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Publication No, 2H-056 6th Edition he STAMFORD Operation, ae and Maintenance Manual For models MHC and HC4341, 4342, 4441, 4442, 5341, 5342, 5441, 5442, 6341, 6342, 7341, 7342, 6361, 6362, 7361, 7362, © CONTENTS Page No SECTION 1 Introduction 1 rr General Description 1 12 Construction 1 13 Cable identification 2 SECTION 2, Installation 3 2a Health and Safety 3 22 Ventilation 3 23 Pre-Running Checks 3 24 Voltage Adjustment 3 25 Earthing (Grounding) Arrangement 3 26 Direction of Rotation 3 27 Output Terminals 5 28 Parallel Operation 5 28.4 Droop Kit for Parallel Operation 5 282 Operation Theory 5 283 Connections 5 28.4 Setting the Droop Kit 5 285 Parallel Operation Setting 5 29 Current Sensing Kit 6 2.10 Further Accessories 6 2a Assembly to Engine 7 SECTION 3 Operation of Machine 9 34 Automatic Voltage Regulator Types 9 32 Operation Theory — Series 4 (SX440) 9 33 Operation Theory — Series 3 (M321, MX341) 9 34 Protection 10 35 Marine Generators 10 SECTION 4 Service & Maintenance 1" 44 Routine uv 42 Lubrication n 43 Bearing Checks uv 44 FaultFinding "i 4s Section Aj Winding and Main Rectiier Assembly 11 442 Sensing and Power Supplies 12 443 Section B) The Electronic Control System 13 45 Dismantling the Machine 8 Fig7a-7b Winding Resistance Tables 16 SECTION 5 Recommended Spares/Sectional 7 Arrangements/Parts Lists 5A Recommended Spares 17 52 Service 7 & Fig. 82-86 Single Bearing Machine 18-19 Fig. 92-96 Two Bearing Machine 20-21 Fig. 10 Rotating Rectifier Assembly 22 Warranty Details Inside Backcover SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION 4.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION This new a.c. generator is a brushless, rotating ield AVR controle high perlormance machine. The Series 4 machines are sel excited, deriving the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVA) cower rom the autput wincings onthe stator. The Seties Smachines use the ‘MXG41 or MX321 AVR powered by a permanent magnet pict exciter which provides a sowce of constant excitation power independent of load chenges o: load current distotions. Designation ‘The generator is described by a code using up 0 9 digits: {unis are ermed HC. wah ne prefix usd io incat a maino gnoratrFoSoving these laters are dis itincates rame size (4 to 5 the second incicates excilaton systom (3 or 4) {he thid indicates number of poles (4 or €) the fourth indicates numberof bearings (1 ¢ 2) ‘final eter, of laters flowing these numbers indicates core length within the frame (eg. ‘A’ or ‘8. H CG 4 3 MACHINE TYPE RANGE ‘c" FRAME 458007 EXCITATION SYSTEM Sores 3 or 4 Poues 4 Pole — 50H at 1500 revimin or 6OHz at 1800 reviin 6 pole — S0rtz at 1000 revimin or 60Hz at 1200 revi NO, OF BEARINGS. tor2 (CORE LENGTH Ne Fig. 1 shows an example of a frame code HC4341C 4.2 CONSTRUCTION ‘The machines are air-ventlaied, screen-protected, end diip-prool to IP22 (NEMIA 1), and can be in ether Iwo-bearing or sIngle- bearing form. ‘The slator and rotor cores are produced from lowoss elecical-grade sheetsteel laminations, fg-bull and welded under controled pressure. All the wound components are insulated and impregnated te consitue a Class H (180°C) Insulaton system, ‘A igh grace precision machined shaft cates the rotor assembly which comprises the genarstor rotating etd systom, incorporating a uly interconnected! damper (amerisseur) winding, the excier rtorrtating rector system and codling fan. Tha rotor is ‘mechanically wedged and suoported on the end winding. The whole rotor assembly, togathar with the permanent magne rotor ‘assembly, is dynamically balanced to within precision limits to ensure vibration-tree running. The phtogreph avetleal shows ‘ypical complete assembly (Fig 2) Fig, 2 Typical 4 Pole Rotor (Series 3) ‘Te toto is supported by iberaly-ated long-ife ball bearings. Carvidge housings alow the machine to be clamanted without sturbing the Bearings. The beatings are pre-packed wih aIthium based grease fora calculated lie of 40,000 hues in an ambient of 40°. ‘The housing fied to single bearing machines ls designed to prevent Loaring ‘cxeep' and alsoo allow rotor ‘end foe to avoid thiust created by loleance varalons in engines and couplings. ‘The Aulomate Valtage Raguato (AVR) is mounted inthe terminal bok and an exctetotating reciier assembly is mounted internally to the non-dtive end beating. Series 3 generators hava, in addition, a permanent magnat pol exciter overhung fom the non-cive ‘end bearing. Removable access coves ate provided at the drive end end non-cive end of the machine. Both side panels and top panel are removable on tne terminal box o provide easy access Io the oulout terminals and other ancilary equipment 1.3 CABLE IDENTIFICATION Hot fol printing is used ta mark ne cable wiring, This is resistant to clesel, carbon, grease and exheust fumes, Important ‘Solven's such as ACETONE oF PETROL, of propriety cleaners coniaining hese solvents should not be used for clean as they can remove he markengs SECTION TWO INSTALLATION 2.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY NOTES Important Itis necessary to draw your attention to the following, On adaptors/langes fitted between the a.c, generator and engine the opening must be guarded. Where integral quards are ‘ot provided an external protection cover must be fitted. All ac. generators are designed with screen-protected and deipproof enclosures and should not be stored or run outdoors Unjess adequately protected. Electricity and water are not compatible and canopies/buildings should be well designed not to expose the generator to high degrees of moisture fe. puddles of water being drawn into the machine, 2.2 VENTILATION \Whan installed in a roam without special ventlaton arrangements it must be ensured thet the ambiont temperature ofthe normal ‘operating condilons does nat exceed the maximum valve for which the machines are Gesigned. (Normally a maximum of 40°C} Heat dissipation and cooling air requrernents are avaiable on request, 2.3 PRE-RUNNING CHECKS 1 necessery to store the machine, the storage accaramodation shouldbe clean, dy, well-ventilated and re from any source of Vibrdion Periodic 90° rotaton of the shat is recommended to avoid bearing “Flat Spots”. We recommend the use ol ant- ‘condensation heaters o ens the winding insulafen is kep in good condhon f machines are stasonay for ong periods. These fare avalabie {rom our Nupart Department, Belore instalation ol an ec. generalor which has been keptin storage tne insulation re ‘Selance ofthe winaings should be checked using 2 megoe or sma instnument is essental that he evtomatic vollage regulator (AVA) is completly Slated bsloe testing, chnerwise damage lo the electronic components may res ihe teas show thatthe Insulation resslance is below 05 megorn, the machine should be dried out and the test made again. Wah a completely cry machine the resistance valve shouldbe al east 2 megohs. The machine windings can be died outby applying warm arom aan heater or simiar apparatus ini fhe machine opening Altarnatvely, he main stator windings may be short cuted, and te ganer- ‘ling sel run withthe excter sstor supple ffom a dc. source. A 12 vll G5 amp dc, supply should be connected tothe excier Slator leads, marked X and XX, or@ Nupert Marval Voge Reghator (MWA wil provide ins exctaton. The MWR may be used only with Series 8 — (MXG2I, MXSAt) Automatic Volage Regulators. WARNING “The short circult must not be applied with the AVR connected in circu. The full load rated current must not be ‘exceeded while drying process Is carried out. Normally no longer than half an hour wil be require for dying out windings inthis manner. After this period of ime the insulation level should be checked and the drying out procedure repeated if necessary ‘CAUTION NOTE: Single bearing generator rotors are held in place witha transit bar. When removing this bar care should be taken to ensure that the rotors postioned with the pole al the Batiom centro Ine. This Is to avoid eny damage tothe beating or exter by limiting the rotor Cento tat ofthe si-oap 2.4 VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT ‘Agjustment to the pre-set level, within the permitted range, should be made as flows: 1, Remave AVR cover. 2, Aolust VOLTAGE RANGE control until the required valve is obtained 3, The stabllty contol potentiometer shouls normally require no adjusiment. I acfustment is necessary tun the contol fully look ‘wise, then tum counter clockwise uetl stable operation results (fe, no ficker on a votmeter need). Note: Acjustment ofthis contol ay changa the voltage level and step 2 may need repeating, 2.5 EARTHING (GROUNDING) ARRANGEMENT ‘On al sta-connected machines a substantial newts! terminalis provided lar connection tothe dstibution network, this fs not con- neced tothe lrame of the machine. The ac. generator are should however, bo solidly earthed tothe generating st bedplate anc Connected tothe common system earth. On generating sets used for mains failure standby special earthing arengements may be hecessary and the local area Electity Aulhotty or Company should be consulted. 2.6 DIRECTION OF ROTATION {il machines ate fied with @ racial bladed fan and ate suitable for running in ether direction of rotation. The standard machine is Supplied to give @ phase sequence U.V.W. with ne machine running clockwise looking a the drive end uniess othexwise specified at the lime of ordering, I machine rotaion ie reversed altar Ine machine has been despatched apply to factory for appropriate wiring diagrams. Figure. 3 Automatic Voltage Regulator Adjustments. K-42 Und or Ke Uke for rnomel operator. onmal pera —h ah [ole Kika Ps pave x 3 2 aM proof ‘sxaao vous exo TRP o) o FREQUENCY gleaton SELECTION OC Mxsat ve [6] aus [6 LU ‘SUMMARY OF AVR CONTROLS [CONTROL FUNCTION : DIREGTION Z woxts ‘ToAQWST aBNERATOR OUTPUT voLTAGE ‘igcrmse creases oureur vorTaae erabiy ‘To paavene vortnae ITI ‘slgehiise NGREASES Te STASLITY OR OAVENG ErtECT stasutysetecron| To ceTaase TRANSENT PereSrMate fhecoePeowa Grow urbe Sere. Teser UNDER mRcaUENGY now CrP EE POINT eldcroee nepvoes THe knee Por masauency resimevanacron | TOaelser vero SOnmaL TNISE {INK perenci@ on GrenATN FresUcner «NUMBER OF wAouNe Petes Base Toserancennton poor TosmAr FULLoAo0 pe StSctanetnsnelsrertcosocr ae Toliarge awminrer vo Neoeachy SUT Stoeloise nulows THe AoGESSoRY WORE CONTROL OVERLAR exer soar tne ven Bxcraton our Oe LEVEL Sigotmse naerces iieeur oer ee Fa TOBE THE NAL ERecuEhey LATED VOLIaae Oe Sioermse Noneases TE vouTnae DP TOaer THE venyoniaae Prenat cor Serta, SiBeamnse NaneAses Te SvenvoL ac curoertevet, ar T9951 He Hasna Ghonrenesrr cust Siooause NEREASES THe ston GRU CUPAEKT Boat, TQSEITHE VOLTAGE Recovery we areneLocktonowa | SloeRNSEMEREASESHESONSET Sis ‘The diagram are able of fig. 8 show the various eatngs and adjustments on the AVAs, Datalad specifications for each AVR ave avallablo on dala shoots 8512-554, 2.7 OUTPUT TERMINALS. tut ina ave provided to accap ean ate to norma standard specications singer mene cal and se use of crimped-type ring terminals, . . ree 2.8 PARALLEL OPERATION 2.8.1 DROOP KIT FOR PARALLEL OPERATION traces are requests cote pala wih oer ao genet, ech sa be pes a aqua curnt ranciomer (C1). Tes kt are eval tom ou Napa Deparment When operating paras wi he mas Uy @ Nope, VAUIPE controller must be fitted : ee eee 2.8.2 OPERATION THEORY ‘Two ules chould be remembered. 1. Itis the engine and its governor which canta the ki load sharing. 2. tis the generator and lls AVR which canto tha KA load shaving. ‘Assuming no electrical interconnection of governors or of generator excitation eyetems then: 1. Alarger engine speed droop with load gives @ mare flexible and stable KW sharing 2. Alarger generator vokage droop with reactive curtent gives a more flexible and stable KVAr sharing. All Stamford generators are ite with tly interconnected damper (amorisseur) windings to ensure maximum stably for parallel operation, 2.8.3 CONNECTIONS ‘The enclosed wing diagrams show the corect connections forthe CT, ‘The neutrals of sivilarStarafard machines may be connected together in parallel operation, but when paralling lesimlae generat ‘o's we recommend thatthe neutals are rot connected since cfferences in wavelorms may then eause harmenic currents 2.8.4 SETTING THE DROOP CIRCUIT Remember: ‘The generator droop kit can control only the KVAr sharing and clreulating current. The termined by engine governors. raring of KW load Ia de- ‘The droop CT on 3 phase machines is connected to the droap potentiometer which is mounted onthe AVR circuit board. The droop ‘can be increased by turing the potentiometer in @ clockwise direction (On single phase machines the droop CT is connected across a burden choke. The droop is vaied by changing teneings en the ‘burden choke. For both two phase and tiee phase sensed machines the operation is the same in thal any crcwating curcent between machines produces a vollage across tne burden resisior or choke which direcly add too subtracis rom the sensing votlage fod ino the AVAL ‘This makes the excitaion system sensilve to cicualng currents and ensures excrect sharing ofthe KVAr i. The larger the droop voliage is se, the more lexible becomes te exctation sysom to reduce circuiting curren and ensure KVAY load sharing, In most ‘cases a 5% dioop on the ouput voltage at tl oad zero pt. (power fac) lag, is slistactory, This Groapis only maaurable withthe ‘machine running lone (e. not paral) This sating increases the voltage regulation by approx. '% afl load unity p4. and approx 3% at lullloag, 0.8 p.L When 2 unity power facto oad (kW) 's applied the vattage produbed across the burden resistor/enoke adc Yectorialy at ght angles tothe sensing voiago and has a minimal fect. When the machines are un individually, the droop eirull ‘can be switched out by chort-ciculing ausiary terminals $1 & $2 to obtain the nermal close requlaing characteristics of the machine. 2.8.5 PARALLEL OPERATION SETTING Hand Trimmer ‘A separate hand trimmer evaable rom our Nuparl Department, Is recommended for each machine so that fine output voltage agiuslments may easily be made, Voltmeter This can be one voltmeter per machine, o one whichis switchable to either. The latter is more accurate fr inal voltage soting to ensure identical voltages. Another volimeter may be fited to the main ous bas for monitoring the machine on lod Ammeter [A Ieast one ammeter per machine is required, preferably with phase to phase saitching Watmeter At Teast one wattmeter per machine is essential to cbserve the load sharing of he prime movers, Le. engines. per 5 Frequency Meter ‘As wa the voltmeter, this can be one per machine or preferably one which is switchable to ether, and ansther registering the bus- bar frequency inthe case of mutiple paralel machines ‘Synchronising Equipment ‘A purpose bull synchronising meter or synchrascope indicates the corect moment for closing the breake fo bring tha machines in Parallel. Some sophisticated auicmatic versions are avalable which moniior the votages frequencias and phase to ensure tat In. Correct paraleling atempts are not made, Alternatively, a3 lemp system may be used as follows: ‘Cross-Connect lamps, eg. ULV, V-U, W-W between the machines. At the careetin phase moment 2lampe wil be bight and th third ual, Each lamp must be rated for twice the tne to neutral votage. This is most simply achievod by comecing 2 lanspe in ‘sores {Wh the roop equoment set, port chsoxed ane sypevensing equipment in plac, the generators may now be synchrrised as follows: 1, The speed of each set must be adjusted to the nominal frequency ofthe system, ie. SOH2 or 6OHz, 2, The voltage of each machine can now be set identically on the hand voltage timers. ‘3, The machine should only be paralleled when the diference in requency speed) between tha two sets is sma enough to enable tha breaker tobe closed when the in-phase condition is observed. This is achiaved by adjusting the speedo the incoming set fo ‘matci the set on the bus-bars and the easiest method of speed austmant ie witha governor motor contol and a Ratseowet speed contol bution Care must be taken to ensure that the machines are exactly in phase before paralleling Is attempted, as the forces set up by ‘Out of phase paralleling can create severe mechanical and electrical stresses In the sets, 4. As load is applied any discrepancy between he kW meters can be eiminated by light adjustment ofthe throttle or governor en ‘one othe machines. 5, Wil the kW meters sharing load correctly, any discrepancy between the ammaters can be eliminated with sight adjustment of the voltage timer on ane of the machines, NOTE: Current discrepancies are due to ciculaing currents which tow betwoen the sels when there is @ diference in excitation levels between the a.c. generators. High circulating currants may be due lo & reversal el one ol the droop lrenslormers ot incorrect adjusiment of the droop seting on the burden rosisior or choke In general, when paralieing identical machines, the amount of droop should bo approxenately equal onal ec. Astatc Paralleting Kit ‘Tisis used as an ettermative tothe quadrature dro0p kit for paral! operation, where voltage draop atthe terminals is unacceptable ‘The system may only be used to pavallel identical generators, tinvowves oross-connecting the doop kis $0 that cach exetation system is sill KVAr sensitive. Once again, his equipment cannot control KW load sharing: this determinod by the engine governors. Connections forthe kt are shown on the wiing clagrams ‘Sotting is identical lo that forthe standard droop kit Paralleling equipment and method are identical to thal when using the standard droop kit 2.9 CURRENT SENSING KIT (Cannot be used with droop CT) ‘Tiss on optional extra which adds an element of current sensing to the standard volage sensed machine. This canbe used to bias the setting circuit of the AVA, giving 2 Fsing vottage characteristic wih load atthe terminals, and so overcoming vltage oreps ‘through long cable runs to give @ flalvoliage characteristic a the load. Care should be taken rat to set the rise too steep, orth te ‘minal vottage will require excessive excitafon current and the AVF wil ip out fo protect the windings, ‘Connections are shown Inthe wising diagram. ‘A Polarity Check may be made simply by applying load and observing iat terminal votage rises gently with load increases. I the platy is wrong, t may be corected simply by reversing he leads oa the burden resistor o¢ CT. 2.10 FURTHER ACCESSORIES ‘range ol adational accessories is avilable, The connections for there are decctibed in accomparying wing diagrams. Any other instalation and sottng instructions accompany oach lem individually 2.11 ASSEMBLY TO ENGINE Torsional Vibration Torsional vibrations occur inal engine-civen shal systems and may be of a magnitude to cause damage at certain cftical speeds Itis therefore necessary to consi he torsional vibration eifact on the a.c. gonarato shat and couplings. tis the responsi of {he generator set manufacture: to ensure compatiliy, and for tis purpose drawings showing the shaltdmensions, Coupling delass {ang rtorinerias are available for customers to forward othe engine supolie Linear Vibration Failure will occur to virally any component if itis subjected to high vibration for long periods. In order to ensure trouble-ire running the vibration levels heve been laid down for bare generators andlor generator sets [854090 : Part 142 covers vibration levels fr the bare generator and thie is summarised a8 follows: The racial-vibration measured onthe bearings of horizontal machinas in both the vertical and lateral drections shall not exceed the folowing fits, Quaity Speed ‘Maxine, values of ha vibration valoeiyn emis, Grade tem. for ne shat height Hla mm. BSH 182 12 The non-crive end bearings on Frame 4-7 and drive end bearings on Frame 4-5 donot normaly requiteregreasin,Htragreasing is (CO necessary the bearings must be dismantled Temperature range or the grease s~ 30°C to + 120°C, 4.3 BEARING CHECKS Frame 4 and § ctve end and all nan-crive end bearings are packed end sealed sutable for 40.000 hours running under normal operating conditions |We recommend parodic checks far ever heating or nse using 2 stethoscope) during the tile ofthe bearing, and when re-areasing ‘or replacement of the beating if nocessary. ‘iter 40,000 hours running the beating ehould be changed. The grease should be occasional checked for signs of emulsification (irik coloured grease). If presert the grease should be fushed out and replaced, and the bearing checked for signs of Excessive vibration which devotopes ater a peried o ime may be due to bearing wear, the bearing should then be examined for damage or loss of grease, 4.4 FAULT FINDING 1) Overoxeton Protection eres 9 generar ot) © ttn guraror nae nen veoase of meer such tat recon rs en ges. st rust pec tee Fo eviput voltage Irom the generator, st check that ths pretocion has no! ipped by stopoing the sel, whereupon resetting is f2utomali. If there is stil no output on re-running the set, proceed to the folowing laul-incing method In practice faul-inding is grea simpitied by dividing the machine, for check test purposes into 2 paris, namaly: a) The exciter and main machine windings pus main rectifier. ') The electronic conto! assembly, wiring, and permanent magnet gensratr. 4.4.1 SECTION A) WINDING AND MAIN RECTIFIER ASSEMBLY 12VOLTD.G, BATTERY SUPPLY EXCITERSTATORLEAOS AND oureut EXCITER PERWANENT STATOR MAIN A Oo STATOR oe STATOR SHAFT PERMANENT Magner EXGTER wan ROTOR ROTOR ROTATING Fig 6. Method of Separately Exciting the Machine DIODES 1" C The principle isthe same for Seriea 3 and Series 4 generators. The postive terminal ofthe de, supply Is connected ta the excter Slaior lead markes X and the negative tinal fo tne lead marked XX, These leads must be removed Irom the AVA terials X and ro respectvely. tis aso advisable o remove the rest ofthe push-an terminals from the AVA prior to hs let ‘Wat the battoy connected tothe stator laals, the macrine is now run upto fll speed (tis essential thal the speeds correct fo this tes, and with @ multimeter or voimete the following tests ere made on the output from the mein stator temninals. Voltage Balanced and within + 10% - 15% of the Nominal (6 Pole generators are towards lower limit) This incicaies thet the exciter windings, main windings and main rectlietdiedes are in good working order, end itis thereloce not ‘necessary to carry out the following fests up to and including "Main Exailation Winding’. Fault nding should coatiie with test “42 Sensing and Power Supplies Volta lance between Phases The voltages between the three phases, and each phase to neural, should be belanced, and fan unbalance is shown on any phase ‘ef more than 16, this indicates that s fait exists in the ain stator windings, This test should be carried out with all the customer's ‘exernal connections removed to eliminate the possblly of external shorts between the machine andthe main Wolato. Further tests ‘can be made on the resistance values ofthe stator windings (see Wading Resistance Chart, al the end ofthis section) Should Lnbelanced voltages ocou, the shor cicul currents generated n the slator wll lend tofoad the engine, anc may be delected as bot spots on the slater windings, Voltage Balanced but Reading Low when Separately Excited ‘This indicates that a fault exsts in eter the main rotating ractlier assembly, oF one ofthe exctation windings i. the mein rotor ando:the excite stator and rotor. Fist check thatthe d.c. separate excitation supply Is not lower than 12 volte, and thatthe ‘speed Is correct. Rectifier Diodes ‘The diodes on the main recier assembly can be checked with a mulimetar. The flexible lads connected to each code should be a eqeig aunsserg Buidoo9 ee Aqwossy ‘sig Suna ze Auquessy 10215 UW PUROM 19n0Q U3 and, te Fey ,0104 193 oe (earenany of “fay vey ee preog BuuMay ABENY a U3 OAUC-UON 19K09 izog jeUWHeL UE zB {yO IGPU OAUO-UON uondyoseq 498 881g uondysoseg: 390 Ald ners anima Cla ttee. aToNIe"y “Ok 8 ‘ppBS S14 J0 do} UO ParuNous #09 AUR OL “puo anup-uou axe eippes papjam v anzy (SO12MUO 3, SUOREUE}S9P \}5UD| 9109 yy) $101259U90 LOH DUE GOH JIE + s = 2 5 : . = : « 6m bun oy te = see — ce ©) isi suuva SNIHOVIN ONIEVaE OML 8 ANAWAONVYHY ‘TVH3NID SNIHOWW ONIHVSE OML DH TWOIdAL 96 “S14 IBMOu! 8a BUIPK (uriaizr — ge)a-Ne'r-y onto! OuvenyOn 2p00 “F jenidde S WY. NO NOLLO3S: a maIog GH HO Si s0use207 O'S ‘SW 20USeM URE SIL MN [BUOBEXoH 02 x SN MaI9g pear jeUOBEKSH 9/4 s0useMs4907 ‘O'S WN 22USeM Ud 69% 9WN Hog peo} yeuOBexe}| UeA (esven0u) 9poig (premioy) epoig ug aseg popinoyt Bpacarsera onduaseq a. MOREY NO MBIA dvHOS: s oF —<_ iS a 77 b eo 3YO9 HOLOY HALIOXS Oy A. GENERATOR WARRANTY WARRANTY PERIOD: AG. Generators: In erpect of a, generators the warranty period is (G1 ‘twelve manthe aftr the goods have been notified os ready for despatch by us (OF i) provided thatthe Dealer teste the goods before devpatch, twelve months from the date the goods are despatched by the Dealer or elghteen months after the goods have been notified as ready for despatch by us (whichever fs the shorter. DEFECTS AFTER DELIVERY: ‘We will moke good by repair, or, at our option, by the supply ofa replacement any fault which, under proper Use, ‘sppaars In ony goods manufactured by us within the warrancy period and is found on examination By us to Be solely due to defective material and workenanship provided that (2) We receive notice in writing ofthe attged defect within 30 days ofits discovery and the detective pat it promptly returned, eariage paid, with all identification numbers and marks Intact to the Dealer who tupplied the goods or, reauted by us, to our Works. {o} We shall be under no ibility for dofects in any goods which |i) hove not been stored, installed, used and maintained property and carefully in accordance with our ‘curcent recommendations or i) have been used after de defect has been, or ought reasonably to have been discovered: or (ii) have been repre, ajusted or altered withour prior authorization or by ny person except 9° in any secondhand goods, proprietary sitices or goods not af our oan manufacture, slthough supped by us, ‘sich articles and goods being covered by the waranty {If any] given by the separate manufacturers, {cb Our tisitey shall be fully discharged by ether repair or replacement ae above, and in any event our Fability shall not exceed the current lst pric ofthe defective goode, (6) Ou tability under thi couse shall be in eu of any warranty or eondltion implied by law 8s to the qualley ‘or fitness for ny particular purpose of the goods, and save a expresily provided i tis elause wa sall not bbe under any Habiity, whether in contract, tort or others, In respect of any detect in goods dalvered fF for any damage or loss (whether direct er consequential resulting from such defeet ar from any work one in conaeetion theroith. (e) Any clin under this clause must contain full particulars of the serial number (ar shove on the manufacturers Identics the date of purensce and the name and address ofthe vendor. sed dofec, the deseripsion of the goods, 9 plate) or, for spares, the order reference, (1 ar judgement in all ease of claims shall bo final and conclusive and the claimant shall accept our decision ‘on all questions oe to dafocts and the exchange of apart or parts, The repsirad or replacement part wl be etivered by us fre of charge ex-Works. We anall rot be liebe for any expense which may be incurred in ramoving or rplazing any part sent 10 us fr inapection orn iting any replacement supplied by us, MACHINE SERIAL NUMBER Australia Canada: West Gommany: Om ey: Singapore: Spain: “es 2 SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES NEWAGE ENGINEERS PTY, LIMITED 29 Viera Averve, Cesta Hil New South Wale 2164 7 Telephone: Syanay 02) 650 2200 Fax:(02)€80 1545, [NEWAGE EQUIPMENT LIMITED P.O, Box 427, Isington, Ontario. MOA 4X4 - Telephone: Toronto (416) 250.9741 Fax (618) 2507167 NEWAGE ENGINEERS G m.b. ‘Acchenbolzst $9, 2000 Hamiurg 74, Tolophone: Hamburg (040) 712 2044145 Fax: (040) 712 544 ®-T-NEWAQE ENGINEERS INDONEIA, P.0. Box TOUAT, = I Pulogading 21, Kawasan Indust Pulogadung, ekarta 13001, Tolophone: (21 aese6s4 Foc (21) 490054 NEWAGE MALIA Si Viale Fuso Test §8, 20125 Mian. Tolophone: Mian (02) 64 20 868/64 26 602 Fax (02) 64:37 159 NEWAGE NORGE AS ‘Staaffra 12. Oslo9, Telephone: Oso (02) 25 1635, Fax: (02) 25 1298 [NEWAGE (PAR EAST) PTE LIMITED him Moh, P.0, Box 1016, ‘Sirgapereo127. Tolaphone: Singapore 469 1631 Fax 466 2705 ‘STAMFORD IBERICA SA, Passo do a Castallane 62, £28046 Madi Telephone: Macid(01)261 8556/0560 Fax (01) 4112858 NEWAGE LiMTeD P.O. Box 103, Independence Cour, Feleroft Indust Per, Folerot Penneyivania 16032 Telephone Philadelphia (215) 584 9500 OF Fax (215)5240505 EAC! nowace wremeaTonaLiteD > Telex: 2174907 “Toler: 49204 Telex 300541 Telex: 70005 Tole 33404 Telex 43553 Tole 845076 ESTEREDOFIEANOADDESS. POD? 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