Les Conches Velasques: ¡Que Te Baste El Suelo!

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Les conches velasques

Les Conches Velasques

Months after the publication of his first single titled 'Pregón', which included the
polyrhythmic tune ‘Borrón enchufe’ and 'Flecha' (both again in the present album), Les
Conches Velasques returns adding five new pieces to those previous two. Katafú (Familea
Miranda) cleverly describes this new bunch of songs as examples of crochet at its purest (...).

In the path of the particular conceptualist exercise that inaugurated his debut, Les Conches
Velasques continues to freely borrow from Pedro Salinas’s poetry. Favoring intuition over
rhyme, Pablo Jiménez (Picore) re-orders the original text to create new images, making
suggestions that do not follow any logical plot or preconceived discourse. After delving into
each of the songs, that feeling changes and one can sense a heightened awareness

Except for 'Rojo', inspired by 'Endè Iyèrusalém' by Ethiopian author Asnaqètch Wèrqu
(adapted to 3/4), all songs in this album were composed under the spell of Jiménez’s peculiar
rhythm signature, awkwardly detached from the Western tradition. As if it were a river of
reflections, the libertine trotting is the basic and fundamental line upon which expressive
angles are bent, silences are emphasized, and repetitions that help conform an ornamental
language -a mosaic- are established.
A mosaic that we almost get to touch with the tip of our fingers in the quasi-jazz piece ‘Cruz
vieja’, which shapes up while caught in a loop; in ‘Nana del charco’ and its unexpected pitch
accents; and particularly in ‘Caballo’, the song that best conjures up glorified images of fire
and its vital abrasion. In it, Jiménez plays guitars in a time signature of 7/8 over a rhythmic
pattern in ¾. Obviously, we can only but respond enthusiastically to that: ¡Que te baste el
suelo! (…) (we hope the ground is enough for you!).
Music by Pablo Jiménez, ‘Rojo’ inspired by Endè Iyèrusalém by Asnaqètch Wèrqu. Most texts
were adaptations of Pedro Salinas’s poems.

Pablo Jiménez, drums, bass, guitar, and vocals. Sergio Segura, blow organ in ‘Borrón enchufe’
and bass in ‘Flecha’. Recorded and mixed in Zaragoza by Sergio Segura. Mastered by Javier
Roldón in Vacuum, Zaragoza.

Design: Anonymous

Formats: Digital
Reference: R76
Out on December 14, 2018

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