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rI`HE recent introduction of high -quality of microphones in a reverberation chamber in

electronic audio delay lines using integra- through the feedback loop. The gain of the delayed signal can pass through the system in
which the sound is reproduced over one or
ted circuitry is an exciting new development in feedback loop thus has to be less than one to 3 ( = 3C2) ways, and so has an amplitude gain
more loudspeakers. While capable of excellent avoid build -up and howl -round and this has
the generation of synthetic reverberation. How- quality, this method offers little control over of three times that of signals that have passed
ever, delay lines are essentially monophonic to hold at all frequencies. In order that the through just one line three times. Similarly,
the reverb quality and is rather impractical in
devices, whereas much of the modern demand delay T be short enough (30 ms) to be accept- the (say) 4T1 +3T2 signal can have passed
its demands on space and its susceptibility to (-FIG
for synthetic reverberation requires a two I BASIC FEEDBACK REVERE UNIT able for reverberation and that the reverbera- through the system in 35 (---7C4) different ways,
acoustic interference. A second method has
channel, or even a four channel, spread of tion time be of the order of two seconds it is and has an amplitude gain 35 times that of
been to pan -pot several monophonic reverb
reverberation. One of the most promising uses necessary for the sound to attenuate about signals that have passed through just one line
signals into the stereo image. This does not
of synthetic reverberation is not merely to add 60 dB after 60 passes through the feedback seven times.
give a convincing stereo spread. The third,
a richness to sounds, but also to simulate the A00 loop. Thus to prevent an excessive variation
most widely accepted method, is to use a so- DELAY LINE Thus it will be seen that the feedback system
changes in reverberation quality that occur called stereo reverb plate, which in fact is a of reverberation time, the gain of the whole
of fig 2 rapidly emphasises the 'cross- delayed'
naturally as the position of a live sound is reverb plate with a monophonic input and with feedback loop must lie within the range dB signals that have passed through both lines, as
altered. The challenge that faces new genera- to -14 dB at all frequencies. If at any frequency
two spaced pick -ups on the plate to provide an compared to the 'repeat-delayed' signals that
tion reverberation devices is thus two -fold: to the gain of the delay line is a mere dB too
output with stereo spread. One disadvantage 1
have just kept going round and round one of
provide a spread of reverberation rather than here is that precisely the same pattern of high howl -round will result.
the lines. However, the cross-delays will only
a few discrete sources; and to provide changes reverberation is imposed on all sound inputs, Thus delay lines used in a feedback mode to have the desirable property of being reasonably
in the quality of reverberation to simulate the provide reverberation have to meet stringent
rather than a pattern continuously varying with random if the two basic delays Ti and T_ are
effect of sound sources occupying quite distinct frequency response requirements which a tape
the reproduced position of the sound. Another incommensurable, i.e. if the ratio T, /T2 cannot
positions. delay meets only after careful trimming of the
difficulty with stereo reverb plates is that the CI be expressed as a simple fraction. If T, /T,
For the foreseeable future the cost of elec-
tronic delay lines is likely to remain quite high,
and so we are faced with the problem of
stereo spread of the reverb is non -ideal if
spaced pick-ups are used. Coincident direc-
tional pick-ups on the two -dimensional plate
7 frequency response, and even then the problem
of consistency arises. Most so- called reverbera-
tion units based on tape involve time delays
were a fraction of the form n /m, then the cross -
delay mT1 +nT2 would be the same as the
repeat-delays 2mT1 and 2nT2, which would
much longer than the required 30 ms and
generating convincing reverberation using as
few of them as possible. The following account
can, however, give a more uniform stereo
spread of reverberation.
J produce flutter -echo. Magnetic drum or disc
cause much of the undesirable repeat -delays to
be reinforced by the cross -delays. Ideally, the
suggests possible new configurations of delay delays are potentially better, as consistency is
Clearly we cannot produce a convincing ratio T, /T2 should be as far from all fractions
units to achieve the above aims economically; ensured by the lack of physical contact of the
stereo spread from a single monophonic rever- FIG. 2 FEEDBACK REVERB UNIT USING with a small numerator or denominator as
a sketch is given of the principles of the T )ISSIMILAR DELAY LINES magnetic heads with the drum or disc. How-
beration device, whatever its operating prin- possible, and should be between # and 1 but
suggested mode of use, which is called the ever, purely electronic delays should prove
ciple. At first sight it would seem that two such not too close to either. In these respects, the
`orthogonal matrix feedback' technique. superior to either, although their technological
devices would be hardly more adequate for LIME Grampian monophonic spring delay is near
Basically, `reverberation' is merely the effect
glamour should not disguise the usefulness of
producing a continuous spread-but then how ideal, with its two spring delays of 29 and 37 ms
obtained by adding to a sound a succession of magnetic drums or discs.
often have first appearances proved deceptive? ADD having ratio 0.784, although the Grampian's
delayed versions of that sound. Reverberation However, the unpleasant reverberation
Let us suppose that two mono reverb devices mechanical feedback system is not quite the
is distinguished from `echo' or `flutter-echo' by quality obtained by simple feedback is not
are available, and that these have differing .INE 2
really of much interest here and has been
one described here.
the large number of, and the short duration delay times. For the purposes of the following It is important to note that the signals that
discussed mainly to make the principles of
between, the successive delayed sounds. To discussion it is convenient to regard them as have passed through the system of fig 2 in many
more complex feedback systems clear. For
qualify as reverberation the time intervals simple delay lines, although in principle more different ways to form a delay mT, +(n-m)T2
monophonic use the monotony of the rever-
between successive delayed sounds should be complex devices such as reverberation springs will only add up in amplitude if they are in
less than 30 ms, and these intervals should grow
beration can be greatly reduced by using two
could also be used in the manner suggested. delay units of delay T1 ms and T2 ms respec- phase with one another, and they can only be
shorter and more random as the reverberation The simplest way of turning a delay line into in phase if the delay of the two lines does not
dies away.
N tively corrected in parallel as in fig 2. By
a reverberation device is to apply feedback. If 4iDL
placing a feedback loop round the paralleled vary over periods of a few seconds. This means
For stereophonic use it is additionally the output of the line is fed back and mixed that the feedback reverb system of fig 2 will
lines sounds may pass successively through
important that the various delayed sounds are with the input, then the signal will go through only work as it should with tape delays if the
either of the lines in any order, giving rise to
directionally homogeneous, i.e. come from the line time and time again (fig 1). If the delay wow and flutter is low. Because of the
delays of the form T1, T2, 2T1, T1 +T2, 2T2,
more or less random directions; this is more in the line is T milliseconds then signals will J 3T1, 2T1 -f -T2, T2-} 2T1, etc. Furthermore, as statistical nature of speed fluctuations, signals
important for later delays than the earlier ones emerge at times T, 2T, 3T, etc. Such a rever- there are two ways a sound can have a delay that have made 60 traversals of the feedback
since in real life early reflections often arrive beration sounds exceedingly monotonous. loop in two seconds with an rms wow and
from walls close to the original sound.
Ti +T2, either passing first through the Ti delay
Another consideration is that if the signal line or first through the T2 delay line, it will be flutter of 0.1 per cent will have a two -thirds
Up to now there have been three methods of acquires a gain of x dB after one passage seen that the amplitude of the signal with delay probability of emerging within 0.25 ms of their
providing stereophonic reverberation, all with through the delay line and feedback path, then TI -I-T2 will be twice as high as that of the 2T1 nominal delay. This indicates that wow and
disadvantages. The first is to use a stereo pair it will acquire a gain of Nx dB after N passages or 2T2 delayed signals. Similarly, the 2T1 -1-T2 (continued over)

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SYNTHETIC STEREO REVERBERATION producing two outputs of the form: matrix of formula (2) n times. The component spread to be obtained. Hopefully, manufac-
USING TWO DISSIMILAR DELAY LINES of this cross -delayed signal emerging from one turers will soon remedy this deficiency, as will
continued a11L +a12R
delay line will in general have a quite different
and L1=
R1= a21L +a22R (1 )
amplitude gain to that component emerging
be discussed further in part two of this article.
flutter (unweighted !) has to be kept down to If more than two delay lines are available,
These matrixed signals 1.1 and R' provide a from the other line, due to the differing then there is great scope for experiment with
the highest studio standards for frequencies GAIN stereophonic output, and are also fed back and experiences of the signal with delay mT,+
above I kHz to emerge unattenuated from a CONTROL
mixed in with the respective channels of the
special effects. If N delay lines of delay T,.....
(n-m)T, depending on which of the two lines
fig 2-type reverb unit using tape delays. In TN are available which are mutually incom-
input to the two delay lines, as in fig 3. Basically it passed through on its i'th passage round the
mensurable (i.e. no ratio Ti /Ti has small
general, one gets the impression that tape is this feedback system provides a preponderance feedback loop. The reproduced stereo position numerator or denominator), then an N -line
being pushed to the limits of its performance
of cross- delays in a similar manner to the of the signal with cross -delay mT, +(n -m)T2 orthogonal matrix feedback reverb unit will
when used to provide reverb, and reliability is A0D DELAY LINE 1

monophonic feedback unit of fig 2. The differ- depends on the relative amplitudes of the
better achieved by working well within the ence is that a large degree of independence is components emerging from the two delay lines.
be as in fig 4. There is a great richness in the
tolerances of an electronic delay. OUTPUTS variety of possible orthogonal matrixing that
retained between the two channels, as long as While this process is not easy to visualise, the
In order to prevent howl -round, the gain of the four coefficients of the matrix (formula result is that different cross-delayed signals are
can be used, the number of parameters capable
the feedback loop in fig 2 has to be kept well of being varied being -1-N(N -1). If none of the
(1)) are chosen suitably. reproduced from a wide variety of different
below unity because of the amplitude build -up DELAY LINE 2
coefficients of the matrix is small, then there is
The monophonic unit of fig 2 may be stereo positions, giving a stereo spread of
of the cross -delay signals. Were the outputs of a strong cross-coupling between all the delay
considered as a special case of the above stereo reverberation.
the two delay lines more or less independent I
lines, and I would expect the reverberation
unit in which the four coefficients in formula Unfortunately, the mathematical analysis of
the output energy would be twice the input energy rapidly to become uniformly distributed
GAIN (1) are all unity. This indicates that to obtain such reverb units is much tougher than the
energy, as the energy in each of the two lines CONTROL among the N channels. (The precise definition
a genuine stereophonic reverb the matrix simple system of fig 2, and has not been satis-
would be added. If this were the case, then a coefficients have to be chosen carefully. The
of `uniformly distributed' would take us into
gain of just less than -3 dB would prevent V factorily resolved. However, certain properties the higher maths of elliptic geometry but the
simplest way of ensuring that the reverberation of the abstract formalism (the absence of
howl-round. However, an analysis of the energy dies away according to the proper
intuitive meaning is clear enough.) Thus three
coefficients nCm of the mTl +(n -m)T2 delayed frequency independent eigenvectors of the or four mutually incommensurable delay lines
exponential law without any anomalous complex matrix describing the feedback loop)
signals show that a gain of less than half behaviour is to require that the total energy of should be enough to provide a high-grade four
(-6 dB) is necessary to prevent howl- round; FIG. 4 N- CHANNEL ORTHOGONAL MATRIX FEEDBACK REVERBERATION UNIT
the two outputs from the matrix be precisely
suggest that, after enough passes through the channel reverberation although a detailed
the energy in such a feedback system with gain system, the reverberation energy ought to analysis shows that, ideally, quadraphonic
the same as the total combined energy of the become evenly spread across the whole stereo
just over half can only build up if the signals two input signals. By this means, as long as the
reverberation should not be distributed
in the two lines are virtually identical, and a image, with an equal amount of reverb energy completely uniformly.
GANGED total energy gain of the two channel feedback being concentrated in every direction in the
detailed analysis indeed shows that the sounds GAIN CONTROLS; loop is set at less than unity the reverberation It seems likely that orthogonal matrix feed-
in the two lines become virtually identical after stereo groove if the reverb is imagined to be back techniques will come into their own once
will die away in a uniform manner, as on the recorded on a stereo record. This means that
many passes. n +1'th pass through the lines the stereo energy units combining strong coupling between some
This shows that one cannot get reverb with there is as much reverb in phase as out of phase, lines and weak coupling between others are
will be less than on the n lth pass by a factor
a good stereo spread by taking the two outputs and the reverb should be ideal for matrix - used. As a simple example of the possibilities.
equal to the loop gain. This can only be the system surround sound reproduction via the
of the lines in fig 2, as, surprisingly, the reverb case for all possible input signals if passage consider the reverb unit of fig 5, using four
from the two lines coalesces into the middle as Sansui or Hafler systems. Such a reverb mutually incommensurable delay lines. To a
through the matrix leaves the total energy distribution is the same as given by 90 °- angled
it decays. Another curious feature of the 1 unaltered. first approximation lines one and two are
system of fig 2 is that the reverb dies away ADD DELAY LINE 1
coincident crossed figure -of-eight microphones. coupled strongly as a two channel reverb unit,
A matrix circuit with N inputs and N outputs However, if the degree of cross-coupling
faster than exponentially by a small extra factor

is said to be orthogonal if, whatever the input and lines three and four are similarly coupled
proportional to the inverse of the square root (i.e. 0) is substantially less than, say, 20° the together. In addition there is a weak cross -
of time elapsed.
The ground has now been prepared for 2
signals happen to be, the combined energy of
the N output signals always equals the com-
bined energy of the N input signals. This is
reverberation energy will at first cluster near
the two channels, and take an appreciable
coupling between the two channel unit contain-
ing lines one and two, and the two channel unit
describing a stereophonic reverberation unit MATRIX fraction of a second to spread across the whole containing lines three and four. By our earlier
equivalent to saying that the coefficients of the stereo image. This behaviour nicely simulates
using just two delay lines. The basic circuit of analogy we have two acoustics with a certain
matrixing form an orthogonal matrix in the the live situation where early delayed sounds
a two line stereophonic reverberation unit is INPUTS
degree of leakage from one to the other. If the
usual mathematical sense. In the circuit of

shown in fig 3. In such a unit, a two channel come from near the direct sound. On the other degree of cross -coupling is not too weak then
fig 3, we have required that the matrix used to hand, values of 0 around 45° will more quickly
stereo signal, which is to be reverberated, is fed derive the feedback signal be orthogonal, and the two acoustics will become completely inter-
4'0 suppress repeat- delays, and give a uniform
into the two delay lines, one channel into each. DELAY LINE N

this means that formula (1) describing the mixed after a fraction of a second, but not
The signals L and R emerging from the two reverb spread far more quickly. Much experi- initially. It thus seems likely that we can
delay lines are then fed into a matrix circuit J matrixing becomes: ment is clearly needed to find the optimum simulate the effect of different sounds lying in
L1 =L cos 0-R sine orthogonal feedback matrices for various different parts of a building by feeding them
and R, =L sin O-FR cos() } (1) effects. into inputs one and two only for one part of
for some value of the parameter O. If the value The orthogonal matrix feedback reverb unit the imagined building, into inputs three and
of O is 0 °, then the signal fed back to the input can be modified in a number of minor ways: four for another part of the imagined building,



of each line is the output of just that line, and
one merely has two crude monophonic reverb
units as in fig 1; these will not give a good
stereo spread. If the value of O is small, say
+1° or ±2°, then there is in addition a small
amount of energy bleeding from one line to the
the reverb can be taken direct from the two
delay line outputs before the matrix and one/
both feedback paths can include phase inver-
sion of the fed back signals. As before, it is
important to ensure that the gains of the feed-
back paths and delay lines are precisely right
at all operating frequencies. For the same
and into both sets of inputs for intermediate
positions. A two channel output can represent
microphones in the first part of the building by
using outputs one and two, can represent
microphones in the second part of the building
by using outputs three and four, and other
positions by matrixing these outputs together
ADC DELAY LINE 2 other. This situation is described by saying
that the two lines are weakly cross-coupled, and reasons, the coefficients of the feedback matrix in different ways.
this situation is analogous to two reverberant should be adjusted accurately, using com- More complex modes of cross -coupling can
rooms connected by a doorway; each room has ponents of at least one per cent accuracy. be envisaged for more accurate simulation of
Whereas the effect of wow and flutter in a
its own reverberant quality, which is modified real acoustics and much experiment will be
GAIN by the leakage of reverberation through the monophonic reverb unit is to attenuate the needed to test the subjective effect of all these
doorway from the other room. treble of delayed echos, in the case of an theoretical proposals. Meanwhile, it is possible
The situation of most practical interest is orthogonal feedback unit its effect k to smear that orthogonal matrix feedback will prove to
when there is strong cross -coupling between the position of the treble of echos, without any be an economical means of using electronic
ORTHOGONAL the two lines, corresponding to 0 taking values attenuation. audio delay lines to provide synthetic stereo
8`?L5' SMALL 8
between, say, +10° and +80 °. In this case, the One problem is that good electronic delays reverberation.
ADO DELAY LINE l signal with a cross -delay mT,+(n -m)T2 can do not yet seem to be available in incommen- Next month, methods will be described for
have passed through the two delay lines in a surable pairs of values. For instance, the ensuring;that the reverberation has an uncolou red
large number of different possible ways, and Gotham lines are only available in precise quality, and suggestions will be given for the
will have acquired a different gain on each multiples of 5 mS. It is very important for the design of an economical electronic stereo
journey through having passed through the delays to be incommensurable for the stereo reverb unit.
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(.iano panur1uoà) aas) uMOgs ag UeO 11 uag3 '£ 81J w se ,ilaspaad W 30 3mofpe ueTlnuaaH aq1 4.1AT pue `Souanb aouasald ay1, .vi 8g jo pun 3OUqpaa3 xulEw 0nE14 03 umoU)I s! aO!nap 00!1e.10gl0na.r 3o NIA). -;au AaEI!un ,ssal.)Eaws, u 4Ons Aouanbal3 30
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(X bilVW 1VN090H13:10 .617=9 V ONV L NIV9 dOOI H11M 33S W LE CNN/ ( 1 AV130 -E1aglanal )lOegpaa3 x!11uw 1EUO2oy110 ag1,
L> 6>L- 1VHl H0f1S SI 6 NIV9'11f1Jbil0 AbiVllNfl M3N V NIV19O Ol llnObilJ NIVO -11Nn
A8V1INf1 13NNVHD-N NV 01 H1Vd X0V90333 V ONV H1Vd 103t110 V ONIGOV (e) 6Z 30 SAVl30 SVH NMOHS 31dWVX3 3H1 411 N011V1338133n313 )10V8033.3 lOdN1 asuodsal
XlbilVW 1VNO9OH1b3O 13NNVH0-Z ISNOdS38 AON3n0383 lVOIdAl (q) AOUanbal3 lug E anEy Aa4) su 1E3osu! SU!gl
11Nn NOI1Vä381:13n321 !Eat agl uEy) lauaq, a1u yO!ym 53!un granar
zH NI A3N311- su!P1a!A `pa)EU!w!la aq ueO uo!3E1olo3 s!g) moy
0011 0901 0901 143!M 31as)1u10ouO3 11!M 2u!mollo3 043 30 ;sow
A3!1Enb pamoloo 1043E1 E 2ulsneo `asuodsal
L> 6> L- NI Aouanbal3 pa22u.1 E wo13 1a3lns 01 uMO4s
--Si MIS! aq UEO spun lions Aq paonpold uo!)Elaglanar
a141 `sa!3!1Enb poo2 asa143 a)!dsap `AIa3EUn31o3un
¿- 1 3NI1 AV130

____-___- awrl y)!M wopUE1 010111 awEOOg puE pasealOU!
____ ____ 4o!4M 'saoyoa JO AI!suap 142!4 E aAEB osle
01111511 S3NIl pue `a2Ew! (OwogdulpEnb 10) 001035 a14) SsoIOE
4- AV130
saoyoa JO uo!)nq!13s!p poo8 E anE2 paglrosap
510d1n NIVO-11Nn N SlndN1
NIV9 T. 1ndNl

ll N spun glanai ,)IoEgpaa3 x!1)Ew IEUO2oy)1o,
0 ay1 sau!1 'Cupp N /quo 2u!sn aO!nap E wo.)3
(NV9O1 ONV 830308H0S .01 3f10 ) (LL0 .3O NIV'O dOOI V ONV
»SwEE 30 AV-I30 V SVH NMOHS I1NVX3 llNn slauuEyo (N Aus) a10w 10 0M1 u! uo!lElaglanal
31-11) cll. '913 NI SV 11Nn NOI1VH381:33n323
3SNOdS313 A0N3n0393 1V1.3 H1IM 30IA30 NOI1V836193A38 OINOHdONOW £9l -1 NOI1V9391d3A31:1 OINOHdONOW 31dWIS V3 3NOdS323 A0N3n03233 )IJV80333
lV0IdA1 (e) Z 9 X1231VW 1VNO9OH1äO (e) 3o pEalds O!uoydoa1015 IIn3 E 2u!u!Elgo
l '`JIj
k 3o paq!losap sum po4)aw E !mow 1.S`d
(aano panulluoa) sr31a0nu03 -Aelap roj a¡gelmsun auy Ae¡ap apeS!xg 1a)lonq
Q/d teiuu! ay; jo s;ndino ay) le paplAOrd pig ay) rapuax awl ay) jo aSels yoea u! paonpor;u!
H01V11us0 suo!)epeasap ¡eu2ls Hews `;uawdo¡anap JO 02e1s
umti) xa2uo¡ aaglex sylSual pxoM a¡puey wogs
9 x0e
pin qranaa ¡e1lSlp e jo Ar)ln3al3 1el!2!p pump! )uasaxd ayi ld sadA) ¡m;lSlp ay; pue ,apeSuq
monq, 3141 :uolluai)e aplM pan!aoaa mug r
ay; ley; a¡gealsap AIgSly s! 1! `uosear sly) xo3
ol;ea aslou-o)1euSls rood Ann e aq AIlsea uen sap' jo sad/CI oM,i, anoge ay) jo ;ysg ay) ui r- i xóe z x0
uol;eulwexa aaylanj yiaoM s! sau!¡ Aelap olpnm 6 NIV9 I I L NIV9
lima' agi pue leuS!s ay; oi pappe s! aslou uon
-ezt)uenb leuoplppe `indui ay) jo ley) ¡enba o) oluor;oala-Ile jo luawdolanap )uaoar ag I f X08
r -I I I
H31H3AN03 83151938 831H3AN03 suolleoltddm r
pauaiaoys si g)2u01 proM ay; II )ndup ay) ueyn
V/0 13185 0/V z6- L X 1107817 L
Indino 1ndNl pue s)uawaambax snoueA yIIM ado3 of *1103613 Z)- A 1103613 n 11n3N13
g)Sual proM 132uol m sey indino ay) `palldlilnw A8V1IN0 ANV11N0 A8V11N0 A8V1INn
901VNV 901VNV NIV9 121 NIV9
axe s1euSls Iey!S!p aanauagM sauo ream Aq wiy o; uado suo!ldo jo atm.' aplM e sey suun
paoe¡daa axe s;m3no Soleue uayM ua)Ie) ag o1 3NI1 AV130 1V119I0 30 qxanar oaaals jo rauS!sap ay) sny¡, .wag) xa;je L_
WV139VI0 )10018 0313rldlNIS L old ueyi aaynex sau1l Aelap ay) aaojaq saouiew all
spaau leg) uolinenaxd )ueyrodwp auo sl aaayZ Z4- l
6 NIV9 1 NIV9
aoeld o; Jo/pue (aa!¡ama passnoslp su s;in3rlo NIV9
lrun qxanar 2oleue au woxj uol;
-eaagaanaa ay) jo ;amis ay; Ae¡Op o; Alaxaw pasn Aae)!un ssalaeaws Aq 0)) ,saouiew Axeyrun, J J
L_ J
axaM saull Aelap le1Blp j! Aaessaoau ag mom Aq saouiew leuoaoyiao ayi aoelciar ol alglssod
uetii slmono xa)aanuoo (UV anlsuadxa arow s! ivy) Aelap e yum ralslSax ups ay1 jo pua aej asanoo jo s! )! `spun granaa anoge ay) Ile uI 4 NIV9
.U1o!neyaq S1nd1n0 N S1ndNl N
ou Sulsn pue `asma Soleue ay) u! ueyl A3!lgels a141 wag asaawa Allen;uan0 IIIM pais le;lSlp
NI 1o)e11i3so leuxa;xa ut Aq pal)nua aslnd Axmilun inajaad woxj axnlxmdap luellnsaa 'L> 4> L- 'L> 6> L- L> 1> L- NaOM13N AaV11Nn V SI S3N11 N3NOa8 A8 03S010N3
aa;eaaS yllM A11e)!S!) pas!¡eax aq tiro pun S-L S3XO8 03a38Wf1N 3H1 .3O HJV3'SH1Vd NOV8(1333 E ONV S1InOlJIO AaV11Nn OISVB y 9NISn )I8OM13N AaVlINn s ou
uo!)eaaqaanar e jo aloym a14i sny1, aldwexa jo u Aq os op o) ,pa;onalsul, s! 1! aanauaym ilnnnn ay; Aq pasneo uolleaoloo ¡lmws ay) y;3M dn lnd
Arm Aq pa)uawa¡dw! ag Aew ra;lg ssed-moi ay) u! s1ulod aSeaols jo Saixas e u! lxau ay) ol pue 'y pue S`Aes `xoj ;jigs amid alglssod
Soleue um jo yeti; o) xmllwls Aaan a3uewaoja3d on sanies leuSls pawls 11e aajsueil o1 paus!sap wnwlww ag1 yllM snug da)s asn o; ;sac'
a311g e Moy Ape3l;ewayos smogs g2g s! yalyM pue soups lellSip jo aagwnu
pais Alqeqoad s! ;! `asmo 5!41 uI Aouanbaaj jo pap
aSxel m saao)s 2e141 aa/s!8a.i ifIr¡s e su uMou>l -uadapu! sulewaa ASaaua iueragaanar oi )oanp asegd jo ;unowe alglssod wnwlulw ag1 gum 1ue)suoo SJ lanpoad na111 Suldaa)I airyM (esJan ,ssalanoloo, paquosap-anoqe all pue £ gy
:Arilnaxia aailg jo suolsaan le;lSrp luawaldwp o) snug asn o; ua)Ie; s! aJeo 3i ySnoy;Ie 'wow
)ln3alo e oyu! passed uag; s! leusls le;ls!) a41, jo ogma ay1 ivy) os ang xoq aplsyno s)lnorlo -0a!n Jo) 2 SuiseaJOap pue j SurseaJOUr Aq auop J0 Irun uorle.iaglanal Oruoldouow alp °I!riM
alqlssod osle s! i! `paepuels laA iou s! Aai!n3no Aue Aaelrun Swag woJJ s&J pue e}, Sg se
(raixanuoo Iellslp-o)-Soleue a!) 131a3nu03 ay) aoj (co)y asuodsar Souanbaaj xaldwoo s! sryl .papen AisnonunuoO aq ueo osie awl; agewr 00.1015 Iaut)ego-N ayl ssoroe diwioJrun
gons ysnoyltd .saw!) uol;eaaqranaa a)manooeu! gons s;!nono sluanaad uleg lue;suoo e JoJ Ja;lg
ao A)!l!qeisu! spiumo) Aouapual Aum inogylM I- Q/d um olu! passed )sag s! Ieu2l5 Soleue e asooyo oy alq!ssod leaauaS u! iou s! 1! uayi uolleiaqianaJ Ien)oe alp ;nq `asuodsa.r AouanbaJJ Jeadde saoyoa mg) 'saw; delap ayl saidnoo
lndu! ue `(L 2g aas) au!! Ae1ap le)!S!p u ui `Aaellun uiewaa ano; pue oM; saxoq ay; my) os
dals e jo uorinlr3sgns ag; `Alaleun;aoJun rug e SUluielulew al!yM papen xi 01 t)oneJaq -ssOJO Al2uOJ3s xrJ;ew IeuoSoyuo ay) Jr `l)uow
JO I-I- o) asolo LIDA saoulew leuosoy;ao pum
asuodsaa Anuanbaaj JO `uollioyslp'aslou papad `anoqe paquosap su snug dans Aq paoeldaa are (8.0=c$ 'CO nanas Jo uonaodOJd ay) mope s gg uo paseq )sel paquosap se aloivallJn3 uor;e.loloo
saw) Aetap punoa sdool Noegpaaj jo su!eS dool
umyy ssal u yl!M )!noxlo u ysnoxyl passed uaaq 5 29 u! S pue j suies ay1 jo ylog ao auo 3I ga) gums aq ol Alm s! sanlen asay) uaaMlaq win qJanaJ lauueyo-N t)e saop Apo ;oN alge.nsapun s>jOei os pue ,asuodsaJ AouanbaJJ
ay) awn ol a1(!ssod s! 1! `uolle3yd!)Inw ImllS!p
sell i! uagM IMO uollaols!p JO uopepexsap Aue 'Pug dals 041 jo ;ueisuoa awtl aOUalaJlip ayl `uleS dool ay; uo AlieonlJo Atleaa8 awl; UoneaagJanaJ ayl SulSuelO ;ei{, e sey Ir woJJ SuBJawa uolleaagaanaJ snid
jo Aoeanooe ay) jo asneoag pue `sadS) lle jo spuadap awn t)or;elagJanaJ agI asneoag punos;oaarp ay) 'AJeliun s!;lnal!a sly; asneOag
suo!)xo;slp aouiw 01 sleuSis tel!s!p jo Ailunwwi lnoyllM Ieusls imp!) u a0n000x oy alglssod s! ay) s! 311 pum `tues Aouanbaaj yS!y a141 S- `uleS lnoyliM luaO Jad 9£ o; luOO lad OOI wOJJ
ay) jo asneoag `xanoaaow .aseo IeuSls Soleue 13 sanlen amps a191ssod om; Apo seti IeuSls D110[-P0
sarouanbaJJ mot ;e anien a)niosqe JaSJe) ;ndIno 0y1 u! punos lueJagianaJ Jo uonJOdoJd Indlno pue Indur UaaMoag g)ed ;Oanp pappe
S Al;yglis J0 Tg n!eR e gUm lug `salOUOnbaJJ p!.1 l uno gum aolnap uoneiagJanaa Naegpaa{ xu3ew
Iensn ay) ur se Allsea se )snf Aii!n3no 3!201 ¡e;lSip u sy xasuol sawooag 14p5u01 paoM Aouanbaaj mot ay) s! IS aaayM ` all Ann ;gm ço- 01 00 wOJJ Jo UonelJen OLD
Iells!p jo ayi su aallews sawonag aslou s!yl Alrealo 'aslou le 2 ure8 e gllm ,aa1ly daos, e Ag ¡run gJanaJ IL 0=8=J aseo IeOldA1 ay; uI t)oneJaqJanaJ IeuoSollJO uno sawooag eg 8g JO aloyM ay;
adAl-aa)ndwoo pxepum;s Aq ius Dgrof - cs
uol;lppe ro )ue)suoo e Ay uolleogd!)Inw se gons uouvzlauvnb su umoul s! ¡eu2!s oipne pannp =(0))2 asuodsar Aouanbaxj xaldwoo 391 sty onayluAs e ur sau!¡ 'Cupp ;saSuoi ayl punoa lsn f s! sSg Jo Indono ay; pue sagaawa punos uall `xrJlew teuoSoyoao uno Aq paMOltoJ sauri
-(adax pug ag1 uo salneano3ew asagl jo papa yo!tim `aallg ssed-IIm )aglpow u s! pig ra)Ig S ureS dooi luelsuoo alI aoelda.r ol ,C.ressaoau loaarp ou t)ayl `SJ=ri JI ri SurAJen Ag parlen aq kupp ure$-1lun N Jo uorloailoo e aq o1
sassaooad wiojrad o) alglssod s! 1! `Aaleunlao,q SI 11 `uoseal slg; .roa 9 Sg Ur uMOgs se osnw
O;eul!ltn ata aq uro uollmluasaadaa s!14) aslnaad dals ay) jo ;egl s! saseo af9!ssod A11m3lsAtid ueo punos IUeJagaanaJ 01 )Oa-up Jo ol;e.l all S et, Sg u! n 1rnaJla AJe3lun a91 J! snril xra)ew
s¡eusls Soleue uo ueyi raylea sleu2!s leylSlp uo ieuoSoylJO ue s! se `1mairo Aae;iun pump
Sulloe slmoalo g1lM ynd)no agl le sxalaanuoo pue aleanooe axow 3141 gnSual pxoM ay) aasiel asagl Suowd (0))2 sasuodsar Aouanbaxj pue yoaads Jo.) AouanbaaJ ri1!m Ann wogs pue j Jo anien uanr8 e JoJ sngl (yeJ-I)/(g-SJ)
ay) pue leus!s ay) jo uo!)eluas0adar imp') xaldwoo a19!ssod jo aSuer palou)sar e xoj Apo swoOJ Jo sawr; uorleJagJanaJ ay; ley) slsagSns uleg e g;rM sSg Jo lmoa!o ow war.) saSJawa -N uno s! sau!) Aelap u!e$-lrun N Jo uonoapoo
d/Q a14; pue indu! ay) le saa)ranuo3 Q/d NaueJag -I 'E aouaJaJaJ ui salouanbaJJ-p!w le punos lOaJIQ (AlannoadsaJ S pue j sure8
ay) woaj laede;lun gaanaa a¡oym ay) as11eaa o) ay; jo yf8ual pao,ti+ ay) pallen s! IeuSls oipnu alqrssod AlrmolsAgd s! 1!noal3 ,(S-I) uleS, ay) d saolnap uor3eaaqaanaJ oiuoydo0ials ssal
ay) jo antun u luasaidaa col pasn aouanbas ay) w on palldde uol;esuadwoo aseyd ayL Aaeliun
ueyl sarouanbaJJ mot Alan awn; uoneJagianaJ door 11lM) s)run gJanaJ J¡OegpaaJ xrJlew teuo$ -Jnoloo, Sulu$lsap ui asn leaJ$ Jo s! srll Iid
alqealsOp s! ;! snyZ Olqlssod se s10y13nuoo Q/d
sa2el¡on jo xagwnu a141, ylun ¡ JO sl!un p rag)!a sulewaa et, 21g jo ;lnoalo ay1 0ay1 `,r(0)2/((9)2 Jagt)ol e sey uo!leJaglanaJ HMI 1J3OUOO Ieag ollao ssalJnoloo Jo ared papeoseo e Jo (y uleS )IJOM;au
Maj se Su!sn paluawaldw! aaam )!un ()Jana' AJe;lun e wJOJ osino saxog auli-ualloag any
3llayluAs e j! Sauow anus P1noM 1! `uOSear jo anleA e SuiAey aouanbas ay) u! argon y3ea asuodsaa Aouanbarj xaldwoo e set{ 'saw!) uorleJagJanaJ alemoOeur Jo A)rrrge)sw dool ylrm) uoneOyrpow NOeqpaaJ e Jo s;srsuoo
`saSm)lon pI `Aus `jo aouanbas u Aq AI¡e3!a13a1a uayi 1! ley) os ]In3n3 (xä-I) ups, ay) olu! pal asneo ol alelnwnooe lot) op Slain rlewS nnOno sly; `Alanl;oaJJg saalJlew IeuoSoylJo ay) Jo yOea Jo slua;uoO ay1 yOlyM u! `s Sg u!
SIM) ro3 aAisuadxa Aaan ag ol puai saaiaanuOn
-maodaootp s3 uo!lesuadwoo amid j! pue `Alan!; MI os `ygnoua a1eJnOOe st)leS ay1 pe gt)l)iew OM }{ pue A slJOM;au ay) pue 'saw; Aelap alge UMOIIs s! j{ pue M`A `n mJOMIau AJelrun orseq
Q/d A)ltenb-115)4 `3aowaayirn3 asuodsai paluasaadax s! luawow 'pup ou ainssaxd
punos ayi ti3!yM u! `wag; amp!), u! o!pne ay; -oadsaa (cn)S- pue (03)2 sasuodsaa Aouanbaxj s! çSg Ur uMOys adA; ay; Jo spun gJanaa -JnsuawwoOUr Ule$-1lun N Jo 1slsuoO M pue n JnoJ woJJ dn ;irnq lJOMIau Areliun tauuelO
Aouanbaaj ;elt-uou m pum aslou `uollxolsip
a3npoa;p (no sassaooad uolsa3nu03 b/Q pue ;uasaidax oy alqlssod oste s! 11 leusis olone ay) xaldwoo ay; ti1lM slln3xi3 Ag paoeldaa an up 20 gulUSlsap ur w0iqoid leonOeJd IsaB$!q ago slrnono AJellun ay) Jo yoea goiim u! `s O3 JO -N ue lions Jo aidwexa uy s;lnaJla Aaelrun
Q/d ayl `uoliaols!p jo scam.; 11e
o) aunww! jo two.; ,an2oleue, 0141 se uMOU)l s! `;! 00 pup) jo slmana S- ups, pue S wes, ayi Jr Aaellun `paapui y)uow wet pagraosap uoseaJ NI .10J L0 vOM1au lauueyo-N ayl JapisuoO `aldwexa ue oseq ma.) e Isnf Jo ;no paleaJO aq ueo sxaomlau
s3 leg) et 2g jo WJOJ paglpow e u! UMW anoqe yonw AJBn antun alnlosge ue seg u!e8 sd asuodsaJ AouanbaJJ wit e gt)iUlelUlew mis Aae)!un Mau Jo A1aiJen aprm e`gulpeoseo Jo pue
A¡Ienlnn Si lmuSls Ie1!S!p m aI!yM Mo1.I -xodoad ;uaamo ao amps u Ai pa;uasaid0a
(sxa;ranuoo via Q/d ayi jo si arnssaxd punos snoaueluelsuu uu 43l4m dals aieaodaoou, ol alglssod loej u! s! 11 dool ayl J! Alrirqe;s 3IoegpaaJ agI t)!e)Urew 01 airlm pauen ag on punos lueJagJanaJ o; lOanp suoneoylpow >foeqpaaJ Jo uolleogdde paleadaJ
Pum Ag lndu! ASJaua Imo; sp sienba lnd)no
uolyerado ay) asluoxyouAs ol pasn ;oej u! osle u! 'IeuSls olpne jo waoj Ieuol;uanuoo 0y1, salouanbaaj llnOtyrp sawooaq 1; saug Aeiap Soleue g;lm lug Jo or1eJ ayl SurM011e Jo sueaw e sapinoJd spun
Si aolelli3so ay) `L 2g ur pa;eo!pu! sd) lnd;no sawl lions jo Aalmann pap) ay) ulyllM moi ioajje Aluo aseo Aue w ¡l!M pue `500100 `auo snulw o1 Jo auo 01 Jay;la asop wu ç gg uolleJaqJanaJ papeOSeO Jo Jagwnu e 01 ,uon ,CBJaua Ielo1 sIr se 'AJelrun osino ,ciJeaiO sr IrnOnO
spun granaa Sulleaodaonu! jo sanglglssod ay) Alxea uo paounouoad ag;ou pinoys siy;;nq `tua t)! S pue j sureg dool al1 J! 0n0111Oe 00 )sarsea -eoglp0w >IoegpaaJ, e Sulp!noJd `JanaMOl-i papeoseo ayZ Jal3oue Jage wimp AJe;run
Soleue paAelap pug u aAi2 0) (aa)aanuoo 8oleam
yola)ts 01 papualu! Aluo s! 2wMO11oj mg pue `y -puadap Aouanbaaj s! ley) uoillsod 001315 u pue sr saoyOa Jo Allsuap l$!y d saogoa jo A1lsuap ,)eyun, pue paJnoloO auo aoeid o; a! `gb gg ur se wag) apeoseo
-o)-1e)!5!p an) aa1a3nu00 d/Q m oiu! passed
aouarajaa u! punoj ag oi s! saug Aelap lm1Blp jo apnlgdwe uu aney ol saor¡3a Ienpinlpp asneo l8ly Al1ualOyyns e ant ;gm saug Rupp JnoJ uegl sawooaq urege asuodsaJ AouanbaaJ ay) 'Lion 01 s! 1lnOJlo Aaelrun Mau e welgo o; slrnonO
s! ¡euSis IelBip ay) Allew3 aolellloso ay) jo
osle pm snug dais ata algeuo!loafgo Alssoa8 ssal Sur3eJOdaoOUr pun gaanaJ e ley; Aia)Igun -elaqJanaJ ,ssalanotoO, SunlnsaJ 0y; o; pappe s! AJelrun Jay3aSo; Su!);nd Jo Awn Jagloud
Aouanbaaj ayi Ag pue iais!201 pigs ay; uly;!m sald!ouud 3141 0; uo!)nnpox)u! poos t/ spuooas
s1ulod a2mao)s jo aaqwnu ayi Ag paulwxa;Op -311!4 ma; u mg wow opone A)llenb y2414 su! ag ;ou ploys uo!)maoloo 5u!1lnsOx ayl `;nys sl 1! `IeJaua$ Uf 'mg delap algeansuawwoou! punos lOaarp Aye se uoos se `osld papeoseO aq .n ;mono Aael1un alp Jo g uieg dooi
_Inc) Su!leaodaoOUr win lauueyo Om) e aq ueo s)!un aidwls ang uell aaow lou;eg; sueaw yljm uo¡lnablipotu J¡OUgpaaJ 0y) paiieO ag ;pm
pinoM sgg jo uolsJan claim Isaldwis ay-i Iglu.) styl luanaJd 01 paau ayl pue `uoryseJ up 'gg Jo ;mono °ri.L ')ndw ay; le 1e11 woJJ
sOnsnooe WOO] SuuaJ)!p nerssnerJ, e u! Aliean;euun pue AlMOIs lay;eJ luaJaJ)!p AJan ag Amu Ieu$!s indino aq) ySnoylie
alelrrluls 01
paitoJluoO aq ueo suonisod ierl!ur dn pqnq uoneaagaanaJ ay1 a)lew o1 spuao osle `,asuodsaJ AOUanbaJJ )nog, e Silnel se paeal
zH NI A3N300303 nato woJJ Ino ;wards saoyoa Aiwa ay) yolym )! `Alaleun3JOJun A;lsuap ()goo ayl aseaJOUr ag sum 1)!m ey 8g Jo vOM1au ay1 ySnoJll
N0Z 1101 115 NZ 000L 005 00Z OOl Os OZ alea ay; legt os `palsnfpe aq ueo sau11 Aeiap pue uoneJaqJanaJ ag1 aslwopt)eJ 01 sdiay pue Surssed IeuSrs )auueyo-N ays 1lnOJlo AJe;iun
801V11Inso 0.0 n
IJOys 341 uaaM)aq guridnoo-ssoJO jo aaJSap ayI Indlno ayl 1e punos loanp Jo uol;JOdoJd all e oste s! eb Sg Jo puma Iue)1nsaJ ay1 leg)
Ol 'sp.!) SwAJen Ag algeuen AisnonunUOO apew saonpaJ `asuodsaJ AouanbaJJ Ieg e surelulew Moys 01 algrssod sl;L `s)uawnSJe ergaSle xrJlew
H333dS Sursn leuSrs Indu! all sawn S snww 01 pappe
Zl s! A xrJlew jeuoSoylJO ag1 J! Alll!q!xag JaleaJ$ OJnpaooad SrgZ y151101 )uaJaJl!P Jo Aelap
801V1113S0 M liana ue sM011e pun uoneaagaanaa ssalJnoioo Jo s! dooi JloegpaaJ sup Jo )ndlno al) saw;) (2-1)
391 JO 313A3--0. e SuneJOdJOOU! ;run yoea `papeoseo ag pinoys
no A1d1110W 1l pue `CI ;mono Aaelrun ay; o) paridde s! S ureg
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9l u! se `3m3.43 AJeIlun lauueyO-N Aue o3 paridde
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9L `sw oz lnoge aSelane n ay Jalle ;ODUeO auo sny,I punos )ueJagJanaJ 01
u! SO2 J! pue SW 00I
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panul ;uoa
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uoos 3! 2ur1a3Ilrw aq I1rM '03 noir iad S13 SUrag S3ualEnrnba Sulllais a4; ;d a1n;n3 IEau a43 ur orpnls lova 9[ E uado
pue aornap a4) )145noq anE4 xadwd 3r43 s! sMau `splrpuels uopuo-I Ag dra4° A'OA `ssalaq;.ranau 04 Sult'uEld a.lE ;;a.uEo ;E44 .lEag 01 paslld
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'mom 3IOOID aprs t'an3 `AuEdwoo pa)elOOSSE alqnop Ala3ewlxo'ddE Suraq saSlr4o a41 'Rus' sploOal Sulsra[ai
a41 Ag aprw a'aM spun asa41 jo .lagwnu u! anrsuadxa ;sow a43 s! orpnls a4.L uor4lsod 01 4oEOiddE snolln° a41 Io3 UOSEaI a41
auo iagwnu a43 3r asla auoAur uE43 splo0ai s! s141 pur `11aM AIOn auop OAE4 03 paiap!suoo
E 'mima p'eg°rg pur nt); ana;S Ag pauS!saQ
adEi aq3 uo suorrtool pa3rU2lsap-a1d Ioj eur aiow prg oslr 3nE4 AagZ 310"ED 3e apea" sSu! Sulaq sardoo 000`t shas ;E4) ut `a1a4)
-piooal Surag 01 dol 1t'a1Jn° a43 jo uanas pue IOAO MOI AIOn aIE SOIES pioUa21 'pas-ratai OIE
-gaseas jo A4lggrdto a143 43ím'att'!) adrr Ie3plP
E peg oIlo,r, mal,' JO solpn;s aSuE40xg puns aprird 3r4 043 jo do) a43 03 SU!33aS Surpioaal Aa44 Uagl uleSE w041 IEa4 01 Supin Ag spioaai
;tg) pa1'odal Iagwa;das a43 uI
I `anss! dod lsig Iraq) Irai; 3ea.18 t pana14aE sE4 orpnls a43 3o Aue u! 3SaIO3u! 4ua!OtIlns Mo4s slaua3sg
anlnms 01 a4,1, dn las em3slxa a43 143rM 11am Alawal3xa a4) 3r pur suopEls Olpr' a41 lE SAa>f0of °s!; agi
ua3 dol a4; ur spiooal uanas aneq O; paau noA SUpEUEw ag o) unas ANI )E41 3oEj ato jo a3rds 03 ;t'as aIE asa43, apEw sOSlp owap 3nE4 pUE
pris' u! 1E41 imam pinoM )r sumo.' mol pur u! SaP!1!OEj XaEil 91 Io3 2Ul1¡sr AllEnurluoa aie panu13uoa
Alnp 4S!4 luawdmba jo ;soa 4e14 agi 43!M S31.1310 Su!>(1om rail
91 I03 pauSrsap s! :'pop
eul;rpa 1013uoo lauuE14° Z£ 'lato 42no431r `sa!3rI!OE3
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'(£96i) E ;E43 IapEal a43 03 lualEddE ag 111M 3I 14)dap o!uo4doaials ssallnoloa apino'd o) pasn aq
Suu u! sltsodoid AUEw o4u! 02 04 argrssod uaaq UEO slauuEg° jo (NI Ars) lagwnu Hutus e 141tM
Z6-88 saSrd ri 'ion `orpnE uo suorlOE
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Sun pun qlanal AIE)!un r reg) Su13ou 431oM s! 11
spiEMO1 sanblugoa; atuoS, `'anEg g g saull AElap Su!sn jo sanbru4oal Aanins 01 alot3lE '(S 3a-t aas) glanai o;
1L6I s!41 do s11Ed oM3 agi 3o Lure a41 uaaq sE4 rI papi) jo ol1e1 pa.nsap a41 Sulprno'd pun gianal
01.111f 'lEUmo f uorslnala,l pur puns `4dEi2 9 'jar
30 9 algE3 3o d pur s1EU2!s g`1 AIE)run E asn 01 a1gES[npE s! 3! `SulploOal paxrw
-o;Ewaur}1 ysr;rig ,`oa'a3s IaUUE40rllnw a43 ag 342!w Indino lauuE40 aa143 a44 pue `9 -a'd E 01 glana' jo 3a>(uElg ssa¡mo[oO E ppt o4
103 sanbru4oas Surp'ooOZl, `uozia>J d IN 'L *pl jo pars ,sn0o3, a41 Dg 142rw xrilEw lllds isnf paqsap s! 3! a1a4M AuogdE'pEnb-opnasd .10
'OL61 a43 jo 3nd3no Iauue40 auo a41 °g1an0' [aUUE4O oala3s-opnasd jo am3°EjnuEw agi se gons sono
1sn2nd `punos orpniS .`i rira `SurplOOa' moj ssal'nolo0 ap!nold o3 pun glanal A'E1run m `IanaMOld uo!)tlaqlanal a4r asrwopuE'
oluo4dElpEnb 3o saldrouud, `uozlarJ d N1 '9 lauuE4a aa141 E asn ol pa'rsap s! 1! j! 'ordure» 01 AI)uaroujns insu a'E SAEIap algelnsuaw
11961 isnend) t-1901 SaSEd Ia4;0UE sd wa)sAs xrI)Ew Iat'uE4° oM3 ,ÒS, -amour g8noua j! ssaltu'E4 AlanllEta' pa'apual
SgD io rnsUES a43 `Ars `jo 3E43 ag 34S!Lu leers ag pino° srg3 3ng `UOr1E1o¡o° aOnpo'1ur-a' p!M
'££ *ion `EO!'aUld OOS IEOl3snoad lEUmof
,`uor4Eiaq'ana' IEPI[!4'e 55011010o ag Auogd IauuE140 H agi `t=ini ioj ea :punos IauuE4a uorllppE jo ssa0o'd Aian a4Z a0l40E'd orpnls
-oa'a3s-lsEnb panoidwl, `'apaoi4OS 'S jo wa3sAs XU1Ew IauuE4° 1`I a¡gm¡'oM p1EpuE3s ur sr spunos ol pappt ag Iom uor)
'(iL6I L E jo 'mars papo0ua a141 aq p[no4s xri3Ew -E1aq1anal ssallnolo° a0l3°Eid u! 1Eg1 uEaw Aigu
;Os agi wo'j SurS'awa IEUSrs ¡auuE4° AI a41 -gold sa0l30EId lEUOrlEiado pur map et'lxrw
-£6£ saSEd 61 'ion `ooS Su!'aaui8ug orpnd
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AEIap orpnE uy, `aaI d d 'g Iassalg g t w01j awoa 11!ls Iom spunos 10a1!p a43 ua4i `lrtln -uoau! Iraq) `uollE'aglana' ssat'noloa ulErgo
qiana' 041 42no'43 SurssEd punos 40airp agi 04 AEM AIUO a44 a1E sampa0oid gons a1!4M
`(L-SZt saSEd) ,sOlrsnoOy, VuE'ag Z Z '£ jo urES ay1 1401Ew 01 palsnfpE sr tord IauuE4a itun glanai
11961) tiZ-60Z saSEd 6 'Ion `o!pnE uo (N-LAD a43 jo S urEâ a43 jr -`uol3E'ag'anal AIE3lun auo urto 010w 01 paj ag lsnw [EUSls ou
suol30ESUEi1 32II ,`uor3elaqianal lErOgl31E ssallnmlo0 E u! sllnsal 6 eg u! uMO4s st `tanoalOw :uMOpx!w lauuE4° (moi 10) cinq IeLu3
SSallolop , `uE2o7 ,3 g ?g I0pam14°s 2I Ni 'Z pun clama' AIE3run IauuE4°-11 ut jo uori'asur a43 ur pansap s! mg) lanar pur uollrsod a41
'9 rio lon `A1O043 3l1101!3 a4,1, 'imam 4Sno'41 SUISSEd IEtlels IauuE4° 01 paxrw-a1d aq isnw pun g'anai A'E31un gara
UO SUor3OESUEJ1 333I ,SII.IoM3au a0ualajjrp ay3 uo 10ajja ou anE4 p¡noM Aa43'a43aSo3 04 paj slet'Srs a44 g'ana' ssa[InolOO Ala4aldwo°
-asE4d 006 PuEg-pEO1q ioj spo4raw uo!3 u0144 `xr'1Ew ,1!Ids, a144 'arjr 1gelE1ls paOEld E ap!nold 03 sngl, punos a41 jo uol4lsod
-Elndwoj, `Aaln4s g d ag wra4siagld f M '1 aq o) xr'3Ew áu!qwo0, a144 a'aM 3E41 gons paonpo'da' IEUg a43 pur anua glanai 03 40a'!p
3nd3no IauuE40 tre puE indu! IauUE140 (1`1-IN) jo ol3el a41 4;og go1Ew 01 palsnfpE s! uor;Eiaq
S3DN3ZI3 I3 U uE pur IaUUt140 uE 44!M 3lnlr0 OS'aAUO° E sr -.MAN 0143 jo A31IEnb ato 3! paUlElUitw ag Amer
xl13E1U ,aulgwo0, 04-1- lndlno lauUE40 (N--IN) UEO spun glana' A'E1run 44rM pa)E!OOSSE AnlEnb
tre pur `3nd3no I0uuE4° ut Indu! IODUEgO palnolo0un a4) `uaas 3nE4 0M SE `IanaMOH
InI uE 43rM Xt'4Ew A'E3run 1m IEUOeo4310 slulod minai o40a
s141 uo uol3Ew1o3ur UE SI Xll1Ew ,34ds, ato a'a4M `6 8g up umo4s pur puas og0a a4) uaOM;ag ;lnIrO ur ind aie
lnjasn apinoid g pur L sa°uOlaja' pur `awr4 s!alnpa0old o!sEg a4y punos jo slauuE4o spun glana' 041 sirsap Surxrw tir sn4y punos
amui.) =os 1E saSEd moto u! praxis (panai jo (pi Ars) Iagwnt' 'as'EI e 1oj uol;E'aglanal ;0a11; agi o) pappE lsnf s! reg) 2Ur4)awoS
"mals jo aOUE;IOdw! 041 )nogE s3nsa' )uasald sr glana' 0l3a41uAs eulplESal o; pawo1sn00E
03 ado4 I sauogdo'o!w luE1s!p AlgEuoSEa1 s! 'aat'reua Surp'OOai 04.1, urEwa' swalgold
141!M apEw SUlp1o0a1 auogdol0lw luaprOUroO lEUOr1E'ado IE0p0Eid awOS `slrun glanal A'E3run
)qS!a-3o-amSg passo'° pooS Atm jo g1prM oa'a3s B
luawaldwr o) pasn s! potina' Iana3E14M
043 Su13snfpE Ag s!41 jo jlaswr14 a0u!nuoO uEO r S1VN9Is 'gP ZL Ag pasEa'OUr s! aull
Or3daOS a4y oa'a3s pooe 41rM palE!°osst aOEds N-W AElap a43 3o aslou 0143 t'a43 6.0 sr urES dool a41
pur q;dap jo asuas a144 'oj a¡glsuodsal s! 4E41 j! pur 'gp 6'Z Ag pasE010ur s! aslou au!l AElap
A3'ado'd arqEIrSap Algely E s! Uol31lag1anal xIN1Vw
a41 co sr ulES dool a41 j!-pasEa'OUr ag 04 au!!
3o pEalds OOIa)S pooS E 1Egl Suluor)uatu 411µM
F- ,3NIBW07. .1114S. AEIap NI Ag paonpo'rur aslou Sur sasnEO awl
st 3l Spun glana' OUOw oM3 3°E3 UI Sr ;tun AEIap jo adA1 AUE puna; lloegpaa3 `AEM IeoLuls t
glanai ,OOI04S, IEl01awwo° rama' OUm SV 11N9 ul dn ppng o3 1! SUlsnEO `asrou uor4EZr3uEnb
alqEUrElqo aslMla4lo 4ou NOIIVN39N3A3N Aar sa3EIn0nOa' wa41 puna' NOEgpaaj a4)
are mg) A1gEnb ssalinoloo E pur uol3E'aglOnal l3NNVH]-N S1VN9IS se 4)8u01 p'oM euol E alpuEg pino4s s'a3spal
3o pEa'ds oa'a3s pooS E st gons Sa2E3uEnpE 33r4s 0143 31144 3UE3'odwr A11Eroadsa s! 3I
lago Aa41 `a1oUUa41'n3 InornE4ag pooS pur
A)rogdwrs anl3tlal JO S31131rn 041 anE4 panuap (lN>N) 11Nn 13NNVHO-N NV panulluoa
s1mOn0 a43;ng `lE0l3EwaylEw A14S14 Agualagu! NO 03SV8 11Nn NOI1V13381:13A321
13NNVHO-1N SS3121(1O100 6 91j
s! spun glana' gons jo Sulpurlslapun 11n3 NOIIVLI392I3A31:1 032131S OII3HINAS
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