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Paolo Geoffrey Torzar

Theme 1. Demographics: Age

1. Teenagers have always been important to brands because they tend to be early adopters and
because, traditionally, their brand preferences aren't yet firmly defined. According to the
Lapowsky (2014), teenagers today do not listen to advertisers or marketers and to their elder
generation; today's teens are discovering trends and deciding for themselves. Teenagers are
updated about latest technology with the help of internet and social media. Moreover, they are also
passing it on to their parents – not on the other way around – by persuading them to use IPhone
and tablets. This generation has a benefit of not having to adapt themselves to these technological
advancements as they were born in an era where it is persistent unlike before. There is an increase
in competition as these teenagers are not loyal to the brand but are loyal to the ‘best’. This is
keeping the marketer and R&D on their toes to create and sell goods.
2. According to a study on Traditional and digital media advertising preference: a descriptive
evaluation of Billings, Montana mothers, they were asked to complete a mail survey to determine
their media preference between traditional and digital media advertising. There were 285 mother
consumers’ responses to the mail survey request. Through a t-test and ANOVA analysis, it shows
that mothers' preference is for traditional media channels over digital (Talafuse & Brizek, p.1).
Theme 2: Effectiveness
1. Both Smith (2015) and Ellis (2011) discuss media fragmentation, a term that is used to explain
how a consumer is on many different platforms at any one time. This multitasking lifestyle is
growing and being present across multiple platforms both, traditional and non-traditional is key to
the successful growth in a modern organization (Blakeman, 2014). Non-traditional methods are
better at target marketing and its effectiveness is lower than its traditional counterpart. This was
due to the volume in digital media consumption and the higher level of noise associated with digital
channels. Both forms of marketing communications serve their purpose for their desired markets.
Whether it is traditional or non-traditional, each one has its own financial costs and potential
audience associated with it. (Geraghty & Conway, 2016, p.14-17).
2. Traditional media uses traditional medium like TV, radio, and print ads to throw its message
hoping to hit anyone that will listen, read, watch, etc. Non-traditional method like social media has
the ability to target specific markets with precision (Lang, n.d). Traditional media has the ability
to reach a broad target audience. New media or the digital media allows businesses to target ads
more specifically to consumers based on their age, gender, marital status, etc. It also allows
businesses the ability to track what these consumers are doing. Utilizing a mix of the two has
proved beneficial (Christian, 2014).
Theme 3: Credibility and Reliability
1. Smith (2015) reported that digital media allows for a more in depth targeted approach but
loses its creditability due to the volume consumers receive daily unlike in traditional medium.
The findings show that there is no best method. Some preferred traditional methods, others
preferred non-traditional methods and a select few stated it is target market dependent or on a
case-by-case basis.
2. Credible information sources may be described as trustworthy and therefore credibility is
closely related to a general concept of trust. (Vilčeková, 2016, p.127). According to Lang (n.d),
social media marketing gives ideal buyer an opportunity to learn everything they need to know
about a certain product before they buy and it gave trust to customers. Traditional method forces
consumers to give opinions that they may stop cultivating trust about the product.

Christian G. (2014). Traditional Media Vs. New Media: The Balancing Effect. Retrieved from
Geraghty & Conway (2016). The Study of Traditional and Non-traditional Marketing
Communications: Target Marketing in the Events Sector p.14-17. Retrieved from
Lang V. (n.d). Social media vs. Traditional media – make the transition to digital marketing.
Retrieved from
Lapowsky I. (2014). Why Teens Are the Most Elusive and Valuable Customers in Tech. Retrieved
Talafuse A. & Brizek M. (n.d). Traditional and digital media advertising preference: a
descriptive evaluation of Billings, Montana mothers p.1. Retrieved from
Vilčeková L. (2016). Advertising Credibility across Different Media Channels p.127. Retrieved

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