Application of Integration

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Applied Mathematics Project

Application Of Integration
In Isaac Newton's day, one of the biggest problems was poor navigation at sea.
Before calculus was developed, the stars were vital for navigation.
Shipwrecks occurred because the ship was not where the captain thought it should be. There was
not a good enough understanding of how the Earth, stars and planets moved with respect to each
Calculus (differentiation and integration) was developed to improve this understanding.
Differentiation and integration can help us solve many types of real-world problems.
Many types of business software such as supply chain
management applications, ERP systems, CRM applications for managing customers, business
intelligenceapplications, payroll and human resources systems typically cannot communicate
with one another in order to share data or business rules. For this reason, such applications are
sometimes referred to as islands of automation or information silos. This lack of communication
leads to inefficiencies, wherein identical data are stored in multiple locations, or straightforward
processes are unable to be automated.

1.1 Applications of the Indefinite Integral:

shows how to find displacement (from velocity) and velocity (from acceleration) using the

indefinite integral. to obtain the displacement, s of an object at time t ( expression v=

ds/dt velocity, v) we would use:

s=∫v dt

1.2 Area Under a Curve:

In this case, we find the area by simply finding the integral:


Applied Mathematics Project

1.3. Area Between 2 Curves:

to find the area between 2 curves, y1=f1(x) and y2=f2(x), and the lines x=a and x=b.

We see that if we subtract the area under lower curve

from the area under the upper curve

then we will find the required area. This can be achieved in one step:

A=a ∫b(y2−y1)dx

1.4. Volume of Solid of Revolution:

explains how to use integration to find the volume of an object with curved sides, e.g.
wine barrels.

Applied Mathematics Project

The volume of a cylinder is given by:

Because radius=r=y and each disk is dx high, we notice that the volume of each slice is:

V=πy2 dx
Adding the volumes of the disks (with infinitely small dx), we obtain the formula:

V=πa∫b y2dx which means V=πa∫b {f(x)}2dx


y=f(x) is the equation of the curve whose area is being rotated

a and b are the limits of the area being rotated

dx shows that the area is being rotated about the x-axis

1.5. Centroid of an Area:

In tilt-slab construction, we have a concrete wall (with doors and windows cut out) which we
need to raise into position. We don't want the wall to crack as we raise it, so we need to know
the center of mass of the wall.

means the centre of mass. We see how to use integration to find the centroid of an area with
curved sides.

Applied Mathematics Project

1.6. Moments of Inertia:

is a measure of the resistance of a rotating body to a change in motion.

The moment of inertia of a particle of mass m rotating about a particular point is given by:

Moment of inertia=md2

where d is the radius of rotation.

explains how to find the resistance of a rotating body. We use integration when the shape has
curved sides.

We can add the moments of inertia for all the typical rectangles making up the area using

Iy=ka∫b x2(y2−y1)dx

7. Work by a Variable Force:

shows how to find the work done on an object when the force is not constant. This
includes Hooke's Law for springs. If the force varies (e.g. compressing a spring) we need to use
calculus to find the work done.

If the force is given by F(x) (a function of x) then the work done by the force along the x-axis
from a to b is:

W= a∫b F(x)dx

8. Electric Charges:

have a force between them that varies depending on the amount of charge and the distance
between the charges. We use integration to calculate the work done when charges are separated.

It follows that the work done when electric charges move toward each other (or when they are
separated) is given by:

Applied Mathematics Project

k q 1 q 2dx
Work=a∫b x2

9. Average Value:

of a curve can be calculated using integration.

The average value of the function y = f(x) fromx = a to x = b is given by:

yave= a∫b ( f(x) / b−a)dx

.Head Injury Criterion:

is an application of average value and used in road safety research. In the 1950s, cars were
efficient killing machines. There were no such things as airbags, safety belts, anti-lock breaking,
crumple zones or plastic knobs. Ralph Nader pressured car manufacturers in the 1960s and 1970s
to produce safer cars - and it worked.

When we stop in a car, the deceleration can be either abrupt (as in a crash), as follows:

or more gentle, as in normal braking:

Applied Mathematics Project

10. Force by Liquid Pressure varies depending on the shape of the object and its depth. We use
integration to find the force.

The force F on an area A at a depth y in a liquid of density w is given by


The force will increase if the density increases, or if the depth increases or if the area
increases.the area or volume has straight sides. Then we extend the straight-sided case to
consider curved sides. We need to use integration because we have curved sides and cannot use
the simple formulas any more.

Now, the total force on the plate is given by

F=wa∫b xy dy


x is the length (in m) of the element of area (expressed in terms of y)

Applied Mathematics Project

y is the depth (in m) of the element of area

w is the density of the liquid (in N m-3)

(for water, this is w = 9800 N m-3)

a is the depth at the top of the area in question (in m)

b is the depth at the bottom of the area in question (in m)

Sociology and economy:

 Social integration, in social sciences, is the movement of refugees and underprivileged

sections of a society into the mainstream of societies

 Racial integration, refers to social and cultural behavior

 Economic integration, refers to trade unification between different states

 we use definite integration to examine a stream of income transferred continuously into

an account in which it earns interest over a specified time period (the term). The amount (or

future value) of an income stream is the total amount (money transferred into the account

plus interest) that is accumulated in this way during the specified term. The strategy is to

approximate the continuous income stream by a sequence of discrete deposits called an

annuity. The amount of the approximating annuity is a certain sum whose limit (a definite

integral) is the amount of the income stream.

 In studying consumer behavior, economists often assume that the price a consumer or

group of consumers is willing to pay to buy an additional unit of a commodity is a function

of the number of units of the commodity that the consumer or group has already bought.

 In a competitive economy, the total amount that consumers actually spend on a

commodity is usually less than the total amount they would have been willing to spend. The

Applied Mathematics Project

difference between the two amounts can be thought of as a savings realized by consumers

and is known in economics as the consumers’ surplus.

Application in Chemical Engineering:

 The process design which emphasizes the unity of the process and considers the

interactions between different unit operations from the outset, rather than optimising

them separately. This can also be called integrated process design or process synthesis.

 Pinch analysis, a technique for designing a process to minimise energy consumption and

maximise heat recovery, also known as heat integration, energy integration orpinch

technology. The technique calculates thermodynamically attainable energy targets for a

given process and identifies how to achieve them. A key insight is the pinch temperature,

which is the most constrained point in the process.

 Note that Process Integration is not limited to the design of new plants, but it also covers

retrofit design (e.g. new units to be installed in an old plant) and the operation of existing

 The main advantage of process integration is to consider a system as a whole (i.e.
integrated or holistic approach) in order to improve their design and/or operation. In

Applied Mathematics Project

contrast, an analytical approach would attempt to improve or optimize process units

separately without necessarily taking advantage of potential interactions among them.
 For instance, by using process integration techniques it might be possible to identify that
a process can use the heat rejected by another unit and reduce the overall energy
consumption, even if the units are not running at optimum conditions on their own.
 process integration techniques are employed at the beginning of a project (e.g. a new
plant or the improvement of an existing one) to screen out promising options to optimize
the design and/or operation of a process plant.
 There is still much work to be carried out in the area of separation, not only in complex
distillation systems, but also in mixed types of separation systems. This includes
processes involving solids, such as flotation and crystallization. The use of process
integration techniques for reactor design has seen rapid progress, but is still in its early

Application in Computer science:

In information technology, systems integration is the process of linking together
different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally, to act
as a coordinated whole.
The system integrator brings together discrete systems utilizing a variety of techniques
such as computer networking, enterprise application integration, business process
management or manual programming.
A system is an aggregation of subsystems cooperating so that the system is able to deliver
the overarching functionality. System integration involves integrating existing
often disparate systems.
System integration (SI) is also about adding value to the system, capabilities that are
possible because of interactions between subsystems.

 Integrated circuits:
increasing the number of electronic components embedded in a single silicon wafer, or
chip. As the number of components escalated into the thousands, these chips began to be
referred to as large-scale integration chips, and computers using them are sometimes
called fourth-generation computers. The invention of the microprocessor was the
culmination of this trend.

Applied Mathematics Project

 Microcomputers:
As large-scale integration and then very-large-scale integration have progressively
increased the number of transistors that can be placed on one semiconductor chip, so the
processing capacity of microcomputers using such single chips has grown
commensurately. During the 1980s microcomputers came to be used widely in other
applications besides electronic game systems and other relatively simple

 Microprocessors:
:The microprocessor was developed in the late 1970s as a result of large-scale
integration (LSI), which made it possible to pack thousands of transistors, diodes, and
resistors onto a silicon chip less than 0.2 inch (5 mm) square. During the early 1980s
very-large-scale integration (VLSI) vastly increased the circuit density of
microprocessors. A single VLSI circuit holds hundreds of thousands.

 Development of the digital computer:

The development of large-scale integration (LSI) enabled hardware manufacturers to
pack thousands of transistors and other related components on a single silicon chip about
the size of a baby’s fingernail. Such microcircuitry yielded two devices that
revolutionized computer technology. The first of these was the microprocessor, which is
an integrated circuit that contains all the arithmetic.

Applied Mathematics Project

Applied Mathematics Project



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