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Thank You, Secretary General, Kimberly D’Souza, for sharing your

beliefs about the relevance of the UN to sustainable growth and,
consequently, upholding the spirit of the Model United Nations to
inspire the young delegates to emulate it.
Good Morning invited dignitaries and student delegates.
It is my privilege as Deputy Secretary General to extend a warm
welcome to all delegates, on behalf of the NIMUN Secretariat.
At NIMUN 7, we shall simulate 7 committees. These committees are
as follows:
1. The United Nations Security Council which will be chaired and
co-chaired by Kimberly D’Souza and I, Pranshu Dave. The
agenda for this committee is the sourge of violent extremism
and the reformation of the security council.

2. The Disarmament International Security Committee is chaired

by Jahanvi Desai and co-chaired by Naman Parikh. The
agendas that will be discussed are the Nuclear Weapons
Security and Illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.

3. The Economic and Financial Committee shall be discussing

about Supporting and Augmenting International Trade and
Combating international tax fraud and evasion. This committee
is chaired by Bhargav Desai and co-chaired by Jaitra Shah.

4. The Historical Security Council shall be discussing the build up

to the Berlin Crisis(1961) and the Bosnian War(1992). This
committee is chaired by Aayush Patel and co-chaired by Vivan

5. The United Nations Human Rights Council which is chaired by

Riya Shah and co-chaired by Prathit Rana shall be discussing
Protecting the rights of Refugees and Protecting the rights of
indigenous Societies.

6. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime shall be

discussing the Scourge of illicit opium and trade trafficking and
Piracy and armed robbery on the seas. This committee is chaired
by Dhruvin Dalal and co-chaired by Prabir Vora.

7. The International Press Corps which is chaired by Vedha

Poddar and co-chaired by Amaan Patekar, will focus on
recognising the key role of the media as the fourth estate in
informing the electorate about international affairs.

I would now like to invite our principal Mr. D’Souza to accompany

our chief guest to make the presentation of the gavel. The gavel is a
symbol of authority that is used to call for attention and punctuate
rulings and proclamations.
First, I would like to call Kimberly D’Souza – Chair UNSC and
Jahanvi Desai – Chair DISEC
Bhargav Desai – Chair ECOFIN
Aayush Patel – Chair HSC
Riya Shah – Chair UNHRC
Dhruvin Dalal – Chair UNODC
And... Veddha Poddar – Chair IPC
Thank You Mr.D’Souza and ______________.
I will now be introducing the rules of procedure for NIMUN 7, and
they are as follows;
 The conference begins with a roll call where delegates are
given a choice between ‘present’ or ‘present and voting’.
 A motion shall then be passed to set the agenda of the

 Subsequently, a speakers’ list would be established for the

duration of the first topic area.
 The speaker’s list may be interrupted by procedural points or
motions, caucuses, discussion of amendments, and
introduction of draft resolutions.
 The moderated caucus is a formal debate which facilitates
substantive discussions at critical junctures in the committee.
 An unmoderated caucus on the other hand, is a temporary
suspension of the formal debate and it allows delegates to
discuss ideas without the administration of the chair.
 The unmoderated caucus may be used to introduce a draft
resolution which may then be presented before the chair.
 After amendments are made to possible resolutions, it is
voted upon in order to decide its status.
 With this, the discussion on an agenda seizes and the chair
shall exercise his or her discretion to proceed further.
The NIMUN Secretariat looks forward to erudite discussions over
these two days. It is certain that in this stimulating environment, a
spirit of cooperation shall prevail and by the end of this, we shall all
emerge with a deeper understanding of the world and of ourselves.
As we gear up for committee sessions, let me end by reiterating the
perception of António Guterres, secretary general United Nations
Organization. “In times of insecurity, when people feel uncertain
about their future, when anxieties and fears are promoted and
exploited by political populists, old-fashioned nationalists or religious
fundamentalists, the success of the UN and the international
community lies in our common commitment to our common values.”

Thank you!

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