Why Do You Think The Title Was PK?

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Why do you Think the Title was PK?

For Me,The Title was Pk because they are emphasizing on how could PK find the Wrong
God/Wrong number.He Worshipped and Praised every God in every Religion not just to find his
remote.He asks Himself “Who is the real God?” “Who’s God can help me find my remote?”.In this world
you have to be patient because in our world you can’t just get what you what in one blink of an eye.Life is
always Unfair!Just like Pk,He worshipped and praise every God in every religion.He is finding out who is
the real God,the God who can help him find and get his remote,even though his homeless,he waited until
he gets what he deserve and got what he wanted,at the end of the day he got his remote back with all of
his sacrifices.

In the Movie,the main characters are:Pk he came from other planet with his remote control,the
device he used to travel to Earth.But his remote got stolen and he can’t go home many people said that
only God can help him with his problem.Because of curiosity he find out that there are different Gods. He
wanted to know whose God can help him. Pk meets a friend her name is Jagu She is a Tv reporter in New
Delhi. She helped Pk find his remote and she also helped Pk run a Tv program about the wrong God and
the wrong Number. He always questioned Tapaswi.He is Guru He is the Antagonist of the film. He also
got Pk’s remote but he said it was a piece of drum from God fell from the sky. Pk said that there were two
Gods the one who created us all and the one who created by us humans.

After I watched the movie, I found out that there were scenes in the movie that is the same as my
Religion. The first is the singing we always sing church songs every Sunday before and after the speech
of our Pastors in our Church Pulpit. This is how we Glorify God not just through singing but to apply his
words in real life and to follow his commandments. The second one is the Image/statue of Christ we
always Pray and Bow down to his image to show our faith and t show that we love him.

Pk is looking for God because many people said that only God can help him find his remote and
another reason is because Pk wants to Find whose God solve his problem. He always wanted to find the
Wrong God and the Real God that’s why he praised and worshipped every God, then at last he finds out
that every Religion has its own God (not all)

I’ve learned that There are people like Tapaswi.He and Mr. Apollo Quiboloy they are only using
God’s word to gain wealth and fame. They are both self-proclaimed Godman they are both nothing but
fakes! And If I were Pk I will tell God that please help me find my remote and please forgive me because
I stole some clothes from dancing cars. I want to say thank you to Jagu because she helped me find my
remote and she taught me things that I have to learn in order to live in this world. And I also want to say
to the wrong God or Wrong number that even if you aren’t the real God would you also help me about my
problem and please help me get my remote back. There is something I want to say in myself that please
be patient because it will take too long to find my remote once I get it back, we can go home now.
After i watched the movie I realized the true meaning of Love, Forgiveness, Religion and Who Is
God. I define love as a strong affection to someone, that in love you can’t just give and receive love from
someone because sometimes you have to let go, sometimes letting go is the best way to show him/her that
you loved them. The meaning of Religion for me is Religion is a culture, it defines who you are, and I
believed that Religion is not a requirement for you to in order to get in heaven. All you need is to confess
all your sins to our God and admit that you are a sinner, accept Christ as you savior. Another is
Forgiveness for me forgiveness is forgiving someone of something that he/she did to you that hurtled or
offended you. God can always forgive us in every sin that we committed about us Humans? Why
sometime we can’t forgive? Who is God? God is someone you have to believe,praise,worshipped and
have faith to because of his Amazing Love for us he saved us all!

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