxtop P, Opnon a. Mion. « mex. 05.04.83, opm. Sym. 60x90 1/8. Bysara ogceriax Nt 1. Tlevare ofpcersan. Te, 3,5. Ya-wsn, m. 3,62. Tapax 40000 2x3. Han. M1351. Sax, 464, Uena 35 x. Beecons- Noe asnaTemectwo “CoseTcx® xonmosktop”, 103006, Mocksa, K-6, Canonas-Tpiymdarias yn. 14~ 12. Mockoscxax tmorpadux Nt 6 Comanomerpadmpona npx Tacynapersetont Komi ‘rere COCP no menaM wanaTemcTs, nomerpabim x x1GoI0R ToproBmEt, 109088, Mockna, K-88, Wncionopronas yn., 24 5206010000 — 225 082(02) 83 Mies

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