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Chapter # 30 Gauss’s Law [1]

1. A charge Q is unifromly distributed over a large plastic plate. The electric field at a point P close to the
centre of the plate is 10 V/m. If the plastic plate is replaced by a copper plate of the same geometrical
dimensions and carrying the same charge Q, the electric field at the point P will become
IykfLVd dh ,d cM+h IysV ij vkos'k Q leku :i esa forfjr gSA IysV ds dsUnz ds fudVLFk fcUnq ij fo|qr {ks=k 10 V/m gSA ;fn
IykfLVd dh txg leku T;kferh; foekvksa dh ,d rkacs dh IysV yh tk,] ftl ij vkos'k Q gh gks rks P ij fo|qr {ks=k dk eku
gks tk;sxk -
(A) zero (B) 5 V/m (C*) 10 V/m (D) 20 V/m
Sol. A
Electric field at centre of the plastic Platcis same as the centre of the copper plate.

2. A metallic particle having no net charge is placed near a finite metal plate carrying a positive charge.
The electric force on the particle will be
,d /kkfRod d.k] ftl ij dksbZ ifj.kkeh vkos'k ugha gS] ,d /ku vkosf'kr ifjfer /kkrq dh IysV dh lehi j[kk tkrk gSA d.k ij
oS|qr cy gksxk -
(A*) towards the plate (B) away from the plate (C) parallel to the plate (D) zero
(A*) IysV dh rjQ (B) IysV ds lekUrj (C) IysV ds lekUrj (D) 'kwU;
+ve charge
Sol. A

Plase :- The electric force on the particle will be owards
+ - +
+ - +
+ - +
+ - +

the plate. Because the distance bewteen attraction force +


is Less than the distance between repulsive force. + - +

So attrctive Force > repulsive force.

jS +

3. A thin, metallic spherical shell contains a chrage Q on it. A point charge q is placed at the centre of the
shell and another charge q1 is placed outside it as shown in fig. All the three charges are positive. The
force on the charge at the centre is -
,d irys /kkfRod xksykdkj dks'k ij Q vkos'k gSA ,d fcUnq vkos'k q dks'k ds dsUnz ij j[kk tkrk gS rFkk nwljk vkos'k q1 blds
ckgj fp=kkuqlkj j[kk tkrk gSA lHkh rhuksa vkos'k /kukRed gSA dsUnz ij fLFkr vkos'k ij oS|qr cy gS -

(A) towards left (B) towards right (C) upward (D*) zero
(A) cka;h rjQ (B) nka;h rjQ (C) Åij dh rjQ (D*) 'kwU;
Sol. D

Electric field due to Q & q, inside the spherical shell is zero.

4. Consider the situation of the previous problem. The force on the centre charge due to the shell is
(A) towards left (B*) towards right (C) upward (D) zero
iwoZ iz'u esa dsUnzh; vkos'k ij dks'k ds dkj.k yxus okyk cy gS -
(A) cka;h rjQ (B*) nka;h rjQ (C) Åij dh rjQ (D) 'kwU;
Sol. B


Force on the central charge due to shell is right towards.

Niraj Sir
Chapter # 30 Gauss’s Law [2]
5. Electric charges are distributed in a small volume. The flux of the electric field through a spherical
surface of radius 10cm surrounding the total charge is 25 V-m. The flux over a concentric sphere of
radius 20cm will be
,d NksVs ls vk;ru esa fo|qr vkos'k forfjr gSA dqy vkos'k dks ifjc) djus okys 10lseh f=kT;k ds ,d xksyh; i`"B ls fuxZr
oS|qr ¶yDl 25 V-m gSA 20 lseh f=kT;k ds ,d ladsUnzh xksys ls fuxZr ¶yDl gksxk -
(A*) 25 V-m (B) 50 V-m (C) 100 V-m (D) 200 V-m
Sol. A
is not depend on the shape & size of the closed volume surface.
qm qm is the net charge inside the closed volume surface.

6. Fig. shows an imaginary cube of edge L/2. A unifromly charged rod of length L moves towards left at a
small but constant speed v. At t = 0, the left end just touches the centre ot the face of the cube
opposite it. Which of the graphs shown in fig. represents the flux of the electric filed through the cube
at the rod goes through it ? )
iznf'kZr fp=k (a) L/2 Hkqtk ds ,d dkYifud ?ku dks n'kkZrk gSA L yEckbZ dh ,d leku :i ls vkosf'kr ,d NM+ cka;h rjQ /
khes ysfdu fu;r osx v ls xfr djrh gSA t = 0, ij NM+ dk cka;k fljk ?ku ds blds lkeus okys Qyd ds dsUnz dks Bhd Li'kZ djrk
gSA tSls&tSls NM+ blesals xqtjrh gS] rks fp=k (b) esa n'kkZ, ys[kkfp=kksa esals dkSulk ?ku fuxZr oS|qr ¶yDl dks n'kkZrk gS -

(a) (b)

Sol. D

Flux is constant with respect to time.
7. A charge q is placed at the centre of the open end of a cylindrical vessel as shown in fig. The flux of the
electric field through the surface of the vessel is -
fp=k es n'kkZ, vuqlkj csyukdkj ik=k ds [kqys fljs ij ,d vkos'k q j[kk gqvk gSA ik=k ds lrg ls ikfjr fo|qr {ks=k dk ¶yDl gksxk &

(A) zero 'kwU; (B) q/0 (C*) q/20 (D) 2q/0

Sol. C

In the charge ‘q’ in side closed cylinder, due to charge the flux of the
electric field through the surface of the vessel is “q/0”. Here A charge q
is placed at the centre of the open end of a cylindrical, By symmetricily
Half line of flux goes outside & half flux line goes inside. 2
So we can say that the flux of the electric field through the surface of the
vessel is “q/20”.

1. Mark the correct options : lgh fodYi pqf u;s -
(A) Gausss’s law is valid only for symmetrical charge distributions
(B) Gauss’s law is valid only for charges placed in vacuum
(C) The electric field calculated by Gauss’s law is the field due to the charges inside the Gaussian
(D*) The flux of the electric field through a closed surface due to all the charge is equal to the flux
due to the charges enclosed by the surface.
(A) xkÅl dk fu;e dso y lefer vkos'k forj.kksa ds fy, oS/k gSA
(B) xkÅl dk fu;e dsoy fuokZr esa j[ks vkos'kksa ds fy, oS/k gSA
(C) xkÅl ds fu;e ls fo|qr {ks=k] xkÅlh; i`"B ds Hkhrjh vkos'kksa ds dkj.k mRiUu {ks=k gSA
(D*) ,d can i`"B ls lHkh vkos'kksa ds dkj.k fuxZr oS|qr ¶yDl i`"B ds }kjk ifjc) vkos'kksa ds dkj.k ¶yDl ds cjkcj gSA
Sol. D
The flux of the electric field through a closed surface due to all the charges is equal to the
flux due to the charges enclosed by the surface.

Niraj Sir
Chapter # 30 Gauss’s Law [3]
2. A positive point charge Q is brought near an isolated metal cube.
(A) The cube becomes negatively charged
(B) The cube becomes positively charged
(C) The interior becomes positively charged and the surface becomes negatively charged.
(D*) The interior becomes remains charged free and the surface gets nonuniform charge
,d /kukRed fcUnq vkos'k Q ,d foyfxr /kkfRod ?ku ds fudV yk;k tkrk gS] rks -
(A) ?ku _.kkosf'kr gks tkrk gSA
(B) ?ku /kukosf'kr gks tkrk gSA
(C) vkarfjd Hkkx /kukosf'kr rFkk i`"B _.kkosf'kr gks tkrk gSA
(D*) vkarfjd Hkkx vkos'k eqDr jgrk gS rFkk i`"B ij vleku forj.k gks tkrk gSA
Sol. D
A positive point charge Q is brought near an Isolated metal cube.
So charge distributed on the surface of Isolated metal is non uniformly and the interior
remains charge free.

3. A large nonconducting sheet M is given a uniform charge density. Two uncharged small metal rods A and B
are placed near the sheet as shown in fig.
,d cM+h vpkyd ijr dks ,dvleku :i ls vkos'k /kuRo fn;k tkrk gSA nks vukosf'kr /kkrq dh NksVh NM+sa A o B fp=kkuqlkj ijr ds
utnhd j[kh tkrh gS -

(A*) M attracts A (B*) M attracts B (C*) A attracts B (D*) B attracts A
(A*) M, A dks vkdf"kZr djrh gSA (B*) M, B dks vkdf"kZr djrh gS
(C*) A attracts B (D*) B, A dks vkdf"kZr djrh gS

Sol. D

+ A B

+ -q q -q q
Charge distribution or M, A & B
So we can say that M attracts A, M attracts B, A attracts B and ‘B’ attracts A.

4. If flux of the electric field through a closed surface is zero,

(A) the electric field must be zero everywhere on the surface
(B*) the electric field may be zero everywhere in the surface
(C*) the charge inside the surface must be zero
(D) the charge in the vicinity of the surface must be zero.
;fn ,d can i`"B ls fuxZr oS|qr ¶yDl 'kwU; gS] rks -
(A) i`"B ij gj txg fo|qr {ks=k 'kwU; gksuk pkfg,A
(B*) i`"B ij gj txg fo|qr {ks=k 'kwU; gks ldrk gSA
(C*) i`"B ds Hkhrj vkos'k 'kwU; gksuk pkfg,A
(D) i`"B ds bnZ&fxnZ vkos'k 'kwU; gksuk pkfg,A
Sol. BC
qinside  
  E.ds
If the flux of the electric field through a closed surface is zero mean the Ne+ charge inside
the surface must be zero or the electric field may be zero every where on the surface.

Niraj Sir
Chapter # 30 Gauss’s Law [4]
5. An electric dipole is placed at the cnetre of a sphere, Mark the correct options.
(A*) The flux of the electric filed through the sphere is zero
(B) The electric field is zero at every point of the sphere
(C*) The electic field is not zero anywhere on the sphere
(D) The electric field is zero on a circle on the sphere.
,d oS|qr f}/kzqo ,d xksys ds dsUnz ij j[kk gS] lgh fodYi pqfu;s -
(A*) xksys ls fuxZr oS|qr ¶yDl 'kwU; gSA
(B) xksys ds izR;sd fcUnq ij fo|qr {ks=k 'kwU; gSA
(C*) xksys ij dgha Hkh fo|qr {ks=k 'kwU; ugha gSA
(D) xksys ij fLFkr ,d o`Ùk ij oS|qr {ks=k 'kwU; gSA
Sol. AC
 Net charge of electric dipole is always zero.
 Here inside = 0 -q q sphere
The flux of the electric field through the sphere is zero. But the electric dipole
field is not zero any where on the sphere.
-q q
Take ‘A’ point any where on the sphere, and find the electric field on the
surface. You will get non zero electric field on the sphere.

6. Figure (30-Q5) shows a charge q placed at the centre of a hemisphere. A second charge Q is placed at one

of the positions A, B, C and D. In which position(s) of this second charge, the flux of the electric field
through the hemisphere remains unchanged ?
,d vkos'k q fp=kkuqlkj ,d xksyk/kZ ds dsUnz ij j[kk x;k gSA ,d nwljk vkos'k Q fLFkfr;ksa A, B, C o D esals ,d ij j[kk gSA nwljs
vkos'k dh fdl fLFkfr@fLFkfr;ksa esa xksyk/kZ ls fuxZr ¶yDl vifjofrZr jgsxk -

(A*) A (B) B (C*) C (D) D

Sol. AC


C r' q r A
2 0

The flux of electric field through the hemishpere remains unchanged dur to ‘A & C’ point
because these point lies on the line joining the centre of hemisphere.

7. A closed surface S is constructed around a conducting wire connected to a battery and a switch (fig.) As
the switch is closed, the free electrons in the wire start moving along the wire. In any time interval, the
number of electrons entering the closed surface S is equal to the number of electorns leaving it. On
closing the switch, the flux of the electric field through the closed surface.
,d cSVjh ,oa ,d fLop ls tqM+s ,d pkyd rkj ds ifjr% ,d can i`"B dh jpuk ¼fp=kkuqlkj½ dh tkrh gSA tSls gh fLop can fd;k tkrk
gSA rkj esa eqDr bysDVªkWu rkj ds vuqfn'k xfr djuk izkjEHk dj nsrs gSaA fdlh Hkh le;kUrjky esa can i`"B S esa izos'k djus okys
bysDVªkWuksadh la[;k blls ckgj fudyus okys bysDVªkWuksa dh la[;k blls ckgj fudyus okys bysDVªkWuksa dh la[;k ds cjkcj gksrh
gSA fLop can djus ij can i`"B ls ikfjr oS|qr ¶yDl -

(A) is increased (B) is decreased (C*) remains unchanged (D*) remains zero
(A) c<+rk gS (B) ?kVrk gS (C*) vifjofrZr jgrk gSA (D*) 'kwU; jgrk gSA

Niraj Sir
Chapter # 30 Gauss’s Law [5]
Sol. C

S battery

The flux of the electric field through the closed surface is remain unchanged.
Because the no. of electric field lines enter in the closed path = no. of electric field lines
existsin the closed path.

8. Fig. shows a closed surface which intersects a conducting sphere. If a positive charged is placed at the
point P, the flux of the electic field through the closed surface
fp=k esa ,d can i`"B n'kkZ;k x;k gS tks ,d pkyd xksys dks izfrPNsn djrk gSA ;fn fcUnq P ij ,d /kukRed vkos'k j[kk tk, rks can
i`"B ls ikfjr oS|qr ¶yDl —

(A) will remain zero (B*) will become positive

(C) will become neagative (D) will become undefined
(A) 'kwU; jgsxk (B*) /kukRed gks tk,xk (C) _.kkRed gks tk,xk (D) vifjHkkf"kr gksxk
Sol. B
Charge distribution :-

ira +++




- +- +

Closed Conducting

Surface Sphere

Due to charge distribution, intersection by the closed surface of conducting sphere contain-
ing the positive charge. So we can say that the flux of the electric field through the closed
surface will become positive.
"    ve "

Niraj Sir

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