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Rafael Sacks1 and Michael Har el2

A novel formula for payment to subcontractors, which shifts some of the risk for
reduced productivity due to plan instability from the subcontractor to the general
contractor, is proposed. The formula requires that a price for capacity be set as well as
a price for product, with a single weighting parameter to balance between them. Using
a three player game theory based simulation, use of the formula has been shown to
lead to resource allocation behaviours that benefit all parties in unstable or average
conditions, but has no effect under stable conditions.

economic game theory, production system design, remuneration for capacity, resource
allocation, subcontracting

productivity reduces profitability and

INTRODUCTION can lead to financial losses. The less
Earlier research (Harel and Sacks stable the project, the more susceptible
2006; Sacks and Harel 2006a) showed trade subcontractors are to losses of
that subcontracting can have a this kind.
destabilizing effect on construction Some standard contracts, such as
projects where subcontractors carry the the AGC Subcontract for Building
risk of low productivity of their staff Construction, give the general
resulting from schedule instability. contractor the right to dictate the time
When the scheduled work assignments and pace of works with no
are not stable, trade teams run the risk consideration of any capacity
of standing idle while waiting for constraints of the subcontractor
completion of precedent activities, (Tommelein and Ballard 1997), and
information, materials, equipment, or have no explicit compensation
other prerequisites for their tasks mechanism. Other standard contracts,
(Koskela 1992). Waiting time reduces such as the JCT 05 Standard Building
overall productivity. Where their Subcontract (Barnes 2006) and the
subcontractor employer is remunerated FIDIC ‘Red Book’ (Seppala and
according to unit prices or a lump sum Ragazzi 1994), do consider the
– which is the case in the majority of possibility of compensation for losses
construction subcontracts – a fall in due to reduced productivity. However,

Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil and Env. Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel,
PhD Student, Faculty of Civil and Env. Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa 32000, Israel,

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

there is no explicit remuneration for direct employment of labour (Edwards

such losses; rather, the subcontractor 2003; Hsieh 1998; Maturana et al.
can only claim losses subsequent to 2007). Efficiencies that rely on trade
performance of the work. The entire specialization are one; flexibility in the
onus of proof and record-keeping is on face of unstable demand and
the subcontractor, and it must succeed construction projects that have wide
in proving that productivity was varieties of buildings systems is
reduced as a direct result of some another. The extent of subcontracting
action or omission on the part of the in modern construction has been
general contractor (REF p.238). In documented in numerous studies; a
many cases, such as when a preceding 1998-99 study of general contractors in
subcontractor slows work and delays commercial construction in the US
the subcontractor in question, it is found that 91% of the trades were
difficult to prove the liability of the subcontracted more than 75% of the
general contractor. time (Costantino and Pietroforte 2002).
Thus, in the absence of effective Thus a pertinent question for
contractual safeguards, the two most research is “How can general
common ways in which subcontractors contractors enjoy the benefits of
counteract this risk are to allocate subcontracting without suffering
fewer resources to projects where they extended project durations that result
perceive the project manager’s plans to from unreliable provision of labor?”
be unrealistic, or to allow buffers of The Last Planner System helps in this
time and work in progress (WIP) to regard by making projects more stable,
accumulate ahead of their crews which in turn reduces the risk for
(Sakamoto et al. 2002; Tommelein et subcontractors to suffer productivity
al. 1999). losses (Ballard 2000; Sacks and Harel
Project managers are acutely aware 2006b). However, it does not change
of this strategy, and tend to respond by the basic rules of engagement that are
exaggerating their demands for the root cause of unreliable resource
resources in the first place, in the hope allocation behavior to begin with.
that the reduced supply will match Changes to the basic mode of
their actual real needs (Harel and subcontracting, as expressed in the
Sacks 2006). A vicious circle results, contract itself, appear necessary. Using
in which projects and subcontractors the economic and game theory models
function in a stable lose-lose developed earlier, an alternative
equilibrium. Research using game formula for remuneration, in which the
theory models has confirmed survey general contractor assumes some of the
findings which showed that risk for labour productivity, has been
subcontractors’ resource allocation investigated.
behaviour is dictated primarily by their
perceptions of workflow stability. The ECONOMIC MODEL AND
impact of sanctions or fines on their RESEARCH METHOD
behaviour is weak, particularly where Most subcontractors perform work on
labor is the major cost component of multiple projects simultaneously. For
their services (Sacks and Harel 2006a). work under unit price or lump sum
Yet subcontracting offers general contracts, the income to be earned, or
contractors many advantages over the loss incurred, by a subcontractor in

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

any particular project over a single expresses the net income, is a succinct
planning period can be expressed as a expression of a model developed by
function of the prices and costs for Sacks (Sacks 2004):
each work item performed, the I n ≈ min[k , q]W D (U − C M ) − kW D C S ..(1)
quantity of work planned for, the
production resources actually applied, The variables are defined in
and the quantity of work actually made
available. Equation (1), which
Table 11. The net income depends smaller of either the work actually
on the amount of work actually made available (represented by the
performed and the cost of the factor q) or the capacity of resources
resources incurred. The first term on actually provided (factor k). The
the right hand side, min[k , q]WD (U − C M ) , second term, kW D C S , represents the
represents the total income from the total cost of the resources actually
work actually performed; it is the provided by the contractor.
Table 1. Annotation.

Parameter Definition

In Net income from project I during any period T.

WD Quantity of work planned by the general contractor in period T.

WA Quantity of work that is actually made available in period T.

q The ratio of the quantity of work actually made available to that planned during any period T. q =
WA / WD. This is similar, but not identical, to the PPC measure of the Last Planner™ system.
Unlike PPC, q may be greater than 1, because it measures the total amount of work made
available, including any that may not have been planned. PPC is only concerned with the work
made available that was in fact planned initially.

U The unit price for the work set in the contract.

CM The cost of materials for each unit of the work.

WD Quantity of work planned by the general contractor in period T.

k The ratio of the actual resources provided by the subcontractor to the quantity of resources
needed to complete the full quantity of work planned in period T.
CS The cost of the resources per unit of work planned in period T. The total cost of resources to
perform WD is given by W D C S .

At the start of any given planning planned will only actually become
available for execution through the
period, a subcontractor must decide on
planning period when all of the
the quantity of resources to assign to
preconditions are fulfilled. The
each project at hand. The
subcontractor knows the unit price, the quantity of work actually made
available also has a second order
unit costs of materials and resources
impact on income, because
and the amount of work planned (or
productivity itself is a function of work
demanded) by the general contractor's
quantity and space (O'Brien 2000).
project manager. However, the actual
However, here, the focus is on the
value of q that will occur is not known
subcontractors' strategy in allocating
with certainty. This is because work

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

resources; for sake of simplicity, the which projects are most reliable
second order effect, material waste and and/or where the amount of work
overheads are ignored. planned may be underestimated,
The two starting points – multiple and set k>1. Thus situations may
concurrent projects and the arise in any particular project
maximization of net income – can be where more resources are
jointly expressed by summing allocated than are needed
expression (1) over multiple projects: according to the general
n contractor's work plan.
In ≈ ¦ {min[k , q ]W (U
i =1
i i Di i ) }
− C M i − k iW Di C Si − C R
The parameters affecting the
..(2) subcontractors' behavior can be
Expression (2) adds the cost of any compared using expression (1). Figure
resources not allocated to any project. 11 shows the relationship between the
As unallocated resources are only a quantity of resources allocated to any
source of cost and cannot generate project (represented by k) and the
income, a subcontractor will attempt to income, In, and its dependence on the
avoid this situation. Given that there is reliability of the project schedule
uncertainty about the values of qi at (represented by q). As q declines, not
any time, there are two possible only is the total income reduced, but
strategies: the point at which losses are incurred
occurs for increasingly smaller
• Contract for sufficient projects to
ensure that the total amount of resource levels. Given this
work likely to be made available relationship, in order to maximize its
will be greater than the total income in any single project, a rational
capacity of resources, in which subcontractor must try to estimate the
case all resources can be most likely value for q and allocate
gainfully employed. This resources appropriately, (i.e. try to set
strategy is termed overbooking. k = q).

• Where the total amount of work

planned is less than the total
capacity available, identify

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

U − CM − CS 1
CS 4

Figure 1. Relationship between net income, resource allocation and plan reliability (Sacks 2008)
(reproduced with permission of Taylor and Francis Group).
WP. The value d is modelled by
discrete values: demand resources for
The game theory formulation less work than estimated (d=0.9),
developed by Sacks and Harel (2006a) exactly the amount estimated (d=1)
modelled the allocation of resources at and more than estimated (d=1.1). The
the start of each planning period in a SUB can then elect to allocate fewer
project (typically each week). The resources than required for the work
players are a work planner (a project demanded (k=0.9), exactly the amount
management function in traditional required (k=1) or more than demanded
construction systems, denoted 'PM') (k=1.1). The extensive form game was
and a subcontractor (SUB). In each used. Each player could evaluate the
round of the game, the PM sets the utility for all players, but could not
amount of work to be performed by the predict the value for q.
SUB in each task i in a planning period For each permutation of the values
on the basis of the construction master for q, d and k, the economic utilities
plan. The SUB evaluates the demand for each player are calculated,
and the amount of work they perceive resulting in expected outcomes for a
will actually become available, and 3x3 strategy two-player game for
then supplies the resources they deem which the Nash equilibriums can be
appropriate. determined. The results for this two-
The parameter q (work actually player formulation are that when
available to the work initially planned) neither the PM nor the SUB has any
was represented by a probability knowledge of the probability
distribution, P[q], which is essentially distribution of q (i.e. neither can
a measure of plan reliability at the site. predict how much work will be
The PM's possible moves are detailed possible) there is a perfect equilibrium,
using a ratio d, which is the ratio of the which is the strategy pair: PM
work demanded, WD, to the work the demands more; SUB provides fewer.
PM estimates will become available,

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

The utilities represent sub-optimal behaviour will result in sub-optimal

performance for both SUB and PM. performance.
When both have full knowledge of
the work to be made possible there are
two significant equilibriums. The first
occurs when the PM demands more
work in every case, and the SUB However, the two player formulation
provides fewer resources in very case. is limited because it does not model
The second occurs when exact the real-world dilemma subcontractors
resources are both demanded and face when allocating insufficient
allocated in every case (with optimal resources among competing projects.
utilities - a win-win situation). To do this, a three player game was
However, both are idealized situations devised, in which a second project and
(both have some understanding of the its manager was introduced. Another
project stability, but neither can have key deficiency was addressed in the
full knowledge of the future). Thus the new model by expanding the utility
game theory model showed that under function of the SUB to consider cash
normal unit price contract terms in flow, risk of exposure and fines in
projects with uncertainty (i.e. all addition to profit. The SUB utility is
projects) the natural economic calculated using the formula
i =3 j =3
U SUB = ¦ ¦P
q Ai ,i =1 qB j , j =1
Ai ∗ PBj (α 1 ∗ Income + α 2 ∗ CF − α 3 ∗ Fines ) ,

in which income, cash flow (CF) and managers A and B exaggerate their
fines are dependent on the actual work demands for labour (dA=1.2, dB=1.2)
provided, the strategies employed by and the subcontractor divides its
each player, and the management style resources without favouring either one
of each project manager (hard, or the other project (in this
medium or soft). The weighting formulation, k = resources actually
factors Į1, Į2 and Į3 are set according supplied to project A / resources
to subcontractor type; six basic types, available for project A). The model
differentiated by their attitude to risk simulation, implemented using Gambit
and their liquidity, were identified and Microsoft Excel software, serves
through interviews with field as a test bed for exploring the
personnel. interactions between the different
Table 2 shows a typical result, in motivating factors and conditions that
this case with a perfect equilibrium affect subcontractors’ resource
solution in which both project allocation behaviour.

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

Table 2. Three player game utility matrix for Type 1 Subcontractor with PM A and PM B both ‘soft’.
The equilibrium solution (dA=1.2, dB=1.2, k=1) is shaded.

SUB PM B (Soft)
PM A (Type 1) dB=1.0 dB=1.1 dB=1.2
k= 0.8 8.00 4.57 9.80 7.62 3.80 9.80 7.27 3.09 9.80
dA=1.0 k= 1.0 9.40 7.27 9.40 9.07 6.52 9.50 8.76 5.81 9.58
k= 1.2 9.80 6.55 8.00 9.69 6.54 8.40 9.58 6.52 8.76
k= 0.8 8.27 4.87 9.72 8.00 4.36 9.80 7.65 3.65 9.80
dA=1.1 k= 1.0 9.50 6.99 9.07 9.40 6.84 9.40 9.10 6.13 9.49
k= 1.2 9.80 6.02 7.43 9.80 6.34 8.00 9.70 6.31 8.37
k= 0.8 8.51 5.13 9.65 8.24 4.61 9.73 8.00 4.15 9.80
dA=1.2 k= 1.0 9.58 6.71 8.76 9.49 6.56 9.10 9.40 6.41 9.40
k= 1.2 9.80 5.53 6.91 9.80 5.85 7.48 9.80 6.13 8.00

discussion is the complete transfer of

A HYBRID REMUNERATION risk for reduced productivity from
FORMULA general contractor to subcontractor. In
Standard contractual arrangements order to support considerations of
between subcontractors (Barnes 2006) work flow, and to facilitate application
and general contractors make it very of lean construction techniques, this
difficult to implement practical steps risk should be apportioned in
intended to improve flow according to accordance with the ability to control
lean construction principles. Most the risk. Some contracts create a safety
contracts have extensive provisions for net for subcontractors by allowing
dealing with non-conformance or non- them to make claims for situations in
performance on the part of the which work does not become available
subcontractor, but very few provisions as planned. This should not be left to
subcontractors' claims for
– if any – for creating a stable compensation, but built in a priori as
workflow. The subcontract basis an inherent part of each price, by
inhibits the use of multi-skilled work splitting unit prices into two
cells and there are usually no components – one to be paid for
provisions for shifting workload and/or product, and the other for resource
labour and equipment between teams capacity. The payment for work would
as conditions demand at any given no longer be simply I= WU (work
time. The resulting behaviours make it completed multiplied by unit price),
difficult to improve stability and but:
reduce variability in terms of the I = W (1 − α )U + αU L D An , where
number of workers, the arrival times of n = min(n D , n A ) ..(3)
crews on site, the availability of core The term  is a measure of how
equipment, etc. much risk is shifted, and must be
However, even while critiquing the agreed to by both parties in advance.
problems subcontracting poses for lean The second part of the right-hand side
construction management, the benefits of equation 3 is composed of a unit
it provides – in terms of employment labor cost per unit time, UL, the actual
flexibility, competitiveness and trade duration for the work, DA, and the
specialization – cannot be ignored. Its lesser of the actual number of workers
primary flaw for the purposes of this provided, nA, and the number of

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

workers demanded, nD. The number of order to maximize its' income. The
workers demanded should be capped arrangement reduces a subcontractor’s
for each task by the construction motivation to act defensively, because
manager at a value which reflects the potential losses due to under-
his/her confidence about the rate at employed resources are reduced.
which work will be made available. Figure 2 shows how a value of 50%
Where they are less certain, managers for  shifts the intercept with the
will now demand less labour to avoid profit/loss dividing line to the right for
paying for excess. On the other hand, different scenarios of plan stability
the subcontractor has good reason to (values of q).
meet the demanded resource level, in

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2

U − C M − CS 1
CS 4

Figure 2. Adjusted relationship between net income, resource allocation and plan reliability (Sacks
2008) (reproduced with permission of Taylor and Francis Group).
with the proposed remuneration
formula, the net income for the
subcontractor using the hybrid formula
In the three player game theory model, is:
I n ≈ min[k , q]WD ((1 − α )U − CM ) + αU L D A min[k ,1]nD − kWDCS (4)
and was modelled by applying a
The expected effect of this
remuneration formula under various probability distribution for q (the
conditions was explored using the amount of work actually provided) for
both projects as follows:
three player simulation test bed. The
results presented below illustrate P[q=0.8]=0.55, P[1.0]=0, P[1.2]=0.45.
project environments with three The second is ‘average’ stability, with
degrees of stability. The first, termed a distribution: P[0.8]=0.3, P[1.0]=0.5;
‘unstable’ is characterized by low P[1.2]=0.2. The third is a ‘stable’
planning reliability in projects A and B environment in which P[q=1.0]=1. Of

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

the six subcontractor types that the Table shows the set of equilibrium
model can simulate, type 1 was used – solutions for nine combinations of PM
this subcontractor is risk averse and types and four levels of values for a
has critical liquidity levels. Three for the first project manager (A); only
project manager types are considered – PM A is using the hybrid payment
the ‘hard’ project manager (who is formula for the subcontractor, while
conservative when approving accounts PM B maintains a traditional contract
and always imposes sanctions when (a=0% for all cases). As can be seen,
labour is not supplied according to
demand), the ‘medium’ PM and the when a approaches 40%, more
‘soft’ PM. occurrences of stable demand (dA=1)
begin to appear.

Table 3. Simulation results for unstable work environments in both projects.

Unstable a 0% 0% 20% 0% 40% 0% 50% 0%

PM A – PM B dA k dB dA k dB dA k dB dA k dB
Soft-Soft 1.2 1* 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1 1.2
Medium-Soft 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2
Hard-Soft 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2
Soft-Medium 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 1 1 1.2
Medium-Medium 1.2 1* 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1 1 1.2
Hard-Medium 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1 1.2
Soft-Hard 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2
Medium-Hard 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Hard-Hard 1.2 1* 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1 1.2
Expected Utilities 8.8 3.7 9.0 8.9 4.3 8.6 8.3 4.0 9.6 8.5 4.1 9.1
Joint Expected Utility
8.10 8.75 8.15 8.35
for PM A & SUB
* These values are averages of numerous strategies, not single values representing stable behaviour.

Table 4. Simulation results for average work environments in both projects.

Average a 0% 0% 20% 0% 40% 0% 50% 0%

PM A – PM B dA k dB dA k dB dA k dB dA k dB
Soft-Soft 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Medium-Soft 1.2 1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2
Hard-Soft 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2
Soft-Medium 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Medium-Medium 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Hard-Medium 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.1 1 1.2 1.1 1 1.2
Soft-Hard 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Medium-Hard 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Hard-Hard 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Expected Utilities 9.3 4.9 9.3 9.3 5.4 9.2 9.2 5.3 9.3 9.2 5.3 9.3
Joint Expected Utility
9.55 10.05 9.90 9.90
for PM A & SUB

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

Table 5. Simulation results for stable work environments in both projects.

Stable a 0% 0% 20% 0% 40% 0% 50% 0%

PM A – PM B dA k dB dA k dB dA k dB dA k dB
Soft-Soft 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1*
Medium-Soft 1.1* 1.1* 1.2* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.2* 1.1* 1* 1.2*
Hard-Soft 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1.1* 1* 1.1*
Soft-Medium 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1*
Medium-Medium 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1*
Hard-Medium 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1*
Soft-Hard 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1*
Medium-Hard 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1*
Hard-Hard 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1* 1.1* 1 1.1*
Expected Utilities 9.8 7.4 9.75 9.8 7.4 9.7 9.7 7.4 9.7 9.7 7.5 9.7
Joint Expected Utility
12.30 12.30 12.25 12.35
for PM A & SUB

plan instability from the subcontractor

At a=50% stable allocations (k=1)
to the general contractor, has been
also begin to appear. These values proposed. The formula requires that a
represent demand of exact resources price for capacity be set as well as a
required by the PM, and allocation of price for product, with a single
resources by the SUB according to weighting parameter to balance
demand, respectively. These are between them. Using a game theory
cooperative behaviours, as opposed to based simulation, use of the formula
the competitive behaviours expressed has been shown to lead to resource
by values less than or greater than 1. allocation behaviours that benefit all
One can also observe that the parties in unstable or average
maximum overall expected utility for conditions. The hybrid formula has
PM A and the SUB combined occurs impact for values of a as low as 20%.
when a=20% (its value is 8.75). Table The economic model points to
4 shows the equivalent set of results additional ways to reduce variability of
for average stability conditions. Here, resource allocations, or at least reduce
a=20% appears to be sufficient to their detrimental effects on overall
improve the behaviour, and the project stability. Among them: a)
maximum joint expected utility (10.05) minimize the proportion of the labor
occurs at this value. Table 5 presents component in any subcontract,
the results for the stable situation; no increasing the material content; b)
clear cut impact of the hybrid formula buffer work where the labor
can be discerned. As expected, the component of a subcontract is high; c)
results also clearly show that the structure work to reduce the number of
overall utility increases as projects handover points between
become more stable. subcontractors.
Naturally, it is not only plan
DISCUSSION AND reliability that affects subcontractors’
CONCLUSIONS resource allocation decisions. There
A novel formula for payment to are additional factors, some of which
subcontractors, which shifts some of are beyond the control of any
the risk for reduced productivity due to individual project manager. The degree

Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

of demand for a subcontractor’s Nevertheless, the advantage of the

resources in the market will impact proposed remuneration formula is that
their reliability, as will the it modifies behaviour directly by
subcontractor’s cash flow and adjusting the basic economic
liquidity. Knowledge of the factors at incentives, assigning the risk of plan
work in a subcontractor’s economic instability to the participants more
environment beyond the borders of a closely according to their ability to
project manager’s specific project may reduce that risk. It should also create
provide additional leverage for an environment more conducive to
improving reliability. For example, considerations of work flow, and
payment terms may be more important facilitate application of lean
to a subcontractor than the price for construction techniques.
their work if they function under cash
flow constraints.

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Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design

Partial Remuneration for Capacity to Stabilize Subcontractor Resource Allocations

Rafael Sacks and Michael Harel

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Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction

Production System Design


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