Committed To Follow

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Committed to Follow

It isn’t easy being Committed to Follow, and certainly isn't easy being a Disciple of Jesus Christ.
Many of us navigate life with the best intention, hoping that we'll prove to be brave, honest, kind
and fair. But temptation is everywhere; the evil is so clever and tries to hunt us down from the
Love of God through the means of different pain, crisis, and persecution for righteousness,
slander, false accusation, hatred, shame, sickness, and discouragement. Even the best intentions
can begin to wobble in the face of ordinary frustration or sudden crisis. The challenge for us all
is to overcome these things and to stand up for morality and chastity as a servant of God.

Committed to Follow simply means, Complete Surrender, left nothing but to deny oneself and
follow Jesus 100%. The Greek verb paradido means “Surrender”. In other words, Committed to
Follow is an act of offering a piece of ourselves in what we do to God in order to achieve and
lead a complete and fulfilling various purpose of life. Committed to Follow is not just a saying,
but it is a Practical Personal Experience of Following Jesus whether stormy or weather.

Committed to Follow is more than a promise to do or give something and goes beyond merely
being interested in something because one has to sacrifice for it. Committed to Follow requires
full attention, self-discipline, self-awareness and requires diversity. A person who processes the
quality of commit to follow must be responsible, and to be a responsible person. Committed to
Follow disciples should represent this unique quality by processing patriotism, willingness to
place service above self, ability to set goals and achieve them, friendliness and helpfulness,
diverse interests, strong work ethic, confidence and leadership, and a strong sense of humor to
carry the Cross of Jesus.

You are those who have continued with Me in My trials (Luke 22:28). It is true that Jesus Christ
is with us through our temptations. But many of us turn back from going on with Jesus from the
moment we experience Pain and Sorrows. Watch when God changes your circumstances to see
whether you are going on with Jesus, or siding with the World, the flesh, and the devil, we wear
his name, but are we going on with Him? "From that time many of his disciples went back and
walked with Him no more" (John 6:66). The temptation of Jesus continued throughout his
earthly life, and they will continue throughout the life of the Son of God in us.

The word Committed to Follow itself is a strong statement which can be complete only when we
surrender with our whole being into discipleship. As a believer, we need to be careful and ought
to shield ourselves from the things around us. It is God who engineers our circumstances, and
whatever they may be we must see that we face them while continually abiding with Him. As we
have committed to Follow to the disciplines of the Christian life, our first commitment is to
pursue a life that is pleasing to God, which is to say, a life of obedience. Every time we give in to
a temptation, even though it may seem small and insignificant to us, sin has a tendency to exert
an ever-increasing power on us if it is not resisted on every occasion. Are you determined to

In conclusion, our journey of Committed to Follow is not easy, the way is lonely, narrow and it
goes on, there is not even a trace of a footprint to follow- but only the voice saying, "Follow Me"
(Matthew 4:19). An all-out, unreserved, nothing-held-back, Committed to Follow may be
exhausting, but it will not be oppressive if it is grounded in grace. And do so in reliance on His
Spirit that by His grace He will enable you to carry out your commitment and allows us to fulfill
our most basic needs and achieve our most sought dreams.

Submitted by
Chumdemo Patton
(M. Div III)

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