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To Whom It May Concern

April 29th, 2015

I am writing this letter with great pleasure to recommend one of my best students, HANIF FAUZAN ABSHARI to
prepare his career to enroll undergraduate program in one of state university in Turkey. As math teacher, I
exactly know the capacity and attitude Hanif within 3 (three) years involving all academic program in my class.
Shortly, Hanif is one of the bold and smart student in our school. He was one of the best student that we have
within his enroll of academic activity. One of the great things in Hanif is his strong character with major attitude
that every teacher and student respect. His intelligence, diligence, and honest outwheighed any other students
in his class and impressed teacher very much.

During academic activities, he is perform his active and enthusiasm in all part of completed assignment. He is
one of top rank in score, and especially in Math he is the best one that I have met. He, beside me often
present his capacity in front of the class since he likes to share what he learns to all audience – his friends. He is
exceptionally intelligent typically in solving mathematics problems. He threw himself into his assigned project
wholeheartedly. His leadership also showed when he appointed as the leader of Math Competition held by our
school last year. His great leadership is able to make the event run succesfully.

In addition, Hanif not only showing his capacity in math and science subject but also in Languages, Art and
Culture, History, and Environment Education. Other special achievement is his capacity in English was
remarkably outstanding. We proud of him as always be our school delegate in lots of English competition like
news reading competition, debating championship, and speech contest.

Hanif, in daily activities is very active, sociable, but in some cases he is mature and polite. We all teacher have
the same appreciation for Hanif as one of the best student that we have. And with his strong character and
motivation, independence, friendly, confidence, and excellent participation in both individual or group
activites, will support him to reach his career and success in the near future.

I would like to assure that Hanif Fauzan Abshari is a very potential person, mature and promising student and I
believe of his capacity to enroll his undergraduate program in a very reputable university in the world that he



Mathematics Teacher
SMAN 1 Sumedang
Phone : +6281320704593
Email :

To Whom It May Concern

April 4th, 2015

I gave specific recommendations to Hanif Fauzan Abshari, student of SMAN 1 Sumedang West Java to be able
to continue their studies at Universities in Turkey, according to his broad interests and talents in science and

His strong desire and character are well preserved as the learner, makes Hanif able to resolve the problems of
academic and practical which enables him to excel in the academic program at the chosen university in the
near future.

According to the learning trail that I follow for Hanif to be part of the students who were invited in the field of
Mathematics Olympiad, he is one of the student that we have recognized. Hanif is very talented student to
show his capability in learning science and mathematics that will support his professional career in the future.


Prof. Dr. Khairulrijal

Professor of Physics,
ITB Lecturer and Indonesia Science Olympiad Team Leader

To Whom It May Concern

April 2nd, 2015

In my position of Head of Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at the Institute of Technology 10

November Surabaya, I recommend Hanif Fauzan Abshari, SMAN 1 Sumedang (1 Sumedang High
School) student who has an interest and a great ambition to continue his studies in mathematics and

His interest in continuing studies at one of reputable university in Turkey will provide supplies and
basic skills for pioneering Hanif in his professional career in the future.

I know clearly about the character and capacity of learning of Hanif Fauzan as a student. He has
shown a willingness to face difficulties in achieving scientific understanding. He has showed his
intention during the special education short course in our Laboratory Program for High School
Student. Hanif have a great interest in science in general and that will ensure him success in his career
in the near future.

Yours Faithfully,

Agus Purwanto, PhD.

Theoritical Physics Laboratory ITS – Surabaya.


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