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Multi guard authentication in laravel 5.

Source: ​

Here is another interesting topic in laravel we are going to cover in this post. As we all know user authentication
can be achieved in jiffy, that is, run ​php artisan make:auth​ and you will get controllers, blade views all ready to
launch with authentication.

But..but.. Here is the catch. Laravel provides default authentication on ​User​ model​ or ​users​ table​, what if there
are two types of users completely different to each other, for example application users and admins ?

One thing we can do is, make a column in users table with name as ​type​ and there we define type of user, 1 for
admin and 0 for normal user. ​This method is completely wrong, do not do this ever. Period.

Keep normal users in user table and for admins create another table as admin. Laravel ships a default
authentication guard called as web which is applied on User model. For instance go to ​config/auth.php

'defaults'​ => [
'guard'​ => ​'web'​,
'passwords'​ => ​'users'​,
What is a guard in laravel authentication?
A ​guard​ is a way of supplying the logic that is used to identify authenticated users. Laravel provides different
guards like sessions and tokens. For this article, I am just taking session guard which is web by default.


'guards'​ => [
'web'​ => [
'driver'​ => ​'session'​,
'provider'​ => ​'users'​,

'api'​ => [
'driver'​ => ​'token'​,
'provider'​ => ​'users'​,
'hash'​ => ​false​,
'providers'​ => [
'users'​ => [
'driver'​ => ​'eloquent'​,
'model'​ => App\User::​class​,

As you can see, the default authentication guard web is applied on User model.

How to create a guard a in laravel ?

As I said earlier, make another table and model for admin users, admin table and Admin model respectively using
following commands.

php​ ​artisan​ ​make​:migration ​create_admins_table

And for Admin model

php artisan make:​model​ ​Models​/Admin

You can copy the database schema of users table to admins table from
database/migrations/<timestamp>_create_users_table.php​ or you can add your custom schema too.
Edit config/auth.php

Add following in guards array:

'admin'​ => [
'driver'​ => ​'session'​,
'provider'​ => ​'admins'​,

And in providers array:

'admins'​ => [
'driver'​ => ​'eloquent'​,
'model'​ => App\Models\Admin::​class​,

Create middlewares for normal users and admin users routes

What is middleware in laravel ?

A middleware is a piece of code which is executed before a particular route hits a controller method. Basically
middlewares are used for authentication purposes so that protected routes/endpoints should not be hit by any
outside user or application, once a request is authenticated its control is passed next to the controller method.

Now create 2 middlewares for routes which belong to normal users and admin users respectively.

php​ ​artisan​ ​make​:middleware ​AuthUsers

php​ ​artisan​ ​make​:middleware ​AuthAdmins

Above commands will create 2 files in ​app/Http/Middleware​ directory

AuthUsers middleware


namespace​ ​App​\​Http​\​Middleware​;

use​ ​Closure​;
​ uth​;
use​ A
use​ I​ lluminate​\​Support​\​Facades​\​Session​;

class​ ​AdminUsers
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param \Closure $next
* @return mixed
​public​ ​function​ ​handle​($request, Closure $next)
​if​ (​false​ == Auth::check()) {
​return​ redirect()->route(​'view.login); //redirect User to login page

return $next($request);

AuthAdmins middleware


namespace​ ​App​\​Http​\​Middleware​;

​ losure​;
use​ C
use​ A​ uth​;
use​ I ​ lluminate​\​Support​\​Facades​\​Session​;

​ dminAuth
class​ A
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param \Closure $next
* @return mixed
public​ ​function​ ​handle​($request, Closure $next)
if​ (​false​ == Auth::guard(​'admin'​)->check()) {
return​ redirect()->route(​'view.login.admin'​);

return​ $next($request);

Here in this middleware, I am telling laravel to use ​admin guard​ on this middleware and ​check()​ if admin is
logged in otherwise redirect the request to login route and then route will load login view for the admin.

Register middlewares in Kernel.php

Now it’s time to register these two middlewares in Kernel.php, here you need to be careful as there are 2
Kernel.php in laravel one is at ​app/Console​ directory and other one is at ​app/Http​ directory. We need to take
the later one which is ​app/Http/Kernel.php​ for middleware registrations.

Add the following 2 lines in​ protected $routedMiddleware​ array

protected $routeMiddleware = [
'auth.user => ​\App\Http\Middleware\AuthUsers​::class,
'auth.admin' => ​\App\Http\Middleware\AuthAdmins​::class,

Apply middlewares on their respective routes in web.php

For authenticated users:

Route::group([​'middleware​' => [​'auth.user​]], ​function​ () {

// login protected routes.

For authenticated admin users:

Route::group([​'middleware​' => [​'auth.admin​]], ​function​ () {

// login protected routes.
So friends, it was all about guards and middlewares in laravel. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and helped you.
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Thank You !

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