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Training Manual
RM-M FI-ELC-004. Rev. O. lS Jan 2009


'MPi B!t:lg., ·',",)rti-g?s ""A"Ve:'Ex t.,"? 2S'!"9 C'jtyJ·'f..l"etro··r",~·,,! rl ! i;:::, 'Phil ippi"!1es
TeL Nos . (632) 532 -0756 to 67 F2X NQs. (632) 53'1·3838 ; (532) 63~·~294 ...
'JRL : http://W''\':'-'J. I71Ti.Oig.p h
e·n~2i! : ttp@i7' ri I ssd(~;
,' , -
...... \

~ ..
, J)ages
. . ....
Modii~ '1; ~i~ .~~~TneOl)'·~. A;ppli~()ns
" .'
" ,

.. . .. '. '
~ ..
" "'" ' .: .1 ~ ,
, ~Buic COnc~pts Of~~Ctricity "
" ' ~P!lmsLay...; P(,We:r:ilpi!,~neriIY "
, ,Sil~:S:~d Parilltl~nnecti()ns ;, .
,_ ,
.' .'~. , EJeCtrom~gnet ~n(f,ReIaYl· ' " . i5
, 11,
" " " : . - Alterilatlng Cunen(iiiicl'V6ltlge System
. " , . "Indu~.iI"e.nd, 9a~citaitce .' . , '21
", '.': .. IinPeda'nce . U
· - Three'P~SY$tem . ,' ( ....... .
- ExPeament(l'roubleshQoting Phrctic.ej
". ' - ,Te:it'on Module 1 ' ,
Mod,tile 2: ,'Hstnnnents; and Measurement .,
- El.a,sic O.C:Meter:Moverilprit
.. .. Ammeter ' ,.. . ~. Sf
, ~ Vo~eter . $3
· ~ w#t;n~ter:
. 55
' , , ;:~ ,Kit6watt:.flout Meter: " " ., ,$7.
' J. . ",- Iri~mel1!.Cilrrenrand 'Poienti.1lTraiiSfonnlir , '59 '
.. ~ 'cia;mp'h1etet:,. ,'.: : ., : " ,'.. ",:- . " : ' ", ;' .. 6Ci
'" · >M.,.ga.:6hrl.",et~t. " . ' , '~
, ~P(>v.:e.r ·F.acti;ir Meter:' 64<
- Tachometer" 6S
-, P'hiisi Seqlience In dicator 66
' . · TeStvnMOdule 2' , 66
ModU le ,3: EleCtrical Safety
• EI('ctrfc;a1 Safety
.• :rhe:.Nat-l;ire-Of.Electricity 7~
• F.lectricallnjuries n
·I"reventing .EleCtrica'l Accidl!J1ts
• ,bvertl.[rrent Prolection . a7
.;. : Gro.unrling
.:-::.:::-.. PrQteCtion 'Aga!~st: G'round FCiults

- ,': < Haiardous Location >' '~i

. • ' P9ita~le P~wj!t T~ol Satety 99,
• Double ,lnsulah!d Tools ~9
EIeCtriql SafetYPrer.autions , '10'1,
T~ on Module 3 102
RM-Mr-I-ELC.:Q04; Rev. 0 ; 15 Jan 2009 -.'


'. : . , . . ::;:;.'
'" .

Module 4, :electrical'Machiries
" " ,, '
''': .. 109 y,

,', ~<iOire.;t currentMachil'l~ 11 t

-,The DC ,Moto'n; , 122 , "
- SinglePh~se Motors
: .. , ..... ," ~ .

12i. <
'. "

~ Capac;ltor Motors . :', ,, <

.~ ' . .
, _Syrich~cnoLis, Motor 1~ l

', ~ The synchronol,lsGenerator '" ": 0': ' : ' , -,> ,c,', ' " ' ;4q
-the y'kund~otoT Induction Motdt, ", ' ., :' , ;,. 'c' " "' :c,
- The :Three Phas~Squi rie IC~9~ In~IJP:tjpr\~M9wr . " , '154
- The;/,I' MO,t or ,.. ' ,,:-.' ; "
~ ShadedPciie Motor' " . '~ .. 1~
, . , ,'Fan Motors' " " I, , ' '" _, C o' ,. ." 1ST
, .! Summary of the V.iffer.ent Kir..d" 9fMotprs. :', .:,-, . ,<' ,158:'
:, - Transformers . ' . . " , , '. ' " ', ' .. 160
'- Tllst-on Module 4 1!3

MOdule G : Electrical Symbol,; an d Blue Pr, nt ,~eai;Fllg :· . , ' ,<

,,: - ~Iectri ca! Sym.b(lls and Drawings " " " ,190
;" : Elecai cal Plan Lilyout and SChedule of Load . ,, 251
, .• Motor. Co .,trol and, P"loVer Diagr a m ' ,:' 256,
, - POloVer and Control knalys is of 1, 200 Horse Power Mot";r, . , .. 258 '
':: P;u'tia'i Electrical P!an Layout of ,lndustrial Ga'rmeht Factory, " ' ; 266
,: - Exploc edVie.w of a 'Portabl e Electric Haildrill •; 26.&..
. ,
-Bastc SChematic Diagram' of, t'ie ,Pci... a ;ld C;o"ti-of'a 'M9tor 268'
,. Fire Pump Co,;p-Ol , ' ' , ' 259
:, . ,Cbmmon Abbre, iati'o ns fo r Ele.ctric:al Terms' a nd Devices:' ". ,27j
7, T,,:ito n Meidule ~ , ." . ' 27:.z
MorJule 6 : El,ectrical and Motor C9ntrols . ',.

- PracticaLExercises Electri ca l COntrols 27~

-Across th'e Line Magrietii: Starter ·2&:0 ,
- Jog Mot9r Contrqr' . za:z
-:Two Station' Motor ,C!'ntrQ I
, - For..Yard Reverte MotorCbrilrol
za3 '·
- \/WE-D EL'FA Reduced Voltag e Starter 291
- MagHetic Prfmary Resistance St;irter 29:;
- 'Auto Transformer Redu~ed" ,\ioltage 3tarter 297 \,
'- Dynamic Breakin.g , , 29:) I
- F:loat S Witch Motor Pump Control 30t
- Sequeniiai :Control (3 Stag es)
'-Periodi c S~q'\Ience Contro l ,'
', 306
, ;
, - Multi S witclifhg System With Automatic Time, DeHlyOFF ' " 313
, - Remote Contri:H S!Mtchi"9, ' ' . ,, ' 315
- Allto;"",tic Control iJf Street Light
--the Automatic' Time SWitcll ,Control
318 ' \
- Time S ignal System '
~ Alternate Operati on of Two Motor Pumps
- Pressu re Operated 'Contro l Sy stem \
- Test o n M"dv le 6 ' 32:7 I

'UfFI-ELC-004, Rev. 0 , 15 Jan 2009

Mod ule 7: Electrical Preventive Maintenanc;e

- Generall nfol111aZi.6n 'and Requirement
-Technical ,Characteristics ,333
Standard Tple'9nces '
- 'Periodic Maintenance :us
- Maint<lnanCe Procedures 347
- Special Maintenance Procedures :}.53
- 'Test on Modu'le ." 354
38 ~

Mcdule 8: The Philippine Electrical Code (PEC)

- C;>ene:ra,1Requirements 394
- AJilpac;ties 9f Condli'ctorS, Fuses, and Circuit 8reaker Rating 395
- Motors, Circuits and Controllers 398
- Application of PEC to Industrial Motor Installation Requi~ment 42{)
- Test on Modu le 8 421J

RM,MFI-ELC-004, Rev_ 0, 15 JCln 2009


Deseription:- The lesson pro-vides"t.~e trainee., with i'l.-

-eoun<;i background in ' the theory 'midconcepta,
in fundamentals of electricity_- It' ai,So
, ' covers 3'---ph,a;.8€' electrical ' 'ayfit;elUS and diBtri~
OOtion p;;u1el 'analysis_: ' ' -

Maj or ,Topics' : 1 ~ ' Basic cc;mcepts' in. e lec1>ri~ity. sou.."C,e s

of electricity,' Q.irec,t . Ci.n+ent vo ltQ.8e,
resistance, and conduc-tffiicB '

3. Series and Parallel, Circuits

4. E::'ectromagnets, Relays" a,ndContactora

5. Alternating Current and Voltage l;;ystem.a

G_ Inductance and Capacitance

7. Impedances

8. Three-Phase Syetem

9. Expe!:i",ent-.s . - Series Circuits and Trouble-

shooting ," ,

Lec-.:.urt: 9 hO\ Laboratc,X7 3 hour

- I-ELC-W4. Re<. 0.15 Jan 2()Og-~
, .
~ .

..:; .
At ,theeno 9f this IDOdule;. the particiP'tn1; ,'sPou1q. b e allie
to :

L ,E:i::plain ,, " ' .'

~.' what ' cons·t itl,ltes ~. - e~ect~·ic .f:'lJ.r.rerit .
- ioihcit cause'l ;ail -el"Eiqtric cur~litc to flow , in, a
cQ:>t;iuctor ,
... .
2. I nterpret ~ Ohms h.w formula

3_ ,S0lve -or' calcula1;e

- Ohms h.w prohlell)S
- pj.qblen;is on electrical power, and energy, reactances,
, ana'i.DJpedances '
- the ~quivalen t res,tstance _of a Farallelcirc-ui,t
the total re;aist anc e bf' a aeries cirCt,lit, . .;

tine voitage of a 3-phaBe source

4. Differentiate bet-~en a direct current an~ an
alte rnating curren ~

'- .. 5: Subdivide the aeparat'i b!1 Of curren-;; ,from a Ju,nct'. lon


6 .. Id.ent;ify
electrical sYmbol s
- 'e lectrical connec tions

'7 _ Label and.cQ~pl ~te the drawing of a di s t.r.ibution

pane 1 board based on given da t a.




2 .

RM-MFI-ELC-OI)4. Rev. O.15 Jan. 2009

L O ~I-C;_ CONClWI'S-.IN KI.KcrRICITY ......,

- ' . . ;.". ". .::..... - . ~ . "

L 1 -Haw electricity is , fC'l~ ' : . .>

. .. .... ... ei~nt

Whenii,n'i:" .. ' . . 'dbiidedC'oiIt~¢~lY
' .:
~ . ¥igui:e
. . . . i ..".' '. ,

'!h df:Vlsion wi.ll arrive - to the smallest pflrtiele6

whereh can Jlo . lbTlgar -be ' diVided. _~ TId.s , s-nalleM. l>drtt-
-. ele ~ of anele~nt';if> ;,ca1;le;d-the , ato~,· The .¢entral part -
_Q~:'ian ·.~tQm '.i,B: ~a)..led"'the ' ,u ucle¥... 'The "nu4eus' "
¢oI),f5ista Of p'<;)sLtivfoly.'::( + .' ) ' ~char.geq-~iC:d:e,, -- called
pratoria .. Orbitit,g arouild t ;he nuchi~ :are negat'ive~
lY(")- chq,rgedPaXti:cles called el",ctroruk . ( see:
Fi:~e2 ),
',' . .
. '\ .
m' . . . · · · oh ~·
co: .... '

l Ata"n , '

no 1oog<?r '
.. qivisible'
, .
Figur:eL Cont:i.ntioils d i yiding ,ef an elemen'c wi l i.
b r inga'bbut t he ·amal le st particle
. .;
c all ed" '
\, a t e ,m ..

' :-~--~--'~b _~
, , electron
,/ . .v , .
,1-' . '\ ". -
,'{ , \\
NeL;tral atom - - -0 :.El '.
3 el ectr,on \\ 00 ,r
' 3 "roton
'" .... .... _---..,... 0

Figu'r~ 2 . A neutral atom consi s'ts 0 f an equ al

number of pro'torls and elec,t ro-ns.. '

,lhen energie s sUch a s hea t; , ligh t , chemical. _fri ction ,

p r essure arid magnetic act ion is subjected into an
e lement , the e1ectrons are disl odge from 'their o J:"bit.. A
dislodge electron J) will be fOI'Ce t o be taken b y another
atom . ( See Figure 3 ) . Atem A where the el e ctron D
waa disl odg e has now a de f ic i ency of negative charge
electron ( 2 nega tive and 3 posit i ve).. Atom A ~ s ' said
to 00, positively ionized atom. Its charge as a who le is
pos itive .

At-om B which took the diBlodge electron D froll) atom A·
han an exce313ive negative cbarge (-1 negative : and 3
positive). Atom B 1s said to, be negative1.y ionized atom .
IU3 charge as. a whole is negative.

1"£ the~ ' ionized ·atcim A- arid B are pla6ed near each
oth~" a ·t om A tends ' to take its disl odge electron.D from
atom B "!bile ' atom B. would wan.t i.o get .r id of removing
electrdn Dfrom its, ox-b,i t. .11;11;: re~l.t 'ia: an ' attraction
be.twot1Em atqm. 'A alld . B. This effect is k;nown as static.
electricl ty .

St'ltic ~lectricity is define as tlle attraction between

a PoSitive and a · negat,ive. charge particle.

- heat ·
- chelbical TheBe are the form of
- friction 'energies tba,t can be
- PreSBt,u-e sUbjected .into an el·e ment.
,. magnetic ' action .

~' .
'~ ' -

. -/
e~--" <~
~ This atom losses its
. '\ .
, ' ,. '\ hoiding . to its electron,
d~ :'1' :.'~,\) ' l One electron asrope.
This atom then becomes
a positive ion,
. \ ,II I
0 ';;--- -:- . . ,"'
"' .- /'

,'. G(
... _---
(+ )
(, . E};:, }\ This atom 'MlS forced to cntch and hold
~ ~ j
t::. I ' the loss ele~tron, This atom then b~
---- ,
-:... . .
, . \ - ,J, .'
a . nego'tive Ion.
----"s,.;"... o · ..'I .. ,.. ............
~ :~,.,...': ~~.~' :." ..

Figc'.l-e 3. A ,positive ion will attract a negative ion .

This ionic condition gives rise to static

FY -!.=l-ELC4XJ4. ~v.O. 15 Jan 2W9

1 .1 ~es c; 3~ectr ici ty , ,
- "-','
c •
1. Rriction , .. . ,. : .

' \ .,'" - ,- . ," .... ', , " '-". . '-, .

,. Rllb1;>:ing the flexi gla88wi,thfeather;: (- , Bee ' Figu;.~ ,
,,4 ' : (a) , ) viii, 6;;iuee - its ~ieHrQp's :' lfOeScape ., ...nd
' ... , : , " " ,!lEi!:lve > the : fle~::i; ~ia~8 'CP(;8it:i.Y~i.Y. cii;3rgedc . wh~h the
.fleJd,glatls ,' is 'Pl.a,c-e~ :, ne~ ' th~P<:iper. '- i t ' will , at-
, ' ir«ct , thEi e,ll"ct.N:>ns of' thc ,atow.s:c dfthePal>er;3Ut
'tne atoms of thewper, have a atranffl hOld ' on. "the
.,,c~z;oIi~ ,~<;i ,w6Uld ' not ,. l~t ,~t',h~Q,l ;go\ to . the , ' fleii '-,
giaS8~ " Tf: tbeforee of the '·",ttrac-tionis fjttvng
'enough, th,e wnolepaperw.lll '! 5eattra::ted ", to· ' the
flexiglass. ' ' ( 'FigUre 4 (h»)" This ' ia another
fd~ of atatic""i~btricity, ' , ,, '

, rtex iilloss :
,/ ~,
, , \

Figure 4. Statiq;;'lect~'ict ty caused by friction .

.. .,'
2. ,C hell;lical ' Reaction " 5. shoW's, a , dry c ,e ] 1. The , ch!,~ical ' react'i ng

with 'metal A ' causes electrons , f1'ol)1, the
atOI)lB of metal A " to ' escape ... The!"e electrons ,
ioire caught b y , tbe atoms, of metal E. Since sOOtal '
A has lost i ts elee't rons, i t ~comeB ' P081tj:vely
chai-ited.Metal B which ge,inselectrons beCOJDeB
negativeiy c harged. The , fqrmatj,on of POsi,tive and
negative' ,c harge at each end of a <h-y cell is also
a.nother" for.aJ of static e'J.ectrici ty.
, ,\D~y [el!
me.tal . ..' '/,:-:1 ' metal
B "-..... .-.- ~ :.:,:,: ::,---~--. A
. ' ..' , ;-
.. _ - - 1 - ,
-', /'

[hemlwl ''-::': :" ' - electron

,Figure 5. Static elec t ricity caused by the chemical


== a ..~-e ~ =nnec<;eQ t:etweeo the terminals A and .
3 c= - ~: ~-s cell . to complete a curctiit such
as !one one s!lOWD in ¥iiure 6, then the ""ir<= will '
let ~-SS through i t the excess 'electrOns frau .{ ..
I!;letal B to t ravel to~o.s metal A. ( Sec fi~e 6. . .::..~
. and 7 · ) . The force of 'a ttraction between· ,the '
pbsi tiv.e charge ':inmetal A a:ndneg."t;i've charge in
met.a l . B is ' "..mat. c<,lUses 'tl1e e.ltictrQllu· to pass
throu~ the "ire. ,' Such ' act,ion is 'called dynamic;:
e:\,e'ct;rici ty.

DYnamic electrici t'y 'i 's ·\ief.i,riecf .~s. the DlOVement ·

of p(;STtivea:nd 'negati ve charge' particli;,'s.

"' ,Dry cell

r - -B=-II ' • [&t.~--,

x y .. . .

Figur e 6·. DYnamic electric1ty that c<'USe.s t·he

lamp to light up"

. .

Figure 7 . Flow of'electroris in the wire iE'

dynamic ' electricity.

I f we c'!)t a -eertall1 ,PQr,ti.o n· of the wir'e in

Figure 6. Say for~xa.:mple betwe(!o'x and.Y and
magnify the shown in Figure 7. we can
imagine that the electrons a,re DlOv;,ng up from
X to Y: Such movement of el~ctons is called the
electric cur l ~nt. At this conditio n . there is
what we call· dynamic ty. Some say dynamic
electricity is electricity in motion .

/ 6
-M-I.!FI-aC-004, Re"./.o, 15 Jan 2009

3_ Light. Rea", and Preasufe
,', Sunlight~ heat," and ' atlDo~eric ihtroducej ,
lx1~ ' t~ eJ.emeI;rt;.~ cif: Cl~tidacauBiB-, the;cloud~ to 00
l~n~' , pOst~iv~i.y-;~d':; i.:tJgativ.ely. ',"charged~ , , <see '
FigU:rel;!) ~ . ' When the, fo~ ,.o£ !atl;Z';i"¢tl,c;n1.:'betw,een -the
PQsitiv'ea,nd ilegat1ve '~16udiS 'can !lo",Tonger '00 CO(l-
t%'blled--,py the' a'tmofiphe~th~t; tdes"to'bo'l dtheli!. "
:'. th:~ cl;1.arges jUmps .eitherfro.Q'positive ,:to negative or
negative, to
positive, qharge. "This, jtJ.i!lpib,g of " chargt')fj
, .is ~if¢:stedbyUgptIi.itigand thliIic,1er_Thia natUral
' actiori ' .L$aJ.i;;:o , '<jDother -form of c;iyn.."riq ,e lectd,i::ity_



, '" \ 1,./,
~~s~~v;~~r ~©:-sun ,
(Y~~/II\',;"- J:-.',
sl-e.", ',' ,
~5l'~~~ " .(7'i"J, s., '
~~ ~kr~!~l-": .c~ ~~Q
" ,+ + + '+ (' - ~.

L Ightnng. IS
couse~ OJ mass \ /
movement o~
A dyno~ic
electricIty· /,' \,
f \

' ::-~- i§::!:.:;<C::;..;I'~T,"'ee +'ho,ge

. ~XJ . positive

~li-=-~,---~.,J- -----,._~
_ -=".--1, ;"-~<,-
GrQ:J~,' chcirge,- -;~-gn', tlve + 4- posit
+ "'"charge
G,c,;,;.-.d + "'" Ive,

Figure 8_ Ughtning i8 a natural form of dyneunic

electricity originating between tva
oppositely charged bodies_

""':It ",..., • ~ " .

RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev. 0 , 15 Jan 2009

4. Hagne t ic F.ct ion

Fig\lI'(l 9 shows thil t . when. ' tb" JnagDet;. is moved up
and do" ·t lieco.iled ;"ire. th e ·beedle of the
galvanoweter LlOv:es . left ·.ana l'igh1r; The'lDOvemeht 'of ii "
. g ., .lvahometer nee.dIe in(h·cates· the p resEince ~ cif current. . ':
. in the wire · (dYIlciinic el6c\:;ri«i ty.), '. . .' .

'.~ .'(

~..:- . galvaii'ometel'
--- . "1
.~. .
, If'
,I .
( .~ .
coiled ,..,/ S 1;- pei'inanent
.conductor -'.

.. FigUre 9. tioying the magnet ' can cause current in the

wire. This is' a '.basic.' generator' action of
producing electricity.
: .; .

.1. 2 Direct Current . Vol t;age . Resistan·ce. q,rid Condpct3,Ilce

1. Electric c)Jr~nt- i s c.lefined . as . the .fl·ow of .

charges (posi tive or . negati,ve) thi--qugh,,;, a wedium. ·
The l,lIli t of e lectric· current is 'aJJ)peres _, One dlIlpere
is defin",d as the . flow oi: 6~28j~OOO . OOO .OOO.OOO.OOO
electrons (ne gatively chargee;! p ar 1;ie:.ies ) through a
'certain cross sec1;ionalarea ot' ·a ·co.nductor. per
second., .The .· symbol 'of electric current is the
~etter I with an arrow j ndicating its di.rectjori.
( See fig>Jre 10 ) .

.' , .I
.... .. .

Figure 10 . S:rmbol of cur rent flo,,'

2. Direct current .. is a unidirectional flow oi' current;

that. is: the electron f10ws in one dire ction on ly.

~. Vo itage - i n Ol."ci.!ilr for the ·~lec;:·trollB· toflow Jihere .
· IllUst · be SOiDI;! ' ·f orce ., i;hat' "should pull and .' Pu~ them. The
f oree ' t;liii,t pu8he~ and . pp.lls the . •H.~ tr.oriBis ca:iled
· the ,·vQltage .' Th~ un1.t'orv9~tagein c?-lledv~lta.
Vo lta'ge> SoU,r;Ce <;<.J}dvoi~ge <:l.r9P: are.·' .d e rugpate<;l . b y
· le tters Eand...V reSpectivelY.: '. Fo r a W .rt1cu}ar: .. v ol t -
~ge . the lette r ~. plac",dvith : f?l,ibsc ript ,number '
. " ., ,
n~ . For exqmple
, En . and Vn, 9r E2 and V 3 ..
/ ' ;.. ' " . . . . . . ".
4. Refd,st<U1ce thecha.racteris .ti c a conduct~ng <;>f
mat .e rial that teri(lS t o . re~'i$t; ' <;>r . c o unt eract ..the fl ow
p f .· electronlL · The 'unit ofresis tanc.:e i s ohms. it i s
dt;f;,1g:Dated by t h e symbol R with crook",d Hiles a s shown
.in FigUre ..11,


. Figure 11 . S ymbol of Resistance. "

' .
5. IflsLtlat9r.s :~ . are ma terials that .r:.o~plet ely b-loc;k . the p assa ge
of ele'c t,r:ic: cu r ren t. E~ar.lple .of _s '-:l ch, materia l s · a re ·r.u~b'er ~
p aper, cloth; pla s t iC, air, 011 and mica.
T'he t¢r.m electr ica llY insu:Iated i s a "pp l ie d to elect,-ice .l
e Qu~pmen t " wher e persons h a npl them ar:-"E- "sa fe "froAli thE!
Q ~nger qf .e le'c tr ic . shock.

{,. Conductors - a r e materials that easi 1 y allows t .he f l o.. of

e lectr:ic cur-re"nt . E "x ample of such rna te r-i a l~ ar"e; CO PPE' r-~
a lunli n u m , silver, gold, iron a n d a lmos t a ll kinds of
metals ·. and meta l a lloys.

Z Conductance - i s . t he characteristic of a material

th at. tends to al low the flow of e l .,:;trons.· The unit o f
conductance i $ mhos. It is designated by the symbol G.
Conduc t ance is al s o the reciprocal o £ renistance; t hat

G =. 1/R

_ _ _, .!tA M I , • •

RM·MFI·ELC-{J04, Rev. 0, 15 Jan 2009


OhnlB Law -.s1;ates that the curre nt flawing through a , "

de'~ice· i~ proporti onal to the volta,ge 'a cross ttle de v ;ice . 1.

and. inversely p roportional :to the device rf~ s istCl.nce,. . .~ .' ';~
That i6: ' I = K/R o r FigUre 12 i s an
e iectricaicirr.ul t
~, ",1
. ~") .

where OQn)' 6 , can

be .. apPlied,"

"11 = E,m

E~Vnlfage lamp +
._ E ,R
bat t~ry R-RElsistance
resisto r/?
of lamp'


Amm.e ter >.

- 1

(a ) (b)

Figure 12. Circui t containing voltage source

resi s tance and , currentin(hc ation
where Ohms Law can be a p plie d. t a )
shows a pictorial d ra.... ing o f ele ctriGal
circu i t ; (b)Bche~tic di agram of
electri c al circuit.

Mechanical ,analogy of an electric cit-cu i t - Figure 1 3

presents a mechanical analogy, of an e lectric ciI':>uit.
,The' battery is analogous to 'the ta.ri.k: ; the lamp is
analogous to the- pail; the switch is ,analogous to the
gate valve; the wi I'e whe l~in ,the ,e10c tron s flow is
analqgOllS to ' the p i pe whe~inth e wa,'ter flows. T..~e 6- :.
vol t electric pressure 'is' anQ, l o g ous , to t he 6 foot },
h e i ght of water caus5_ng water p r eSSllre ,~t the _ 'bottOll)
G£ .th~ t~J.k. The =J. c;:t.mperE;} cur ren t or· 6_.2if X -i O.
ele ctron flows per/ sec. 'is .
analo gous .. co,"
1. gal. flow of

water per/sec .

ElectriGal : Mechanic al
Battery----- -------- -----Tank
Lamp------------ ------- -Pail
5 witch----- --- -------- --Gate v al ve
WiI'e--- - - - - - - - ----- --- - -Pipe
Voltage: ~ = 6 volt--- - -Height'of water : H =B ft _
Current: I - 1 amp_------Watf>r flow ra te : Q =1
= 6 _~ 8 X 10 gal/se c
ed ec tI'Ons/sec _

_ - - -..... . . ." ,.' 'r"' . . . . _ _ --- ... . - "!'

RII-MFI-ELC-004, Rev. 0, 15 ~n 20M

, .
,.' IT<;In.k
. waler ,
+-~'~-=--~=-=-1. ..,...
-- ". _-- -"_ . -.
. --.~.-.-

'---'.- . - ".


Waterflow rote
Q= 1 gallon /S<l C

Fi~e 13_ Mechanical analogy of .an elect~ical

circuit_ '

Power ..c is defined as the .ate of doing work_ The '

"qnl. t
ot electr iC<;ll power is . watt" or' 1"01 t-.,..gpereB_
The roecl).anical cquivaltmt af electrical .power ia ' the
horsepOwer _ ,One ho.r sepower (mechanical powtlr) ·· i,a 'equi-
valent to 746 watts ( elec-tr'ical ,power)ar 'a iloply
1 hp. =
745. watts.C See cOlDParative eql,1ivalent in
Figure .1 4 ) . •

- EJectric power .- The electric Powex: . :)f an elect:~icaJ,.

device can ' be obtained by ,.liniti.plYing the rated voltage
and curren t:: o f that devi.ce.

. . / - a IT'.otr ratczc 7~ 6 W
.,/ or 1 Hp
, ~T7-:TT;"7'!Y'
7T7T77;i; .

can mise
, 550 Ips, Q~

. .

. ,..L, !
, can

Hoot 550 Ibs. 0\

j l' b.X/sec.

1100t 1s0;. ,..L, '
' IYiJ .
, 550 lbs . 550 Its.

Fi~lre 14_ A comparative equivalent of a harae and a


RM-MFI-ELC-004. Rev. 0 , 15 Jan 2009'

A mot,Q,r ·- 746 watts (rat~d one horsepow~r)will.

raise a we.i,ght of ·,?50 lbs_ at 'one foo t per second_
An ~ct;ual. .l1orse viiI nQrmallY r~i8e the .same. weight '
a:t one . fodtPer second_

(lthel"electrical devices such as laOllps . 'ailCi h~aters,

are r~ted in terms of ~tta r(;lthert'lan horaepower_

" '~~l?1.~ prablenG]

1. h ea t er i~ rated 220 volts arid 2 . ampet"es~ What is
i ~ <. power in watt~?
So lution ,-
P = EI
- ( 220) (2).
_ 440 volt-ampere or
- 440 watts

·fSamPle ProQlem 2:j

An electric elev a t o r motor is, rated at 220:'volta '

and 27_2 amper<O!B_ 'What iaits equivalen t inechanic al
. horsepower? ~, ," , ." ... ,

, Solution - :.

P = EI
- ( 220 ' volts)(27 _2 a,m~re:3)
= 5 _984 ~t;ts '
.- ( 5,984 watts) (1 hp/746 wC\tts)
=8 Hp_ '

2 _4 Work - Work can be defined'as raising a we i ght at

cer tain height. F o r example if we rai se a weight of. 10.
Ibs _, a 't; a h~dght o f 'l06 ft '_ , ,the work dOn" is sUrply
the prociuct of a we igh't and the height i t was rdlaed.
That i $ :10 Ib_X 1 0 ft_ =
l00ft- ib{work).

2 _5 Fnergy - Where e n ergy is cona'woed work ' is done_

This ' ll)eanS that we can convert energy to work_ Energy,
. .itl needed in Qrde r to do work _ .

RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev.O, 15 Jan 2009

2_6 Electrical energy -. t rica;I. energy can ~ converted

' to; work ,through ,the llSe of 'an electrical device or. ma-
cnine such as ' an "electricmotor _ For ' I;lxample in ' Fi ~e
IS. ' the lPachine 'motor, is r<);ted 746 watts '
pOwei-) _ I f i t has lift toa weight of 550lbs_at.
10,OOp ' ft;,.- i t has 1;0 be ;fed '~ith electri¢energy for,
10,000 ' sec since 1 hQrsepOwer is d efined as raising
550 11;> : weight per second_ The ,i;,xample just stated
can 'be mad e ,i .nto a mathematical 'equ,d tion asfo::"l ows -
' ..
Ele,ctr ieal energy_ converted to work
Electrical ener'g y = w:t>r!.:
= 5,500,000 It- lb
= 55,0 ,lb X 10,000 ft.
= (550 ' ft:-lb / s e c)(10,000 sec )
':Electr,ic ' :Power ) (TiJ;oo)= t 1 horsepowp.r) (tiJ;oo)
(746watts)( 1 0 , OOO sc,c)= (5.50 ft-lb/sec)(lO,OOO sec )
, =
7 ,4.60.1' -0 00 ~latt-sec 5~ .500.,OOO ft - lb
2:07 kil o-watt hour = 5,5CO,OOO ft:-lb
(e lect r i cal energy) = (work)


(1 ki~o-watt>
7,45.0; 000 w,att-sec = (7,460,000 watt-sec, )'---~,.---'--
(I,OOI) watt)

= 7,460 kilo·-watt-sec

(1 hour )
= (7,460 kilo-wctt-,-sec)
(3,600 sec)

= , 2.07 kilo-watt-hour

Here we can easily see the electrical energy con~d

by the motor that d ,id the work can be obtaine d ' by
multiplying the electrical power ,of the motor (746
watt = l-hp) to the time (10,000 sec 2.77 houes)= it
wa.s used.

" .
" =l a mp.. .
E=746 Vot ts • Work done in 10,000
. .""=ft-.:-
l -....\,.
--,-:-7-.. second is 5,500,000 "

7 r ---,
I " \
Power CJf&ie ct ric= Valis""x Cur r ent L..; -.J_ -
Motor - 746 xl"
-740 watts Raised
- 1 ho rse-puwer "10,00 0 ftfar
10,000 s~(. "

550 lb

Figure 15 . A 1 - h o rsepower motor wil l "consume 2.07.

kilowat t-hour o£ el"ectrical "e ne rgy" when
it d o e s a work equivalent t o 5.500,000
tt- l b . .
-" -l-e-_ '- Pr
- 9- l;>
- 1- em I
- -3--'c

o A 10- hp . 220~ vol t motor is U13ec £01' 2 h o urs. Hqw much

ele c triGal energy i n the kilo-watt:"'hour (KWH)· did i t

Solu tion

P = (10 hpj ( 7 46 watts/l '"lp)

= 7,460 wat t s

EleGtr.i ca l ene r gy = (power) X (ti..J)e )

= (7,460 wa t ts) X ( 2 hour s)
14,920 wa t;t-hoUr
= 14.92 kilo - r
Thus . i f the rate o f electrica l energy is P I. OO/KWH
the CO:;l t Q£ elec trical energy c on:;lUmed iA P 1 4.52.

1 I,
'. . ( .

kl~h~:--' ~;:' volt . lIIOtor /i~ uSed: f6~ 240 hoUrs ...i ..~til.:~ ~ -· · · i .

- much ~~i~er.icaJ.. Eiliermr:.J.D kilc;r:wa~t· ·:l(jtir~: (li<;1 .. '

CO~?- , ,:.· -: ...... ~::'.,~~ .. . '. :. , - '. .
. '.' "

iX- (1-h~J(74:6~ttellb:i?) . ' ",

, "; .
'" ' :: .' 745 :~iitts ... } .
,",'!. .' ';. '

'. :glect~i<;:~i . 'i1f~rgy=:(~z,,) j~{ti.mEil

:::: (7-.6 watts), X ,(ZOO hom)
" =· 149,Zb..~ . '

3 ~ i Ser1~s·~ririeciioti .."When el~~t,rica.l d3Vicesare con-
neq~d' 9iie ¥:ter the othe.r sUoh as tho~ sl):awn in
F;iIDi:r~ 'J,6,. ' £l):en the c;irCtiit is a eeri~s ..Circuit"

; , '. (fl.) "

.. .. '
"~ .

. .•..

Rl. . Rt .. R3 . .:- ' .. -

.\ ·.Wv· V'.fv ..~

~II I~.

. \7
Ri:: R1 +R2+R3 .

,-'---'WI" l .
(c )

'IL-_:-{ II ~'~-----ll
Figur-e 16 _ ( a) -three 12DlP8 connected in series .
( b) res istance symbo 1 of the thre", . lamps,
( r.) equivalent . resistance of the th.r ,~·~

The total re6~s~ce o f a series circ~i t is equal ""
to tLe sum of ~he individual resistanc e that is :

, Rl. =: Rl ,+ R2 +, R3

I Samp~e Proble!ll '5 ': I " , 'I'

In ' the- c;U;;tgram ,s hown " in Figw'e '1 '0 , l;he resistanco.} of
' tnree laJ:!lPe Ll ; 1.2, and ' ~are 120" 1:40 , and' 90 OrulS
,r ,e spec ti yely _ Wha t , is th,eir' equi v a ient t ot<;ll resist-
ance Rt? , ,:, ':
, .i

Sqlu :UQn " ."


, Rt = Rl + R2+k3 H.1= La1np Ll

= 12 0 . + 12,0 + 90
R2 = ~PL?
330 ohms ~" =
LaIl)P 1.3

3.2 Behavior , o'£ elect r ici-;;y in a aer,i e s 'c i rcui t_

,. ' TIle amount of

c\lI"r€mt passi ng tru'Ough one load
is 't he same amount that pal>ses UhrOl,lgh , t h e other ,,'

- 'Th~ individual voltage drop across e ach ' load DJay
vary from one another deJ?8nc. i n g upon thei,r reaist-
- The Sl~ of a: l l the indi "idua 1 v e ,l t age c;lrops is e qual
to the voltag e of , tbe Source. -
i f one loac;l i s cpen '(defec"tl,ve') other ' lqa ds wiJ.l
not fUnctior., as well.

Mechanical Ariill o gy of a ~ries Ci rcui t -Figure 17

(b ) shQwsthe mechanical analo gy of a aer ic;>s circui t
i n t-igure 1 7 ( a ) . The Rl, 'R2. and R3 resi 's tanCes i s
analcnious tb PI, P2 And 'P3 pipes . The 6--vol t in the
b at,t ery ' is ana l o gouebQ 6' f't~ h ei gh t 'of wl;tter i , , the
tar~ and the 1 ampere electric curre n t f l ow is analo~
gau s to 1 gal /sec flow of water .
1= 1amp water lrvel ........tank
' .--
- --
~~ ----------~-

+_f E=6 volts A

--'----- -
0=1 aalL
- /s ec
-T H= 6 ft
,' ' I !

- - =
1 =11 =1 2 =13=1 Amp, Q=Q,l =Q2=Q3=1 gal/sec
°1 Q
2 O:l

F i gure 1 7 . ' Mech anical Anal~gy of a Series Circuit

RM,MFI·ELc-D04, RoY. 0, 15 Jan 2009


', - ,

. ' .
' ...
" , .'

It ....
.... -. f .•
Rf=12bq,~ ms , .. ", .. 1:! 1----.
.... ', ....
. ,,'~

. .'
===/ RZ ::1?Q.Ohms ·
.-" ..
. ' .
.". "
" :.
. c'
.- ,' .

" .- Rt =36 Ohm~.

13 .

Flgw.eii;3,~lt<iuivatentBil1:gie re8i8tanc~': of a pai,s.llel.

, .. - c}rcuit. ·

~~: ' - .
' .- . .... :', ,;. ," i \
1 -~e;· ho~.1~lIl~;
. -
I. . " ' .-
\ " .. ~'; .\ , ." ..

. .
In:' ~i1';' d:i!il~;a:m shi;)wh,iri' Fi'~ 18,th~> ~s'ts1<ances of
thr-e e.,iainps · LL I,;2; an<L·L3'·'ar.e120:; 1:Z0\ . arid · 90ohmB
reopecti-ii-ely. Tifflat i"tnei~ ()guival~n~, l-et;ir3t<Pl';~ Rt?
sOlution ' :
Rt ::;:
(1/Rl) + (111!2) + (1/R3)

( 1/.12;)) + ( 1/120) .. ( 1/90 )

= 26 ohms:

3.5 Beh''l.vior of electricity in a parallel circuit:

- Lbe total current ' (I t) is e~~al to the summation

of t,he individua l currents Le. It == I1 + I2 + 13 .
. The voltage drop· aCrOSS each load ':i:s the ·BalDe.
- when one load is 'Open (de£ective), the other. loads
wi11 noT. be affected.

_ _......'...L" rtlIM'" , t.
v~ -·~
RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev, a, 15 Jan 200f t:'~:
;:.- ,.. ' ~.~

3 . 6 ' Figwe 1~ s h ows , the ~cl).a:n:\.c.u aru,tl ogy of a parallel

circuit " c o ntaining ·three ,lamps with , individual
!!tdtcl:1es. , Tbe&-vplt
batterY is analogous . to6· ft .,.
hei ght ' of. 1fiit er ill the tank; , the 3~ Z and 1 W11pe~
flow pf e l ec,t r i c c1.U-~J;1t are analogous .'t.o ,3. 2., and 1 . .;
. :"

gallooJ;1 fl~ a f water in the fauce t . , Switches S 1 . 52.

and sa. '. that ' ,turii ' the three l cuops on a,ndoff nr9
~ilQgous ' to the gate valves G1.G2a.nd' G3 of the
fallcet , that o t;arts and atops the fl9'l of W(l,ter in
~he pail.

. -;

W.L. ,TANK .. ~'.

_. _. -.-
' -,'-'-'

~ -

Or.----.- -
.,/L.J,-- - - = = -...... -
IT=I1+~2 +13

Figure 19. Mec hanical analogy of p aral lel circuj t .

4 .1 Electromagnet - An' e,lectromagnet i s prod'u ced a

cQndl,lctor c o iled ~und G. " teel or iron bar
carries a c urrent;. Such i ,s shown i n Figure 20.

Sfeel bar,? StEel ba r

/ /'
I~ N

_' , _ . L- Coi led ~ [

Conduc tor
-T----1 C' ••
' ,
.o w '--~V "
Op ~ n ,

• ~ "'-Iron fillings
Figure 2 0 . An electromagn et (a) witl'" a switch S open .
t h e steel bar is demagnebzed (b) with '
switch S closed. the stee l bar is magnet ized.

·. .... _-- - -.~- ---

RM~MFI-ELG-004, Rev. 0.15 Jan 2009 '

4.2 , Re lays aP<;l,Hagneti.cco~tact()r:e - Relu-l;l. m"'el~ctrl- " , ,


cal,dev~ce used for ?Witch:it).g" lo~dB j,ndir$ctln , '+heir ,

, "" P1P:W~iBtQ i:~latelUl~~z:.ato~,1;I"9IDWio1;ite~tae " '
,d?-rig$J;.Qw{, $W'it>qhj,n~ of, higp ,'~I:'dPBcient' vOl t:a,ge or
' Clirre'I)t.: Ji.Oother-:pu,%'Pc;>~ , iQ to-uvHcli aeve~u higli,
, ca~Qity :loadBQY· asirigles.,J,tch.' ,Relays , operate
imd~ ,the'l?riridpleB _'of electrOll)agDetiBm_ , The" only:
' ~ddei:). ~t~ 'cori1;act8~ ' F-iIDlre'21' fsho~a "' bluJic'
'we the
, achematic diagr~of a relay" Fi~ ,22 iaR ~heJDatic
di<;!.8;ram of ' a ' relal' loadedwH,h motor ' Q1ld 'l8Jiips_
M~etic '" cpntas~6rfi!'" :uWalJ,~ ,' u~{j : ,iil, ' ,con~iiilling
Ughting '~d • iWtor loadfj. ,a l BCI·ol>ID'ate , UD,der the
prWc1.p),es " 1;>f elE,etromagnetlsm" Fi~ " 23 ,. shC)Ws ,the'
i><!.aic " diaii:rim 'of, a con-t;actor~Fi~24,. shcws the,
'achen;atic diagraJ!l ' oLa contactor l.o;:tCied ' with IDOwr and
l~p~ _ ' ,'" '
'- .'

, . "Electromcgnet
." ,part, NO NC

N '~'

r 1n'" [\f1
, '\

$/ 3 '5 4
4 ,..7
,5 ,6 "


" : "" ' e"s
"" , . ' " ".'9
" "
Bb.~ piii
,7.. '. , . , 10 number
J 11 '
. 'i

Figure 21. ' Schematic di<HP.-ain ,of a tmiversal relay"

Co'ritactB 5.6 and .7 are movable contactfl_
ContaGt,B 2,9. <l. 4 , 10 and 5 <i,re rigid coo-
1' 11
220 V
2 6 3 5 4

2 6

nA 11
P.B ,
220v ,
11t ,
Figure 22. Relay loaded with motor and lampa .
.": .
RM-MFI-ELC-tXl4. Rev. 0.15 Jan 2009 ,"
, , '

3' J 13 11 23

1 J
.." ; .


2 6
8 T
11. 12 21.
\.....~---:---V~ _ _ _I \ I
_1'+ ' --v-



Figure 23. Schema tic cIia!';ra.m of a contactor.

Contacts , 13~14, 23~24. 1~2,3-4 and 5-6 '
are Tlcrmally open contacts_ Contacts
'11-12 is a no,!"mally ,closed cO;iltact.

13 17
r B -L 81

2 Run 4 : G

Idle 14 1 18

220"1 220V 1 2 y- 2AJ

A 81 A 81 ·e 81
' \...--....;:--'
220 Y Ii. BI li I


) 24. Contactor loaded with motor and lamps.

I ~
20 l •
i1., .t
...._ .W!
. *'1 ,*,'ll.~ , t II' '

'. ' . RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev, 0 , 15 Jan 2009

. .

5 _OA.t~ATING qi'J'RRIDri: AND.' VOr,.'rA(iE SYS'mi

5 _1 Alt.,T.:'nati,ng current . a.nd voltng.e _- nii" i5 def,i,.ned

.~ ~l;1e pe,d90,i c rev~rsi:l:t o£ '~~ren't orvol~e _ .
Figw'e25 and ' FigUre .26 show .the twO P<laic> '
". '. . C;fp~tlc ~g .alter~tingcurri;il t .<md.vol ta(s~methods
_'. . .
", f '

. ,. . , . ',-, ..

. " .,
. : "
', . .
. . Galvrinon:,eter'
... . .•. ~ .. .,.-,
. .' , ", .
. ",:..,.-1+ . ' +, .
" ",
· I-I=""""'~~"""-'~""""
' .. , Battery
. t~
. '..... EA
f ' "' /
,., ,, .
o '· ~-t?mz .......

. ,,, ' ,
. ..'
" .~
. - , ',
.' . '

O ir~tt Currpnt
. (FOrWo'r d) .
. J
'. - '. "

. ,
,~ " '; !':~-:':~:...
. /

. ..
. , .,; ' , ' : , !, '- ' . : . ; .' " ,, ', .
«s···· · : , , · . .'
.' .'.,.'E ' .
' . " -9
" ., .' "'::;"'L
. "

". ,' . '.. .~~-"- ........,..-_...J

. ./ D ir~t Current'

,', .

. \--
. ---:-'--

L r- EA
. 'L' T/
T+...I I

.:tL.........,. 1-
-=- -=- EB
-' o // 7- -7/ /'.,: / / /j
\- ~ ~ t?;.
1/'8 ' t
6. 1ternating Current .

Figure. 25. Producing an alternating cur rent by

peri odically reversing a battery,

RM·MFI· ELC-004, Rev. 0 , 15 Jan 2009

(- ) (+)


Fi gure ~6 . Gen erating alternat ing ~~~nt by

magne~ic action.

5. 2 Cycle One pos:..tive ano one nega tive alternation

o-f c urrent or vol t age i s a c y c le.

5. 3 Frequency is OefineO as the n umber o f cycle3

pr.oduced every secono _

6. 1 In~ct~c e _~ This is_ the pro perty of a -conductor

-which opposes dny - change __ in -the c¥rrent. This
p~operty - i s Il)OS-t promi.nent :in alternating current -
floWing t hr ough the : a coil o f wir e. The induc'tiv e
device which exhibit!;; the property of induct;mce i s
-caLLed - an - i nductor. tv., inductor is m.ade up of a
Bllnple co il of wire or wire wrapped around - a
fe rr-o magnetic =terial such as i r on or steeL If
.i t is a. f? i mp-l e,: coil, it i s an air cor e induct ,or _
Wlu"reas. i f t he coil is wrapped aronn d a metal . it
i s a metal c or e inductor. Figures 27 (a) and (b )
a re the -- -sytnbols of an a i r core ;"ind metal core
i nductor respectively. Figures 27 (e) illustra tes
an actual 1n ductor.

A0> - - - -- - A 0 - - - --,---..;,.

'---,~- _~
~ 311
(OJ [, ~) lhJ
80 - BO
(0) (b)
/) -

_ A B (e)

Figure 27. (a) symbol of an inductor with air co re

(b) symbol of an inductor wi t h metal cor e
( c) a ctual appear<).hce of incjuctor wj_ t l1
metal core

R.lA-A'FI-ELC-004, Rev. 0,15 Ja'l2009
. '

The UIli:L 0:'. inductan"e . is henry :otieheoIY . is" .

~efined dB foll,~: , ;~~l:l , cur~nt:t}IT_'c?l~Et!¥~n , iQd,!qtOr .o .o
ch.a,pges ' at a=-ra:t~ ' iof :.on'e ·~,~ _Per . ,Bec'ond and- 'the "
~lf-gEmerated . wi ~ge .iit the:" iildu¢tor ' J,s, or,j~ volt
~h-e~i the-- Lncructaiiceof tli.e indiict;oi-isoiie; henr~,_:
, - ~-.


. Indu~tiv~>~actartCe" on
)i~tllete~ llsed't~ \ie flile .'
't i:lere~i stariCe ,of' inClucti v~ -, devi ~B;.tpal tei-mi tinft .
,curren t :,.' Tbe of i!iidl,ictiv-e reactan~ is ,.ohins '_ . ' . .
,i~4i.ibti""e re_actarl-ie ~aD ~ determi~ec1l1!3themat.i ~ailY,
9i 1, the£:o~la.: ' ," ,. _. .', .' ~. , . .-' . , -, '.,
, .'

, , Xl ~ z: 1(f.l ~ . - where, .:
-.. "

v "~.' : 'r'" . ~' . 'f . f requeIlc,Y _of t he '

..- . .'~ .~. ,. :... :. a c ";"s-ource"'
'. "
I = iPdt!ct'an~e , oJ the
, .' .' inQu¢to.r-, iil hetirys'
": ' -, t(~ 3 ~ 14 ' . : ; " . .'
.' .'

1~amplE?ProblelD 7 : . 'I

'Tl)e. :i'nchiGtanceOf abal1,ast j s 1 :.54 henrys, I a) what is

. i tci : i nctu¢t.1v;;; react,anG'e .a
o t, 60 hertz?J:r i t is )
, cdri.nE!c teato _a 22Q-vdl t; 60'hertz BOUrt;e ,; ' how inuc h
' c~r.rentshould ,flowth~-ough i t7- (se~ ' Fiiu:re 28
," ;
>- -.

- .Given - where : ,
XL. ':: 2 'lYfl . f = 60 hertz
1 = 1 54 henrys
1= 7
0-- - - .'
.-I - .
E= 220V 1-

0'--- -----

Figure ' 28. A metal cor e inductor which is 1 . 5 -1.


-_ ... . RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev. 0 , 1.5 Jan 2009

. Find . ( ?) Xl

. ( ti ) I

Saln1;.i o n .

a) Xl =ZTffl
= 2(3.14 ) (60)(1. 5 4)
= 5i;io ohms
b) 1 = E/Xl .
= ZZO/580
= Q.38 amp·

6.2 Capa~.1.tance Thi:s i13 tbe p roperty of <l d evice ·

which o p poses any ~hanges in t he voltage. The
c apacitive device whi~h exhib it;s thi", proper ·i;.y is
called c; capacitor. A c<lpaci to r shown in F igure 29
'( a) is made. up of two 1Uetal pl ates I;!eparated b y an
in"ulato r . . 1C'igure 29 ·(b) sho ws the symbol o f a
cap;ici t or . · Figure 29 (C;) sho ws an examPle vf an
a ctual capacitor.

.- I eod '--,
/ ,

Air ~C .,
mehll/ - insula t.or 300 V
. p ICl te ,,-
I• Ele ct rOlf'l· ic
Sym bol of a
capac itar

( b) (c )

Fi gure 2 9 . . (a) configuration o f a cdpacitor (b)

symbols of a capac i tor (c) elec·t rol y -
tic and paper type c apacitor.

n,e unit o f capacitance is fa.r ad .. If there is o n e volt

hetween t he plates of a capacitor when one cot::lomb
(6 , 2 80 , 000,000,000,000,000 electr on) of charge is
placed o n one plate while one c o ulomb of chargerl i s
I'emov e d f rom the other plate, t h en the capacitance of
the capacitor is one farad.

. --
RM-MFI-ELC-<>04. Rev. 0,15 jari 2009 .
Capaci tive react-..ance (Xc) is the tcnil uaed to defiJ).e .
the .. resistance of ' a c a J? to:r to ~ . altefi)iJ.ti.n:g .
ci¢~nw ,TIll:; . unit ofcap:ncitive , reac·t:lu)~;;'·i~: ,:.QhiDs_ "
. ciipaQitC-.t.v:e ·' rea'¢tance -i:Sdetenun~ma:th~t:-fca:l1:v '. l)y .
U$log t):le': £o~la: . : . , :': . . ' " " , ; '.

: '. . .. ~ . ~ .,

' Xc ' = 1/(2 .tt fC) . ,. .
...... "','
.:..~ . ~, .
,. . .
":: '.;:::'~."~~."

. . ..
: whe1'e.... f = .f~qUeilc;y of "
. '.

theae' source·'·
.•.. ".
c =Capacitance in
•.flU-ad" '" . ,

[~le E7.-~bi~l!t; 8 . ~J
The caPacfta.n~of the ca.PaCi tcir i Ii .t4e. starting wind- .
" ,- . . i n g : of . ·caDi n g l e . phase lI;>btor is O~ 000155 farlid. <'a·) '
'What . i s: its. capacitive reactance? · (b) I f i t ~iB
connected t o . 'a ·.- 22c}.-yolt . 60 hZ . source. how much
curr:~nt will il~w through it1
.~ .. " . . :

{ See Fi~e' 3OJ. .

-, ",

L;,t.' f

...:'. . ..... .....

.,' .
" ~: .. , .
~ .... '•.
~·, · .r·~· TI·
·· ·
-"-. '-~' ., .": p', -< . ..,- .' . . . .. . . .. . .
' E=220Vol f s .... .
C= 0:000155 Far ad
f=60 Hz ~
.. ' . .' .... . Y. c =?
:. " j'"
~. .'
. .
" : - - - -:...:,...-
.~ ..

Fi· 30. A- c .a pacitor conne.cted to Z20- yolt

60 h.z source.

F ind - (a) Xc

(b) I

Sol~tion -
a) Xc =· 1/(21T f t )
= ' 1/(2) (.3.14) (60) (0.000155) ,
= 17_113 ohJns

b) I = E/Xc
= (220)/(17.133)
= 12 .85 Amp.

R - aG-004. Rsv.O.1 5 Jan 2009

", '-;

Illustration - Figu..~ 31 ' and ... 32. ·,. illustr.ate the ' .. ~
eff~ct 'o'f an inductor ' <)nd .·a cap.,.citor in
.... .
alternating and direct currents_

_ XL= 21Tfl;f ~~ I =!;>XL=ZlH.L= 0 --XL

-- ~-- ~ XL
indudor( L)
[- .ex:
...' 24 V
Lamp does
not tight
-IIDlRCE.· .' I "-
1=0 . . Lamp
. '. .. _--,-,-_ _...J

F igure ·31. Effect of .an ind11c.tor to alte:rnating and

. direct · current ·circuit> (a) With ac
Qource , xi is high and the effect to
current i's .10107 current. bel-lCe. t;he' c.u rrent
cou ld not make the lamp li~t _· (b) ~1ith
dc ~ource'- xi is 1.Ow· and ti,e effect to
the current is bi~ cU,:rrent ; bence t;he
current could l1!ake the lampe.light_

. 1

~ -: Ie C=='Xc

-=- oe
f=O Lamp
F i.gure 32_ Effect of a capacitor t.o alternating
and . direct current ~ircuit_ (a) With
ac source, Xc is -low. and the effect to
current is high current, hence, the
current can.make the lllllP light. (b)
With dc Gource. Xc i s clll initely high
and the effect to current is very low
cur:::-ent, hence, the current couJd not
Il)ake the lamp light_

.. ~",,_" .•.L1rM"'Ir'.'. ' rt . . ._ _ _ _ _ - .- •

;" , RM-MFf-ELC-004, Rev. 0, 15,Jan 2009

7.2 llIiped,mce-Thie i"th~ PPPCii3itioll.: toanait.e mating '.

eJrN,nt : by" the ~biPed , e f fe<::t , of', re~;i. s,;l,
. inductiv e : reac t&rices; ,:arid 'c apaci t i ve . l'e'a ctance ~ _' The
U.) 1tt , of iroped<Uic£" desigmi t e d ";by the letter i , · i~ .
q h.iDs'_ . ::" " .
. ~.
7 _3 ' Impedan-::es 0.1:" , Resistor and Cap a ci t.Or in
. ' ,'

I samplePr~ble~ ~"': I .: .'. . ... . ,;<:"

1~ 'Fi..wre33 • . fa) determine the imped<¥l-c:e ofthe . ¢,o m- " .
." biried ~ re'p istbr ·(lamp) and capariit6 r ._ '(:b):"'What,; is; .the
. . ..or. .c ut're nt .flowing ,'ihr ou£'>h ,t helamp?
'. - ., ,

" ' \ ," , "

, ,',

, '.. 'ohms'
'r~ ,
. XC=7
' ~
• C=10jJF

=> E= 110V '. ,

: ohms
110 volt's .
f= 60rz ·
I ' . .._:
I '", , ~

L -___~,-'--o..J-.
, , . , .

FigUre' '3 3 c. ,( a ) c ;;.i>aci to~" ~d lam h; in sel"ies (1;»

s che matiri dia g r am, o f the capacitor
and . l aroi;' in Ca) _ .

Sol.ution ,c'
(a f 1:0 solve f or the <;aPacit i ve reactance'of the
capacitor :

Xc - 1/(2 Trfc)
= ~/(2)(3,14)(60)(0 _ 000010)
= 265 ohms '

where : 10 uF = 0 .000010 f ar1;l.d

To deteI:mine the i~pedari.ce Z of t h e circ~it~

make u~e o f-the Phytagorean Th eorem_
,/ 2. 2-
Z . '" V R +: XC

= V'1 002. + 2652.

283_24 ohms

__• ... .,. 'e.

RAf-MFI-EL(;-{)04, Rev. 0, 15 Jan

(b) To solv:e f o r tho cu::-rent I through the lamp -

.. . .
I = · K/Z
= 110/263_24
0 .358 Amp.

7.4 Iinpedallc!;,B of. Reaiffto.ra anp .Ind~ctors :i Ii Series

. [~1<"pr9blellj 10 ]
In Figure 34, (a) de.t~J?ZIline the· i.lnpedance o.t the com- '..

binedr:eaiator and
inductor _ . (1;:» • What, · i s' the amount
of c urrent flowing through the inductor?

.· 1 _

I R=500

J R= 500 Ohms => E=220V

L= 2Henrys

Xl" ?

F igure 34. (a ) i nductor and l amp in series (b)

s chematic diagram of indu ctor and
lamp s in figure (a).

Solution :

Ca) To solve f o r the inductiv-e rec ctance of the

indl,lctor :

Xl = 2T:' f l
-= 2(3 . 14)(60)(2)
= 754 ohm
T o d e te rmine the impedance Z o f the circuit,
make u se of the Phytagorean Theorem.


RM-MFI-ECC-004, RrwO, 15Jan 2009

. -','

....: .

, = 905 . o~

(q). To:solve £~ tiie=~et;l~ I . --

. '.

=Eiz. .
'.J ' ••

. =220/905
=6~Z~;3 ~~
7 _5 liup.,~ce 6f Inducto~ and CaPaCit or in . ~ri:eB

Tc get the . ilIIpedailceof a cci.Pacitor· and . indUcto:cln

a e ries • .subtra ct the one withlc,w er re.< :lctance_ The '
r e Sult< is "a 'r';'acta,n6e either .capacitive or : inductive
based on t he .one witht-he high~r : re<;lctance _ See figure
35 _

' .
-'1 ..
. ... '. . ..
.- -.' .~. .
L . ' ~XL= 200 Otim~

. .

E::. 110
.. ' \I E =110 V Z :: 110 Ohms
f = 60 Hz f = 60Hz InduCtive

___'_C~. _T
-l··' XC= 90 Ohms

Cal ( bl

. Figure -35 _ (a)Inductor and 'ca pac i tor in aeries ( b )

the · eq~lvalent impedance or reactance
of figure (a)_

.[iOarr>.Ple Prob l e m 11 : I
I r. fi gUre 35; (2.) what is the impedance of the c ir-
cuit 7 (b) determi ne the cvrrent.

29 , .-
!.-'.....IIIIIIIIHI\·IIIIIU• •IIIli.....;......lI.liti,fi.. _.___ _ ....... _ _ ",-""_,

RM-MFI-~LC-<J04, Rev. O~ 15 Jan

Sclv.:t;;iun .

(a) To B.Ol ve fqr the illlpedanc:;e, u~ " the PhytagoreC\Il

. Theorem:
~-~- -
Z = 'VR l
+ (Xl - Xcl

=vo + where R

= 110

Z = 110 ohl1>s (n':>te that this is a react.ance.

ot a .pw-e incl,uctor). .

7he. equivalent circuit impedance in figure 35 is now

€!qu ivalent; to a pure inductor whose ' inquctive r-eact-
anee is 110 ohms .

. b) To sqlve for th.e. current I:

_ I :;: E/Z
- . 110/110
.. 1 Ampere

7.6 I mpedance of Resistor, Inductor, Capaci t or in Series

To get the impedarice of resist'o r , an ·inductor,. and a .

' capac ito~ in seri~s, subtract first the reactance of
the indlictor or capacitor (wbich~ver low~r) from. is
the .reactance of the capacitor or inductor respective~
II' and proceed to the solution sj.milarly ·done in aec- ')
. tion 7.3 and 7.4 ' . See exa.mple solutioniri figure 36
and figure 37. . .

R=60 O'lmS R=60 ohms

~ Xl=120 ohms
Z .

T.--J \ .=200 ohms


= 80 Ohms

Figure 36. ( a) Resistor, inductor, and capacitor in

series ( b) equivalent impedance of the
resistor, inductor. and
cupacitor in (a)
i s redu c ed to a simple resistor and capa-

_ ..... -

RM-MFI-ELC-OO{Rev.Q, 15 Jan .2009


..: ",

" .~. XL=".Wg' O~rilS ..'
'; il xIe =lcbbl)rr s
r XC:=l~O o~ms . . ., . ", '

~ ,,' (200 ·. - 100)' = -J 10<:P

. '\
+ 100"
"' . . 1009~S~.
• F~e 37. ' G~tijngthe,~pedE1n~~ ofa ; _ ~esisto~. an
induetp~ ,an.d " a ca.pitcitor " in ' sC!r-ies :where
. the reiactance . of. .> th~ ;:inli\i;;!~i 4:_D-€i~th'
" · -i~a~th';·~e~,(;tinc~,.9t~:~, Ca?~dto.·r. < ,,'::;: " .
" ' .,.
S:-o THJ{EE-PHAS~ SYSTEr';: . '.l
8.1 .i.e Circuits -. Circuits connected . to . electrical $upply
with alternating currimt· s'ourc'e ' are defined as AC

8;2 , Thr~e-phase syste~ ":A sy'steIn,with altern,ating

voltages supJllied to a l oa'd thro; three or four' wires
is termed as a three-phase' syste,m. In athrce-phase
system, the three vol~ age!i are equal in magnitude and
'frequency but their instantaneous voltage are not equ~
at the same tiIne. Generators and Inotora th",t supply
;;:t .
ta'ke ' electrl'c~l
. c:z...:. ----7"-bJ
. ,,';"'pro'u' 7.- ,- L1To. ....._ J.c;;;c;;;-1"
· -~"'-"" · "' ." -..~. ·.... 61.
___ -h;'s'e

system are called three"phase gene-'rator and t~ee ­

phase motors . Figure '3 8 shows . a basic schcInatic
diagram of an electromagnet and 3 coils A, B, and C
inside a three-phase generator. Th.~ three-phase
voltages are generate d in the coils fl., B, and C when
t11(; ,elestrQInagnet is rotated. Most Jarge cOInInercial
generator operate on three-phase system.

31 19
"._~If'llr~1r41'!1f't.'Ml·t ' •

RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev. 0, 15 Jan 2009 ,

~-~~_ --~ ----------<)o A

. _Elect ro mag-
~ ne t roraTor· 6
1 . ~G .~ - - - - ~.TN-
:-v " " , ' ,..:...
,' _ -"--- -.:...0 B
r ~. )
I , . <f~ ~ " ,'
· IJ- W ' o
I __'--___-'-_~--.-~c •
'r4J- _ .. :. . . -"- ,- "- -. - - -=- - - -..:.... -::- ~-- .- - -0 N: " ..,;

Figure ' 38 _ Shows the three coils of 'the phase' wi nd-
i ng and the elcctro~grl<,tic rotor o f a
three-phase gimerator ' or motor .

8.,3 The WYE, Conne ction : Three- phase motors" 'gen~ra t;o rB .
and tran~;d'9 rme r may have three win :lings ,coru:,ecteQin
WYE . E l:cc'tr i cci i load can also ~ connected in . WYE.
Figure 39 and 40 shows a WYE connec tiollof' a ' source
and a l o a d r espectively.

lilA A

I VeG VClb
- --:+--'--+--'8
Vbn Vbe

L-- --·---~'l~--+--'L.....OC
'I _
L ______------------~C--'L-~~----1N
F i gure 39. Thre e -phase WYE F igure 4 0. Three - pba~
c onne c tion of t h e WYE c c n nocted
wind i ng 6f a gen e- elect ri cal
r a.t o r motor. load made of
lamps _

RWMFI"ElC-004. Rev. O. f 5 Jar> 2009 .

In the delta connection s u ·etlrvents are involved. .currents!'lld three.:..line currents. Refer-
ring to Figw!e 4 ,the current~aI-e 3B follows: -

.Phase currents Line e\ll~rents

la"b' ·la·a
Ih'e ' lb'b
Ie.' a J lc'c

Respocti v .e . phase voltages and ·line voltage-sin a delta

. s·ec . B

cohnect1on are 'equal in magnitude,
a - Line' current Q I sec. A . . a a
~"A ~
Vna ="0'
~ OJ A '. ' Vna=127 V
i Vab:.
220 \0
'~27V . ~Q_~b:.:...~I"""'f-'----,---~_i - Veo.
220 V
v· - .... .
C . nb=~Ibbl .vee ~.
~ ' Vne;' . 8 .~

cLY127 V .~ i 220V
c c~
. "
f-'--~---4..'":1' ,. N /
Line vol ~age = V<;, X (phase voltage)
Vab = V3(Van)
= 13 (127)
= 220 volts
Figure 43. ' Loads (appliances or electricai equip--
ment) cOTJ,Ilected ·f roLl th e phase and line
vol tage source. Section A are three' lampe
loaded in a three phas<' vol,;ages i. e-
voltage betwe~n line and neutral. Sec~ion
B are three lamps lvaded in the :) line
voltages i. ·e between lines. Figure 44 '
sllows a nother repreGentdtion of Figure 43.
Q a
/~" Vnn :: 1\
I'~:' ' . ~i~~ ()a Fh
8 ' 127 V = \nt.> ~ r " ~.;n c - / E ~ •
.roO\)\f''-~.~-C El C ;iZ7v?- . }-----. e
N - - b bL c ~b ..
/, . '.J
~ (
_____________ j. V"' . 20V

'Figu.: ·'Oc 44 _ Mother scheme of the diagram in Figure 43.

I )

3 1,
~ .... • " . " . ... ,.,,, to. •• "" , , ~, •. - .. . - ~

RM-MFI-£;f.C-004, Rav.O, 15 Jan 2009 .

In the...WYK · connection 1;hers are sU· voltagee , ,irivolved:

~e~'-l>ha8~ vq 1 t/j,gea .~dtbre.e - i ml:,-j;qh¥gee " Re:fer.:: .
. .
.tq.>,f.'.\ .;:l9 ., they;'ai;-:eCUJ.
folQili s :: , !
" ..
, . ~.

P~ -YoH,agee , ',- ' tit:i.e : yJ~ta,gel3

. VaIl \Tab
y tm ,, ·Vbc .
Vcp ., Vea ,
.Phase v o 1tagea are . L iii~vol,tage 8 qre .
'abs~ iute:ly ' e9:Uiitin, . .,QBQ,l.:I'.ite l Y', in,
mag:ti tl,1de~
" .. .. .
<' •
.' ~.~tv,d~_ ' .
.' . .V a'.b'- .:::
- --
'. ..-;

·f1.e .line v C'l ta,geis :~~1 . t~ {3 times t;he. ~h.~~~ YOlt~ ·

, "
age Le_. Vllne : = '{3·Vph<!-s'; ' .. , : ' , '
The · phase curi;-ellt : ~d the . lin.e in . the aa,me leg
of connec1;.iQn . ~ equal in ~gni t\lJ.e ~
tL4 , The Ikl
ta Corinectio.n . - ~e':"phaB~JOOtO.,:B . geIiera:to~8 .;
·and . transfc)rmer ~y have . three wi:naillgBco:nn~ctedi..ti .
'HIE Like';"lu e t heir. c~ .~ cOI-me:cted iiI delta •
. Fig0re 41 shows cl~l.ti;L(;o~ ectj,ollfL .. . ~. '.

-, 0 : ' . la'a . ci
.. .' .

c' ----fV'6.
"', '- • c.
Figure 4.1, .J?elta ccmnectiori o f · 1;.hewindings of a
• three- phase motor, generat9r , and'
transfor17ler .

a , a'

' --0 -

, ..
b /'-_ _ ~c

Figure 42. Delta c()~ e ction of elec t r ical lampl'l .

,RM-MFI-EU;;-O~, Rev.O, 15 Jan

LoadiDga ·three-pha,ae tra.naformer Oank witl,t 1Ul i'­

trical '.distri but ion panel_ . Figure ,15 shows' a trana-
fonger bank wi tb prilriarily cori,n¢eted in delta arid Be-
cona~ connected in·litE.
The, .load of th¢ Becond<u-y is
thegil3tributiQn panel installed in a buildins. Th~
distriQutionpane i has 7 branch circui.'t where electri":'
cal equiPQient Suchasmotb~'B, SIlJ.3.1l applianCe!;!, and
. l~inaires ~
' " . ' connected.
. .



. I~ ' j127V 220;/

5-,I/Ti 81 . I '. B
Lj-f-rw b .! 127V I
~~1 ~ I 20V )J c
~~!.!'-iAF_Y_ __ ~.?E~~N~~~~-,_ ~' j J~?
I 1- A B c--'--l
I ' I
1 . 5IDall appliances
2p; 2Z0v
2 . 3p. 1/4 hp motor I 2
10 0A
20A .
3. ~ll appliances
: iCDL;A I

2p, 220v
4. electric stove
Zp, 220v I 0-
G) I 20A
5. lighting, lp, 127v 1
9. lighting, lp , 127v 20/\ ---OIO-}
I f:\ -Ot
20A~ =t5t~
20A CD r

/0 -0D-
' CD
t t 1 ~ 1i i
-__ 1J
' --..1

- G
Fi g ure 45. Cireui t diagram of a trcJlsformer loaded
with di·stribution panel.


. Rev. 0,
t 5 Jan 2009

'. :.

: ; ~~ . " ..


.... .
, "
_Gro cincl
.. .. "

( b)

B, B N



' ..~,-_ _ _~_ _..:.N:..;e:.:u:.:t::...r::::a:....1-~-----~--''""''1

-: Ground
Figures 46 , (al A distribution panel with "loa96
connected to the neutral wire '_ (b 1
equivalent circui t G~iagram o£ di stri-
bution pane l shown in (al reveals that
the load is a combinati,on o£ Delta and
WYE connection,

RM-1v'FI-ELC-0U4, Rev. 0, 15 Jan

9 _1. ~ries.' Ci rC1).11;

Object(i v e s : Ttu-:ougb tbi 13<:lctivlty the partici pants

should be able to :
.~ :
1_ Connec t a series .circuit with the aid of a d iagram_

.2 , Tro\lh1 e s hoota 'defective part in a series c ircuit; .'

u s ing an' ,o hllJllleter_
3 . Ji:nergii e q.nd test a re'l ay, w,i th q.n ohmmeter .

.4. Lqa9a rel ay with lamps in series:

5 . :rruub1e.s h o ot a defective ·part in a series circuit
\lsing a v o l t1~ter.

6 . Pro ve tha t the sum of the indiv:,dual volt;age d rop

in a serie s cirCuit; i13 e ,qual to the supply v oltage_

- 220/24 vol t ., transformer .

- Lamps. 12 v olts with socke ts
- Connecting leads ,
- iiul t; ites t e r
- Variable AC and DC source

P rocedure :

l.In connecting a series circuit . connect "ix 1 2 volt

lQ)l)ps i n s o ckets as sho"!l1 in 'f i gure 47 ~

Fjgure 47. Six lamps c onnected ir.. series.

~-.------. -.--------. - - ' -- . -. - - ---_ ..._.-
RMCMFI-ELC..()Q4, ReV. 0, 15 ,Jan 2009

2. itrou9i~sh90ta defbct±ve. partina · , 8ei·H~s. , cire.ui t '

' \isirtg ; citJ.C ~ter _ '
~ ,
. ',. . ,

a) Use an olurmleter- to determlne as ot>Ein(ievice i n

. the , trerdes t :yO\! made,' in figll,N47 as
fol l ows:; " ', .

Q) Held' 1;1:>", : t.e.!:lt prbiA of the·O~ter .pe~~

,nently ' <,'i ,t w i nt ' .~1· (figure 48,) _' P'l acetest
prod ,B fJ;rE'tat ·'<;! 'then Buec:esaive l y
_ .. .. <transfer;,i t ·to t~e Poin·· t 2. tow~", Point.' li2 .
" ' I'fat , a cer.t aih point. the o~ter ddes no 10-
indicate a ,i-eiOing.then tbe .lJne or', device ;
,. be,t;Ween , that :' POihtand the Poirit ·;;est.e<;! priQr
to i 't is open or defective.


Qhmmeter R .100

Figure 48. Sho ws the procedure t o determine

d efec tive part in a se:r-ies ' circui't
using an ohmmeter.

!!-___---..._____ 11111 _ _ _ _ =:=: .,..,______ M·'

RM-MFI-ELC-00:4, Rev. 0, 15 Jan 2009

3_ Energi ze <Jnd "test; a relay with an qbml;neter_

( -~---~--~--~.~~--------------~\

.' .

220/24 V
. Tri),nsf orm<;r
Ohmmet er

Figure 49_Testing the contacts of a 24 volt

relay ' using an o~ter_

4 _ Loading a relay with laJ!lps, in- series._

a) ~ad_ the re lay wi th six lamps in series as

s hown in figure 50_

bJPreS$ the push button o f P_B and observe the

ef£ec_t of the s ix lalDps_

PB .
1L A ..1- 11. s 1 1 5 7 9 .11

"L Lr '(~C2'i~ ~ ~
1 C_ 10
2 I, 6 8 10 12

F igure 50, A loaded relay_

5 _ Troul;> Je -»hooti.n g a defective part in a ser ies

circu it uslng a vol~mater_

a J Wire the circ-cui t connection as s .h own in figure

51_ This is already done under step 4 - " Load-
ing a relay 'Ii tr. lamps j n series".

bJ Energize the circuit with a 24 volt AC s ource_

c J Loosen one of the lamps frolll its .3ocket ur,till

all of them are not li gh ted_

RM-MFI-ELC-0J4, Rev. 0, 15 Jan 2009

d)::;e.t tb~r¥i,ge \)1;" ' ~ :v olt.,eter .t;.O 5.D Or 30 .

.' .' VQltB~ Pla6:e tbetei3t prVCls . to terminal 5 of
the ~lai'and te~a:t 126f 1;he l~Ptl~ ~ .
,Figure 51;: . . ' .,
,. . ': . -. ':

" ,e). Wh:,it; test ··prOd A is held ste<:loHy, ,DOve test - .

pr<;>d Bfrom terliJ:nai 12 to' 11 ; 10,9,8, '7 , 6
5; <1 ... 3 , and Z SuccessiVely;
see .Figui-e 5)... ., ;

fY If '<:lt 'a'certaint~~.ina'l, the y';'l t;m.~';er -d~s

. , not get a ' readingth,mthe li'ne Qr de~i~ ~t:'"
' ';''eEm that-termiilala.nd the , terminalpreVious~
..lY61~n or defeGtive.
- ~.:

.' .. .
,':' .'
2l+,Yolts . I,
----"''-'.-- - -,-I':"jil ~- .. . ,:,

Simplij'ieo diagTaJ)l of fIg\,lre 5J in ;"hich the

circuit i",' to be , t,est8d ' with a voltl!)eter.
Test prod :3 is moVe from terminal:' 12 to":ards
tertr.inal 2 .

This device is the

defecti ve part

~.-i- . . . ---.. . _~?~1...Jfh ~ OL..~'---""; L---t-l t..,~o.,.J

l--'-~------ :m
G i VeSn o vo ~tag~
Indlca ~l on
) <;:
Gives vol~age
Indica Tio n


Figure 52 . M.e thod o f checking a d ,.! fecti vepart in a

aerie5 c i rcuir. with a voltmeter .

.4 1
1II..loJllrIIl.";" ,<l.~. ~ .. ," " •. ,

RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev: 0 ,15 Jan 2009

, "

6_ Prov:i,ng that SUIl;l of individuill voltage drop in a

serie$circuit equal to the volt-.age f;lupplv. is
See vol tage:'measure;nent in figure :;~.

a) Place the vol tmeter across' each laa.p and t<J,ke

the voltage readings as shown in 'figure 53.
Io.dicate this voltagei3 :<:'.s VI" V2, V-3,V4, V5.
and V6.

b) Place the ~oltmeter across terminal land 12

, a,n<l ,take' the read1ng indic<;lte this "ol'l;ag,e as

c) See if V(I~12) , = VI + V2 + V=? + V4 + V5 + V6.

24 Volts
~IIII + ,
V1 V2 V3 ' V4 VS V6
r-®l r0l r0,
2 3
4 ~

) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
V1 :: 7


Tr \/._ '/1 . \,"') . \ /') . \ 11, . \/c . \ If.. 7
l..) V I. - V r.... IJ , '- .,.. V.J ... V" T V.J"'" V U :

Figure 53. The method of proving that the sum of

the individ ual voltage drop in a ser'ies
c ircuit i£ equal to the supply voltage_

RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev: 0 , 1;j Jan 2009

1 0 .0 TEST

Direc tion: · In . .t.lie·, :fo:now~gitea;s , ¢ncircle the letter

c c)rrespqndi.i:iE! to . the c o rFeet answer. ."

a ) vo l tage drop
b) . qhargj,ilg .
C ) ,rel;l i s t a.nce
d) .el~ctric cw-rent '.
' . '

.. ~

2. The, p~ss.u'-<i tha t . .aiakes the ·e .lectric charg e s to flow

is ~own ~:

a) ci).rrent
h) IliagTIe tomot.i ve fQrce
c) vol t age< ' .
d) s tance

3. The: ·. per i o d iC reversal (hi c;k a.nd forth) cif c urrent ina
6-irc\li t ' i s known e:E\:

a) ' pul~t itig current.'

0) alternating current
. (~ ), vari<,1Q1 e current
'd L dlrec t C?urre'n t

4 . l:.Qok at; the ~urrent . shown 'i n figure 54. > the
val~eof t he re~istance R wil l:
a) decr:e a s .e ,·the current
bJ incre ase the current
cJ have nO ' effect- on iohe . current I
d) increase the source' or vol tage E

E=10 v R= 5 ohms
' ~®l------Jr

~ I

F i gure 54. I I silnple cireui t with a Bow-ce a


I, 3
_-~ _ _,."."""'....., "'0' '1'1'I 1I!11rt . , . .... ...

RM-Mt=f-ELC-004, Rev. 0, 15·Jan

5 ·. . The equivalent resistanc.e ·of ·the lamps /'shown i n :figure

~.. 5:5·· is:

a) 6DO ohms
0): 50 oh.n:J$
c) 10 ohms
d) 12 o~

A0 - - - - ,
R1=30 R2=20
, . OHMS . OHMS=:>

B ,

Figvre 5~. Two parallel lamp with 30 and 2Q. ohqa


6 . III figure . 55, if the battery. vol tage. is ' 10 volts and
the i\nuneter reading of an a,mmeter 1.S 2 awperes then .the
resista.nC;e R must be:

a) 20 oh,ms
b) 2 ohms
c) 5 oh;,ns
di 10 ohlJ>s

/ - Ammet er reads . 2 Ampere:;

.- E =10vJlts ~ R ,,_ 7

-T J

Figure 56. A c ircui t wi th current indicating cun'"eter_

7 . , The equivalent
, ~igure ,f57 ,i s '
'. 1"' ~ . •
. .' it".' ",: ::'j ' .' '".I,,: ~fl.." ~ :.'
, ' ," a').~ '
. bJ 10,0
olDils ,.
ol;i:m,s '.~ . :~. . ~;~ .> . : '..
'.<', - ",

•G >. SO ohms. ,
~r 1.f375' obm.s .. :: '. , - )"

" '~


' .,."


, ,

Fi~57. Two, lauips in seriee with e<!-c,hhav.1ng 50

.oh!nre,s istaTJCe.

8 . .In fig~e58 , the v.oltage ,across fine' A- and B" tha.t is

Vab. :i's .'"'

a) , Z20 vo'! tis

b) ,254 V:.olts '
c'.}:· i?7 v.o,l ts
d) :;180 v';'lts

~--_----~-- ____~~~__~___ ~A

i 7

L---~----------- ------~ ___ oc
Figure 58 .. A WYE connected source with 127 volt
pha3e v o ltage.

HM-MFI-ELC-004, H 9V. U, 1:> Jan i!UVll .

9_ In 1i'igur~ 59 , i f the ~ter Al reod s 6 ~pe~5and
aIOOleter 11;2. reads 2 a,mperes;. then tbf' cu.r~nt thi-ough
' laJIi'p 1;.3'. m~st be

.a) 1 2 . a.mpere s
b) 8 amperes
c) 3 ampere!>.
d) 4 a!Ilperes


Figvre 59 ~ Two LamI?s cOIUlected in parallel_ .

10 _ Wh i ch 6f the f -ollowing condition i n Figure;s So { a. ) to

(el) wi l l nicike th", ' steel core a magnet?

/,""Capacitor .'

. r~
!L ,.J-if-'-'-t

_( a) _(b 1

> - - s witChes

~~ .

- [' J I'
_. ( d) T--'\I\tVv ~
_(c )

?igure 60 . ( a ) to (d) Ci r c uit COlmections that maY

possib ly create an electromagnet.

RMc:WFI-ELC-()(54, Rev. 0, 15 Jan 2009
, ,

11 - Name -the de vi.ces repreBepted b y tIte f~llowipg s YJi!bols

- ' ,in Fi B.J:ree ",61
', .,. "'. : ..... ." ;
. .
::,. ,:'
(f,_. "' ., ' '"
. ", ... . ' -"

", ... .
. . ,.'
" "

. ~ ' -'.
. ~-' ", '.~~ ' ..." .' ..
- -

--u -

". :' ,

..... 0--
_ _ '
(a) , - - - - ,(bj,........,_ _ Jcl _ __

. :-. I. .: 'J ......

- , -

,;.: - - - - - -- - -- -
'~ '.. :" ' .

(. d )_,...-- (el;;..-_ _

Fi~e 6 1._ Different;. sYmbOl of _fllectrical d evices_

l2cNrune'the I 9 J1owihg cbnhect:ions in Figlires 62 ( a )-to
(d) _

- ,

( ~) - - t-----'VV\r--4

Figl)re 02. (a) to (d) shows d ifferent co=ecfions of
r~:tsi.5tors _'

RM-MFI-ELC-004,' Rev. 0,15 Jan

13 _ A 1 ~torey building :1.6 to be . 8UPplie4 with 2 2 (1 volte,

3-i>h\3se (with neutral .grQ,:md), 6:0 ~. system_ the ·
branch circuit t'equirementaa,I'e as follows:

C1 ) ~. 3-ph ase (3. pole) branch c.i~j ts for3-

(220 .v) IIJOto.~ · loaQ

b) FDur · Z-'phase· (2 pole) branc h cireui te for small

appli$c~E? ~t 220 volts

c) Tb,ree l -'phaSe (1 p(i1e) 'branc h -ciJ;'cuit for l ighting

l oad at 127 volts_

Osingth e c ompleteQ drawiIlg o f thedistrlbut ion~el

bo<U'<;i .s h own in figure Q~ m.ue t he circuit ·that will
satisfy the · requirements abOve . Label yoUr. drawiri~ to
include· branch circuit number. draw .a · line to · ·the
circuit breaker. · to prvperly indicate the n~herof
p oles ·-per · branch circuit_ The rating of each brancll
c ircuit is 20 _alllperes which is to be indicate d in the
c ircuIt breaker.

L1 L2 L3

. ;;.

-° 1 t 6--

. £" : --t'o..-.-
_--<l\~ _ _ ~-+---¢
_n_ _ _l~rL
Figu "'! 63. Diagr<;!.lXl of a d i stributi.:rl pan c l \ " be
completed based u pon the loa d s ~~ated
in question 13 (a). (b ·I. and lc).



; ; ; ; ; ; . .. ._ _,. . . t'l~ttI .........

_ _____ ............ •• _, .• ,,_-. .. .... ----~-,-.-

. .. , ' RM-Mrf-ELC·004, Rev. 0, 15 Jan 2009

, Module ~.

.~' · · ~ct~Jft~i~/~1~t~~;~~~~~~1;' ~~=~

in i#dii8tr':Y> " Tne 'l;oP;iGi1 cCtVet" the, ' pi'iltciples
of operatio~'i. care. pr6i%r' use., dnci ' ina'j;fiienanc-e
0-:" : vari6w;;eleetrica-l'6. It. also iIl~ .
Clud;{a " ' practi.2~l, '. " actiYi-d.e~ : in " ' ~irig ' the
·. ~t.,e,r.vQitme,tel'; o~t,e'r. " c,l~ lOOt;et • .- mega-
.~ oi;~tfir, '~ltite~ef. ,- .and'.'. oth~l:' :, .'.' il$tr.;_nt;s
which en electri..:ian ·' is, ex:pec,t~d to use in
", ;. ','
tri,tiili-t#,~·: . ." . " . " '
-l1.!'.JOR ·IOPIGs:. LBa.6±c 'OC M~terMoVelD¢nt
. "' 2 > ~ter ' , J ',.'

;3 _ VO'i:tiDetec-
4 -Ohlliioe1;:~r '.
,5 _ " MUltiteSter, . (V6M) . .-
6: Wat-tUter , . . '
.7 " Kj,1~att-Ho~~e7er:. . .' : _ . "" .
6. Instrtm)ent CUrrent Tran8£o~r.'lIC'ID and
InStrument Potential Transformer (IPT) .
'9;. Cl~~ter ' . .
10. ( Meg~ O~~ter
'11, ' Po.:fez.' llactoi, Meter
1~. · Ta:~b.Qm¢ter
, , '13. P~e ' Sequence Indicat.9r

.Lectur.e ·: , 3 ho-ure · I.abOrat6ry : 3 hoUrs

" .._ _ _ _ _ _ ) 1 ' .

At the <;mc;i., <;>f . this JDOdule. the. partici pant· f$ol).ld b e a ble to·

I. I d~ntiiy theinstrwaent ~ for ~asUring V:oltage

and el~ctri Ga l power, .

. 2.. Descrll?e "h ow arid .;menta uSe a chm:p .:reter.

Identify t be .inBtMlJaie,r..t used for ioea~~i:rt~ power .

'J: (ieiltify the i nstri.uoent Jlsed for recording elec t;~i c.


5, FOrtJ;ul?t.e Ohx!l 13 law f~ the resUlts of instrume n t

. ' readings.
6 .. De1'lOnstrate t h e proper use of DC meaf'uring

7 . . List t h e ·uses Of a · multitester.

8 . . Descril:>e Jh~ p urpoSe of ~ ll)egger instrument.

9. Reao the w i nter indication of an o~ter' and ~ol 't­

=ter ins'trv.=nt.
10. ,!Tho,", the p roper connection in tak:i ng volt.=ter
~ai5\lremen ts. .

11. Snow the p roper connection in taki ng ammeter

.l;DeaSUre~rj t 5 •

12. Show h ow t o measure hi'gh curr-ent with a clamp me t er.

13 .' Shew how t o s a felY test a device with an ohn)meter.

14. NaI'Je the in s t r uments for ""'asul-Ing electrical pa r a-'


RM-MFfcELVC'04, '~ev.O, 15 Jan 2009


LIThe. l1QViIig ¢Oil
. This .1s: q coil' ~de ;up of very finewire$._ When cUrreIit
pd;';;".-' . throu~ . thiElC9,il, i t , ·.is .: . PoJ,ari~!"d . with '
nortb iuld sO\,;zh pqles siJDiliu'-: to that of · <l~gnet> I f
the coil is pivc:t eo with, a.n · ~i$ such as - sli~ .in
F',r-e ,1 (b) and ' vl;aced bet;\of:.; lenthe north a.nd sOuth . poles
of e pe~nt ' rOi3,@et,then thE; coil will ". Z'9ta~ ~
-'R6ttition . of' the cOil t-U:~splace, 1:>e2aufie . the north .
~~~" i t creates is, attracted by the south P9le~f the
l"e~en t magoet_ ,If. a ' needl.e .1B r'igioly att<;iqh¢d to
tli;' 90il, then ' 'the ' needle ",iIi · def1e.r.till'acloCkwi~
~Urecti on . . The magnituqe 'o f the deflection of the n~le
willQ,epeno upcn , the , amo~:t of' . the cl,lfrent througn
the coi L The
coil 'is : called the JOOving coi l. I t· i s
";'idcl.Y . used i :,'l electridal' ;D"ea~u,ring iristruJij~;mts_ '
:F;igure 2sho"'s the actual 'j"Qv.i;ng co11 . as i.ns tal led iD
JOOst ~!ect rical measu,ring inE:tM:\J"I~mts ~ :Fi~e 3sboWB
the lIlOv ine; co il '" i th a . Pemn?-rien t magnej; _ ,. , .

( a)

Ax i s of Rotat ion
. , /. . / C-coil carry ing
. /' ('~) . c.J,ren\

( b). ,
. ". .
L-;S: "
magn e t

, @ ' t:~J'\ ~ current

D.- imaginary magnet
created by the coil C
- [I... .

Fi ~l re s 1. (a ) magnet A rotates clockwise because ita

nor th arid south pole are a l~tracted t o the
south and north pole of magnet B respectively,
(b) coil C rotate'? clock>li'?e sInce its
imaginary magne t D created by ~urrent I is
attracted to the permapent magnet H .

RM-I:fFf-ELC-Q04. Rw O. ~ 5 Jan 2009

1Ioil~..,.-c-_ --
s""' ....
"." ..

Figure 2.~J6ving coil with auxil::l.i<!-t'y devices.


Figure 3. The moving coil as insta lled with the

permament magnet_
I ,I

. - .. .
., RM-MFlcELG-OD4, ReV. 0, 15 Jan :2.009

L2 Applic a tion of Mm Coil(3

'. / , c.. i3,iu>,· k, DC ~~er mqy~nt . . , '. .

"':/unEI¢.ter, .· Vql~ter ~Obmioet~J;' .'. .. '
.tW.ltitester .' .. ' .
.¢);cUnP:::cm;j%t,~1:;J ~,l;;unPTIOe ~e.f)
M€<g~""'oh,oiiOO.ter, (.Me~er) " , .
..... .



'. Z . r::J>ef.i;itio~ ~ . An · ~ter is<Ui ': in~~rurooil~ ' ~hat

i . :;~~$ ,Cl"rr¢.nt;, ; : '
.{ •• ••. ' . ' , l .. ;.. ' .' ~~' "
. '; . '

,. ... . 2,:2 ,:~~~~iy; :Oj; : ~ters


- tiiCr<> ' Ampere'

- ~:Llli ..~pe'i-e
-";j~pere . ,,.
- ' Kilo. 'AJi)pe-re
.. ' .

2. $ ·.C0nnectiori of an aJ!)llieter - An cimo:leter should

be 'c:6ilnected in . series with the. . lo~dr .: ( See
figures 4 (a)8ild"··(p,).\. ... . . . .

7 - .Am me ter

.' .. ..
, " ~"
, " . Lamp.
- "
<: resistance

F.i, gure 4.. cOnnect,iqn. of an aiometer in a

· c;ircuit .

2.4 T:vpes 'J:f A;nme t e r

DC Ammeter - measures direct ·curren t .

AC Ammeter - .measUres alt e rnating current_

of. ammeter shou l d be sele c ted for the purpose_
If you are w 1c e rtain of l;he curren t ]'ou will
mea";ure. alwa'ys set the ammeter t:o ' its highe st
range before us i ng it. If the pointer de'f lects
to less than 1/4 of i~s Bcale. then the ~ter
can be set t o t h e next lower range. An ammeter
shoul d not ·· be connected . by a .n y means. in
parailelto the load.

RM.MFf-(oLC-004, Rev. 0,15 Jen


3. .. 1 Definition .\ vOlt.oeter i~ an ii:u,t~nt

that lI;Ieasures voltage.

3_2 CQImlOI.! Ooito! Voltmeters.

- Volt
- Ki1o":'volt
.. .
3.3c<;>nnection of voltmeter'~ A. v:>.ltmeter is
. com,eeted across tI,e load or betWeen two lines.
( Seerigures 5 ' (a) . & (b) '). Figure 6 ahows bow
to · \lee a voltmeter ' i f .. an i;mtlet ha's a vol tage.·

Resistance, of
the lamp lOad Voltmet",r
" voltmeter

Lamp Load -
[2] 220 Y.
,. v ,' .
2<:0 Y

. Figure 5. - Conllecting a voltmeter when measurin'g

the ·voltage acr.oss a load.

Voltmeter outle '.

Figure 6, - Measuring the vo l tage- of an Qu tlet

using a v oltmeter.

RM-MFI-ELC,.{)()4, ReV. 0, 15 J8(1, 2009



OC ·Vol-:.meter · - ~a'Bures ' direc~ <;.urrent Vplt,;age_

AC Voltmeter -:- . measl.ireS
. - ..,. alterIlating
. voltage_
~. . . .

. P.~ecaJt'ion: ini.tsln~a voltmeter; Tne propo;>rty:pe

ofvo.l t..meter- sho~id :,be. ~lec ted for: .thepUrpOBe_'
:If -y()li~Uncerta}n of the r~g~of the . vol.t;age
you a.,::eabo'llt:to·~a,fiUre,ar~YS set the vol~ter
to .itA higbe·st'range. Durfug me<uro.remeut. ' :ffthe
. Pointer defl.e ctfi to less tohan 1/4 of' its full s:::ale.
the-voltmeter may be Se.t to the ' next lo, range_ '

4_0 . 6~

4 . 1 Pefinition An ohmmeter ·j,s an instruire~t that

meaiures I'esil3tance. l't is also ~aed fot-check-
i.pgthe continuity .of ' elect,ric :cireui t3.CQil~ .
Q£.' ,ilres·. heaters •.q,nd electrical' <;lev.ices among
. others_ . . ' . - .'

4 _2 (::'onnecti.<?p for c~ntinui tyt.el"ting.q,nd l.-esis~ce

mea~remen.t; is shoWn in figures 7 (a) arid (c). '

4_3 Caili)l"atingari . o~tcr: Befor-e one canm<ike

re13ist~ce . measl.l.N;:~nt50f· an electric .<;levice
.... ith an ohmlDeter • . the test prod of tl)e ' o~ter
Should first be shc;>rted_ Then. the zero a.dju·s t
kPob ·· 13hould be adjusted so tha·t its " ~inter
d~fiects _ to zero '~ An attempt to measure
rei5istance· .... ithout firEt 'obaer-ring this
pz:ocedure might . give. erroneous measurelflents_
( See figures 7 {b) and (e) ).. However • .when
testing the the continuity of an electric
device. there is 'no need to calibr4te the
ohmmeter to zero reading prior to the testing_

55 <1,;
RM·MFI·ELC-004, Rw 0, 15 Jan 2GJ9 '

r-- This r)eedle. should

I be fir~t to zero '. Oh mmeter
,;-----,/,..--,." r eading prior to
E:'-'*'] r esistancG mea:"
I>. x '0 0 "Su rement

'.' /' ero adjust

L tes,~ prods to. knOb_.-1~rc=D-_-,L
. .be sho rt ed .
when , i brating . ( c)
(b )

F.i.gure · 7 . . (a) Testi ng the cont'inui ty of the' 'coil

of q transformer using an ohn;met<;>r
(b) <;alibrat'i ng an t o zero
prior to waking l'es.istance ~asurements
(c) Measuring the res ista'lc~ · ·resii;tor

4.4 Precaution in using an o~teT: When mea~ing

!:he continui ty of ' an e!.ect ric :· device · ... ith
an' ohmIDeter, make Sllre ·that the' device to be
tested . .if; free ' from anY . sources. That i",
t :,ere should be no existing v ol·tage across the
device to be tested. '·
4. 5 Various device s and appi i ,u;ces" that can be
te:oted wi th an oh,r:nipeter are :

Fu·s es
-- Re:sistors
-- Heaters of fl at irons '
-- Coils of elec tric fans '
-- Armature winding of motor"
-- Relay contac ts
-- Swi t·ch~ s ·

Th e abov'e ..are jU!;t a few of ' the hundreds of

de~r .i ces that ca..... be tested with ar; ch=1ete!"':.


5 .1 De finiti on -- A multite s ter i s an instrument th at

~ an measure current, v o ltage, end resistan ce .
The method of chan gin g the mode of meaBUreme c~s
is thro ugh a selector switc h. Mul ti testc's
usually have three scales: volts, amperes, and

ohms. Figure 8 shows a multitester. II


_ - -_ _,......"'''"' ''.,'''''''.... _ ·.. . .. t • •" • • "'t- ~ ~ • •' •


Figu,re 8. A,,=ltitester eq\iipped with differept

scal~8 aild ranges. '

.~. 2 Precaution in using the Dlul ti tester

$e£ the sei~6toz:,switci( -to the ~iliht j~a:z:.'amet;er

. to bemeaSlir.eo· ( i ·le, · :vblt"tge, 'c\Irrient,' or ohm)
,a.nd',6pservec·ai-eftiiiithe : prec!!!-titiondif;lCl,1aa~d
in, Se'c tiOliB 2~ !': ,3~5,. a:na4.4 for an.met~r,
. tineter, and ' o~eter . I-eGpecti vely .
' ' . '

6.'1 Defini tion A wat,tmeter is, an ,tllstrllt'lent
that iDeasures electrical pOwer ,tn watt';'.
6. 2 ¢Oix)1i:)o~ uili:t~' of Wattmeters

- Kilbwatto

6.3 Intel'nai circl,1it of a wattmeter The in-

ternal cIrcuit 'o f a wattmeter consists vf
two coils, '" The first coil, called poten-
tial coil, is to be connected ill parallel
with the. load in which the wattage is to
be measured .: This coil works like a volt-
meter .. The f;econd Coil .. called the current
Coil, is to be · cOrihected in serie:;! with tt.e
load. ThIs second coil Works .like. an C1lIlIpe_
ter. The prodUct of ~he current in the current
coil and the voltage in the potential coil
is the indicated by the wattmeter ..
Figure 9 ' show" t,he basic internal coits of
a watt'Deter, Figure 10 shows the connection
of' a . wattmeter 1;;0 "a load whose power ,is to be
me asured.

- ----- -.. . _---. _- - -

RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rev,0 , 15 Jan 2009 1

FiiNre 9. A ,wattnleter with potential and , current

cpil of ,di.fferent .anges_ Ule sYlDbols of
the ' ~urrent cQil and potential coil are
. '. I
also shown.


'f:,oad in which ,electrical

, ,power, IS to be

Source Lamp

Fig-tlre .~
..Lv. ~JJillection of a wattmeter with ~~ ­

6.4 Types of Wattmeter

DC Wattme t er measur es power in 'DC

AC Wattme t er - measures power in AC

RM::Mf'/~ELG-094, ,Rev. 0, 15 Jlin2009 '

Qsing Poth, voltmeter qmd, ~te~ ,fu. determi1)ing

wwer of ;'i.!.IO;id>:.': !l'he · ele¢tr±'cal' J.><JWer. of a ' load '
C<Ul ab30 ~ . d~t:e~ih~l:iy ,.,eansof a" Vciit.mete~
,and 'iiJoIpeter' " comoiiie(,h" ' Fi,,'>.ures , 11 ,
(~j , (b) ana .
," , sh.ow: ~ , the met,hexi', 'ciJi' ' c90neCting .an ajmet¢f and
a yoltDeter' in ,:determiriirii; ·th~ , " , Wwer of ,the ' l,ead
, (laJop ,):,To ; deie~in~t~c ' pq~r.; : ~ltipiYth~ rea~ing '
, , Of ',the ~ter tQthe :'reQ.dihg', of''v61.~ter-_ Thu~, "
: ".ii' ' ~he, , ~,ter ' 'rea~I3,,: l;5 ' ~~res :<W? the, voltmeter ',
.. ,;'reads 110 ~',:irbl ts; 'the ' PO\4'er of:, ,the , lamp, load 'iI'"
, '~omI>Uted , ' al3 , £:01:).6.o:a: ': ,' " , -: , '
~ ~

Po"!er 'P (ADxoeter ' reading)

1 75 ~: ~'~16 .'
165 vol t a ,-
A ,mrnet~r

nOv tZJ Load
Sou,ce .. 'p.c, Lamp
'~""' .. '
B'o j ( b i .'

Figl)re 11_ (a) Connec tion of an amme,ter a nd , a

voltmeter to determine 'the power of
the lamp load. (b) ' Sche~tic drawing
of figure (a). '

7 ,0 KlLO -WAL~~HOUR ~RR

7.1 Th1sis an instrument that records the eiectrical

energy .! consUJ!Iption of ele'c trical eql.lipment.
A kilo-watt-hour 'meter ,i.s equipped with coils that
cause a t~,r:otdte ,The .t;Vt,ating disl! il3
attached 't o . an 5 n<'tlog indicator tha i;:, integrates
and records t ,he qu<;mti tv of electricl,ll energy
consumed by the equipment in kilo-watt-hour .
Kilo-wat't-hour me t ers are cOllllPOnly u,3ed by resi-
, ,dential , commerc i al, and industria l customers.
Con,s umers pay the utility comp;,my baaed on the
amount of electric al energy' consumed, as recorded
by the kilo- watt-hour meter.

RM·MFI-ELC-004,Rev. 0, 15' Jan



&si'c function of an lCT - An lCT i6 a transforJl)er

. ~hosf. function is to reduce high current to .a value
,ca~ble , ,. of being meamlre.d· by .a low
range alIJII)eterc. I t is uSed in ioeal;f1,lI'inG currer.,t
of. high' voltage wires. Its .purpose il;J tc protect
perSQnnel taking . current roeas\l,rement . from high
vo ;I.tage. Figures 12 ('a:)apd (b) show holo' an Ict 18 .
used. ,

0-5 A

.' Ammeter - Pr imary coil
. Instrument leT ~Secondary coil
current \\-:- "
transforrner L1 ' -,'-,---

vol loge

L 2°---~--------~
(Prlm(lry call) (b)
l"tgure 12. (a) f.n actual IGT. (b) Con.nection of an
(lCT)' and an arom0ter in a circuit.

8 .2 ICT ra t io - The ratio of the primary 'current

over the secondary current i:3 the. lCT r<;l.tio.
It is a lso the rc,tio of how Illuch the currerit
in t~e primary can be reduced in the secondary .
Thus, if the reading qf ~ter in Figure 12
(b) is 2 'ampere.s and the I CT rati~,\s 50/5 or 10,
then t h e current
. in the pr imary line Qr in the
loa d is computed as follows:
lCT = (Ammeter read in g) x (ICT ratio)
= 2 x 10
- 20 Amperes

8 . ::; Measl,lr i ng high current -. Hi'gh current can be

!) d wi th low range a)IlUleters equipped with
lCT . The ICT consists of only one secondary
coi l looped w'ith rotmd ho le . The primary is
actuall y t'be high voltage and high current cable
wire inserted through the hole of the lCT . Figure
12 (a) shows the c onnection of lCT and ammeter
to measure the high current of the cable wire.


_ ~M ,

_ . ",. . .... ~ 1>"


'~: "

.Cpnductors."rv~s .
~, - .
CUrr~ r\t . _~--, . .··tis primat;y · .'. ". ', ".
·· :rrci~
........, .--

.-;1'-.' .
[2] ..... .~ /

JArrirnciter.( . .A
. .'~

(a) · .. ( b) ·

(a) :Corinect.tQn; of : pur~nt t'r~eformer

and~ter1;ode.tetinini:.the tit8:h current
ina6onduct6i- ( b) ' Sche$ticdiagram .
o~ .figure (a.), . .... . : .

. 8-4 Applic'ati"ns of an ..: lCT

InstrU)ll=ta1;ion . of:h.:j,g}J . ctirrel"ft e.9.t.ii:P«nent
·Isola tion of. a.fumet;.e~ j~rQin b.;· vol.talge.. · . . .
- Eafie qf ineaBu:r-ing · high current as ir~. a · :~.iamp

, 8 .. 5 BGsic fimcti on ·o.f' . IPT '- ' An Il'T is a tr~sfo~

m~r 'Used primar.;i.JY . for iBolat'.ing vol·t;me.ter ,and
. aJ.QIDeter froin ·measurlng high· '101tage . . Figuf-e 14
shows : ~he conne;t i on · Of ·t r t and voltmete'r to a
high voltage :··cable. . . . .

·A . . .. . "..;. ,,-High ~o.ltag:~.


rlPT (Ratio. = 115)

E = High r- -r'-t--t
Voltage I
: ,o.urce y . Load
I ...----- i <(l. . .'.
~ry . ~
Lj'_' Seco.ndary
.. I
Figure 14. Co nnec t i on of pot e ntial transform~r and
voltme t e r t o determine the high voltage
b e tween the cables.

. ... .. _............ .... .., "
" " ---
................ ............. -..,

8.6 1FT Ratio .- The ratio cif the voltageiu

primary Qver the secondary is the . 1FT ra~io .
Thus , if :-'he vo11;ll;leter .reading in ·Figure 14 is
120 volta, and the ' 1FT ratio in li5,. t.he the
voltage l;>etween the high voltage . <;:abie cap he
C01PPuted 'as ' folio,,:!'! : '. -

E = (IPT.ratio) x (Voltmeter reading)

II?" x "~.Q . .
.- 13,800 v'Jlts

8 ..1' Applic<ltions of a,n "LPT

-In"'t:M.nnent:h~g .high voltage equi..,.i,ent ,

- .Iaolating vol tmetex; fro1P l:igh voltage

.8.8 'Hi(th v o l t a ge ci.hdHigb Current .Instru - · "

1!lentaticin " : Since i t is quite da,nge rous
to take voltage and ' curri;:nt readings .
. oieqUlpi!)ent with high volt.ages, i t is
. necessary to isOlate the. meters . To ac-
quire iso l atiqn, IPt andICT are utilized.
Figure 15 shows the basic mete.r cormection
forhigb " voltage .
equiPment ..

r, '- .
" " , "

Voltmeter ~ Ammeter . IrT R' l'IQ
Reading :105 V . _. Reading: 4 .5~ abo: 5

A Wat t meter---,' . \
:-"-:- ..
r><:' •
I \.'
I! -
~~t~o \ \ \ ~f-- - .

. I~
- -, .
\ \ It
Hig r
I 10'
W '[2] CD
i~ "-~W€
~i Io V L:l ad
Volt a~ e L A
Ie t~ D
So ur c~
I':":' ~: I

a :"' IL

Figure 15. Instrume71ting high voltage equio:ment.

._._._ _"......aa ....,
- , ... . _.......... ..--- - -
", ' , RM.MFI.EU;..f)fY., Rev. 0 , 15 Jan 2009

[sam.,{e Problem 1. \

, Reif,e ,rin ," 13." therat,io,' of the IPTi u 50 ' atlo

". g 'to Figu.r:-e
, t,h~ ' r~ tio o£' the ' lCT is 209/5 Qr,~O; 'jftlie ' vol tme ter ' "
~a ~ihg is l'O$';6fts~d~be ~ter read3;tig is 4.~ 5 ';'61ta." ,
. !Vb'at
, ', ",
l:gtne Po~i
. -of ,the,
. .
' ,"

, r '
,\ VaQ ', UPT ) " ( Vre~dJ,,!lI;:)
::: 50, X ,' 125' ', .,' ,, ' ~ .,
~ .. ~. "

'= 5,.250 ' "blts ' " "

Il ='-(1 CT ratio) x ' ( Are ao,iiig)

40 X 4,5 .. ,
= :),80 amperes : . ! , .

,PI V ab~X II
- 5.25'0 ,x 180
= 945.000, w<itts
' ~.O .~ C~ METER

9. 1 De'finition -:-' a c l amp rr,eter is

a h andy amme ter that
can measureAC , c u rrent witl:lOut a c tuaily '~lngany
co,,m<::c;tion , t.o the ,c: irC'ui t . , l ,t " ac ttlallY ' wUrks using
the p r inciple of Ic;:r:. e,s e xpla ine d in sec tion , 8.1~
A clamp me'ter ca.,nnot ~asure D.G~ ·Qill·r'm t'> Figure , "
16 , s h ows bow t ,o iMa s ,u re current " 'li; , a conductor ',
u s inii', a clamp 'mete~< , "

COIl,lpos'i tioD of a cla,mp me t er - A cliUl!P me t~riB,

r.orDPOsed' of a current transformer and an ,ammeter
co mbi n eC in one cOIDPartaient. ( See Fis-ure t6l. ,

Cond L" to

Fi,! ,ure 1 6 , Measu ring high cur::-ent in a conductor

with a c lamp meter.

Rf'I·MFI.ELC-004! Rev. 0 , 15 Jan


I.kf i,nition ",-: A!'M'gge~ , i8 actual,lY, ' an ?m-ter

that , can, me~ verY h i gh ' ,mi1ulation ' resi~tance
!5t~~ between ,1 ;wOcondu(;tors>'Whon the~gger
1,$ " cranked ' w1th.1none' m1.nute, it can chnr,~ "
two ;,reparate " cOnd\lc12or.,J • with a'voit{i~ up
' ,t ,o 1.000"-,volts_ While crariking the ..egger • .it,
,wi n ,~gis~r ' thein5i.llaT.iori res iBtance ~tren~h
', bet'wee nthe tlfoconductors i,n ~ oluos. The a cceptable
• , Ui~l at,ion ' , Btrength , be twee" two !;Onductors
shbtild , not , ;fall below 50~tta-o~. I f , t be megger
ind i e'a te,s iess ' than 50 .ooga- oro.w. , t he , q1,lal,tty
or the " insulation between the two condUctorB is
cQnsiderec!" pOor. ,

Applic ationBof a Heggp.r

TEis t ' and'~asUr-es the insulation resi s tance
..,trengtl1 of wires and c able s. (The accept~:;'e
in$Ulation reBist;a,nce readi ng ia 50 mega-ohmB
or, greater.). ' , '
Me ~ B1~s the ,inBlil atiori ' re1;Jistance between
wire~ and , l;>etw~n w.l.reto ground.

10 . 3 Testing andmeastiring influ lation resistance

flt r e ngth - Figure 17 (a) BhOWB how to te~ t and
i;>e a",~ the insulatio n ,resiIJtance strength between
, wil;ldln g and bQdy <Jf' Jilonitor. Figure , (b) i3hows
how to' te:st and measure the inaulathm res iBt~"e
l;>et;.wee n two insti',Iled wires in a ,c ircui t o.
, i nsu'l~t ion resi'st", nce /Mega -oh mmeter
b.e t,ween the winding . (rn egger)
and t h.e me t or body is
tested wit h a me gg'er )

cra,)k one
,Motor ~
min ute

.insta lled wire

-_ ... --- 1- ., condui,t

(a )
(b j
- (insulat ion
re~ is tance
w it h a megger .
F igur e 17 . Ca) measuring and t est i ng the stre n gth
of insulation between the winding ' and
the body of a ~tor (b) measuring t he
streng1;h of inmIlation between tr.o
inst;alled wire" 1n a conQ\lit

, I

RM-MFl-B..C-004.Rev:O.15;Jdn2009 " ' :~

. :'- . ;,' :~~':--. .
'., ..... :,.
.:>~ ... '.. .
.; ' .';. .
. . -.. . .. '
' .' ~ ,. " ',

J ~ -<. :-! .
. ' : . ' . ' # " . . .

.:-:- . '.,
POWER FAcroR lilIT·KR' "",
~ ;;::... ... ~ ";" ' . , ,: .. .: .
. ,.

.i~ ~i' .:~~!~i~f. '~:·' ~~t~!~~~f: ~;~~n!:4t:~,~ ,'!'lie

~i:' :"~ :~:.. )i'l~
"'.' ~" :'. . may" draws'. dfffereil:t;;.... C\~reD:t;; from the .8 01,1I'Ce
· i Oil~ '· tW£ :4ra~a; I!lO#· em;;fent; 1;I8ii ' ~i~r ~k ' .: '
.' ,factbr"TIie ' ,I~rfiiCt(ir equiPmentwindra~. ehd ""~~':

.'.'· '· ~~~th:~:~;~ftt~f~~, ~~f~~~t~~~~W~·:-;·' ·'::. " i~
./ . . 8pecj,aily ~ : tru~ 'wii'en ' th:. equipax-ntllas big};. ,< ;~
.react.IDce ~ ' ''rhedra~c~ '''ith' low' Por~J;' .factor .1$ ,'.' . -;':
th# . tneeqtiiPt!,leDtiWqt11d ' ~uire " larger ' sized ,; .. ' (;
cal,ile wini:i': : FUi-the:rmoIie , utility- cOaU>9.nies ilke;:' " ' ;j.,
.' M~~alc9 'r, ¢b~~e ' '" ~iiart.i~B :'· ~:<lg8:iii~t ' '. lndi1std~ , ': .');
';-ea't;:Ci1:,>lish,li'!;mts - operating . at; .low ' po'~r ' factor -. ':,:"
., .
,beC8;u~ / the: ,eJcir~ > . unprQductlve . eurr'eJii ', . "~
.~ . t~ey-ctraw ' 1'5 was.t ed in the ,fori) of <heat intire: · . .....
... . .
lines aIidprevent 1<hedi Version :of that ' · ' _7
'. to :: ' dt her iildu5.t-rlil,'l: ,' eBtil:blishalenta~ ' l.ilrg~ "
±.i)<ius'brial comp~uj-ies ' o~r;a.ting_at, ,' low Po-r ' _.~
fector - : may Pay e large amoUnt' of ' JOOneYf~>
Pemilti~8 . . ,
, ." ' . ... .:. :

" '.
. .'' ... r'- .
., ",


- 1:'''
_1 . _.k .' {~p~lis~tionoi: ;k:o.;:"er' fa-qtor)!:~ti~.i; - · Apower .
is .· j:nst.al1ed . .ill the ' line6 · of "
factoj~ , iOOt,er :, .
hldusti-ialei;;tahij;'s~t:ltB ·,.t6 ~nit9r the powe~
i"wtc&. 'of ' ti-:eir'eq:uiPti;enL , Suclimbriitod,ng~il1
' . ",na~;ieth~ ~ ",8ta:p}1'$~nt · to' ',ma;ki;) ;;ldju6tiD¢nt~ ' ror
i/lipi'ovi,ngthe Po'wer fi;tctoi< Fi~e ie. shoWs the. '
c-oj-mection of~ a ' l'O-we'r factbr- ~tei- iii a ::,-phase .
line', .. '

C. T,
. If-'rc~ __
F , am ' A.o)-..;----:"::---- _'______.~ To
Source '1 I Loa. d.
P2 Factor
. <:T r-

. .......,

Fig1,U'e 18 _ Connection Of a power factor meter in

a 3-phas8 line,

'..... fltm .... . i,. "

RM-MFI-ELG-004, Rev.O,15 Jan 2009

DefUiition A ,u ,.cbOmeter io an' instrulilent that
, indicates , the revolutionwrlOinute of ,a .- rot'
machine. A portable' type of ': ta~bolOOter has a abaft
that is to bebeld, in,twi th the end of the
r.o~ting 'shititqf ,machtne whose,revoltitionlB to
lxI n.easured. FigUre 19 sb~ how'to tiae ·i;.he t".acho-
meter in ll)easuringthe revoll1tion o.f a: IOOtor. ,

::1 '

:" "
, , ' ,~'
. ~ ,

Figure 19_ Measurin~ the revolution of a motor _


13_ 1 J;)efinition - A pha:se sequenc", iridicatoi- i", an ina-

trUll)ent that ,indicates i f a .load can be transfere.d
to an elQergency generator incase there is a
main PQwer failure (brownout),

:1.3_2 Two-Lam~ Method, ~ To en~ure the PrQ~r operation

of a " 3-:phase rotating electrical ~chine when i t
1", transferred f ,r om ' the main supply line to emer-
' gency supply . both linea ,sr..puld be t';~ted '
firs t wit~ a phase sequence indicator. A phase
sequence indicator will ' determi'n e if the phasing
of a 3 - phase line is A-]3-C sequence or C-B- 'A
seql,lencc. The connection is shown in :r-i gure 20_
B ~r----------~--'~----------S f : 60 Hz
C c

If Lamp B1 light;s UP. sequence is A- B-C

' If Lamp B2 lights UP. sequence is C-B-A

Figur", 20. Phase sequence indicator

Two-lamp method.

. . ._ .... "'. ' t I 1 1 .''',.,.,''' .... ~_"

., RM.Mfl,ELC-o').!, Rev.O.15Ja.12009'

l;':L~ A~p~icat.ion .ln a;37phaBeI.5YateD), ..where t~e j)airi

· . supply . frOm 8l,1tilit'y· '(;ooI)paIlY " is '·iDt;:erX'1;lp ted. t'.w .
'c raQsf erof' :'lbSd from •.thema1D sUpply to: . the>eXisting
en\ergeriiiY . g~ri~ra.tor ~ ca.g.not ~~ .l.Ulle # the t~ ·
l ilies .' are: . tested 'firg-t " for "::o~rect sequencing. ·' If tt·
' ,iQ~d · &>nsist'fnii "' Qf ' rotating ~chbiea ~ingat. · a .
. . .' clockWi~r¢vol;litic;in.(rom · ~he . i[ai.ti 6UPP~y if) traila-:-
f«rrred', to the . emergenci geDel::~tQr witl:io~t ·ob.B<:rviDg ..
firs.t the 'prOPer ' phase '.aequenCein the line3, then the iii.igpt · 6~rate ., ,~' CoUIltei· Clo<;kWi~ .+e"elV-
't'ion .... :"'hic.bpa.nbrlrii,r'abOut
' " . " . ..
~. . (letr.1ilental.
eff~ta. to ' tl;le

· .~ To · -avoid ifuch ef.1,'ecta ·. durine: . r.he tranafe:..~ •

., ·the-elOOrgeriCy · gener~t9r ' OOUB t : be ". tested " first with
a . phase ~qUe;nc;e jndicato r to · ~. if itO i s iri .eoD;"
ty' :wi·th·
. the
' . ' sequeii'ce,
, (
of .:the.· pha ..e Seq uenCe
. .
." , . of
·the . mai n .....Ipply, The COII:1¢ction is. ahown· ·in ·F.tgure
. 2 1 • . llQrmaliy. HI · cp.ntacts ·< ':,closed while HZ
c on·tacts' ~ open'. 'If in ·:thiscondl tion' the iI.Otor
'j -
. loa ds are n:nning clo-Ckwi ee. then it . shouid also . .
:r~ilClocl.-wise ~hen' thee'mergertcy ' generatoriB the
o ne . supplyirig the pb'.rerU!.I-o\Igh H2 . con~ctS' While '
M1co ntacts ·<;>.re open. ~ . .

·f.dar to co'nm., c";ing. theloa'ds • . the linea Au. '

~u, and " Gu of themaiIlBUpplYl.ii.iea and 'and the lines
" Ae , • Be. and ': Ceofthe "'!lIkrg~r;cy : generator ' auPp1.y
s h o uld be ..tested . .,i:th apha E'C ·ae·q .... etlce Indicato+ as
shown i p Figure 21 ~ . · 1 .1' in Qqth : cooJlections the 'Bl
bu1b ' is bri·g.~t and B2 . i", dim. th<:.n both ' Jl)a in, "supply
l in e s .ahd ·emergenc, ' linea in the ~
· p h<;>.s p. s equencp. · and " ,~hei r connection can be' ~de
pe rmanen t with the load. . . .

However, if BI. i s br igbt in · the. main l?upply

l i ne Wh i le iT,l the'emergency line supply it i13 <:lim.
t h e n tl'le lines of .the emergency supply and t he lines
o f t he generator are not .in the same pha~e sequence.
This means that if the motor loc,ds are connected to
the !pain uupply line rotate clockwise. the n theY
will ro t ate cOl.Ult·er clockwifle when they <;>.re trans-
f err ed to the l i nes of ' the emergency g enerato,t".
This conqi·tion can be' ea~1J y (!orrected by· inter-
c hanging any two of the three lines AE.
BE . ' and CE of the emergency generator 11lJ1"8.

Pha.,,·St<JU tllct

3 phase


.;. ph.~se \ __ .---r:
BE IlIpPI/Y·.fr.o m
.1f!lply fronf
• I.
. (;..ntntor.

~-. ty (:V.~lp ....nJ· CE
~mUt\)l • ,

3 !,h~'~ i(lart

Figure 21. Testing the main d.nd emergency

supply lines for correct phasing
using 2 -1 amp roeth:>d ohi).se sequence
indicat o r.

_ __ _ no _ . __ .•. .

< .

..' . l . -3-
'1'· 1" l' PHA~E . R E:VER~AL-PHOT~¢1IXEDPI CE

· 'L~·~:t-"t~
." ~" : .... " .
:. :
. \~-., ,"

: .'
.... - ,. " ~ :. .
", :..
. .,.' - .. . .
. " :. ' ). -- ~--~ C"-':'- ~
,, " '

. . " ~'.., ... .

7 ' .- ' I .. .', ".,

.,r, r .-t-----.--:-.~..~
IL . Ool / ..
.. ,

-.- -
. -.~---I_~v~.~.--~~~·~.·,·~
.- - .'" ( '

•• ··f

OT,. " .;

.•.•. •. ..1112,[ •. .•· · tA~'1


.. : . :
. ', .' . .. · B.lJZZeR
Fi9ur~ 'n'- A cit:cUit t ,~Jit .~U!pr6tect .
. a' m.ot1;lftrO'mI'UI1(lJng . Jri ·a .,reverse
dir~ctibn , inCase the ,,;jhas~ sequence
oft·he,li~~ . i$r¢,d~ \ ~
1..:.," 'G
'. ;"N
c. ". 0"
. .....': ..

. . r) • •.
.. ~.' -.' ......- . 50 Watt ' Lan;p' ... ..
@. j Phase,l"fOtor

/-~i-Z Isot ating SWi t c"h, J POl e

--J::'- Overload Relay

-%- M agnetic Contacfor Coi I

--jf- COl)tactor Cont act Normally Open
~ ­ Coi l or inductor.
o 0 Push but ton Switch Nor m al.l:y Open
~ ·Pushbutton Switth Normally CloSE'd

-+ 'ContactClr Contact Normally Closed

d Ala~rn Buz ze r jor Pha s E' Revel'sal

o II:)LE - Pilot Light, Indicate l-..lotor not Running

Ch<UN - Pi!o t Light , Indicate Motor Running

® Relay
~~ Relay Contact
--f\;\;\/'-- - Resi star

.._____,...,n.,. ..__ ...... _ .... .. .. .. .. . _. R _~_

RM-MF1-ELC-OJ4, Rev. 0, 15 Jan 2009

Direction!;) - In the followirig ·items •. encircle the
letter corresponding to the correct
1. wpen l!)easuring .an urilmmmvoitage or.cur~nt in a
circiut, alwaYI; ·start with
(<1) the highest 'range , of the =ter
(b) the loWest range .of the l!)et;er
(c) the 'mid-range of the meter
(d) 8l1Y of the above

2. The instrument that ·. is used to meE,sure cUrren.t

without actually malcing any connection in the .
wire heirig m.easured is the '

(a) instrument current transformer

(b) clamp meter
(c) instrument pOtential transformer
(d} lI)egger

3_ A wat'tll;)eter is aetual;ty a combination o·f two ina-

t~nts . They are

(a) a,mmete'r and oblllmeter

(b) Qt=eter and voltmeter
(e) a)llmeter ·and voltmeter
(d) 'vol tme1;er <md current tr;msformer

4_ A watt-hour meter is used by a utility company

like Meralco, to determine your electric bill.
A watt-hour ~ter record
(a) c\lrrent
(b) electrical ?Ower consumption
(c) voltage
(d) ' elect.rical energy consumption

5. If measure the c urrent (I) through a comFonent.

and the voltage (E) a c r'OSB the Gomponent, then you
can find the resistance of that component
by using the equation:

(a) R = Ell
(to) R - I/E
.( c) R ::: E :.0 I
(d) All of the above

6. Electri cal power is measured in

(a) 6JJlperes
(b) watts
(c) ohms
(d) vol 'cB

~_"''''''I '''' '' ' .. ~',I.-MFI-ELC-OO<! Rev_0 ,15 Ja n 2009 -

"1 ~Whei;i-, ~~6uiJ..D,3' _a PC v_olta8~ ana the ~ter ~'

_ p6-Yi#~r
. . -. .
d¢flectsto. -thel~f~';
. ....
'You ;:~bbtil(f
, "
- (a,f in~;e~~tbe ~an~~.of\he; ,...
,,' -: (b) chane;ethe, 'meter - ' ' -' "
-, -cd> :int~r,ch@geHie -test". prod - :C':>nrl~9ti~ri
,- ~ ,(~): s1?op the: meaE~tring ,
, ., ~ .
' !L Iq,ulti
- .
i s c a j::>aQle,6£nieasur-irig,

, ' (,d-: cu.r±:ent

(q) voltage
__ ' (c )resist,a,nce . .
'" (d) all of the above - ' " ,. - ;

,9, One, of the pu,rpOses of · the fu.:,ruieris~, to ~asure

- , 'the $t~nithof insula ton r-esistari~~in

'(a) mega~ohmS -
(Q) JPilli-ohllls '
ee} oh.m~ - , -', " "

( d l'kilo-' ol1nt$ ,
10.ln,Figure 23 j the o~ter pointer;P9intsat 15
--\i,i-)iti> on thesca:le, ~(f ,t;,e range Sw-ltcp {sset
- atR x' icio'., The, resistiulce oft~ , device being
ID"e~su.:red is . .".
' ,., '• . ' .. ; '. .. '_ ", ~ ".£._" , ;.' . ;. ... : t ••
': :.
'- '
(Ci) 150 chins ' ,' - '

(1.> Jl'.5Q9~hm-!5 . , , ,-

(el , :+-5 ohms

(d)' 15,000' ohm "

,S,e lec tor

Range -~ R. 10 K

Switcn '100
R x 1

Figure 2 3


RM-MFI-ELC-004. Rev.O. 15 Jan 2009

11. 14 Fig1)re 24 , the meter poilrt;er point~ /.1.10 1,50 Wlits

~nd the r~e~Hch set ie at
25 -veilts. The volt~e
~iJ:lg measored l.S

Ca) l.~ ,v9lts

(b) 150 volts
(c) 1$ voltEi
(d) 25 volts

tV 250
, ;:::;.~ 25

Figure 24.,
12. 'w hich one in figures 25(a) to ( d) showS the cor~t
,way of I!>easqring the voltage?,

~eter for rnedSUring

voltage _
_ (aJ _(b)
~l. ®


( c)
P _
+1 I r I• I


F -1 ~j
Figure 25

, ... ---- -
, RM-iv(FI-ELC-004,
. . .. ..~
Rev. 0,15.
J,In ' .'.

1.3_ , Whicll o~e in f:i,g\lres 26 (a) to (d)ahow,B tbe correct,

, codzieq~~oJ;l iD: 'perfo!."li1ing: meaJroz:ement{iUs~ the
(H~ .meter.?, " , "" " , '" " , : ':~, -. - .
; .. '-

,- t . '

. ' .,


..... '.

.,. - '

, l4 ; 'WJ.~ ichon~irif1gUr~s27 (a) to (d)show5 , the' c o rrect

' way, o f ~aau:r'ing the cu£rent? ,

' Meter for curr~nt

_' _Cb)



Figure 27

·."*Ih'1il*,~' ~ I!!I, .t ' .. . ,.
RM-MFI-ELC-004, Rav.O, 15 Jan 2009

15. Which one in figures (a) to. (d) e hows·the ~o.rrect

1#lJ.Y Qf t~BT.L:1g "he ' continuity of a device u8i~ the

.. .'

"'---.l. L Ohmm ett'r

Ca) testing the

continuity o.f a fl,lse

Batter y .../.- Lamp

_ ...:..,,(Q) · testing the continuity o f '" l~l"in a circuit

(c) t esting the con t inui ty o..f a la.mP

L __ Ohmmeter
(d) t.est i ng the con tinuity of a. awi tch " i

Figure 28

16. Range 2~O !lev O(I(III'tINl fill VOLl~(it UliNG I
17. Range. 10' Aev



".: 1 .. : answer: I
""iJ '.
1B, Range x 101< ,
. )9. Ran,ge ' "

~I ,
.' .;::
. ;
.~ .
answer: _____ .' ....
answer; . , 1. ~'"
. ",
,/ . '"
§," .

- t
_____"tIi'IO' . .....' I t I ~ till,",,*,- _ _ _ _

RM-MFI-ElC-004, Rev. a, 15 Jan 2009 '

ZOo .~ ~laIXlP W,f;ter isuseJ.!or measuring

. ( a) voltage '.
( b) DC cu.nent
I c) -power
( d)·AC cu.rrent

21. Instrw;rient used in measurin.g 'currei;lt ---,,.-=--_ _ _ _ _ _ __

22_ Instruxnentused fu mea,sUring vo).tage _________ ___~

23; lnstruxnf;nt~measllring resi5tance _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.:.--'~_ _

24. lns\;ruwent in measuring insulaticin strength _ _ _--'___.-:...._

.~ . . "'
, -END-

75 A
. .__,wII~,~.'H t, j l I t 'I"'.

RM~MFI-ELC-004, ,Rev. 0, 15 Jan 201J9 '

, ,


1:biEi ief)80~ 'exj>'lainf1 what ,electriC! tv i ,s

and :how ::i.t6a,ri e£:fect the hUlDclIA bodY ~ " It
,al~ ' , expiainf1 ' and Lllustr~teB 'BOII;>e ' of the '
wfe ' pr.iCUCeB' and tiees Of ,the sa'f ety , deviC"lB
that e;aD ' li~lp ' YOl:' , COtit~l, " avOid, /' or'
, el1,1[li nate '~lectrical hazardawi t;h' emphaa!8 , .jn
,'s afe , Use ,of portal;>le pOW'eI<toolsl ' ' "
1 ~ ,Electrical Safet!,

" 2. ' The"Nature qf Electricity

. . . ~

3. Electr.ical Injuries
- ,. ,

4. Prev~ntingElectrical AccidentB ,'

5. ' OvercUrrent
. "." . ' ProteGtiOn
6. , Gro.u,ndi;::tg,
.. <. '
7, Protection Against
, Ground Faults' ,

8. HazardC;U~ ' Locat.ion

9 .1?6rtal;>Ie PoWer Toc,l Safety

10. Dou'Jle' Inslllated Toola

11.- Electrical Safety Precaution

12. CTest )

Lecture Lecture 3 hOurs Laboratory . 0 hovra

__;;;;W~I"';;;:==..- .' .. ,.,.. " . -----.-- 2S

RM·MFI·ELC-004, Rev. 0, 15 Jan

1 . Identi;fy : ' '.-
a h6twire and 'a €:round wlre in a cireuit.
-, wh.ich , 1S ' cOIlBi.dered high apdlol~ voltage ina circuit_
~ which is considenid ,a fata,l c\J,rrent .
- Which, c f fe¢t of electric shock requires i.lQmecHate
attention py traim;:d l!)edical' p\:>rS0nnel.
- which are h"""ardpus locations.
the current ratinu of fuses.
-- which are considered a dang~rot'.s circuit",.

Z . F-xplai,n .
- hqw to rescue c, shock victj,m.
why i t i.$a ,gooc;j: pracj;icetoconnect the
neutral the earth·s ground.
the ' fUnction of a grOuhd conductor.
t he function of a ground fanlt circui t
interrupted. ', '
' the function of' thetlilz,iPh,ng of , 2 t<;> 3 pror.g
is the function of fuses and ' c~rc'Ui t breakers
what to do with Q~ge wire. '
- the .t:unction, o f a grouno fault ci'=111 t .i .nterrupteo .
-. ",.hich p<lrt; o~ the humanbooy affec ted by elElCt:r-ic
c;hock ~ould likely to caUBe death .

3 St,it,e:
the purpose of a douQle insula1'. i • . " in a dOl.)ble
inBulateo tool.
wha't Ci'H1!3 e s an electric shock.
- h ow t . , . id elect rical acc i dent ",
·,h a t )~r"nll nded electrical c5.I' ( I : t.
- g ome l ! · -r·ronr. _


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