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Chapter No, Seven.

“Work And Energy”

Write condition of work and unit of work


Work is said to be done when a force acts on a body and makes it able to cover distance in the same
direction of the force OR

the product of force and distance covered in the direction of force is equal to the work done.


Work=F Displacement

W=F d

Condition for work:

there are two condition which must be fulfilled for work

(1)force must act on a body.

(2)under the action of force body should cover some distance.

Zero work of moving body

If the body is moving with uniform velocity then the work is zero even the body is covering some
displacement but the net force is zero

W=Fd F=O



Zero work of a body at rest

if distance is zero work will be zero

W=Fd d=O



Unit Of Work,

Different unit of work

1J = 1newton × 1 meter

1J =1 N.m = 1 Kg m2s-2

Joule is a small unit of work .the bigger units of work are defined as under
1kj = 1000J = 103J

1MJ = 1000000 = 106J

work is scalar quantity.

In system international its unit is joule (J) kilo joule and Mega joul


if force of one newton acts on a body and take a to a distance of one meter, then that work is one joule

Q. How can the work be calculated if the force and the displacement are in the same direction

Work done when a force acts on a body at an angle

If work done by a force F is not in the direction of force so there is no maximum work ,but a component
of force is doing work. In this case force is resolved into components FX and FY.

Horizontal component of force = Fx= Fcos

Vertical component of force = Fy=F sin

In the above example horizontal component FX is doing work therefore

Special cases

Maximium work

Hence work will be maximium if the force and displacement are in same direction

»» the value of work will be positive as long as =0 or ‹ 90


W=F cosd

W =F d cos IF =0 then cos (0)=1

W =F d (1)


Zero work

Work done is zero when force and displacement are at right angle to each other.
Example: Consider a person who is carrying a load such bucket of water in his/her hand and move
horizontally then work done by the person is zero. Here the applied force is in the upward direction and
displacement is horizontal =90

W=F cosd

W =F d cos If =90 then cos (90)=0

W =F d (0)


from the above equation it is clear that if the force and displacement are mutual perpendicular then
work is zero

Q. Define energy . what is major type of the energy ..


The ability of a body to do work is called energy.

A body possessing more energy has ability to do more work.

(i)He can run fast

(ii)He can lift more heavy weight.

(iii)He can play football and hockey for long time.

>>Wind energy is capable of moving blades of wind mill and pushing sailing boats. >>Similarly moving
water possesses kinetic energy and is quit helpful in sailing boats and small ships along the direction of
stream and river. It is also used to move turbines for generating electricity in hydro power stations

Type of energy

There are two basic kind of energy

(1) Kinetic energy (2) potential energy.

These two type of energy appear in that different from of energy e.g chemical energy, light energy,
sound energy, heat energy, nuclear energy, gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

Type quantity

Energy is a scalar quantity.

Unit of energy

It unit is joule

Factors depends on which kinetic energy depend

The k.E of the bodies depend upon the mass and velocity

1. consider a car and bicycle which are approaching towards you with the same velocity. It is a common
experience that it will be more difficult to stop the car as compared with bicycle. The mass of bicycle is
much smaller than the mass of car. As one has to perform more work to stop massive object than lighter
object although both are moving with same velocity therefore we can say that kinetic energy depends
on the mass and velocity of an object. On the other hand, more work is needed to produce same
velocity in massive object as compared with light object.

2.two identical ball are thrown at different is common experience that it is more difficult to
stop fast moving ball i.e. More work is needed. Equilently the fast moving ball has more kinetic energy
to the slow moving identical ball. The kinetic energy of a moving object also depends upon its velocity
apart from its mass.


K.E = ½ mv2


Let a body of mass ‘m’ is at rest (Vi=0) ,when some force ’F’ acts up on it then its velocity become( Vf)
during it cover some distance.

Calculation for force

As we know from newton 2nd law

F =ma …………………(1)

Calculation for a

To find distance ’a’ we use 3rd Equation of motion which is

2aS= Vf2- Vi2 but here Vi=0 Vf= V

2aS= V2- 02

a = …………………………….(2)

Calculation for work

Then work is done by the force is given by,

Put value of F from (1) into equation 3

W=F×S ………………..(3)

Put value of ’a’ from equation 2 and

W =ma

W =m

W= m V2
this amount of work is converted into K.E

K.E= m V2

We can conclude from above equation the kinetic energy of a moving object is directly proportional to

1. Mass of object i. e. the greater is the mass of a moving object the greater will be its kinetic energy.
Thus kinetic energy will be doubled provided that velocity of the object remain same.

2. Square of the velocity. If the velocity of an object is doubled than its kinetic energy will become four
time provided that mass remain same. Similarly, if the velocity of the object is halved than its kinetic
energy will become one-fourth of the original value.

Q; Define power and write down its unit…

and briefly explain some types of potential energy

Potential energy

The ability of a body to do work due to Its position is called potential energy

Example:1 ; the water stored in the large lake or dam an altitude possess as gravitational potential.

Types of positional energy

Gravitational Potential energy

Energy of a body due to its height from the surface of the earth is called Gravitational potential energy.

It direction is always to word Centre of the earth

Example energy of body at some height from earth

Elastic potential energy

The energy of a stretched or compressed spring is elastic potential energy.


The energy possessed by an object due to its configura tion (shape or size) is called elastic potential


The energy store in a body due to its elasticity is called elastic potential energy.

Example: 1

When a bow is stretched then it acquires potential energy due to its stretched position {fig 6.6 [b]}. On
release of bow this potential energy is given to the attached arrow in the forward direction.

When we perform work by winding the spring of a toy car then this work is stored in the form of
potential energy of the spring. The spring in this form has the ability to do work. We observe this in the
form of movement of toy car as the spring unwinds and release its energy.

There are two types of energy.

Chemical potential energy; It is the energy present in chemicals.

Example 1. due to chemical inside the battery, the potential difference at different terminal is called
chemical potential energy

Example; 2; energy store in the spring of wrist watch is elastic potential energy.

Q derive a relation for gravitational Potential Energy;


Energy of a body due to its height from the surface of the earth is called Gravitational potential energy.

It direction is always to word Centre of the earth


A friut on a tree possesses gravitational potential energy and capable of doing work .when it fall from
tree it does work and reaches ground.

Mathmatical expression for gravitational potential energy

suppose a body of mass ‘m’ is on the surface of the earth so its potential energy is zero .If that body is
taken to a height ‘h’ so force ’F’ is applied on it .work is done on it ,which is store in it in the form of
potential energy

Calculation of force;

According to newton 2nd law of motion

F =ma ∴ a=g


Calculation of distance

Here the distance covered is equal to the height of the body thus

S= h…………………(2)

Calculation of work

W =F×S

W=mg× h

Work is a form of energy which is store in a body due to its position is called potential energy P.E

State and explain different forms of energy ?

There are many forms of energy some of the main form of energy are

Mechanical energy

Thermal energy

Sound energy

electrical energy

chemical energy

nuclear energy

radiant energy

Mechanical energy

It is the energy possessed by an object the to its position (i.e potential energy) or due
to its motion ( i.e kinetic energy)

Examples: An object at a height, compressed or stretched spring, a stretched bow and water stored in a
dam at an altitude etc., are examples of potential energy .similarly, a moving vehicle, moving water in a
stream or river and wind are examples of kinetic energy.

Thermal energy

Thermal or heat energy is a form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules of an

>>> Thermal energy is released from hot objects and flows from region of high temperature to region of
low temperature.

Sources of thermal energy:

(i) Sun is the main source of thermal energy. a large amount of thermal energy is released

(ii) When fossil fuels like wood, coal, oil, and natural gas etc. Food provided us thermal energy essential
for our daily life activities.

(iii) The movement of objects is opposed by frictional forces and is also accompanied by thermal energy.

Sound energy

Sound energy is produced by the vibration of particles in a solid, liquid or gas .sound energy is quite
weak as compared with other forms of energy.

Important feathers of sound energy

(i) Human and other animals are able to detect sound energy due to the special structure of their ears.
(ii) Sound energy travels in a medium in the form of waves but cannot travel in vacuum. We do not hear
the sound of continued explosions taking place on sun because sound waves cannot travel through

Sources of sound energy:

(i) When you knock at the do or sound is produced.

(ii) Beating of drum and loudspeaker are example of production of sound energy.

Electrical energy

Electrical energy is due to flow of charged particles through a conductor

Sources of electrical energy

Electrical energy is obtained from (i) dry cell,(ii) battery (iii) generator (iv)wind (v)thermal power stations
(vi) hydropower station (vii) nuclear power station

(1) Dry cells are used in clocks and toys

(2) Batteries are used in vehicle and uninterrupted power supply (UPS) system.

(3) Electrical energy is generated at large scale in power station i.e thermal power station and
hydropower station

Uses of electrical energy

Electrical energy is the most versatile and widely used form of energy

it is used in house hold appliance such as television,refrigetor,air conditioner hair dryer, iron, grinder,

lightning is an example of electrical energy

Chemical energy

This is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules.


The energy obtained by various chemical reaction is called chemical energy

Sources of chemical energy

Chemical energy is stored in food,wood,coal ,oil, and neutral gas

Molecule of sugar and fat are avialble after digestion of food and are used in our cell

(iii)Various foods are example of energy like Fat



Uses of chemical energy

(i)when fuel is burned then its chemical energy is released in the form of heat and light

(ii) Dry cell or battery release their chemical energy in the form of electrical energy

Nuclear energy

The energy released from the nucleus of an element by fission process and by two or more atoms by the
fusion process is termed as nuclear energy

>> nuclear energy is stored in the nucleus of an element and holds the constitiuent of nucleus i.e proton
and neutron

Fission reaction fission reaction is type of reaction in which a heavy nuclease is bombarded with slow
neutron and heavy nuclease break into two or more fragment [ i.e. light nuclei] with release larger
amount of energy.

Usese of fission reaction

(i)In atom bomb uncontrolled fission reaction takes place. The energy released in an explosion of atom
bomb in sufficient to destroy the whole city.

(ii)In nuclear reactor fission reaction takes place in a controlled manner and heat energy is converted
into electrical energy.

Fusion reaction In nuclear fusion process light nuclei combine to form a heavy nuclease with release of

(i)The energy realize in fusion process is more than e nergy release in fission process.

(ii)Fusion process take place at extremely high temperature i.e. more than one million Kelvin.

(iii)Scientist strongly believe that the huge amount of energy is released by sun is due to fusion process.

(iv)In a hydrogen bomb the high temperature is achieved by using atom bomb to initiate the fusion
process. Energy released in hydrogen bomb is far greater than energy released in atom bomb. Effort are
in progress to achieve controlled fusion

Radiant energy

Radiant or electromagnetic energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves.

The example of electromagnetic waves includes gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light,
infrared radiation, radio waves and microwaves etc.


x rays are used by doctor to examine any fracture in your bones. These are also employed by dentist to
evaluate the condition of your teeth and gums. (ii)Microwaves

Microwaves are used to cook food and you are quite familiar with microwave oven. Microwaves are
used for communication purposes.
Visible light visible light coming from sun provides heat and light which are vital for life on planet earth.
Light enables us to observe various object on earth. Sources of electromagnetic energy

(i)Visible light can also be obtained from candle, electric bulb, energy saver etc. and by burning fuel.

(ii)Sun is the main source of electromagnetic energy. Energy from sun is also called as solar energy.

(iii) Planets prepare their own food by photosynthesis process in the presence of sun light. Preparation
of food by plants is vital for life of animals and human beings.

Q define interconversion of energies or law of conservation of energies and Show that energy convert
from one form to other form


Energy can be converted ‫تبدیل‬from one form to another form but the total energy remains the same this
is called conversion of energy


Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be transferred from one form to another form


Sun is main source of energy the major sources of energy are directly or indirectly due to sun . the
energy are further divided into renewable and non-renewable sources

(i) Non-renewable sources of energy

A source that cannot be replenished in short duration of time is termed as non-renewable sources of

Example: fossil fuel, nuclear fuel

Fossil fuel

Coal, oil, and natural gas are termed as fossil fuel

Importance of fossil fuel in our daily life

(i)Energy play vital role in our daily life .most of energy used in homes,offices,transport, factories and
industries etc,comes from these fossil fuels,

(ii)large amount of fossil fuels is consumed daily in thermal power plants to generates electricity

Formation of fossil fuel

The fossil fuels were produced from the remains of plants and animals, the remained buried over
millions of years under earth for their formation into fossil fuels. The fossil fuels are mainly compound of
carbon and hydrogen called hydrocarbon. When these are burned they produce energy with release of
carbon dioxide and other toxic material
Nuclear fuel

The central of an atom is called nucleus and is the source of nuclear energy. Fission and fusion are two
main processes for release of nuclear energy

Fission process fission process is type of process in which a heavy nuclease is bombarded with slow
neutron and heavy nuclease break into two or more fragment [ i.e. light nuclei] with release larger
amount of energy this process is employed in a controlled manner in a nuclear reactor using uranium or
any other suitable heavy element ,these materials are refer as nuclear fuel. Major part of heat energy
released in fission process is used to generate electricity and the remaining part becomes the part
environment. Atom bomb is an example of uncontrolled fission reaction

Fusion reaction

In nuclear fusion two or more than two light nuclei combine to form a relatively heavy nucleus with
large amount of energy released

Scientist believe that energy given out by sun is due to fusion process

Hydrogen bomb is an example of uncontrollable fusion process

Qno, explain renewable sources of energy

renewable sources of energy

a source of energy which can be used again and again or can be replenished in short span of time is
called renewable sources of energy

examples: energy from water , energy from sun, wind energy, geothermal energy, and biomass etc,

(i)Energy from water

Water itself is not an energy source bur runing water posssesse kintic energy which can be used as
source of energy,


water of a river is stored in a dam or lake located at an altitude when this water is allowed to fall
through this altitude then its potentional energy convert into kinetic energy in form of runing water.the
kinetic energy of runing water is used to operate the turbines which genrates electrcity.such power
plant is reffered as hydropower plant

important fatures of ennergy from water

(i)dam help in controlling floods by storing water which can be also be used for irrigation purposes.

(ii)low cost electricity is genratedbu hydropower plants.

(ii)Solar energy

The energy of radiations coming from sun is called solar energy.

Source and uses’ of solar energy

(i)Sun is the main source of heat and light on earth which is vital for life of plants and animals.

(ii)Solar energy can be converted directly into electrical energy by using solar cell.

(iii) Solar energy is made from semiconductor material silicon which converts solar energy directly into
electrical energy.

(iv)Combination of large number of solar cells is called a solar panel.

(v)Solar cells and solar panels are widely used in watches, calculator, communication system in remote
area, light houses and satellite etc.

(vi) Solar panel are installed on specially designed inclined roof tops and they meet the energy demand
of a house.

(vii)solar heating system has been designed and successfully used to heat the house in winter with little

(viii)Solar planes are also used to generate electricity at large scale.

(iii) energy from wind

Blowing air is termed as wind and it carries energy called wind energy

>>> It can used to rotate the blades of windmill or wind turbine

Uses of wind energy

(i) Wind energy is a renewable sources

(ii) Wind turbines are widely used to generates electricity

(iii) Windmills have been for centuries by mankind in certain countries

Suitable area for windmills

(i)A place having having a wind speed of 8km per hour or more is suitable place for installation of wind
mill or wind turbine

(ii) Mountainous and coastal areas are suitable for such installation

(iii)the output of single windmill is quite small and a series of windmill are installed over a large area to
generates electricity at commercial scale

(iv) Biomass

The plant or animal waste is termed as biomass

Example: garbage, plant wastes from wheat, cotton, sugarcane and other crops

Some important points of biomass

(i)Biomass can be burned to produce heat energy

(ii) biomass has a low efficiency of heat genartion,a lot of smoke is produced during the burning of


A mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced by the bacterial decomposition of organic wastes
and used as a fuel

Biogas is released during decomposition or fermentation of biomass and is an excellent source of

energy. Biogas burns without any smoke because it contains up to 75 percent methane gas. Biogas plant
have successfully employed in a number of villages. Carbon dioxide gas is released during decomposition
of biomass which pollutes the environment. Biomass can also be used to generate electricity but its
burning has an impact on the environment.

Geothermal energy

The temperature of earth increases as we move towards the center of earth. Matter exists in molten
form at the center of earth called magma. When water comes in contact with these hot rocks below the
surface of earth then stream is produced. This steam results in the form of hot water springs in some
parts of the world. This energy is referred as geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity.

QNO.wite a shot note on power


Rate of doing work with respect to time is called power

Power =



if a body do more work in less time it is said to greater power


Commonly we use electric motor to draw water from tube well a bigger motor draw more water as
compared to smaller motor in the same time. We say the power of bigger motor is greater than the


In S .I unit of power is watt


If a body dose a work of one joule in one second then its power will be one watt.
Bigger units of watt

Kilo watt 1kw=1000w =103 w

1MW=1000,00 =106w

QNO. Explain mass-energy equation ?-


According to albert Einstein mass and energy are inter-convertible i.e mass can be converted into energy
and energy can be transformed into mass.

The energy E corresponding to mass m” is given by the following Einstein “s mass energy equation.


Where E for energy m for mass and c is speed of light in vacuume which is a universal constant and its
value is given by

C= 3×108 ms-1

According to Einstein mass-energy equation a large amount of energy can be obtained from extremely
small mass.the energy released in fission and fusion processes obey this equation

QNO. Write a note on efficiency

Efficiency is a measure of how much work or energy is conserved in a process

A perfect process would have an efficiency of 100%.

Input=work done on the system

Output=work done by system

Efficiency = 100%.

Case. I

All machines have moving parts. a part of input energy is used to overcome the friction between these
moving parts and this energy appears in the form of heat sound etc. that is why the efficiency of a
machine or any working system is always less than 100 percent because of frication. If the efficiency is
50 percent it means that only half the input energy is given out as useful work and rest is converted to
heat due to frication.


If we could build a system that operates without frication then it would be 100 percent efficient and all
input energy will be converted into useful by the system. In practice all machines have some fraction in
them and the output is always less then the work put in. example of a machines include a lever, engine
of automobile and perpetual motion machine.
Q .define work, also write its formula .?

A: the product of force and distance covered in the direction of force is equal to the work done.
w= fs

Q. write condition of work and unit of work

A: there are two condition which must be fulfilled for work

(1)force must act on a body.

(2)under the action of force body should cover some distance.

Q:can the work of moving body be zero ?

the body is moving with uniform velocity then the work is zero even the body is covering some distance
but the net force is zero

W=Fs F=o



Q:zero work of a body at rest in the persncens of force?

if distance is zero work will be zero




Q :define unit of work

work is scalar quantity. in (S.I)system international its unit is joule (j).

Q:define joule ?

if force of one newton acts on a body and take to a distance of one meter, then that work is one joule

q. how can the work be calculated if the force and the displacement are in the same direction Q:if work
done by a force F is not in the direction of distancein this case force is resolved into components FXand

FX = F cos………………..……(1)
FY =F sin…………………(2)

in the above example horizontal component FX is doing work therefore

Q:define power and write down its formula ? …

A: rate of doing work with respect to time is called power


Q:define unit of power?In S.Ithe unit of power is watt

Q:define the of watt?

if a body dose a work of one joule in one second then its power will be one watt.

Q. define energy?

A: the ability of a body to do work is called energy.

Q which type of quantity the energy is

A: energy is a scalar quantity.

Q:Define the unit of energy?

A: In S.I the unit of energy is joule.?

Q write done the name of basic kind of energy

A: there are two basic kind of energy

(1) Kinetic energy (2) potential energy.

Q:Write the name of other form of energy ?

A: some form of energy are chemical energy, light energy , sound energy , heat energy, nuclear energy,
gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

Q ; define kinetic energy also derive a relation for it ;

A: the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called kinetic energy.

mathematically K.E = ½ mv2

Q: define potential energy.y

A: the ability of a body to do work due to its position is called potential energy

example ; the water store in the dam possess as gravitational potential.

Q Define chemical potential energy ?;

It is the energy present in chemicals.

Example: due to chemical inside the battery, the potential difference at different terminal is called
chemical potential energy

Q:define elastic potential energy?

the energy store in a body due to its elasticity is called elastic potential energy .

example; energy store in the spring of wrist watch is elastic potential energy.

Q;Define gravitational potential energy

A:energy of a body due to its height from the surface of the earth is called gravitational potential direction is always to word center of the earth

P.E= mgh

Q. what do you mean by interconversion of energy?.?

A:energy can be converted ‫تبدیل‬from one form to another form this is called conversion of energy.

Q define law of conservation of energy and show that energy convert from one form to other remain

A: energy can be converted ‫تبدیل‬from one form to another form but the total energy remains the same
this is called conversion of energy

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