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BSA 1-12

1. Social Science is the science of people or collections of people, such as groups, firms,
societies, or economies, and their individual or collective behaviors. Unlike the natural sciences,
there is a high degree of measurement error in the social sciences and there is considerable
uncertainty and little agreement on social science policy decisions.

2. Braches and field of study of Social Science.

a . Anthropology – The science of the originsand development of human beings and their
cultures. Theword anthropology is derived from two Greek words: "anthropos" meaning “man”
or “human” and "logos," meaning “thought” or “reason.”

b. Archaeology – it is the study of things that people made, used, and lef behind. The goal of
archaeology is to understand what people of the past were like and how they lived.

c. Economics – it is a social science that deals with the study of proper allocation and efficient
use of scarce resources to produce commodities for the maximum satisfactiob of needs or

d. Geography – it is a science that deals with the Earth’s surface, its physical features, such as
mountains, deserts, rivers, and oceans. Geography also studies the ways that people affected
by the natural world.

e. Government – it is the organization that defends the country from outside enemies, helps
to keep order, and it provides services for its people. In return, the people of the country
must pay money called taxes to the government.

f. History – it is the study of the past. The study of history helps make sense of humankind. It
also helps people understand the things that happen today and that may happen in the future.

g. Philosophy – the word philosophy comes from the Greek language. It means “love of
wisdom.” Philosophy is the study of some of the most basic questions about human life.
For example, what can people really know about life? Or, are human beings basically good or

h. Psychology – it is the scientific study of the ways that people think, feel, and behave.
Psychologists study the human's mind and emotions to try to understand the reasons behind
people's actions.

i. Sociology - it is the scientific study of human societies, or groups.

3. According to Albrow (1990), Globalization refers to "all those processes by which people of
the world are incorportated into a single world society". It establishes various interconnetions
that even though countries across the globe are separated with each other, all the events,
decisions, and activities in one particular place can come to have a significant effect for
individuals and communities in quite distant parts of the globe.


• Bhattacherjee A. Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, 2nd edition.
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA. 2012.

•Mir, U. R., Hassan, S. M., PhD, & Qadri, M. M. (2014). Understanding Globalization and its
Future: An Analysis [Abstract]. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), 34(2), 607-624.

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