Probiotics: Crea Ve Enzymes Probio Cs

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Email: info@crea ve-enzymes.


Probio cs are living microorganisms that co-exist with
human. Different from pathogenic microorganisms,
probio cs are beneficial, some mes essen al to health.
For example, intake of probio cs can increase the
number of beneficial bacteria in the intes ne, maintain
the dynamic balance of intes nal flora, and enhance
gastrointes nal health.

Crea ve Enzymes® Probio cs

Crea ve Enzymes established a specialized produc on site for freeze-dried
probio cs. Our probio cs products include Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces,
Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Bacillus, etc., covering food science,
nutri on, microbiology, bioengineering, fermenta on engineering and other fields.

Strain Sources
• Tradi onal fermented food
• Scien fic research and development
• Independently developed and patented strains
• Iden fica on by independent third par es

• Four-layer coa ng technology to ensure the highest stability of microorganisms
• Highly efficient freeze-drying technology to ensure the best ac vity
• Resistant to light, heat, stomach acid, and bile salt
• Hundreds of billions of bacterial produc on powder
• Perfect produc on and quality control system
• Advanced equipment (high density enrichment fermentor, vacuum freeze dryer,
three-dimensional mixer, high efficiency packaging machine)

Applica ons
• Freeze-dried probio cs powder
• Probio c health food
• Probio c solid beverage
• Yogurt, bread, and baked goods starter
• Drug development for intes nal diseases
• Nutri onal supplements for animal feed

Solu ons
• Formula on development: formula on design; formula on op miza on;
custom development;
• Processing and produc on: single strain powder; mul -strain mixed powder;
• Document support: product tes ng report;
• Packaging support: custom packaging; packaging planning; market analysis.

Contact Informa on Email: info@crea

45-1 Ramsey Road, Shirley, NY 11967, USA Tel: 1-631-562-8517
www.crea Fax: 1-631-938-8127

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