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First Quarter Exam

TRUE OR FALSE: Weber believes in predestination and God�s favor,

religious ethic and transformed to work ethic.
The correct answer is: True
Written rules of conduct enacted and enforced by government.
The correct answer is: Laws
Identify the type of social group: It arises spontaneously out of the
interactions of two or more persons.
The correct answer is: Informal Group
All the following statements characterize a �Gesselschaft� type of
social group EXCEPT:
The correct answer is: Culture is homogeneous and traditional-bound.
TRUE OR FALSE: Technology, when acquired by a society, causes it to
The correct answer is: True
This is defined as any violation of the standards of a society.
The correct answer is: Deviance
This is referred to as the mental product of apprehension.
The correct answer is: Idea
Which of the following word DOES NOT belong to this group?
The correct answer is: heredity
Who authored �Society in America�?
The correct answer is: Harriet Martineau
Which kind of crime is an offense committed by ordinary people against
other people usually in public spaces?
The correct answer is: Street
Which of the following is considered a �taboo�?
The correct answer is: all of the choices
TRUE OR FALSE: Industrial society focuses on higher education as
required by the advancement of technology.
The correct answer is: False
political organization:state= financial organization: _________
The correct answer is: bank
Intangible and that which influences the behavior.
The correct answer is: Non-material culture
Refers to judging other cultures against the standards of one�s culture.
The correct answer is: Ethnocentrism
Who proposed the Philosophical position of positivism?
The correct answer is: Auguste Comte
What component of culture makes human life easier (for example, mass
production of goods)?
The correct answer is: Technology
Which of the following is NOT a nature of Sociology?
The correct answer is: It is a normative discipline.
Identify the type of social group: It is deliberately formed and their
purpose and objectives are explicitly defined.
The correct answer is: Formal Group
Which of the following characterizes the term �Gemeinschaft�?
The correct answer is: A social system in which most relationships are
personal and traditional
Which of the following DOES NOT affect one�s sexual orientation?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
These are rewards to those who conform to the norms.
The correct answer is: positive sanctions
The sociologist who focused on class struggles.
The correct answer is: Karl Marx
Identify the type of social group: It is a social unit to which individuals
do not belong due to differences in social categories and with which they
do not identify.
The correct answer is: Out-group
This discusses the nature of the terms and propositions that are used in
the different types of inference.
The correct answer is: Material Logic
This refers to a nature that carries existential actuality and reality by
The correct answer is: Substance
Sociology is considered as a _____ social science when most theories
are based on polls, statistical analysis, sampling, and large collections of
life histories.
The correct answer is: Quantitative
This is considered as the first act of intellect.
The correct answer is: Apprehension
They usually accept approved goals but disregard institutional means to
achieve them.
The correct answer is: innovators
What component of culture involves its representations of reality?
The correct answer is: Symbols
The domestication of plants and animals led to the birth of what society?
The correct answer is: Horticultural and Pastoral Society
This is a social science that is concerned with human culture as well as
the physical and social characteristics that create the culture.
The correct answer is: Anthropology
This refers to the visible part of the culture.
The correct answer is: Material culture
Which of the following is NOT a nature of Anthropology?
The correct answer is: It deals with systems of government.
Job specialization was increased in this society.
The correct answer is: Agricultural society
Which of the following is NOT true about the nature of sociology?
The correct answer is: Sociology is a physical science.
Which theory claims that social and economic factors are the causes of
The correct answer is: Conflict
Identify the type of social group: Its examples include families and play
The correct answer is: Social group according to ties
Identify the type of social group: It is the most fundamental unit of
human society.
The correct answer is: Social group according to ties
Identify the type of social group: It is a social unit to which individuals
do not belong due to differences in social categories and with which they
do not identify.
The correct answer is: Out-group
This expresses a term that is used in an identical sense.
The correct answer is: Univocal
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about socialization?
The correct answer is: Socialization is the state of being isolated from a
group or an activity.
TRUE OR FALSE:Lenski said that sociocultural evolution is the change
that occurs as a society acquires new technology.
The correct answer is: True
Which of the following is TRUE about Moral Development Theory?
The correct answer is: Moral Development is a continual process that
occurs throughout the lifespan.
This is defined as the study of humankind using facts, hypothesis, and,
and theories.
The correct answer is: Anthropology
This is the process by which people learn from others� skills,
knowledge, norms, and values of their society.
The correct answer is: Socialization
The kind of society that displays a high level of interdependence among
its members.
The correct answer is: Hunting and gathering society
This refers to the modification of the substance as the result of the
influence of another agent.
The correct answer is: Passion

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